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Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:23 pm
by sumowrestler
Australia - Uluru

Hot Spot walked off the shuttle Serentiy and followed Springer over to the meeting of Razorclaw, Prowl, Ultra Magnus, Onslaught, and a femcon he didn't recognize immediately. He listen in to the ideas and wondered if Razorclaw was correct. As much as he and his team is about saving mechs and maybe more than most Autobots, sacrificing these five could be the only option. Sedatives would be the preferred method but after recalling the reports of his Protectobots and reviewing other logs, could they even get close enough to use the sedatives. Hot Spot then looks around and sees some of the other Autobots including some of the ones on the Longevity.

>>First Aid, you might want to switch shuttles once you gather your supplies. I think I spotted Ratchet over here on the Longevity and knowing what little I know of the shuttle it would have more room for a make shift med bay.>Silverbolt, from my understanding of the Fallen and his heralds, they don't have any fliers. If you need help, I can assign Blades to your group. I do see several Seekers here so the skies might get a little crowded. If anything, it would be appreciated if you can keep track of Blades unless you think he will be too much.<<


Skydive listen to the debate about strategy. He wanted to speak up but knew better with the Cons. As Fireflight looked over the area for any good choke points, Skydive took stock of the Seekers in closer detail. Starscream was not in the group but most of his lackeys were which bothered him. One Con did catch his attention though and he was very close. Onslaught had what he wanted. There probably a couple other Cons who could serve in his idea. Risking to be chewed out by Prowl and Ultra Magnus, he spoke up.

"We could try long range bombardment. This could be done before or after the wave of Vehicons. Ideally it would help with the scattering as well."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:04 pm
by Insidious

Sandstorm was glad. Casual chat time was over. Shuttle had landed. Now it was time for the real fun--smashing Decepticons. Or, no, wait. The Fallen. Smashing the Fallen. And maybe, just maybe, if a Decepticon happened to get in his way and he could make it look like he was trying to get at the Fallen. Whatever works.

The Autobot triple-changer was off the shuttle almost as soon as it had landed and the bay doors opened. He could see where Magnus and the other command types had staked out their positions. Boring. Nothing he wanted to be a part of. Decepticon grunt drones digging trenches. Boring. Same as before. But in the distance, the massive piece of dirt that the Fallen had decided was going to be his base of operations. Sandstorm looked up, noticing that the sky traffic was still relatively sparse. Fortunately he was in a position where he could have fun and do his job both on land and in the air. So, air first. Better chance of seeing what was up.

"Lemme know if ya need me, eh? I wanna see what that Predacon chickenhawk is seeing," Sandstorm said, to whoever was keeping tabs on him, before kicking in his transformation sequence and lifting off into the air, his rotors quickly firing up to liftoff velocity. His function was recon. Surely that was what the higher-ups would want him to do. If not, he was sure they'd let him know.

Tracks' egress from the shuttle Serenity was a tad more subdued than that of some of his more battle-hungry associates. Not that he wasn't eager to be not only out of orbit but away from Huffer's near-continuous whining, but he didn't want to walk right into stasis-lock either. He did plan to enjoy some of the amenities this world had to offer if they survived this ordeal.

Saying nothing for the moment, he simply decided to head over to where the other Autobots seemed to be clustering up so he could get an idea of what their next move would be.

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:30 pm
by Insidious

“This *treaty* isn’t going to last long. Don’t see why we can’t just end them all now, it’d make things hundreds of times easier for us."

A slight smirk spread on Astrotrain's face as he listened to Blitzwing and took in the gathering Autobot/Decepticon alliance. When he saw Razorclaw and Ultra Magnus shake hands it made him want to retch oil.

"Not long at all," Astrotrain agreed. "Someone's gonna get too itchy a trigger-finger and let loose. And my money's on one of them right there."

He pointed idly at the various Predacons and the obvious target of their ire, the one who had betrayed them for the Autobots.

"I hope he made some friends when he jumped ship. 'Cause he sure made a whole new crop of enemies."

Thundercracker was a little disappointed that Skywarp had obviously not taken to his sudden, surprise promotion like most Decepticons would have. But he wasn't too surprised either. Same old Skywarp. Probably why they had worked so well together over the vorns.

"Hah!" Thundercracker chortled, his arms still folded across his chest as he watched the more inferior Decepticons take care of the grunt work. They were Seekers. Seekers didn't dig trenches. Well, Ramjet maybe. But not the rest of them. "No thanks. I'm not gunnin' for that job any more than you were. I guess we let one of the coneys prove their mettle if Starscream ever does get his wish."

At the end of the day, Thundercracker figured his and Skywarp's mutual lack of ambition for Starscream's job was one of the main things that kept them in his good graces and why they ultimately worked so well as the most elite of the Seeker units. And after the conversation they just had, Thundercracker didn't see that changing any time soon. Granted, if the Fallen fried them all, it would be a moot point anyway.

Thundercracker looked over at Skywarp for a second, quirking an eyebrow ridge in bemusement before looking back at the mass of Cybertronians.

"Yeh. S'pose you're right. Let 'em slag each other."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:59 pm
by sumowrestler

"So when do we get to slag the heralds and Fallen? All of this nice slag with the Bots is make me want to burn them all including our new leader. I hope he will let us have at it with the Bots after this is done. I can't see too many Cons following anyone for long if they do strive for peace with those weaklings. It makes me wonder though how quick Shockwave would turn on the Bots. Probably when it was logical for him to do so. 'Train and Blitz, either of you two want to take bets on the earliest friendly fire will happen? Let us be glad the Fallen didn't take one of the more intelligent mechs who would figure out some way to split this truce. I never considered Hot Rod to be overly intelligent but I guess that can be said about most of the Bot slaggers."

Octane brought out his flamethrower from its compartment and looks over it. He lets out a small flame to make sure it was in working order. After he was satisfied with the flamethrower, he puts it back and reaches for his deflecto shield. The shield looks in excellent working order if not a bit too clean for his taste. He then looked up and saw their Autobot counterparts when he seen Sandstorm fly off.

