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Universal Studios Beijing Concept Art For Transformers Land

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 1:22 am
by WreckerJack
Universal Studios is opening a theme park in Beijing, China. The park is scheduled to be open in 2020. For now they are developing concept art for the rides and other attractions. Here you can see that they are developing a rollercoaster which is a 'transformed' version of The Hulk coaster from Islands of Adventure. In the second picture you can see not only a large statue of Optimus Prime but in the distance to the left you can see what appears to be the same coaster. Again this is concept art so things are bound to change as time goes on. We will keep you posted.



Re: Universal Studios Beijing Concept Art For Transformers Land

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:42 am
by EvasionModeBumblebee
Oooooh. . . Concept art pieces like this tend to change pretty drastically in theme parks, but it looks pretty cool!