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Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:59 pm
by Scatterlung
I'm incredibly sick of the way people view Art nowadays. It's lost its position as a recognised form of expression and become soley and means for money.

This is absolutely sick.

If this is true, and if it goes through, I predict a lot of rioting.

Artists are very passionate people.

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:23 pm
by bumblebeeconvoy
This is an absolute outrage!!! :-x
If this bill is passed how long before the UK and Europe give in to pressure from our friends across the pond's pressure?
I'm sure my fellow Trans-fans are aware of our country's reluctance to join the war in Iraq and our government went ahead and did it anyway.
This could affect the an entire global artistic community!

Please sign the petition at the link given in the article.

As individuals we are weak, but together, we can accomplish anything.

'till all are one.

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:28 pm
by rhinox555
Those sick freaks are basicly BANNING ART!

I suggest there be placed a "breaking news" banner about this news!

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:56 pm
by Izanami
Why oh why did they have to put this up as a new headline. It's really painful to see so many people get so worked up over something. It's the mob mentality. If everyone else riots, you have to riot too.

Calm down people.

Think about this for a second.

"Does this sound absolutely ridiculous?"


"Does this sound like something anyone would actually do?"


"Have my opinions been formed by an angry rant and/or a whole bunch of people screaming in outrage?"


"Do I really know anything about what they're talking about? Have I done research into it?"

"Have I tried to find the other side of the argument?"

"Could I have been mislead?"

Okay, seriously people. The orphan works law isn't necessarily "I'm gonna take your rights away! HAR!" Even so, if you're worried about people stealing your work, then don't put it out on the internet in the first place. In any case, has anyone ever heard of signing their work? Anyone? Fellow artists? Date and signature? Hellooooo....

Again, since I know one post won't do a thing, here's a link to a good amount of info on the law.

....does anyone else hate the "save" button right next to preview and submit? I keep hitting that instead of submit...

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:22 pm
by rhinox555
Yeah,save button sucks.
It's in the place where EVERY other board has "submit"

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:33 pm
by Aurax
Caelus and Izanami, thank you for your words of reason.

Please do research on stuff like this, folks. I'm sure I'm already too late to stop it, but there should not be a single email or Facebook group formed to stop this "threat".

As has already been mentioned, there is nothing pending in front of the whole Congress. The author of this piece appears to have taken information from a hearing that was held on March 13.

This only issue this not-even-proposed-yet legislation would affect is the status of copyrighted works where the author is not reachable by a party seeking to obtain usage rights.

The only troubling aspect to the US Copyright Office's proposal for this situation is the vague condition that those seeking rights have to perform a "reasonable" search for the copyright owner. On just about every single repository for fan-created art (of whatever stripe) your username is attached to that piece. It is not invalidating your copyright claim. It is not opening the doors to corporations to steal your stuff. Copyright law is otherwise unchanged by this (i.e., valid copy protection for your lifetime plus 70 years).

Some more links to calm the storm:

    The Orphaned Works Act of 2006, which is the most recent version of the legislation to see the light of day. It was later rolled into H.R. 6052, which did not get a vote before that session of Congress ended.

May calmer heads prevail...

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:47 pm
by Mr-Valkeyreion
oh great that means i'm gonna have to take down my transformer video's...wait does this mean i won't be able to say anything about transformers without getting sued? cause it sounds like it

i'm going to cry

well theres gonna be a pation eventulley...ANGRY TRANS-FANS UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!! :-x :-x :-x :-x

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:22 pm
by Hyre
I seem to be seeing several posts stating that this information's not worth the pixels that form it, so could the news posters please take DOWN the news listing on the front page until it's properly researched, please, as it's automatically going to raise people's hackles. I am not saying that it is bad information, only that it is an issue that requires actual citation and research of information.

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:23 pm
by Archanubis
Aurax wrote:Caelus and Izanami, thank you for your words of reason.

I second that statement.

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:53 pm
by metalformer
Well, that's just Prime! Oops! Hope I don't get slammed by a suit over that! Joking aside, I am HORRIFIED by this crap! :-x Is the greed of this people so endless they have to pull stunts like this to get their fix of cash?! And they want to make sure they double-screw you by forcing you to register everything. A win-win situation for them.

On a side note, I'm not surprised to see a certain name as the owner of one of the registration companies (Reminds me of those crazy stories I heard about him being/compared to the Anti-Christ many years ago. Also hoping this don't get me sued).

But the thing that... upsets me (trying hard NOT to use profanities) is that even fanart could become "orphaned" (On this aspect I would love to see those giants fighting over that). This show me just how desperate these people are!

