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How do they size up?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 6:46 pm
by Necessary Evil
I was watching Starscream's Brigade the other day (I think it was that ep...), and when I noticed that Vortex and Swindle were standing next to each other, Vortex was taller and a little bigger all over.

For some reason (Don't ask me why...), I always thought Vortex was this small, violent nutcase. Turns out he's a bigger, violent nutcase... Just like Blades and Strafe. I've always thought they were smaller Transformers, too.

And that got me thinkin'. How do the transformers size up against one another? Apart from Metroplex, Trypticon, Scorponok, Omega Supreme, and the gestalts (Though I see Predaking being the biggest gestalt).

Who are the biggest regular Transformers? We have the Dinobots, Prime, Megatron, Sixshot...

Who else would you consider to be big?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:05 pm
by Deadpool.
Sixshot, Dinobots, Fort Max, Omega Sentinel.

They're pretty big too.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:25 pm
by Liege Evilmus
Besides bases and combiners? I think JetFire, Shockwave, Galvatron, and somehow Blaster?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:35 pm
by Sabrewing
Hmm... why would Predaking be the biggest gestalt? He is the largest toy combiner by far, but... we know they are not to scale.

'course, that leads to size disparaties between the combiners themselves as well. Why is the jeep Swindle as large as the space shuttle Blastoff? Why, for that matter, is Blastoff not as large as Sky Lynx (Incidentally a very dumb name for a sophisticate like him)?

Anyways... I always picture Devastator as the largest gestalt, partly because he consists of six components, but also because the construction vehicles he is made up of can more easily be seen as huge than most other vehicles. (Then again, Superion's torso is made out of a Concorde).

Large Transformers... the triple changers, I think... I mentioned Sky Lynx... Overlord, of course... Tidal Wave is supposed to be humongous...

Unicron and Primus.... :lol:

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:44 pm
by craggy
Normal TFs, I think Jetfire, Magnus, Galvatron, Grimlock the scramble city combiner team leaders, I suppose Prime and Megatron are probably the biggest ones. I pretty much go with toy scale, adjusting a little bit in my head so as to not have Bumblebee talking to Ultra Magnus' ankle (if UM had ankles that is) or Grimlock being towered over by Galvatron.
The current deluxe size would be my default base scale for TFs, with a lot being smaller (minibots, cassettes, sparkabots, etc) and a lot more being taller (all those mentioned above, then of course the cities and gestalts) but not to such varying degrees as the toys made out. More like the cartoon or comic sizes.
Fortunately an irrational illogical acceptance of mass shifting makes it all so easy to explain.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:17 am
by waaaaghlord
Relative scales between various TFs changed all the time in the G1 cartoons. Add mass shifting into that and it becomes even more of a mess. Astrotrain's never drawn all that big in robot mode but he can fit all of the Decepticons that attacked Autobot City in the movie inside. Then there's changes between different continuities. Fort Max was city sized in Rebirth but in the Marvel comics he was portrayed as more in line with the toy (a regular sized TF forming his head). Defensor and Bruticus are probably the worst offenders among the gestalts. A motorcycle the same size as a helicopter and a jeep the same size as a space shuttle? Computron to a slightly lesser extent since the futuristic alt modes allow a bit more artistic license.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:45 am
by Jeysie
I think that this bloopers page has my favorite quote on the matter:

I hate dealing with size differences between characters, but this one is a little extreme. I realize Springer is a pretty beefy Autobot, but in the scene with the Autobots applauding, Kup and Blurr only come up to his waist. (I could have some fun with this. Ahem: Springer was the same height as Rodimus Prime in "Only Human." Rodimus and Octane were the same height in "Thief in the Night." Octane looked to be the same height as Starscream's ghost in, uh, "Starscream's Ghost." Back in "Atlantis, Arise!" Starscream and Wheeljack were the same height. Wheeljack and Bumblebee were close to the same size in "A Prime Problem." Bumblebee and Wheelie were the same size in "The Return of Optimus Prime" part 1. Kup, meanwhile, was about the same height as Optimus Prime in "The Return of Optimus Prime" part 2. Therefore, Wheelie is twice as tall as Optimus Prime!)