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Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:51 pm
by Nico
One of Buffy's few redeeming character was Spike. Then he turned into a pussy. Ladies and gentleman, the poster boy for "badass decay".

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:03 am
by Dagon
Yeah, neo-vampires blow beyond all reasoning. My girlfriend 'hates' Twilight but has read them all and insists on seeing the movies, which means that I get to see the movies too. In her defense I guess, she's consistant in hating on the books but enjoying the movies, so I guess I sort of have to give it to her, but damnation are vampires so crappy these days. In New Moon (I know, I'm sorry) there were the, like elder vampire council whose name I can't recall, but it was cool sounding (Volteri? Maybe?) and my girlfriend assured me they'd be cool, and they weren't. They looked like one of the old vaudville bits where someone yelled "MAkeup!" and was subsequently hit in the face with the powder puff.

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 3:58 am
by Nickolai
Actually, Buffy season 8 (the "official" continuation of the storyline in comics) is currently pretty bad. One of the last few issues was 24 pages of Buffy and Angel - "them %#&*ing" as the writer so elegantly titled it - indeed having sex randomly interspersed with expositional dialogue from the supporting cast. =;

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:15 am
by Zombie Starscream
Nickolai wrote:Actually, Buffy season 8 (the "official" continuation of the storyline in comics) is currently pretty bad. One of the last few issues was 24 pages of Buffy and Angel - "them %#&*ing" as the writer so elegantly titled it - indeed having sex randomly interspersed with expositional dialogue from the supporting cast. =;
That is weird- wouldn't haveing sex make him lose his soul again? :???:

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:53 pm
by Me, Grimlock!

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:47 pm
by cybercat
re: vid: PFFFF that was hilarious!!

Let's not be too narrowminded. I mean, yeah, Stephanie Meyer, but...there are others who are doing...THINGS to vampires. Like Charlaine Harris's books which are the True Blood series on TV.

Well, they're KINDA related.

HK, 'Sucky' Stackouse?

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:13 pm
by Name_Violation
for what its worth, i like Supernatural's take on vampires.

they can day walk(sunlight is like a really bad sunburn), they mate for life, they can only be killed by beheading, or poisoned with dead mans blood (as in blood from a dead person)

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:40 am
by Iron Prime
Vampires have really take a different turn in the last 15-20 years (maybe more?). For the readers out there I highly suggest Brahm Stoker's Dracula (i.e. the 'original' book). It portrays vampires much more like they used to be "back in the day".

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:09 pm
by Wheeljack35
I have told my neices the only good Vampire movie to see from my pov is Interveiw with a Vampire

To hell with this twilight crap

Plus others I like are The Lost Boys and a TV show from the 90's about a Vampire cop called Forever Knight

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:38 am
by Iron Prime
I forgot about Int. w/ a Vampire - that is really good!

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:24 pm
by God Thundercracker
Buffy was a pretty good show, but I never liked Sara Michelle Geller. I can't really explain why. She just had this bitchy, evil vibe, kind of like Shannon Doherty.

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:57 pm
by Midnight_Fox
Chaoslock wrote:
Funny, but I think the japanese animes (Hellsing, Vampire Hunter D) are the closest to the original vampire concept.

Umm... NO, they're not. The original European vampire concept is a disgusting, bloated corpse.

"Vampires were usually reported as bloated in appearance, and ruddy, purplish, or dark in color; these characteristics were often attributed to the recent drinking of blood. Indeed, blood was often seen seeping from the mouth and nose when one was seen in its shroud or coffin and its left eye was often open. It would be clad in the linen shroud it was buried in, and its teeth, hair, and nails may have grown somewhat, though in general fangs were not a feature."

As for their abilities, they didn't originally exhibit any super human powers, either. They were just blood feeding corpses.

I've yet to see an anime(or ANY show, really) do that.

The attractive vampire with the ability to climb walls, turn into bats, hypnotize, and other powers they're attributed with is more of a development in the 18th Century when the actual word Vampire was coined and they were used as a literary expression of repressed sexuality.

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:01 am
by Prime Riblet
The fact that the quote says ".....and its left eye is often open" is priceless. :D

I really don't care one way or the other about this subject, and I have no attachment to any certain "type" of vampire. Seriously, they all suck! ;)

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:17 am
by Loki God Of Mischief
All I really need to say about the subject. Also while I shopped the results in, I didn't touch any of the text. If you don't believe me here, copy pasta this into the site:

Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp.Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Sparkling. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp.Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp.Derp derp derp derp derp derp.Derp derp derp derp derp derp.Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Edward Cullen. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Shirtless werewolves. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp.

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:25 am
by Dead Metal

I hated Buffy. And I hate Twilight.

My favourite Vampire interpretation Legacy of Kain, beast like evolving bloodsucking assh*les - awesome.

And the old school Vamps the originals where more like the modern interpretation of Zombies, as in corpses that where infected with a contagious illness.
Stormwolf wrote:Heh, I guess we can all agree that the vampires got gayed up and the werewolves got castrated.

Twilight f*cked up our most beloved horror icons.

Just look at this:

Things used to be about alcohol, drugs and sex when I was a teen, but nowadays it's about vampires and werewolves, WTF!!??

Really, getting high or having sex would be therapeutic for these guys.

Guess I'm getting old because I don't get the kids nowadays.

The f**k? Seriously the F**k?

"Gangs are just posers that want to gather attention!
And you're not trying to do that? F**k. :BANG_HEAD:

These are supposed to be the future?

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:57 am
by Zombie Starscream
God Thundercracker wrote:Buffy was a pretty good show, but I never liked Sara Michelle Geller. I can't really explain why. She just had this bitchy, evil vibe, kind of like Shannon Doherty.

Same here. And I agree with your 'description' too. ;)

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:42 pm
by Tekka
After having just sat through three seasons of this nonsense, I can safely say Buffy isn't about vampires and monsters but is actually about which characters want to sleep with each other. The MsOTD are really just minor inconveniences, as far as I can see, because the love drama seems to dominate every other thread of plot...

I like a bit of romance in my fiction just as much, if not more, than the next person, but Buffy just comes off as excessive for a show that is meant to be about the supernatural.

It really makes me dislike it...

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:55 pm
by Name_Violation
Loki God Of Mischief wrote:All I really need to say about the subject. Also while I shopped the results in, I didn't touch any of the text. If you don't believe me here, copy pasta this into the site:

Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp.Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Sparkling. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp.Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp.Derp derp derp derp derp derp.Derp derp derp derp derp derp.Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Edward Cullen. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Shirtless werewolves. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp derp derp derp derp derp.

thats hilarious that it works. i tried it out of morbid curiosity. thats soooooo great.

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:17 am
by Stormwolf
I just found this picture, I just had to share it :grin:

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:00 pm
by JetOptimus23
Stormwolf wrote:I just found this picture, I just had to share it :grin:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Wow! I also saw a shirt of bela lugosi holding edwards disembodied head.

I recommend the Cirque Du Freak series for good vampire books. Darren Shan takes a great approach to Vampires.

Anyone going to see Vampires Suck?

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:59 am
by Stormwolf
JetOptimus23 wrote:Anyone going to see Vampires Suck?

Looks like a nice parody, I'll consider seeing it.

And for who hasn't seen the trailer:


there's still hope:

Re: Buffy Was Awesome... Vampires Now? *Vomits*

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:23 pm
by prowl123
I'm addicted to Buffy right now.

Twilight is bulls***.

Cirque du Freak is epic though.