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Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:18 am
by Wigglez
Twitchythe3rd wrote:Red Dead Redemption

Broke in a new cream-colored horse because my first one got shot. After that, started doing missions for Seth (the crazy guy who digs up graves).

Also, i've been...... regulating the deer population.

Stay away from bears. And watch out for cougars. They're fast.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:26 am
by BeastProwl
Sheogorath is the greatest daedric prince ever. That's really all I have to say.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:31 am
by The Happy Locust
BeastProwl wrote:Skyrim
Sheogorath is the greatest daedric prince ever. That's really all I have to say.

I don't know. Sanguine could be a lot of fun. Get those two together and it's really a party. Just don't let Namira be the caterer.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:22 pm
by Shadowman
BeastProwl wrote:Skyrim
Sheogorath is the greatest daedric prince ever. That's really all I have to say.

Here is, for your reading pleasure, 16 Accords of Madness. (Volumes 6, 9, and 12) It's a series about the Madgod trolling Hircine, Vaermina, and Malacath.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:31 pm
by The Happy Locust
Dragon Age: Origins: Awakenings
After getting the elf-magia to join us, took a trip underground. Was knocked out and had to escape from jail, obtaining my stuff back from darkspawn who were wearing it. Trip turned out to be fruitful though as we found lots of treasure and a Kossith (ex-Qunari) trader who came back to Vigil's keep. The darkspawn leader got away though.
Took a trip back to the Keep and found that the underground cellar led to old Dwarven tunnels. Took some exploration but killed a powerful wraith and found a way to block the darkspawn for a few years.
Turned in some treasure, ore, and lyrium sand to the keep's vendors to fill out some quests and assigned a few soldiers to aid my dwarven mason with upkeep to the keep's walls.
Headed out to Amaranthine and ran into the son of a bad guy from the first game (who I had let go). He didn't quite understand my reasoning but wanted to prove himself outside of his family's now-stained reputation so I let him join, much to the disapproval of my other teammembers. I now have a rogue on my team. His skillset is spec'ed to archer/assassin so that's what I'll stick with.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:17 am
by BeastProwl
Your link is typed up wrong or something

Metal Gear Solid 4

Finally got it, and its mine. I'm not borrowing it, so I can play it for more than 45 minutes.

Anyway, Id'e like to know exactly how the economy has become nothing but warfare. I know it has alot to do with what's explained in the second game, but to tell you the truth, I only remember so much about that one.

I'll probably end up logging another few hours reading the MGS Database to piece things together again.

I got to the point were Raiden first appears, and then I turned it off. Alot of questions so far, and not alot of explaining has been done either. It's like they are just continuing the story, but not answering any of the questions that are being brought up, at least, not yet. Im confident that it will, over time. And cutscenes. Very very lengthy cutscenes. Im used to it by now, and somewhat enjoy them.

Just one thing to say about the game overall though, it doesnt feel like a metal gear game. Yeah, it's snake. Yeah, the controls are generally the same. But its way to chaotic. I see what they are going for, but it just doesnt feel right.

I like it still, and its amazing so far, it's just going at a sluggish pace with the explanations, that's all.

And someone, somewhere, has a very happy trigger finger on a mortar gun, and he's constantly got the damn thing aimed at me, no matter where I go in game.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:56 am
by Shadowman
BeastProwl wrote:Your link is typed up wrong or something

...well that's embarrassing.

BeastProwl wrote:Anyway, Id'e like to know exactly how the economy has become nothing but warfare. I know it has alot to do with what's explained in the second game, but to tell you the truth, I only remember so much about that one.

The War Economy and SOP wasn't really brought up in MGS2, actually.

BeastProwl wrote:Just one thing to say about the game overall though, it doesnt feel like a metal gear game. Yeah, it's snake. Yeah, the controls are generally the same. But its way to chaotic. I see what they are going for, but it just doesnt feel right.

Someone once said the same thing about MGS2, and that didn't make a whole lot of sense. (There were only three Metal Gear games and none of them played like each other) The trailers did point out that there would be a greater emphasis on the "Action" part of "Tactical Espionage Action."

BeastProwl wrote:And someone, somewhere, has a very happy trigger finger on a mortar gun,

He knows Solid Snake is out there, and he is not taking any chances...

Batman: Arkham City:
Been doing some clean-up. Completed all 440 Riddler Challenges. (An achievement for getting all of Catwoman's trophies, but none for getting all of Batman's?) Now I'm working on finishing the side missions in Story + mode.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:54 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
Gods (PC port)
Another golden oldie I dug up from my childhood days. :oops: I wouldn't call it a perfect game, but it gets pretty close for its time.

