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The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 10:40 pm
by Skritz
No, I don't mean worst as in 'worst toys'. I mean 'the worst' as in, taking into account the Scramble City/Combiner Wars+POTP interchangeability being a thing in toys and fiction, which combo of limbs and torso create the most messed up/unstable/stupid combiner?

I'm tempted to say Wildrider+Vortex+Blot+Nautilator would make for a rather mad mixture. Half of them are psychos and half of them are bumbling ****! Extending this to CW/POTP version of character-as-combiners I'd say stick all four on Starscream and you'd end up with a cripplingly unstable psycho which would try to betray itself for pure amusement. If one goes for the idea that the Galvatronus Combiner is Galvatron-like, then it would definitely have the level of insanity to match. Imagine a Combiner just going "MMMNNGGGGYAAAAAAAAAGH!! AAAAAAAAAAGH!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAH!! DESTROY!!" all day long.

This is just a silly idea born of looking at the interchangeability of it and asking myself 'Okay so it fit together but do they work together?

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 5:04 am
by Evil Eye
Motormaster as the torso, with Skalor and Blot as arms and Breakdown and Nautilator as legs. Motormaster is such a prick that his team-mates hate him, resulting in an unstable combined mode. Skalor and Blot both absolutely reek, meaning the combiner probably smells bad enough to make Predaking vomit his fuel processor tract through his mouthplate, and being arms they can't pick anything up without corrupting it. Meanwhile, a nervous, paranoid wreck and an underconfident bungler as legs mean he'll probably be falling over a lot. All five combined and you have a nervous, self-hating, smelly and clumsy clusterfrag of a combiner that will struggle to stay combined for long enough to get anything done.

For the Autobots though? Silverbolt as the torso with Strafe and Blades as arms and Fireflight and Groove as the legs. Silverbolt is as we all know terrified of heights, and also seems to form an oddly psychotic combiner. Strafe is neurotic and Blades is a lunatic, exacerbating this problem. Meanwhile, Fireflight is always daydreaming and forgetting what he's supposed to be doing, not helpful as a leg, whilst Groove is a dirty hippy who's probably off his head on Rhodium Reefer, again not helpful as a leg. The result is a frothing mad combiner whose upper half is trying to kill everything whilst his legs are scarcely paying attention.

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 3:04 pm
by o.supreme
Oh, I definitely have thoughts, unfortunately, even when talking about fictional characters/toys, when certain negative attributes are known to be part of someones makeup in the real world, someone is bound to take offense, so while its definitely a subject I'd like to comment more on, I'll pass.

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 1:12 am
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
Any combiner where the Stunticons were forced to team up with Autobot limbs would be a mess because of the Stunticons, unless the torso was someone like Optimus Prime (or better yet, Grimlock) who could keep them in line.

Starscream combos... It would honestly depend on how well the limbs could hold up to such direct exposure to Starscream's neuroses and ego. They could well end up dragged along for the ride - and it's not like Starscream lacks experience in wrestling another's consciousness into submission.

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:29 am
by Rodimus Prime
So is it safe to say that the Stunticons are the most unstable combiners? Regardless whether they combine with each other or any other combiners? Or is it Motormaster that makes things bad? Like if the other Stunticons combined with another torso, they might behave and get things done?

Also, the whole point of combiners is a team working together in harmony. If the limbs don't get along with the torso, does that render the combiner useless?

In the G1 cartoon who was the official leader of the Constructicons?

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:18 am
by Jelze Bunnycat
Rodimus Prime wrote:So is it safe to say that the Stunticons are the most unstable combiners? Regardless whether they combine with each other or any other combiners? Or is it Motormaster that makes things bad? Like if the other Stunticons combined with another torso, they might behave and get things done?

From the official bios it's the team dynamic that influences the Combiner, or lack thereof in the Stunticons' case: the loathing of Motormaster by the rest is what makes Menasor so unstable. One could theorize that Motormaster is the crux, but we haven't seen how they interact with other leaders... except for Dead End in Japan. He was shown on Hun-Gurrr, and in the mangas he combined with Turtler for Scramble 7. His melancholy or lack of caring for anything probably helps :lol:

Rodimus Prime wrote:Also, the whole point of combiners is a team working together in harmony. If the limbs don't get along with the torso, does that render the combiner useless?