"Huh, looks like the Bots brought their triple changers as well. Sandstripe, Sandspot, or whatever the name is up in the air and looks like Sprinster is chatting with the higher ups. Don't they have a third one to finish their set as well? Something like Dumbside or Slowside?"


"How long you think Commander Shockwave be, Shadowing? I hope information will be useful."

Battletrap watches his fellow Duocon chase after Flamewar. He shook his head as Flywheel chases her like a lost turbo fox.

"Femcons are nice to look at but many don't deserve battle. They can be more distraction then good. Maybe Flamewar can distract Fallen and heralds to give us good shot."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:04 am
by MasterSoundBlaster
Australia - Uluru


Chromedome looked up from his thought and into the crowd of Autobots and Decepticons. He could recognize that cry from anywhere, and judging by the volume of the outburst he knew had to be close by.


Before the cassettobot could answer back, he leaped up into Chromedome's torso, off putting the mnemosurgeon's balance for a quick second. Chromedome then followed his conjunx endura's action with him closing his arms around the black and white archivist's chassis.

"Primus Rewind, you had me worried! You left without letting me know!" Chromedome loosened his hold on the archivist, allowing him to stand on his own again. Rewind then shifted his attention back upon Ultra Magnus and Razorclaw, who were giving the archivist great footage with their exchange of shaking hands.

"I swear if you do anything stupid, I'm going to...something! I mean it too!" Rewind said, pointing his finger at his conjunx endura. "It's good to see you, Domey."

"It's good to see you too Rewind." The mnemosurgeon responded whole-heartedly as he placed a gentle hand on the shoulder pauldron of the Cassettobot. "C'mon, let's go see what *Commander Shoulder Pads* has to say."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 5:03 am
by Sleek
Australia – Uluru

“Detroit was something,” Steeljaw said.

The tracker didn't know what to make of that city, most likely because the visit there had been a brief one. But he did get to explore – again, briefly – the insides of a human structure of some kind, sampling a variety of scents he found both intriguing and repulsive. That had almost made up for being confined within Tracks's alternate mode.


Steeljaw wanted to reply to Eject's last comment, but thoughts of the Fallen kept him from engaging his comrade in a conversation. The Fallen... Demi-god... Immortal... Myth...

“What?” Steeljaw looked at Eject, shaking off the musing that had clung to his mind. “Yes. Right. Time for action.”

Time to face a demi-god and his heralds. Interesting, if not slightly crazy.

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:52 am
by Insidious

While Razorclaw and Ultra Magnus ironed out some of the last remaining details regarding their temporary alliance, Onslaught had been quietly scanning a briefing that Astrotrain had submitted regarding the recent actions of a subgroup of Decepticons, apparently spearheaded by Ramjet. The mission had no command-level authorization and its broader goals had risked much for very minimal reward, but according to the briefing, Octane had managed to steal a full load of the natives' fuel. At least something productive could be salvaged from that waste of time. Onslaught intended for it not to go to waste.

>>"Onslaught to Octane: when the assault begins you will remain behind the trenches as a co-op refueling depot. It won't be refined energon, but it will be something, and you're much too much of a vulnerable target carrying as much fuel as you are.">”Commander Onslaught, this is Blast-Off. Sir, should I take to the skies like normal and provide air support with my X-ray laser? I might be able to get the jump on the Fallen and his heralds. They may not be able to strike back at me so easily while I’m at a high altitude. Just an idea, of course.">"You should. I want our side to continually have the upper hand in terms of air superiority in this engagement, however it plays out,">"From what I'm seeing, that shouldn't prove difficult. Proceed."<<

The Combaticon then returned his attention to the discussion at hand. He agreed with Razorclaw's assessment that all of the taken individuals could be counted as acceptable losses: if they could be taken alive without undue expenditures of resources, so be it; if not, their survival was a secondary concern.

The divide and conquer approach was solid. Onslaught had no objections. But like Razorclaw, he knew that a contingency plan would be useful if all of these methods failed. The frightening reality was that their best available contingency had not yet arrived on the battlefield and was still somewhere on the Thanatos along with Starscream and Shockwave, who had both not deigned to make their presence known on the battlefield, likely both for their own very different and yet altogether suspicious reasons. Razorclaw and Onslaught had to hope that the six-changer's purposes for being here aligned with their own, at least temporarily.

"If all else truly does fail, Sixshot may well be the only contingency we have available to us."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:37 pm
by sumowrestler

>>You want me to sit out this huge fight? What about the Predacon Tantrum? If you want me to stay out of this fight, I better get something in return. I've been eyeing the first Autobot shuttle but I guess I would take the second one as well. Their fuel would be nice let alone the ships themselves. Your Combaticon Swindle probably like the idea of stripping them down and selling off pieces. If neither of those options would fit, I would like us Triple changers to have a nice place in Razorclaw's order or have the autonmy to do things on our own without fear of getting into trouble, and your third option is the elimination of the Autobot Triple changers. It still surprises me the Autobots were able to get a hold of triple changer technology.<<

Octane turns to his fellow triple changers with disgust on his face.

"High and mighty Onslaught thinks I should stay back and play fuel pump. I'm hoping he will accept one of the conditions I gave him. I went with one of the Autobot shuttles, a high ranking or independent in Razorclaw's order, or the elimination of the Autobot triple changers. It would surprise me if Onslaught denies the last option and with the second he would have to work with all Supreme beasty Razorclaw. The first would be very nice especially if I can get one of the shuttles for personal use for us triple changers."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:30 am
by Sleek
Australia – Uluru

With a casual wave, Flywheels was dismissed. Just like that. So much for providing support or whatever he was supposed to be doing. But then again, when he thought about it, he had no idea what he was supposed to be doing.

At Flamewar's side, at least.

