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The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:29 am
by GrimSqueaker
I am working a pretty darn interesting and occasionally dangerous job at the moment and i am wondering what other interesting, fan, scary or sucky jobs others out there have-

In case you were wondering I am at present working as a teacher in a prison for teenagers-and these kids are nutters! We have 14 coke dealers, a 15 who took 3 grown ups hostage and alot of violent criminals.......its kinda crazy, but fairly rewarding and at times fun.

So what you got?

Re: The Best adn Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:33 am
by Dead Metal
I'm corrently doing a job training at a special school, the job is a multilingual Korespondent, in other words- a secretairy with three languages.
I hate it, I'm gonna start something els after my exams this year.

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:51 am
by megatrina
I work as a writer and editor at a small newspaper. My job ranges from proofreading, to writing sidebars and headlines, to writing book reviews and even writing huge 2,000-word articles, usually about the arts and religion. I have to interview people, do the research, sometimes get the art rights for the pictures we use, etc ...
It's a good job. Much better than working in retail. Ugh! I did that long enough. Or the three days I tried to be a waitress. I was quickly fired from that for my lack of crisp know-how.

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:02 am
by GrimSqueaker
Thats a pretty cool job

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:38 am
by Moonbase2
My job is working in my Grammy's and my JC Penney store. I come and go as I please. We are drawing up plans for a full size childrens' store. I decided a long time ago never to work a low-paying job a lot of women get stuck in ever again.

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:59 am
by GrimSqueaker
Dammit this is turning into the working womans girl power thread.......but still having ur own business is pretty nifty moonie.

P.s. how is my meatball sub coming along?

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:00 am
by Jeysie
megatrina wrote:Much better than working in retail. Ugh! I did that long enough.

Oh, geez, yes. I was in retail for the first several years of my working... not because I'm remotely suited to it (I love helping people, but I'm shy/quiet and work efficiently, plus idiots drive me nuts, so I'm not well-suited to dealing with the general public) but because it's one of the few sectors that'll hire someone without a lot of experience or training.

And what does retail involve?

Walking around
Generally being on your feet all day
Lifting/carrying heavy objects
Need to have everything clean and stocked before you can go home, even after the customers utterly trashed everything because nobody can be bothered putting unwanted stuff back where they got it, so tack on another 1-3 hours onto the end of your 8-hour shift...

And at the same time you need to:

Ring up/help customers and keep the lines down even though the managers deliberately understaff the payroll every day (to save money) so you never have enough cashiers/floor staff to handle the customer flow. (Ever wondered why register lines are so horrible and there's never anyone to help on the sales floor when you need it? That is why.)

Smile and be friendly and cheerful all the time even when customers are busy screaming at you and questioning your intelligence and/or parentage because it's somehow *your* fault that the other customers bought out all the latest Flash Shiny Coochie Me Elmo doll their kid wanted, or that we don't sell computer printers here because this is a toy store, or because you can't help them *right this second* even though your arms are piled full of merchandise you needed to put away, or that they can't return that fully-assembled Lego castle with no packaging or receipt, etc... Because the Customer Is Always Right even if they're being rude and wrong.

Make quotas of pre-sells, warranties, and harvesting phone numbers even though customers don't want pre-sells or warranties and hate giving their phone number...

If you ring register, carefully count and keep track of all the money that passes through your hands down to the penny and keep all the related paperwork filled out.

And so on. Basically you need to be a janitor, a warehouse worker, a stockperson, a banker, a salesperson, and an HR spokesman at the same time. You also tend to spend a lot of time getting belittled and berated by managers and customers alike. And what do you get for this? Minimum wage. That's pretty much it. Few places pay better than minimum wage, and even fewer offer health insurance, vacation/sick pay, or anything else. (And even if they do offer health insurance, you likely can't afford it without using up half or more of your pay each week.)

Now, there *definitely* are jobs out there where the actual work is worse, I'm not denying/claming that. For instance, I wouldn't want to be in the military and respect anyone who is (as long as we're forced to fight at all).

