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The Seekers

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:09 pm
by WarCat
After finishing Windblade, I started searching for a new photo to base my next artwork on. I found this site and I found the MP-11 Takara Starscream galley. So, for off, thank you to the photographer for all the hard work you do on this website.

99% of what I draw is freehand, on the rare occasions when I just can't get a curve to match what I see in the photo, I will eventually breakdown and trace the offending line to see what I am doing wrong. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. With Starscream I decided to do some tests first, specifically his headscuplt. If I couldn't get that right, then I just wasn't going to draw him.
Starscream headscuplt test strip.png

Yeah, I did a lot of drawings, but once I was confident, I got started working. When I was done, this is where I finished with the prototype. I call anything I am currently working on using primary colors the prototype.

One thing to note, I was not very confident in my ability to make the cockpit piece look like it was under a piece of transparent plastic. So I chickened out and didn't do it. The final coloring turned out nice I think.
Starscream 2.png

If I have a generic prototype... then I can make the other two main seekers... and I did. However, after this drawing I started on my next one. And that drawing had a cockpit canopy that was a very prominent part of the toy, and other parts that were under different colored tranparent parts. So, I did learn and Starscream was waiting for me to properly fix him. SO... I did. Even went so far to include reflections in the canopy, and gave them all different facial expressions.
So here are the rest of them.
Revised Starscream
Starscream 3.png



The three brothers... layering these three in MS Paint is not very simple. One of the joys of working in a restricted medium I guess.

Re: The Seekers

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 2:11 am
by Burn
You are the second person I've encountered (the first being a guy called "Jim'll Paint It") who uses Paint.

I know how limited that program is, so when I see stuff like this, saying I'm "impressed" is an understatement.

Re: The Seekers

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:11 pm
by WarCat
Thanks for the compliment.