Anyway, giving a shrug and displaying a great deal of confusion on his facial-plate, Flywheels turned on his heel and walked off, heading to somewhere around the perimeter to monitor for enemy activity. Perhaps he'd look for Battletrap, too, while he was at it. He wondered if he was still helping Shadowing.

Better than just standing around the trenches and looking more lifeless than a Vehicon.

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:38 pm
by Henry921
Australia- Uluru

"Me? Was attached to a forward unit out past Beta-4. Smaller pre-stellar worlds mainly. You ever want to remember why you're in the Decepticon Conquest business? Go watch some of those little organic germs fight each other and the tactics they use. Makes our fight against the Autobots look like a friendly disagreement over parking."

Krunix had a motor-mouth too. That suited Misfire just fine.

"Yeah, I hear ya," Misfire agreed, glancing occasionally back at Flamewar, and then back to Razorclaw and Ultra Magnus. With the 'Bots and 'Cons distracted working out terms, it would be even easier to disappear into the crowd.

"I haven't seen combat since the big push for Varas Centralus. I helped put up the siege armature... that planet's surface is dense like you wouldn't believe," Misfire continued. "Since my commander needed a big chunk of rock blown up, he told me to shoot at the ground. Once the Wreckers showed up in Phase Six, I had to hold the line by myself while the others tried to work through a cave-in.

"Luckily, the Wreckers were trying to dig a trench, so only a few of 'em attacked the armature. They got recalled for some other big push a few hours later... I felt like a hero, y'know? Like I held the Wreckers single-handed.

"My Commander was mad I didn't kill any of them and sent me packing to another unit. Bounced around for a while... spent the last few months just running transit back between Cybertron and the latest hotspot. I tell ya though..."

Misfire glanced back at the two upper command structures comparing gearbox sizes and allegedly going over strategy.

"...I wouldn't mind digging a hole or ferrying scrap compared to this..."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 9:38 am
by Cryhavok
Australia - Uluru

"My actuators are getting itchy, what about you Brawl?"

"What do you think?!" Brawl roared in response to Vortex's question, his turret turning and pointing its main gun at the Combaticon interrogator. It was not due to malice or because Brawl was planning to attack his long time comrade. No, it was because an unfocused, irritated and ready to start blowing things up Brawl forgot what he was. And in this case, turning his main gun towards Vortex was equivalent of his turning to look at the other Decepticon.

"What the slag we are waiting for?! Why we can't see them?! They should be in our visual range! Not just Divebomb's! That guy is able to spot a bolt from 2 miles away, so why the slag there's no visual confirmation?!" Brawl continued fuming, unaware of the fact that the Fallen and his Heralds actually had been spotted. Not that the information had spread from the Command to the troops yet.

"Aaargh! Can't be this slaggin' difficult! Point and shoot! Case closed! You're the smart guy Vortex, explain this to me!" Brawl vented his frustrations out in the open, "If Optimus Prime can't survive an artillery hit from this many bots, why should this Prime of the ancient past be any different?!"

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 5:01 pm
by MasterSoundBlaster
Australia - Uluru

Vortex jumped a little at the sight of Brawl aiming his main tank cannon at him. He wasn't afraid the Combaticon Assaulter was going to open fire on his own teammates, just the sudden action of fixating his aim at him shocked him into a more attentive state of mind.

"...You're the smart guy Vortex, explain this to me! If Optimus Prime can't survive an artillery hit from this many bots, why should this Prime of the ancient past be any different?!"

The Combaticon interrogator brought his hand to the chin of his mouthplate and rubbed the metallic covering with his thumb and first two actuators as thought about a reasonable response to the assaulter's inquiry.

"Ya know... At first I was thinking that this was going to be a completely suicidal mission, Brawl... But I think you might be on to something..." Vortex turned and stared down the bore of Brawl's main cannon, essentially looking him in the "eyes". "You said it yourself, he's a Prime! If we have the capabilities to offline Optimus Prime, then that means that we shouldn't have any trouble stomping this Prime into the ground!" The Combaticon interrogator let out a satisfied chuckle as he crossed his arms over his chest plating.

"Though I wish I could explain what's taking so fraggin' long. The 'Bots are all here, Don't know what we're waiting on now." Vortex then looked down at the ground and picked up a relatively large stone out of the Australian earth and bounced it in the palm of his hand.

"Hey Barrel-breath, wanna see if you can hit these things if I chuck 'em up in the air while we wait?"


Blitzwing stood by Astrotrain with his faceplated dropped in a look of intense awe and dumbfoundedness as Octane relayed his retort back to Onslaught. Blitzwing was a brave mech, one who would nosedive towards an enemy in his jet mode at top speed and switch to tank mode before making impact with his target, but he wasn't brave enough to mouth off to a mech like Onslaught the way Octane had just done. He brought a hand up behind his processor and scratched at the metallic plating as he tried to find the words to describe what he had just witnessed.

"I uh..." The commando tried ushering in response to Octane's demands given to Onslaught. "...Yeah...Yeah good job Buddy, sounds like a plan!"

The tan and purple Decepticon turned and glanced amongst the crowd, nervous about being tied in with Octane and his demands.


"Thizzz place izzz much better than that zzztupid ocean." Waspinator commented as he fell into the crowd of Decepticons. He was glad to have pulled out of Ramjet's operation in the gulf, the damp heat there made his wings itch and the saltiness of the water scrambled with this internal functions. Now he was in a dry and barren wasteland with no idea what was about to happen.


Needlenose stood by with heavy set lids folded over his optics as he peered out amongst the ever growing crowd of Cybertronians. He was growing bored of just standing around and waiting for their new Supreme Commander to issue the order to attack. How long does it take to collaborate with the Autobots about making a plan which is essentially just "point and shoot"?

The Aerial warrior walked over to a small group of Decepticons and attempted to join in on their conversation as they sat around and shared some energon.

"...I wouldn't mind digging a hole or ferrying scrap compared to this..."

