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Torchbearer Color Scheme

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 7:47 pm
by Glarryg
So, I have an idea for a custom homage to the Torchbearers, and although I love the characters and the theme of the group in general, I'm not very keen on the team's color scheme. That kind-of-but-not-really pastel green and the ever-so-slightly-orange-ish-but-also-not-really red don't sit well with me (which is how I feel about a lot of the colors used in IDW's TF comics, but that's another thread). The fact that the 'bots are only those two colors is also kind of a turn-off. That said, I'm looking for suggestions for replacement colors. Straight-up red and green seem a little too Christmas-y for my taste; would a bright orange look better? Also, what kind of accent colors would look good? Silver? Yellow? White? Black?

Anyway, any thoughts/suggestions/digibashes would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Torchbearer Color Scheme

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 7:12 am
by Evil Eye
Perhaps replace the teal with a more restrained pale blue, and the red with a darker crimson? As for accent colours I'd say silver would look best.