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Transformers Optimus Rhyme

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:07 am
by Torneira
I am Optimus Prime
And I am making this rhyme
To talk to you about
Being an Autobot all the time

We wage our battles with the Decepticons
But when we ran out of energon
We fled our home Cybertron
But we were followed by the Decepticons
And their maniacal leader Megatron

They came on board
Where we fought
And to make a long story short
We crashlanded on earth

Where we once more
After millions of years
Have been revived
To continue this endless war

Our goal is to stop the Decepticons
And to protect the humans
And all the other living things
Because freedom is the right
Of all sentient beings

We are the only one who can stop them
and untill that day comes
Till all are one
One shall stand and one shall fall
You will then know what I am talking about