More like unreliable and unpredictable in the case of Menasor and Devastator. Computron is the useless one because he's so thorough in analysing data that his conclusions and actions come too late to make a real difference. By contrast, the animalistic Predacons and Seacon are united in mind by the hunt, and it shows in Predaking and Piranacon.

Rodimus Prime wrote:In the G1 cartoon who was the official leader of the Constructicons?

Scrapper is the engineer, and portrayed as the "leader" the most often... despite being a leg.

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:08 am
by Rodimus Prime
Yeah I asked that because I was thinking about how Computron works. He's so slow at making decisions, and even though Abominus is his counterpart, it's actually Menasor that's his total opposite. And does that same animalistic quality also describe Abominus as well? What about Monstructor? Could his limbs participate in scramble city? Or are they unique like the Constructicons?

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:51 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
Rodimus Prime wrote:Yeah I asked that because I was thinking about how Computron works. He's so slow at making decisions, and even though Abominus is his counterpart, it's actually Menasor that's his total opposite. And does that same animalistic quality also describe Abominus as well? What about Monstructor? Could his limbs participate in scramble city? Or are they unique like the Constructicons?

Computron being slow is kinda like a computer trying to handle a lot of data and crosschecking every step 5 times. Like a business meeting ;) We've all been there.

Abominus may have some animalistic qualities, but he may be "Tamer" than the other two, at least from Cutthroat's tastes. He never got a Marvel bio to build upon, so I'm not sure.

Monstructor is a total monster in every sense of the word second to The Beast, especially in the IDW comics. He can't Scramble, and we're all thankful for it (tho PotP Cutthroat has aerial member Wildfly built in).

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:08 pm
by Zeedust
Not sure who else should be involved, but making Blot, officially acknowledged as the grossest robot ever to exist, one of the legs and Windsweeper, a murderously-obsessive neat freak, the other should provide an fun start. One leg leaves footprints that the other is afraid to step in.

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 5:17 pm
by Skritz
Zeedust wrote:Not sure who else should be involved, but making Blot, officially acknowledged as the grossest robot ever to exist, one of the legs and Windsweeper, a murderously-obsessive neat freak, the other should provide an fun start. One leg leaves footprints that the other is afraid to step in.

This is exactly the kind of hilarious stuff I was thinking of when I made this thread way back. Honestly, any combiner combo that include Blot and/or Nautilator is bound to be a bad tine, as is anyone using Motormaster/Menasor as a torso.

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 6:13 pm
by Zeedust
I was also going to suggest Groove (pacifist) and Blades (psychotically violent), but then I realized they're ALREADY on the same team. ...Maybe they balance each other out?

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:43 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
Zeedust wrote:I was also going to suggest Groove (pacifist) and Blades (psychotically violent), but then I realized they're ALREADY on the same team. ...Maybe they balance each other out?

Groove is also a bit of a dreamer, so any time he does that as part of a Combiner the whole comes to a stop. ;)

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:06 pm
by Zeedust
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
Zeedust wrote:I was also going to suggest Groove (pacifist) and Blades (psychotically violent), but then I realized they're ALREADY on the same team. ...Maybe they balance each other out?

Groove is also a bit of a dreamer, so any time he does that as part of a Combiner the whole comes to a stop. ;)

Maybe that's why they replaced him with Rook. :lol:

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 3:59 am
by Rodimus Prime
Let's imagine a gestalt with Motormaster (crazy a-hole) as the torso with Brawl (a moron), Swindle (a con-artist), Dead End (terminally depressed/suicidal), and Breakdown (severely hypochondriac) as limbs. Which personality would be the most dominant? I know usually it's the torso bot that takes over, but I can't imagine even Motormaster being able to turn those 4 into a cohesive unit.

Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:19 am
by Tigerhawk7109
Here's what I think. You get MM (Everyone hates him) as the torso. As the right arm, you get the insanity of Wildrider. As the left arm, you get the fight-picking Blades. As the gun, you get Nautilator, a bumbling screwup. As one leg, you have the disgusting Blot. Then, as the other leg, you get neat freak Windsweeper. This would be worse then Menasor and Pirahnacon combined!


Re: The worst Scramble City/Combiner Wars combiner mixture?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:34 pm
by Skritz
At least gun!Nautilator isn't mentally fused to the rest. This is important because its why they always pick him as their member turning into a Targetmaster.