But, I'm assuming that in those other jobs you at least get better compensation for your work than the absolute bare minimum your employer is forced to give you by law. It's the combination of the lousy work *and* getting piddly can't-support-myself-on-this-without-holding-two-or-more-jobs-at-the-same-time compensation for it that's the kicker with retail.

But I'm not bitter.

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:20 am
by Me, Grimlock!
Worst job: I once had to work at a produce store. So boring! Soooo boring! Worse than my retail job, I'll tell you that.

The only good part: One of my tasks was to get rid of the rotten fruit by tossing it into the garbage compactor (which is the size of about four Dumpsters in a cube formation--a big sucker). You can imagine that a produce worker and his cohorts couldn't just merely toss the fruit into the compactor. We hurled them at the end to watch them smash up. We loved getting rid of canteloupe (watermelon was a little hard to get any momentum with, so just rolled in). The bad part was, however, sometimes the fruit would get mushed in the gears or wouldn't quite make it all the way into the compactor part. We'd have to turn off the compactor (so no one flicked the switch while we were in it), crawl into rotten fruit up to the waist, and unguck whatever was in the way.

My best job: Sitting at home doing my writing.

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:34 pm
by GrimSqueaker
Me, Grimlock! wrote:
My best job: Sitting at home doing my writing.

There is nothing quite like a good sit

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:36 pm
by Moonbase2
GrimSqueaker wrote:Dammit this is turning into the working womans girl power thread.......but still having ur own business is pretty nifty moonie.

P.s. how is my meatball sub coming along?

Yep, still looking into a Subway as well. I'll make an honorary meatball for ya. Yep, having my own business is pretty cool. The Penneys is a pain in the ass, because of all the crap involved, but hey, it's there and it will eventually be only mine.

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:02 pm
by The Happy Locust
My job is HelpDesk / Software tester. Is it a dream job? No. But it's a fun one with a kickass crew and I seem to have a knack for it. Here's hoping this one's a keeper.

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:53 pm
by Mkall
I work as a Network analyst at a network co-location company. My company has a network that spans North America and parts of europe. My job is to be the first responder if something goes haywire at any point on that network. I also deal with customer requests and assist them in troubleshooting connectivity issues. The people I work with are all good people who know their stuff and for the most part the customers we deal with aren't complete idiots.

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:29 pm
by ***Galvatron***
I work in an insane asylum otherwise known as a hospital operating room and paradise has pretty much turned into hell with the current state of the organization and I'm looking to get out within a year at most I hope.
I already have something else in mind for work and they are offering me twice as much as my current job so yeah I'm real likely to stay especially with all the none sense going on (sarcasm) :P
My job specifically is computer profile maintenance for the various departments within the operating room,adding,deleting,moving various products within the profiles as they are physically moved in their respective locations.

I also maintain data quality on the PDA's that are used to order most supplies the organization uses.

All information is then verified with our MCP master control program, yes like Tron that I have named "Sky net" also known as it's real name "Lawson". ( Lawson must die! ) :-P

I do a lot more too but I'm too tired to talk about it now so maybe later lol :P

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:24 am
by Shadowman
My title was, at one point, Chief **** Shoveler.

It was a lot more literal than you'd think.

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:44 am
by GrimSqueaker
Shit-Shoveling eh? Nice.

My job is very very nifty in one particular regard, I can have my "customers" locked in the quite room if they give me crap :grin:

I try not to use it too often.....but it is quite useful (and satisfying) at times.

Re: The Best and Worst Jobs out there!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 6:03 pm
by Moonbase2
I just got back from the Market in Atlanta. Basically it was thousands of wealthy looking people walking around three 14-story buildings looking for crap to sell in stores. I got to hobnob with people from TJ Maxx and exaggerate my importance. We bought thousands of dollars worth of junk for our two stores. Lots of fun but something I'm glad we only do twice a year.