Breezed through The City, being the level I remember the best, bonuses and secrets and all, and cleared The Temple of the Gods along the way. The main problem? The bosses are... lame in attacks, easy to dodge without taking that much damage.
Next up: The Labyrinth which I've never explored before.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:18 am
by Wigglez
MGS4 is amazing I think. But 1 thing that pisses me off currently about it is, I CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE!! I already have it and I packed it when I moved from Pennsylvania to North Carolina. And then they come out with trophies for it on PS3 and I've been looking for it for like a week now. Batman Arkham City is awesome also. I beat everything on it. Even all the challenges with Catwoman, Robin and Nightwing along with the Harley Quinns Revenge DLC. I 100%ed that bitch.

I beat it. I just have to find the rest of the precursor orbs.

I started that and it's pretty badass. I'm just got the light eco power to slow down time and to have that shield.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:01 am
by Shadowman
DC Universe Online:
Well, this is amazing.

Okay, so, T2, T2.5, and T3 armor required certain Marks to buy; Marks of Distinction for T2, Marks of Momentum for T2.5 (Stuff only available in Central City) and Marks of Krypton for T3. T1 armor only required Marks of Triumph, but that becomes obsolete very quickly. And a lot of people complained that the Marks that buy the good stuff are obtained in such a quantity that it would requires weeks of doing the same few missions over and over to obtain enough for a full set. They asked that there would be a way to trade or buy for the higher-end Marks.

So SOE removed the higher end marks, and now Marks of Triumph will buy everything but the T4 Armor. And the world was better for it.

The downside is that I didn't realize this until after I bought a suit of armor I only needed for the style. Whoopsies.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:52 pm
by Twitchythe3rd
Continuing my wild west adventure in Red Dead Redemption

UPDATE: Finished the main story, and the ending was both fantastic and saddening. Nothing left to do now but get revenge on that Cougar that killed me.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:48 pm
by Wigglez
I just beat it. After I finish getting the rest of the precursor orbs in Jak2, I'll be finishing up in Jak3. Damn these precursor orbs.

I also just bought The Legend of Dragoon from PS1 Classics on PSN. Oh how I missed that game.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:57 am
by Rex Prime

Finished Nova Prospekt, Entanglement, and Anticitizen One in the past day, at the end of Anticitizen one, hearing someone saying ''that was brutal'' makes me sure Alyx was somewhere around there, turns it i was right and she was there. I am now in Follow Freeman, and i played a bit of the battle in the Overwatch Nexus with Barney, i am planning to finish HλLF-LIFE 2 todday...and oh, and it's my Birthday today.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:12 am
by Shadowman
DC Universe Online:
One of my villains finally hit level 30, making that my third to hit the level cap. Haven't done Joker's level 30 mission yet, though, what with a problem the third member of our team was having. (He couldn't get into the instance since he was the only one who didn't have Joker as a mentor)

Batman: Arkham City:
Got all 72 medals for the Riddler Challenge maps in the base game as Batman. Tricky as hell, until I realized how easy it is to get into a safe spot accessible only to me, then send out the Remote Batarang to take out anyone standing too close to a ledge.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:43 am
by BeastProwl

OK, so apparently Liquid is Liquid, even though he's in Ocelot's body, and speaks in Ocelot's voice, and uses his mannerisms. I mean, he doesnt even act like liquid anymore. He did in the beginning of the game, used his original voice too.

Now he's like Ocelot, but with a serious God Complex. BANG! BANG! BANG! I loved that part.

Anyway, Hideo Kojima really caught me off guard this time.
I know he's one for putting unexpected surprises in his games, but it was in that moment that, just for a brief second I thought "Am I going to have to play all of MGS 1 again? What a copout!" But than I realized how dumb that was. Im talking about the part were your on your way to Shadow Moses, and you have that dream. I had fun with it! Ran around, making guards find my footprints and crap like that. Like all good things though, it had to come to an end. :-(

So, now Im at this part were I have to protect the MKII From a gecko. Or is it MKIII Now that its been revised? IDK. Anyway, is there any way to actually kill these things? I tried the suggested method, and it didnt do much, aside buying me a bit of time.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:29 am
by Rex Prime

Finished that game!! oh yeah!, in my birthday!!!

The Final Two Chapters, no, i am not talking about Our Benefactors and Dark Energy, i am talking about Anticitizen One and and Follow Freeman, those two are the gold of the game, they have the best moments, Fighting Gigantic Striders, Kicking Combine Alongside Barney and the Rebels, fighting Zombies...well not much of Zombies, but Anticitizen one was the first time a Fast Zombie surprised me, i was just soooo not excepting that someone would jump right on me in that moment, i had some sort of Shock.

Dark Energy and Our Benefactors, the real two final chapters of the game were somewhat boring, not much actions like the ones before, just a Super-Gravity Gun is all i got...killing combine using dead combine bodies...funny but a bit boring when you do it. But i am still not finished with HλLF-LIFE 2 because there is still episode one and episode two awaiting me...but for now, i am taking a break from Crowbars and i am doing something more refreshing. I still haven't picked up Fall of Cybertron yet because i was busy with HλLF-LIFE 2, so i plan buy it on my birthday, which is today.

