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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:46 am
by amurowes
Because I ran out of gold poster colors and my local shop is out of stock, I have to make do with this chrome yellow which I feel is closest to gold as you have seen in my previous Dinoking drawings.

Also changed the color of his sword from grey to red as true to the individual Dinobots' energon swords.

One thing I don't understand about Hasbro is instead of beating around the bush by creating Omega Supreme to defeat Devastrator and then combined might of Superion, Defensor and Computron just to overcome Predaking, why can't they simply modify the Dinobots into combined form?

With just one punch and swipe of his giant sword, he can easily defeat and wipe out all Decepticon gestalt warriors singlehandedly.


Dinoking Bio Profile 2.0

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:47 am
by amurowes
This is my Dinoking bio profile 2.0 in case some of you guys did not see it the last time I uploaded it.


Gold Vs Yellow Dinoking

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:50 am
by amurowes
Which Dinoking do you think looks better?

The gold one with grey sword OR

The yellow one with red sword?