"Yeah at this point I wouldn't mind getting behind that idea either." Needlenose stated as he interjected himself into the conversation between Misfire and Krunix. "At the rate we're moving, we could teach the Battlechargers advanced biomechanical functions before we even think of moving out to battle. Oh pardon my manners, I don't believe we've even met before. The name's Needlenose," the Decepticon flier stated as he extended a hand out to his fellow Decepticons, "If you're ever looking into what's *in* around the Thanatos, I'm you mech of choice to find."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:27 pm
by Marcus Rush
Australia: Uluru Pt. K

Sentinel Prime once said, 'Magnus, there comes the time during the course of every engagement and every operation where the best laid plans go to scrap in an instant and the most effective means of succeeding in the road laid before you is to be adaptable and have a contingency. That time comes as soon as that first shot is fired from either side...' It was that fragment of memory engram that floated through the waking thought of the Autobot Supreme Commander as he listened to Prowl quickly brief his Decepticon counterpart on the basic details of the strategy he had developed in what appeared to be an instant on board the Shuttle Longevity. Details of who would be dispatched to which party would be sorted out once the orders were given to deploy.

Ultra Magnus allowed his actuators to fold carefully across his chest and interlock peacefully as the final elements were spelled out for Razorclaw's benefit. While he had already anticipated the reaction in which the newly minted Predacon Dictator would receive the logic and reasons behind each movement and restriction placed, he inwardly permitted himself a small measure of pride in how the chief tactician handled himself in the brief exchange. For the most part, though he did not wish to admit it out loud, Magnus was of a similar mind set. Tactically is was far less of a risk to eliminate all of those who were infected in order to protect the entire Cybertronian race... regardless of political view. However, Ultra Magnus owed it to those with whom he had served with for vorn upon vorn, to make the fullest effort to save them.

"There are contingencies currently being implemented," Magnus's voice was low and stern. He did not wish to go into further detail of what had been ordered, the crimes that would be committed on a galactic scale should they ever be forced into implementation. Regardless of how justifiable it would be deemed, or by even his own evaluation of the various treaties that had been signed between both Autobot and Decepticon, from Tyrest to Agadorn, he had ordered an action to be placed in reserve that pushed even those up to the thinnest margin. The willful destruction of a fragment of an inhabited interstellar body in order to preserve the existence of all other life throughout the cosmos... Magnus was certain that not even Optimus would approve this method, and probably would order his confinement for even contemplating it. "Let us hope that such a contingency is not needed for even the remotest contemplation Razorclaw."

He allowed that line of conversation to hang without volunteering more information or detail than he desired. Magnus looked down at Prowl and gave a reassuring nod to the smaller tactician. He knew that such a secret tactic would not be approved by the strategist... and in fact he would probably order the whole thing scraped and Magnus thrown in chains much as Optimus would have considered. Unfortunately, not even Prowl could argue against the logic that had forced Ultra Magnus's hand in issuing the task he set upon Wheeljack and his teams on the Ark 22 and the Guardian.

The lock of optics lasted only for a second before he returned his gaze to Razorclaw. He unlocked his arms and allowed them to rest at his sides as each of his internal limiters began to cycle through their own diagnostics. An imperceptible flex in his shoulders was the only sign that the safeties and restrictions were disengaged. "In order to best nullify the unpredictability offered by the infected, it has been determined that dispatching those who are most familiar with the target in question would be capable of forcing their hand. In other words, know which buttons to push in order to force an opening." He paused briefly as he considered his next words.

"Deploying the Stunticons against the likes of Drag Strip, would prove effective in that their prior experiences make each member familiar with the other. However, it is doubly effective to assign them to that objective because they are not... traditional." He refrained from giving voice to the traditional convention that was typically given to Motormaster and his rabble of thugs. They were insane, there was no method to their madness. Only driven by fear for their boss who had an ego that was matched only by his sheer brute strength.

The next level of power regulators were disengaged, silently, a small venting of strained hydraulic gases were released from hidden syncs within his armor's links. Quietly he betrayed no expression as a large sum of power flowed into each joint and digit of his extremities. Rarely did he fight at full capabilities, at least rarely did the time truly call for him to fight at his maximum out put. Of course this was decidedly one of those occasions, as fighting gods often required considerable more power than standard technical manuals proscribed. Several key safeties were deactivated as his apex armor began to cycle through its own final diagnostics and confirm its links with the primary bonding network of its host.

"As for the greater assault on the sand stone formation, a multiple pronged assault may be most prudent beyond simply rushing head long while our faster diversionary units flank in an attempt to draw out the infected heralds. Aerial units should fly cover for the diversionary forces, presenting the illusion as being attached to those particular operations. Upon a directed position, they will break off and begin laying down cover fire for the advance of the more powerful artillery and soldiers. A secondary front should be made available to assail the formation from the opposite direction... A Hammer and Anvil approach. With the heralds safely drawn away from their primary source of power, the Fallen, would be open to more direct attacks. Multiple targets and unpredictability will be our advantage in this battle... a conclusion I am sure you have already reached." He gave Razorclaw a reassuring nod. Out of respect or out of acknowledgement at the sheer unorthodox methods in which the Predacon rose to power, the very nature of being unpredictable was a nuance that would serve them well. Particularly given those who had been infected were keenly aware of the abilities and tactics favored by their former friends and allies.

Ultra Magnus turned his head slowly in a narrow arc. His optics studied the harsh vestiges. Absolute hatred and an undercurrent of blood lust pervaded the Decepticon ranks, emotional chaos barely constrained by the tentative control of the Predacon commander. "If it is an acceptable arrangement with you. Assign some of your slower fliers to provide air cover with the main advance. Vortex and Blades providing cover and support along with Tracks, and Flywheels. The rest would be given standard assignments to cover their respective diversionary parties. In addition, include to those groups the triple changer units of either faction. Have them continue to the highest pinnacle of their escort, then break off to finish the hammer blow against the Fallen upon Ayers Rock." Six powerful units would not be enough to crush this foe on their own, but placing them as a hammer strike to prevent any effort or attempt by the Fallen to render aid to his minions through standard means... it was a full circle operation that gave what appeared to be their highest probability for success.

