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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:35 pm
by prowl123
Burn wrote:
prowl123 wrote:Since nobody bothered to bump the old thread I'm making this.

Why couldn't you bump the old thread?

I get in trouble every time I do it even if it's for a legit reason so I'm not gonna bother.

And I though Lori might have survived considering how early in the season she died, but I guess we'll find out this sunday.

Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:25 pm
by Wigglez
prowl123 wrote:
Burn wrote:
prowl123 wrote:Since nobody bothered to bump the old thread I'm making this.

Why couldn't you bump the old thread?

I get in trouble every time I do it even if it's for a legit reason so I'm not gonna bother.

And I though Lori might have survived considering how early in the season she died, but I guess we'll find out this sunday.

Nah bro. She's straight up D-E-D dead. The way they had the kid make the face of like sadness and anger, dead. My predictions? Rick's going to go crazier by the end of the season and eventually, more like an anti-hero. At some point, the group is going to want to get rid of him. I say Carl puts him down too and it eventually becomes a story about Carl faded from being about Rick.

Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:01 pm
by Burn
prowl123 wrote:
Burn wrote:
prowl123 wrote:Since nobody bothered to bump the old thread I'm making this.

Why couldn't you bump the old thread?

I get in trouble every time I do it even if it's for a legit reason so I'm not gonna bother.

There are certain exceptions, especially for tv shows as there's often 6-9 months between seasons.

Feel free to go find it, bump it up and i'll merge the topics.

Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:06 pm
by Evil_the_Nub
Wigglez wrote:Has anybody played the game? I'm still waiting for episode 5 to come out.

I love the game. If episode 5 is good it just might be my new all time favorite game.

Is anyone else wondering what happened to Carol? My guess is she thought the prison was completely overrun and she went back to the farm to regroup with the others. Then she'll run into Merle and that will be how the Governor finds out about the prison.

Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:22 pm
by IHide
I'm convinced Lori's dead, and won't be back. That's the great thing about this show, is that they're not afraid to kill off main characters. I agree that Rick is going to nuts, at least for awhile. I'm still not totally convinced about the trustworthiness of the 2 remaining inmates.

Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:01 pm
by prowl123
I have faith in Axel but the other guy seems unstable. Rick is definitely gonna go nuts, but if he gets even halfway to where he went in the comics, he'll be insane

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:26 pm
by prowl123
Here it is, Burn

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:17 pm
by Just Negare
Lori's dead. Dead as dead can be. Even if Carl didn't blow her brains out, you don't survive a butcher's C-section, in a dirty prision and all without real medical care.

But after being annoyed throughout most, if not all of season 2, I am incredibly impressed with what they're doing now. I do think its moving a little too fast, but I suppose they have better funding, maybe, and want to cram in as much as poossible to make up for the faffing about they did in S2. I'm lovin' what they're doing with Carl and he's starting to remind me of comic Carl.

I'm glad they introduced the concept of all infected, I didn't think thye'd pull that from the comics.

As for the governor? I suppose they don't want to make him too much like the comics because then it gives Michonne a reason to shove a spoon up his arse and scoop out his eyeball, and there's no way in hell they'd do that on tv.

It might not be perfect, but its a far sight better than S2.

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:29 am
by IHide
I haven't read the comics, maybe that's why I'm not as harsh on the show as some other critics.

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:39 am
by prowl123
IHide wrote:I haven't read the comics, maybe that's why I'm not as harsh on the show as some other critics.

It's almost completely different from the comics at this point

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:32 am
by Wigglez
prowl123 wrote:
IHide wrote:I haven't read the comics, maybe that's why I'm not as harsh on the show as some other critics.

It's almost completely different from the comics at this point

I say good. I haven't read the comic but it's good that it's different from the comic so people can still be surprised on what happens and whatever else. I know that Daryl isn't in the comic but he's my favorite character.

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:54 pm
by prowl123
Wigglez wrote:
prowl123 wrote:
IHide wrote:I haven't read the comics, maybe that's why I'm not as harsh on the show as some other critics.

It's almost completely different from the comics at this point

I say good. I haven't read the comic but it's good that it's different from the comic so people can still be surprised on what happens and whatever else. I know that Daryl isn't in the comic but he's my favorite character.

I agree. it's so different from the comics that it's unpredictable but it's similar enough that the storyline from the comics is recognizable

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:29 am
by IHide
Wigglez wrote:
prowl123 wrote:
IHide wrote:I haven't read the comics, maybe that's why I'm not as harsh on the show as some other critics.