I am picking up a old game i haven't played since a long time, well the game is far from old, and i didn't play it for a year...but i think it deserves to be looked at again, Crysis 2, i know some will disagree with this but in my opinion this game is a jewel when it comes to Single-Player Experience, many complain that it didn't have the great graphics of Crysis but i think that Crysis wasn't that good when compared to Crysis 2.

Crysis 2 is more focused on game play then graphics, it had more sense of action then many other games i played, anyway i am playing this game again, and i may be picking up Crysis and Crysis Warhead, if my computer could play those. So i think the next weeks i will be playing All Crysis games and HL2:Episode 1 and if i get the change i may also buy RAGE, i was reading about it alot.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:09 am
by Wigglez
BP,You get a rail gun later. I hate that part though because half of the screen is you shooting gekos and the oter half is Raiden fighting Vamp. I wanted to watch that fight. So I looked it up on Youtube.

SM, Have fun doing the campaigne maps.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:16 am
by BeastProwl
Wigglez wrote:BP,You get a rail gun later. I hate that part though because half of the screen is you shooting gekos and the oter half is Raiden fighting Vamp. I wanted to watch that fight. So I looked it up on Youtube.

SM, Have fun doing the campaigne maps.

You also get to pilot REX later to fight RAY right? One of my buddies told me that. I swear, one of the main problems with having friends who like the same stuff you do is that they don't know how to keep it spoiler free. I ask because you said "Rail Gun" and I immediately thought of REX.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:39 pm
by Jazz813
At the moment I'm still playing Transformers Fall of Cybertron. :D

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:35 pm
by Shadowman
BeastProwl wrote:MGS 4

OK, so apparently Liquid is Liquid, even though he's in Ocelot's body, and speaks in Ocelot's voice, and uses his mannerisms. I mean, he doesnt even act like liquid anymore. He did in the beginning of the game, used his original voice too.

That's not Liquid, it's just Ocelot who's been brainwashed to think he's Liquid.

BeastProwl wrote:So, now Im at this part were I have to protect the MKII From a gecko. Or is it MKIII Now that its been revised? IDK. Anyway, is there any way to actually kill these things? I tried the suggested method, and it didnt do much, aside buying me a bit of time.

I don't know if you can buy or even afford the M82A2, but that thing will kill a Gekko in ONE properly-placed hit. Otherwise, remember how soft and meaty a Gekko's legs are? Shoot them there, they fall down, then you start blasting it in the neck.

And by the way, you're going to love what happens near the end of this act.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:52 pm
by BeastProwl
Like I said, I tried the suggested method. I think Hal's been watching to much Star Wars, because it didn't work for me. I'll try it again tomorrow.

I love how Shadow Moses looks with the face lift. They could totally remake MGS1 in these graphics (Better than Twin Snakes, and on PS3) And Id'e totally buy it.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:03 pm
by Shadowman
BeastProwl wrote:Like I said, I tried the suggested method. I think Hal's been watching to much Star Wars, because it didn't work for me. I'll try it again tomorrow.

I love how Shadow Moses looks with the face lift. They could totally remake MGS1 in these graphics (Better than Twin Snakes, and on PS3) And Id'e totally buy it.

Hideo Kojima is on record saying he doesn't like remaking games. The only reason Twin Snakes was made was so Snake could get his foot in the door for Super Smash Bros. (Hence why it was on Gamecube and not PS2)

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:13 pm
by BeastProwl
Which totally blows when you really think about it. It would sell well as part of an HD collection or download. I think its dumb that they put him in Smash Bros in the first place, he wasn't even that good of a character unless you got the smash ball, and even his special attack took careful aim if your opponents were good enough at being mobile. And that wasnt even the first fighting game he was in. He was in DreamMix TV World Fighters before he was in Smash Bros, and that has Optimus Prime, and Megatron. And Bomberman. And the Belmonts.

My point is that game sounds like more fun and we never got it in the US.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:01 pm
by Shadowman
BeastProwl wrote:Which totally blows when you really think about it. It would sell well as part of an HD collection or download.

I don't know if you've noticed, but an HD release doesn't actually change the game's graphics, just the resolution.

BeastProwl wrote:I think its dumb that they put him in Smash Bros in the first place,

Kojima wanted him in. Sakurai claims that Kojima "begged" him for Snake to be put in Melee, but the request came too late. Twin Snakes was released to boost Snakes' chances of being chosen for Brawl.

BeastProwl wrote:he wasn't even that good of a character unless you got the smash ball, and even his special attack took careful aim if your opponents were good enough at being mobile.

I never had a hard time using him.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:11 pm
by BeastProwl
I sure did. My favorite character to use in brawl was a tie between any of the three characters from Star Fox, and Ganondorf. I can do damaga with Ganondorf, wich is odd because I hate using Captain Falcon. Their the same character, arent they?