As the Predacon considered the brief arrangement to be made to the already accepted scheme, a bit of flesh to be placed upon the bones of strategy, Ultra Magnus took a the moment to take in the sight of those who were near his periphery. They looked confident and brave in the face of nearly insurmountable odds... He knew they were scared, only a fool would denounce fear in the face of total extinction. But the fact that they stood up and demanded their fate be placed in their own actuators, it gave him a sense of pride. This is your team Optimus. Brave, determined and dedicated to your ideals. I hope that I can guide them through these turbulent storms... even if my sins taint me.

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:08 am
by Cryhavok
Australia - Uluru

"Well, aren't you a bina fide creep Magnus. Didn't think you had the ball bearings to make the sacrifice." Motormaster chuckled in response to Ultra Magnus' grim statement in response to Razorclaw's question when it came to contingencies. The leader of the Stunticons had joined the group negotiating about tactics only moments earlier.

"We have slaggin' contingency too. This world will burn if we fail here. At that point the only thing that is going to matter is who pulls the damn trigger first - us or them." Motormaster intervened the discussion, pointing a finger at the Ayers Rock. Unlike Ultra Magnus or Prowl, the Tyrest accord meant nothing to the Stunticon. He only respected the said rules out of respect and in lesser degree, fear of Megatron.

The Stunticon leader had taken a huge gambit in supporting Razorclaw and paid the price with a grievous injury. In fact the effects of the said injury were still lingering about. Sure, he had been patched up but it would take time for his innards to find optimum equilibrium again. One could say he was still feeling quite sore from the surgical operation done to him. The pain did not matter. However, for his assistance and sacrifices, he did belong on Razorclaw's side as much as Onslaught did. And true to himself, he was not going to pull punches like the Combaticon did. Listening to all this talking instead of just being issued orders like Megatron would have done did not sit well with him. He'd do as Razorclaw told him to but Primus be damned he was not going to shut up.

"We have a visual?" Motormaster questioned with accusing tone to his voice. "This is ridiculous!"

"What the slag are you waiting for?!" The large Decepticon mouthed off both Prowl and Ultra Magnus and to lesser degree Razorclaw who was all too known to wait for the perfect moment to strike. There wasn't going to be a perfect moment, not here. There were too many variables. This was just a game for the Fallen, otherwise he'd have opened fired on the Autobot vessels before they even had a chance to land. "One would think you tactical geniuses can see that we are like sitting petrorabbits if they choose to attack first!"

"Call out an airstrike now and spread us out to what ever slaggin' teams you have no doubt already divided us in in those fancy processors of yours! Drag Strip? No problem, I will deal with the squirt! Give the details as we deploy but stop painting a slaggin' targeting reticle over us all! Make your further tactical decisions after seeing if we can even fraggin' hurt them without the Fallen rising some force field or wall of slag over them!"

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:26 pm
by Mazinman
Australia- Uluru

Shadowing continued to work on programing until he was done. He placed the datapad he was working on back to his side container.

"The connection has already been established." He calmly replied to Battletrap. "We can assume the Commander will reply when it is necessary."

He looked towards where their targets were as he could hear the grumblings all around once the Autobots had arrived. It was clear that action needed to happen soon. He pulled some binoculars and brought them up to his optics to see closer what the figures where doing.

"Flamewar will have her role to play in this as will we Battletrap." Shadowing replied. "Keep your focus."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2014 5:10 am
by Drop Bear
Australia – Uluru

“Would you look at that.” Blades unfolded one of his arms that was crossed over his chest-plate and jerked a thumb at Motormaster who appeared to be going berserk on Prowl, Ultra Magnus and even Razorclaw, shouting, cursing and generally being quite the animated character. “Same old stupid Stunticon, hey, boss?” The Protectobot smirked. “Then again, that's old news.”

Africa, North America, and now Australia, somewhere within the central part of the country. Their shuttle, the Serenity, had covered some impressive distance recently, cavorting around Earth before finally settling here where the serious business of the Fallen happened to be at. That was fine with Blades; he wanted nothing more than to get stuck into the Fallen and his heralds and hopefully rescue the comrades they'd lost to that demi-god spawn of a glitch.

Hot Spot didn't seem to hear Blades's comment. Turning to face him, Blades found him speaking into his comm-link, to Silverbolt, and offering the Protectobot's aerial services to the Aerialbot commander.

An involuntary wince flashed on his face-plate. He had just descended the shuttle's ramp and already Hot Spot was looking to palm him off to Silverbolt and his crew. But that was Hot Spot for you: always thinking, always moving, always doing something, and always trying to juggle twenty tasks at once.

Blades didn't mind that. He was a Protectobot, after all, and it was ingrained into his training—and being—to lend a helping actuator. Aside from permanently (and rather horrendously) removing Decepticons from existence, he knew he had found his calling when he'd first joined the team. Ironic, perhaps, that one actuator remained open for the weak and innocent while the other clutched a weapon and promised nothing but violence, but that was how it was.

His only quibble with aiding the Aerialbots was Slingshot. Oh, the rest were a fine lot, particularly Air Raid, but Slingshot was another story. Overbearing and the definition of a jerk, Blades wished he could give him some fist with his silicone waffles, but it didn't work that way. Awful as he was, there were more critical matters to focus on. Like this supposedly immortal and mythical gentlemech the 'Bots and 'Cons had both come to meet and greet, for instance.

So putting that from his mind, Blades looked at Hot Spot and said, “You really want me to help the Aerialbots? I guess I could do that.”

Internally, he reprimanded himself for the lack of motivation his tone failed to conjure up. Maybe Hot Spot wouldn't notice, but fat chance of that happening. Slingshot remained embedded in his core processor like a bad dream, but he couldn't blame the Aerialbot for acting unprofessionally.

