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serious discussion about g2 laser prime/ rid scourge

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:54 pm
by JM Convoy
i dont own the toy yet, but as i keeo looking at the gallery... is this toy reely worth it?

if possible, can someone guide me through how to transform it from auto mode, so i can get a view of how the toy works.

as far as it looks (no ball joints), this toy truly is wut its worth on ebay (around $60, lowest is around $35).

i dont know, i see many ppl using it as a posed-on-shelf only, but it reely does seem lik a good toy for tfans to enjoy.

comments? ratings? raves about ridscourge/g2laserprime?
is it worth the $60?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:18 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
I have the Takara G2 Battle Convoy reissue, and all will agree that he was the best G2 had to offer (next to G2 Dreadwing).

His transformation is simple enough, just split the cab front to form the shoulders, extent the back and flip out the feet, open the grill on his chest and put his head in place. Nothing to it, in fact, that transformation was largely copied for Armada Prime.

Toys his size (The cab is about the size of an Ultra) never use ball joints. Instead, his legs are ratcheted ("click" joints) and the arms swivel in three places, and two are at the elbow. Plus, his waist turns, though it took some doing on mine. In short, he's got some real movement going on.

If you're wondering which version to go for, go for RiD Scourge as he looks evil in his black and teal. The only downside is that he doesn't have electronics like the original, but the chromed trailer makes up for that imo.

If you have the cash and patience, you should hunt down the TRF-13-S Battle Convoy reissue which has some improvements over the original, like chromed trailer and body, and new chest and shoulder stickers. The stickers saying "Optimus Prime" (which most fans aren't a fan of to say the least) are still provided as they're optional.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:28 pm
by Redimus
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:The stickers saying "Optimus Prime" (which most fans aren't a fan of to say the least) are still provided as they're optional.

I put my 'Optimus Prime' stickers on my hifi, lol.

Yes, in short, he is totally worth it. The electrics Jelze mentions are light up fist (right hand one, very much like armada superpants prime) and headlights in alt mode.

My only real gripe is that although he is VERY posable, he is rather hard to pose, becuase he's rather top heavy, and his feet perhaps dont have the range of positions needed to balance him.


Get one.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:22 pm
by TFBuyer
Really--go for the RID Scourge repaint--the mold and the colors look great together. Probably the best "evil Prime" incarnation to date (even though he's called Scourge).

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:18 pm
by Emperor Primacron the 1st
Just watch out for shoulder sag, and the fact the air pressure missile is good for **** :lol:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:25 am
by GreenLantern of Cybertron
I was gonna start a new topic but it could fit here.

What is Better/Cooler/More-Show-Accurate, The japanese version or the US version of RID Scourge(Black Convoy)?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:46 am
by Supreme Convoy
:BOT: I think the Japanese one is more show accurate (it includes the upside down G2 Autobot symbols)

But I have Scourge and I think he's a great toy! :CON:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:51 am
by Chosen
Scourge has clear red plastic and Decepticon symbols. Black Convoy has pink clear plastic and Renegade (upside-down G2 Autobot) symbols. I think those were the only differences, or at least the major ones.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:43 am
by Optimutt
I have to admit that the Scourge toy is one of my favorites in a line full of some excellent toys. Even after acquiring both MP's Prime and Starscream, Unicron, Fort Max, and Alt/BT Jazz/Shockwave, it's one of my all time favorites.

Get it. You'll be happy you did.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:56 am
by Jelze Bunnycat
Chosen wrote:Scourge has clear red plastic and Decepticon symbols. Black Convoy has pink clear plastic and Renegade (upside-down G2 Autobot) symbols. I think those were the only differences, or at least the major ones.

For the nitpicky ones, here are the changes done to the mold from RiD Scourge on (that includes the G2 Battle Convoy reissue):

- The sword has been rounded to make it safer. Blame updated US Toy Safety Laws :P
- The discs have no symbol on them. Since RiD Scourge was :CON: and not :BOT2: the discs were remolded to eliminate the connection.

Takara Black Convoy uses the earlier mold, so he has a sharp-pointed sword (ow, my eye) and the :BOT2: symbols on the discs.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:50 pm
by JM Convoy
Stormrider wrote:One question that I am curious about - Why did you title this "Serious discussion..."?

i named this "serious" discussion bcuz people just buy some toys for pure collecting. i personally will play with my toys til i die, and i want a quality toy. sure, everyone has scourge, but is it just for pure collecting, or does the toy reely live up to its price?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 5:44 pm
by Down_Shift
I have G2 Laser Prime, RID Scourge, and G2 Battle Convoy. I have to say that I love the mould. I have yet to take G2 battle convoy out of the box, but it still lookds nice, aside from the poor looking matrix stickers on his chest.

RID Scourge is still one of my favorites. I remember finding him the same time my best friend found Armada Super-con Prime and I'm glad I got Scourge instead of Prime that's for sure!

I would recommend Scourge, but if your going big then I say go for Car Robots Black Convoy. Just seems like a better figure to me, and that's on top of a already great mould.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:53 am
by bvzxa
Ok...everyone here seems to be missing the reasons why RID Scourge is not as great as Black Convoy.

OK besides the fact that the translucent pink and swords are differemt, there are a few things you should also know.

1.Black Convoy's legs are sturdier and tighter than RID Scourge's legs. NOTE: i onced onwed both at the same time, a brand new Scourge, and a used Black Convoy. Scourge was troublesome to pose. Not that the legs were loose, but just getting action poses to stay were more difficult at the legs than my used Black Convoy, which is incomplete, and had some wear.

2. Scourges colors are darker, with the dark red, he looks very evil. I rather the darker shade than the Black Convoy, but hey they both are still awesome.

3. Now my only gripe with Scourge was the name, and the Decepticon symbols. In the TF2000, Black Convoy, and Valdigus (Ruination) were a seperate faction called the Combatricons or Combatracons (can't remember the spelling).

That was the whole point of the inverted G2 Autobot symbol. I also owned both Valdigus and Ruination. The colors for Valdigus were show accurate, and they also carried the inverted G2 Autobot symbol rather than the decepticon symbol.

Worse was even when TF2000 debuted as R.I.D, they still shown them with the inverted g2 Autobot symbol.

So IMO, I would get Black Convoy, he's not expensive like he used to be, but try to get one in the original packaging, and not the Korean Box, I have you might get a bad one very so often. I say this becuase I bought two Korean Box BB/Starscream sets, and one was tight, and one was loose at the joints.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:56 am
by JetfireUK
I vote Car Robots Black Convoy. I think that my was the Korean version, but the joints were tight and the figure stayed in any pose.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:49 am
by JM Convoy
very much appreciated.

iono why, but i like harsh judgements on toys. if it wasnt for u guys giving me hard comments on these toys, then i would be the one to do it... i gotta admit, looking at the pictures... black/grey with teal looks tite, but that decepticon symbol pisses me off greatly...

black convoy over rid scourge it is. anyone say otherwise?
or is a mould just a mould?