Actually I should not be surprised by this. In my opinion, people with too much money are the ones who actually run the countries and it is only natural for them to rip off the poor like this. Just look at the way song artists are treated! Receiving a small percentage of the earnings while the company gets the rest AND keeps the song for themselves to do the heck they want to do with it!

I have been thinking about registering my works for a while, but never got it as priority. But seeing as how the big bad wolves are lurking in the shadows, I better start doing it NOW. So I better start researching on the topic and see if these BASTARDS at least has some discount offers for multiple submitting of works (if they at least want to pretend to be playing fair).

Will it be inappropriate from my part asking for some links to resources of the subject of registering or contacting the senate (besides the one posted)???

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:23 pm
by Jazz Reborn
*&%#$@#$^$$@!#%^*(^()&%#@!!!!! NO!! my fanfics are at risk!! how dare they!!!F*@$%#&^%!!

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:25 pm
by masterpeice_skyfire
I don't get it.

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:34 pm
by ragingtsunami726
Why is it so hard for people to read before replying?

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:13 pm
by Justicity
ragingtsunami726 wrote:Why is it so hard for people to read before replying?

Because fan's are stupid.
Me included...

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:13 pm
by Sunstar
This apparently is a load of Bullslag and the person who is talking about it does not know what he speaks of.

Read this link: viewtopic.php?f=145&t=38288 I quoted from Matt Moylan who doesn't seem worried at all.

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:34 pm
by MYoung23
Looks like the Rethuglican Party is at it again while the sacless Democrats sit back and do nothing.

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:51 pm
by Wheeljack35
Um ok

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:13 pm
by Izanami
Huzzah! Thanks for updating it, First Gen!

rhinox555 wrote:Yeah,save button sucks.
It's in the place where EVERY other board has "submit"

Yay! I'm not the only one!

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:55 pm
by Autobot032
I'll say this...

Don't be surprised if corporate America would try this someday. When you have the money, power and connections they do, anything is possible.

Just remember to do everything in your power to make sure people know it's your work and if it's ever used, your name will be prominent in said work(s).

Besides, unless you're making money off of it, I wouldn't worry about it.

Yes, I realize that you've put a lot of work into these pieces you've made, but in a way, it's kinda flattering. What if your work was picked as advertising fodder to be seen all over the world?

Sure there's a negative to that, especially if you don't endorse the product or service, but you're out there.

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:29 am
by Scatterlung
Autobot032 wrote:I'll say this...

Don't be surprised if corporate America would try this someday. When you have the money, power and connections they do, anything is possible.

Just remember to do everything in your power to make sure people know it's your work and if it's ever used, your name will be prominent in said work(s).

Besides, unless you're making money off of it, I wouldn't worry about it.

Yes, I realize that you've put a lot of work into these pieces you've made, but in a way, it's kinda flattering. What if your work was picked as advertising fodder to be seen all over the world?

Sure there's a negative to that, especially if you don't endorse the product or service, but you're out there.

You're not over there, your image is. Remember the worry is the artist wont get credit.

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:36 am
by PhantomPrime

AND A MILLION MORE TIMES NO! Whoever was the piece of slag who came up with this must burn!

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:55 am
by Stormrider
I laughed the first time I read this because I knew it had been blown out of proportion. As others have mentioned - there is no way that the U.S. government can take the rights of copyrighted material.

The best advice for people - if you don't want your art stolen then add your name and copyright it.

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:05 am
by T-Macksimus
Even if, for the moment, a persons material is safe are that many of you actually so naive that you trusted either Corporate America or the Government to NOT screw you over at some point? Come on folks, your making me feel my age here and I didn't think I had been around that long. I may sound cynical or jaded but this is how things work and sooner or later the "kill or be killed" mentality comes out even in what seems like the most sacred or harmless of places. Yeah it sucks, but that's human nature for you!
If you want to protect what you love, be ready to fight to the death for it 'cause you better believe there's some A**hole out there ready to try and take it from ya.
Can't say as any of this surprises me, but it sounds like for now it isn't a major problem, (Moylan isn't sweating it) but I would not consider it a dead issue. Relax, catch your breath and get ready to start swinging HARD when the next round starts.

Re: You will lose all your art! Must read!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:52 pm
by GremlinGrimlock
Caught this on dev....anywho as saying with just be careful
of who yas deal with,and take the buddy system when it comes to promoting your work. Seiber,is like dev....if there is a scheister
about....put a posting...spread it around.

If yas want to see a scheister,if their still on line...go to the main journal...these
people stole several artists work. Oddly the toad that I
am....reports on the messages seemed to be resolved fairly quickly.

So post and the guys have a spot on our
page on dev as well...look after friends...mucho..grim:)........