Still, who knew what would occur? Having caught bits and pieces of Motormaster's tirade, maybe the commanders had other ideas up their proverbial sleeves?

Either way, Blades would execute any order issued to him with all the proficiency he could muster.

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2014 7:04 am
by Phaze
Australia – Uluru

Silverbolt was stood a little way away from the supreme commanders and their second’s the Aerialbot commander didn’t want to get into another fist fight with that idiot Motormaster until after this battle was done. The tall Aerialbot was content to wait and listen as the strategy was laid out to Razorclaw.

The sounds of a second shuttle’s engines could be heard Silverbolt raised his head to witness the arrival of the Serenity. The rest of the autobot forces had arrived as Skydive spoke up adding his voice to the strategy meeting a sound idea but Silverbolt doubted that the Heralds or the fallen would be so gracious to standstill and allow themselves to be bombed.

A few minutes later Springer was reporting the Aerialbot commander nodded at the green triple changer. Silverbolt had a healthy respect for the ex wrecker thou his thoughts on the subject where interrupted by a message from Hotspot.

>>Silverbolt, from my understanding of the Fallen and his heralds, they don't have any fliers. If you need help, I can assign Blades to your group. I do see several Seekers here so the skies might get a little crowded. If anything, it would be appreciated if you can keep track of Blades unless you think he will be too much.>Negative Hotspot, Blades will not be required we need unity on this mission Slingshot and Blades will rub each other’s gears the wrong way and most likely end up fighting each other. With something this important I cannot afford to have my attention diverted any more than usual<<

Silverbolt closed the link with Fireflight’s unusual behaviour Slingshot being himself the tall Aerialbot was going to have his hands full and that was before the shooting started.


optics came back online as the shuttle came into land the wailing of landing thrusters gave way to venting gases and the gentle popping of the hull as it started to cool down. The largest of the triple changers stood upright picking up his acquired weaponry and his usual weaponry. He made his way out of the shuttle in time to see Sandstorm take to the air “Typical” BBroadside muttered as he scanned across the assembly area.

The Predacons, Stunticons, Combaticons and a myriad of other cons at the back he saw 3 familiar shapes. The decepticon triple changers Octane, Blitzwing and Astrotrain lingering about at the back of the decepticon forces. ‘”Cowards” broadside thought as he strode from the shuttle his rifle cradled in his arms. Springer had bounded forward and met with Ultra Magnus it was times like this he missed being in the wreckers with a crew who would walk into hell with a smile on their faceplates and say up yours to the universes worse.

Broadside moved up to where Silverbolt was stood and observed the conversation “seems to be getting a bit tense don’t it” Silverbolt declined to reply not that it bothered Broadside he seem to be in conversation with someone on his comm link.

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2014 10:51 am
by sumowrestler
Australia – Uluru

>>Ah yes, I have forgotten about how Blades and Slingshot get into things. At least you haven't had one who thought about switching groups even if I hope it was a half thought. Both of us have our fair share of dynamic personalities to deal with. I did overhear of an idea of keeping the slower fliers back for support but I won't tell Blades he is considered a slow flier. Best of luck on keeping your wayward group together, Silverbolt.<<

Hot Spot then turned to Blades who made some sort of comment about Motormaster and his slight acceptance of being reassigned.

"It seems the higher ups may have a different plan for you, Blades. Silverbolt will have his own team to manage so we will see how it works out. Hopefully we will get moving soon after things are figured out. As for the Stunticon leader, ignore him and any other Con for the time being. Our main concern is the Fallen and his heralds. Remember, we want them back functioning if at all possible."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2014 10:49 pm
by BigTop
Australia - Uluru

Krunix listened intently to Misfire, before turning to Needlenose as the flyer introduced himself. When he offered his hand, Krunix handed Needlenose his remaining energon canister, still half full. He was sure he had enough charge for the fight.

"Well met, Needlenose. I'm Krunix." he jerked a free hand at Misfire as he fished an old cy-gar from a compartment, "The other flyer's Misfire. Here. Charge up in the meantime." he said, indicating the canister he had just handed him. Two cons that decided to exist near him and neither were foaming at the mouthplate or shouting about oblivion. Maybe all was not yet lost after all. Krunix turned back to Misfire to address his thought,

"Complain all you want, but the waiting is what's going to win this fight. I don't care how much grousing..." Krunix glanced around at some of the other Cons in the staging area, before deciding not to name names, "...others engage in; we won't see tomorrow without the Autobots' assistance..."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2014 6:47 am
by Insidious

Underneath his faceplate Onslaught smirked slightly at Octane's reply. That particular triple-changer and his greed were notorious. He would quickly have to come to grips with the reality that there was a new order in town and a new way of doing things. Sometimes, though, the new way of doing things looked a lot like the old way of doing things.

>>"I do not presume to order around our new Supreme Commander's direct subordinates, Octane. I do, however, presume to order around you. Your obedience is not conditional and the Autobots are not our target nor are their capital resources. If you sabotage this state of affairs in any way, I will find you and deal with you personally. Onslaught out."<<

Clicking off the commlink, Onslaught returned his focus to the primary command group. Onslaught listened quietly to the finer points of Ultra Magnus' proposed strategy but said nothing more than what he had already. But it also appeared that he didn't need to.

Underneath his faceplate, Onslaught smirked at Motormaster's interjection of his own personal brand of strategizing. With the cautioned likes of both Ultra Magnus and Razorclaw both calling the shots, they were likely to take the brutish Stunticon's words with many grains of salt, but Onslaught was pleased that his voice was entered into the fray. It was why he had worked so hard to secure Motormaster's support in particular in the run-up to Razorclaw's ascendancy to Megatron's seat of power. it had been invaluable then and would likely be in the battle to come, though his counterpart on the Autobot side of things--the ever-protective Hot Spot--was unlikely to see it that way.