It's almost completely different from the comics at this point

I say good. I haven't read the comic but it's good that it's different from the comic so people can still be surprised on what happens and whatever else. I know that Daryl isn't in the comic but he's my favorite character.

He's not in the comic!? I love Daryl! Not as much a bad ace as he is Boondock Saints, but pretty close!!!

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:26 am
by Wigglez
I loved the last episode. Michone could've easily killed the Governor and he knows it. I think after letting her go, they're going to let her go a certain distance from Woodbury and have her hunted for pulling her sword on him or just leaving. That gladiator fight was messed up with the walkers. And who the f*** is on that phone!?

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:31 am
by Burn
Wigglez wrote:And who the f*** is on that phone!?


Dude is batshit crazy. Why not have a phone conversation with your dead wife?

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:19 am
by Wigglez
Burn wrote:
Wigglez wrote:And who the f*** is on that phone!?


Dude is batshit crazy. Why not have a phone conversation with your dead wife?

Maybe. He might be hearing things. But he did clear the hallways of walkers and he almost Glenn. And what's up with just stabbing that one that ate Lori's body?

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:40 am
by prowl123
Wigglez wrote:
Burn wrote:
Wigglez wrote:And who the f*** is on that phone!?


Dude is batshit crazy. Why not have a phone conversation with your dead wife?

Maybe. He might be hearing things. But he did clear the hallways of walkers and he almost Glenn. And what's up with just stabbing that one that ate Lori's body?

In the comics it was Lori. He used the phone and talked to her because he's 'batshit crazy' and refuses to believe she's dead. He talks to her for advice and comfort.

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:13 pm
by IHide
Wigglez wrote:
Burn wrote:
Wigglez wrote:And who the f*** is on that phone!?


Dude is batshit crazy. Why not have a phone conversation with your dead wife?

Maybe. He might be hearing things. But he did clear the hallways of walkers and he almost Glenn. And what's up with just stabbing that one that ate Lori's body?

At first I thought he was going after her wedding ring, but then when it shows him later the walker is just stabbed. Maybe he was taking his frustration out on that particular walker?

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:16 pm
by Just Negare
I thought he was stabbing the zombie because he had a belly that looked pregnant. All that pent up frustration gotta go somewhere.

I'm liking the slight involvement from comic plots, the Gov's daughter, the phone, I'm interested to see where this all goes without it being a copy of the comic.

Andrea pisses me off though.

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:54 pm
by Wigglez
Yeah I guess I can say Andrea makes me mad as well because she could've stuck with Michone. She looked like she regretted staying after she saw the gladiator fight. And I doubt Rick heard the phone ring because he's crazy. I don't think he knew it was there 'till it rang. But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:09 am
by IHide
I would agree. Moments before he hears the phone ring he hears the baby crying. Granted, that also could've just been in his head, considering his recent trauma.
Andrea was stupid for leaving Michonne. She's one girl I'd want on my side during a zombie apocolypse.

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:55 am
by Just Negare
IHide wrote:Andrea was stupid for leaving Michonne. She's one girl I'd want on my side during a zombie apocolypse.

Well, as long as they don't kill Michonne off. She's still alive in the comics after all this time, I don't think the show's anywhere near the popularity needed to carry snuffing Michonne. Of course, there's always that risk of "Mary Sue-ing" her.

I woudl be interested in how they develope Michonne's backstory. Andrea is apparently the lawyer, which was Michonne's career pre-zombies. I would be annoyed too if they only sent Michonne on her way to she can meet up with Daryl and become his new love interest.

It'd be interesting to see if they put Dale on the phone, he died last season, was the voice of morality to an extent and the TV series is doing a lot of things slightly different. ie. the person missing a hand.

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:32 am
by IHide
Now that Michonne has joined the group, who think that she and Rick are just gonna show up at Woodbury and start kicking *** until they get Glen and Maggie back?

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:27 am
by prowl123
IHide wrote:Now that Michonne has joined the group, who think that she and Rick are just gonna show up at Mayberry and start kicking *** until they get Glen and Maggie back?


And yeah, Michonne+Rick=Asses kicked to Jupiter

Re: The Walking Dead Thread

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:57 pm
by Wigglez
Well, they have shown up at Woodbury and are ready to kick ass. Glenn is starting to get a little more badass. And how much do you wanna bet if Glenn and Maggie did take Myrle to go to the prison to see his brother, Myrle still would've done something like he did? Karol is alive and I knew it because they never did show her die. I can't wait 'till this Sundays episode.