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The money talk

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:14 pm
by Armorock
Hey, sorry to bother anyone, but I don't have very much energon.

I guess there can be conversation and tips about how to make a good amount of money right? I haven't played in a while and started up again, I go out on missions and as an Autobot I tend to not hve a perfectly valid winning record. But, I'm super cool with losing missions so long as I get exp. The problem with large losings is the money for the CR Chamber.

Any reccommendations? I try to do more arena fightings, but I am low level and the arena isn't super full. I admittedly did blow a lot of cash on lightsabers, that's totally on me.
Is it worth saving by not doing the auto-CR chamber?
Is this thread just me stealthily begging for money?
Should I focus more on only winning missions or keep shot-gunning to any mission just chasing exp at the risk of losing energon?

Any advice helps. Go Autobots.

Re: The money talk

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:51 pm
by steve2275
accept my small donation :D

Re: The money talk

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:57 pm
by Armorock
I can't thank you enough Steve. I didn't wanna beg or anything, like honestly any tips for management are all I can really ask for, but, I'm never gonna turn down a donation

Re: The money talk

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 11:41 pm
by sumowrestler
The much higher players often times have energon coming out of their pores. There will be a point where you have the best weapon and armor for all of your team so you sit on energon. As for advice, don't do armor at your low level. The weapons can be costly so try not to switch up too often. Some have a much bigger bang for the energon.

Re: The money talk

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:06 am
by Bun-Bun
Armorock wrote:I try to do more arena fightings, but I am low level and the arena isn't super full

You do well enough to screw up my TAG experiments on a regular basis :lol:

To put my 2 cents in on armor: at your level you can certainly still use it but absolutely do not make it a priority especially if you reset often.

I was just discussing Energon payout with another low level Bot, specifically why they can get great xp from damaging/repairing minor amounts on level 11's but still get crappy Energon payouts.

I sent them a link to the help page showing xp is calculated on an exponential scale while Energon is on a linear one but it got me thinking that even if we stuck to a more linear payout for E there's no reason it can't be increased. It's not like we have a delicately balanced economy around here.

Right now the E equation is: % Dam x (Targets level + 1)

So for every 1 damage you deal/repair on a level 11 you receive a paltry 12 E (compared to 2,048 xp)

Even just changing the the equation to: % Dam x ((Targets level + 1)x 2) would be some improvement.
The "x 2" would still only result in 24 E for 1% on an 11 but hey, why not try baby steps if we're worried about flooding the game with Energon?

Re: The money talk

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:26 am
by ctrlFrequency
*makes signs

"Make energon not love!"

(I know, I am totally unhelpful. I just ran into the same problem, however, I fortunately had a bunch of weapons stockpiled for some reason and selling them off got me back into a comfort zone)

Re: The money talk

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:46 am
by Wingz
Armorock wrote:Hey, sorry to bother anyone, but I don't have very much energon.

Not a problem at all! :lol: I sent you a little something also. Thank you for posting! ;)^

Also, there is a thread in Iacon that is there just to beg ask for energon. It can't be sent cross-faction. Do you have access to Iacon?

Re: The money talk

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:15 am
by ZeroWolf
You know it might be hersey but I've often wondered what the knock on effect of having cr just be free :-?

Re: The money talk

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:51 am
by Armorock
Wingz wrote:
Also, there is a thread in Iacon that is there just to beg ask for energon. It can't be sent cross-faction. Do you have access to Iacon?

I definitely do not have access to Iacon, the link on the side that says Autobot Forum just tells me "No Access" or something of that sort.

Again, thanks everyone for donations and advice!

Re: The money talk

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:53 am
by Phasewing
ZeroWolf wrote:You know it might be hersey but I've often wondered what the knock on effect of having cr just be free :-?
Ideally either have it free to a certain level threshold(3? maybe) or slash costs in half, or something... there's always bots and cons that are charitable enough, if the cost idea is disregarded.

Re: The money talk

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:48 pm
by Wingz
Armorock wrote:I definitely do not have access to Iacon, the link on the side that says Autobot Forum just tells me "No Access" or something of that sort.

Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to change that. :( I'm sure Burn would be willing to get you that access, though ;)^

Re: The money talk

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:35 pm
by Burn
Armorock wrote:I definitely do not have access to Iacon,