"Blast-Off is in the air already. I can have Vortex join him at any moment. Loathe as I am to say it, there is only so much we can do to prepare for a threat of this nature. To know the unknowable. Much will be decided on the field of battle itself."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2014 1:47 pm
by Smokescreen85
(OOC: Sorry about the wait. I hope I covered everything.)

Australia - Uluru

>>”Understood, Commander Onslaught.”>”Standby, Roadblock. I will contact you again shortly.”>”Roadblock, this is Supreme Commander Razorclaw. The battle here against the Fallen is about to begin. Bounce down immediately and rendezvous with Motormaster. Together, you two will coordinate a frontal assault on Ayers Rock while the rest of our forces will circle around and attack from the rear, a ‘hammer and anvil’ tactic as you may know. Do not delay further! Understood?”>"Starscream, this is Supreme Commander Razorclaw. Drop whatever schemes you are planning and get your aft planet side ASAP! Oh, and bring Sixshot with you! We're going to need him!"<<

Prowl remained still for a moment as Razorclaw moved away and began addressing the Decepticon army that surrounded the two shuttles. The lion-former seemed to be going along with things better than expected, but that was only because the Autobots had a good strategy and the Predacon lord knew it. “Well, that didn’t go too badly,” the military strategist said as he glanced up at Ultra Magnus. “All things considered, of course. Still, I don’t trust any of them as far as I could throw them. Plus, Sixshot is present? Seems odd that a phase sixer would be here when we’re still at the very early stages of infiltration. Of course, he could’ve been called in specifically to deal with the Fallen, but I suspect there’s an ulterior motive. By my calculations, there’s a 75% probability that Sixshot will not leave the Sol System once the Fallen is defeated. But that’s just me.”

The black and white then fell quiet as his logic center went through another series of calculations. This time it was regarding the current strategies they were about to implement. Unfortunately, the results were not in their favor as there was only a 20% probability of success. It was not that the strategies they had come up with were bad ones, not at all. The problem was the Fallen. They were dealing with a supposed demigod with unknown supernatural powers. No strategy, no matter how good, could be adequate enough to handle a force of nature like what they were all about to face. Regardless, Prowl felt no need to remind Magnus of the terrible odds they were up against.

“Smokescreen,” Prowl said, glancing over at the rallybot. “Get your diversion teams ready to move out. Be sure to retrieve the sedatives from Ratchet and Axle and distribute them accordingly.”

“No problem, sir,” Smokey responded with a respectful salute before turning and moving away from the higher ups. “Blurr, you’re with me on this mission,” the former street racer said, motioning for the blue speedster to join him. The diversion expert then approached the medical staff. “Ratchet, Prowl wanted me to get those sedatives we’re going to use on the heralds.” Smokescreen spoke to the CMO with care as he knew the white mech’s disposition was volatile at best. “Whenever you’re ready, of course.”

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 11:13 pm
by Foximus
Australia - Uluru

“What’s going to bug you forever? Who you talking to, ‘Sider?"

Blindside had been so absorbed in his own thoughts that he jumped when Howlstrike elbowed him in his side. The blind tactician smiled wryly at Howlstrike as his mind processed the question the wolf-former had posed. "Ah...I was talking to Veneer. He's my...uh...we're...close," Blindside said by way of explanation with an uncertain shrug. "He's hanging back on the Longevity. He acted like he was gonna tell me It was probably nothing."

Blindside shook his head and looked up at their commander. "Yeah. It was nothing. Head in the game. Gotta be at my best if I'm gonna help you shut down Hardhead," Blindside added with a grin as he looked sidelong at Howl. "Alright!" Blindside said rolling his shoulder joints about to loosen them. Veneer was still lingering at the back of his mind, but the tactician needed to shut the nurse out now. There were increasingly few times that Blindside could actually let loose on the battlefield. He needed to savor it...there was never a time that he felt more alive.

“So, Blurr, you ready to kick some demigod aft plates? I know I am. I just hope we can beat these guys without losing too many of our own. I could care less how many ‘Cons are lost. Let them go in first and take the brunt of the assault. With any luck the Fallen will take care of most of them before we then take care of the Fallen. Kill two birds with one stone I believe the humans say."

"Youbetcha, Blue!" the blue speedster quipped back at the chatterbot. "Let's serve these co-demigods aheapingplate of burningsteel! Heh, almostsaidcons there. It'sweird seeingallofthese consand know. Firing on them. Bit weird."

Blurr's sentiments were soon echoed by Bluestreak, making the speedster grin. He rubbed the back of his head as he glanced at the leader types. Razorclaw soon turned around to address his troops. Well. Negotiations over he guessed. Looked like they were about to launch the attack. That was all well and good for Blurr. He wasn't really much of one for sitting around.

"Blurr, you’re with me on this mission."

"Huh?" Blurr turned to look at who had called his name. Smokey. Oh. Guess it was time to roll! Awesome! Blurr turned and waved farewell to Bluestreak before zipping over to Smokescreen's side as the diversionary tactician made his way over to the medical experts. The courier glanced over to Smokey at he spoke to Ratchet, keeping his tone respectful. Ratchet could put the fear of Primus into everyone it seemed. Blurr was just grateful that he wasn't the one that had to talk to the CMO.

"C'mon, let's go see what *Commander Shoulder Pads* has to say."

Rewind grinned up at Chromedome and walked alongside the mnemosurgeon. It was so good to see him again. Even if they could both In a few seconds. Whenever. Chromedome would probably try to take some stupid risks...He had that habit. It aggravated the archivist to no end. At least he'd get some great footage of this if they survived! Hey, if the Fallen somehow escaped, they could use it to combat him again!

Thinking of the archives got Rewind to remember his latest addition to them. "Oh, Chromedome. I got some new audio of Railway transforming. He's a train-former. They're pretty rare, seeing as Astrotrain is the only other one around here," Rewind said. "Oh, and wait till I tell you about-"

Rewind abruptly cut off as he realized that saying out loud that there was an Autobot City in Peru would probably be...a terrible idea. Awful. "Where I went. I've got a neat story." Rewind corrected himself. The tiny archivist lifted his actuators up and locked them behind his head. "Hm...I wonder where we'll be stationed."

((OOC: More to come.))

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 12:12 am
by Foximus
Australia - Uluru

[quote]>>”Understood, Divebomb. Maintain surveillance until I give the order to attack. It won’t be long now.">"Gotcha, boss,"<<[/i] Divebomb quipped back as he flapped his wing a bit more to give him some lift. He was flying at a pretty leisurely speed but that was only to conserve fuel. He could maneuver with the best of them when push came to shove. Just let those demigod things try and shoot him down. Er. Speaking of...what were they doing down there...?

Divebomb craned his head down and gazed down on the Heralds with his razor sharp vision. They him? Great. Just great. Well, they knew he was here at least. But still they did not attack. What were they waiting for? For him? Er-them to attack? That was unsettling. And those shie- cassettes were nowhere to be seen yet either. Great. Fantastic.

This was when noticed Blast-Off flying in a similar holding pattern. Hmm...strength in numbers. The pack instinct was heavily ingrained in the cyberhawk despite his preference for space from his fellow Predacons. Divebomb angled away to soar up behind the Combaticon while he continued to watch those below like - well - like a hawk. The combaticon was muttering something to himself. Something about...greatness? Oh no. Now he was laughing to himself. That would be his luck. To have a crazy in the cast.

"Hey Blast-Off," Divebomb finally called. "Hope you're not getting any bright ideas about attacking those juicy targets down their before Razorclaw calls for the attack."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:49 pm
by Mazinman
Australia - Uluru

The sounds of weapons being loaded and prepared could be heard in the background as Roadblock replied to Razorclaw.

"Alright, Razorclaw, this is a private communication and you seem to have little time so I will be blunt. I do not believe my assignment will work. Two commanders leading an attack is usually one too many especially when someone who talks more than he thinks like Motormaster is one of the two. Not to mention that coordination will become impossible when he loses his oil the moment he sees one of his little Stunticons attacking back."

The sounds of preparation concluded in the background and footsteps began to be heard

"Even from up here I can sense how you have left your rear open in this attack. You know that you always leave a reserve to take advantage of any openings that have been made or to reinforce one of the wings if they get into trouble. Having one of us prepare a reserve will free the attack from conflicts with its commanders. Motormaster does not have the patience for it so leave me a small command and I will forge them into an effective reserve or their useless remains can liter that planet. That will give me the opportunity to study the field of battle without delaying any attack as well."

Australia - Uluru

Shadowing listened as Razorclaw gave his commands. As he did an odd feeling came over him. It was almost like a sense of impending doom yet without the emotion that would usually accompany it. He felt cold, as if it did not matter. Perhaps it truly did not.

"Well then Battletrap. It seems we finally have our orders."

Re: Lake of Fire - Prelude to the Unbinding

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:32 am
by Smokescreen85
Australia - Uluru

Razorclaw received Roadblock’s response over his private comm line and was immediately enraged by the sheer audacity of the recently awakened ground commander to question his orders. Not only that, but Roadblock seemed to think he was able to rewrite his orders as he saw fit. Yes, he was an accomplished commander in his own right, but there was still a chain of command within the Decepticon ranks that needed to be adhered to. Would he have also questioned Megatron if it had been the slagmaker, himself, who had handed out his assignment? Not likely. This only served to remind the Predacon lord that there were still those more than willing to challenge his authority as the new Decepticon leader. Obviously, the lion-former needed to address this situation. Otherwise, others would continue to question his orders in the future.

Opening a comm line back to Roadblock, Razorclaw spoke in a firm, unwavering tone:

>>”No, Roadblock, what will not work is your belief that you can question my orders and rewrite them as you please! I am the Supreme Commander of the Decepticon Empire, and you will do as you are told or you will be placed back into stasis from which you came. However, since you do not think coordinating with Motormaster will work, you can instead bounce down and rendezvous with him to serve as his direct subordinate! Private comm or not, you will respect my authority and follow my orders without delay or you will suffer further consequences. There will be no more debate on this matter. Am I clearly understood?”<<

Severing his link abruptly, Razorclaw turned his attention towards the Stunticon Commander. “Motormaster, you will no longer have to coordinate with Roadblock. He will, instead, be serving directly under you. He apparently likes to question his superiors. If he gives you any trouble whatsoever, well, I’m sure you’ll know how to handle him.”

Blast-Off was suddenly stirred from his delusions of grandeur by the arrival of the Predacon flier. He was surprised that the cyberhawk was so high up in the atmosphere as this was usually the place were the space warrior served his function alone. It wasn’t that Blast-Off didn’t want the company, he did. However, he also was a bit embarrassed that Divebomb had overheard at least some of his musings. The Combaticon would have to make a mental note to stop expressing his thoughts out loud and instead keep them internal. After all, the next time a commander could be the one to overhear him.

As it were, the cyberhawk seemed concerned that the space warrior was going to go off half-cocked and attack the Fallen and his heralds before Razorclaw had given the go-ahead. Of course, that would be very ill-advised. Even a Combaticon knew that. Blast-Off let out a low chuckle before responding to the worried Predacon. “Divebomb! So nice of you to join me at this altitude! Be careful, though. We’re pretty far up, and while I’m built to sustain a certain degree of heat, if you go any higher into the atmosphere you may burst into flames! We wouldn’t want that now would we?”

“As for attacking the Fallen prematurely, no worries. I wouldn’t dream of acting too soon,” the X-37B spaceplane continued, flying closer to the mechanical bird as Razorclaw’s orders then came in over their comm lines. “Well, Divebomb, it seems that things are finally progressing. Once the Auto-bozos get themselves in gear and the attack on the ground begins, we can then do our thing up here! I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to sending the Fallen right back to the Pit from where he crawled out of!”