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Need help reassembling Armada Super-class Optimus

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 5:42 am
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
So, I'm working on getting my Armada Optimus Prime cab robot back together. And I'm having trouble figuring out parts of it.

The biggest source of confusion is these two tab/clip parts:
Anyone know where they go?

Re: Need help reassembling Armada Super-class Optimus

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 6:25 pm
by Overcracker
Don’t think those belong to Armada Prime. Looking at mine. which is complete, I can’t see them anywhere on the cab.

Super Prime

Re: Need help reassembling Armada Super-class Optimus

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:09 pm
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
Overcracker wrote:Don’t think those belong to Armada Prime. Looking at mine. which is complete, I can’t see them anywhere on the cab.

Thing is, there are parts that can't be seen while a figure is assembled, and they were in my bag of his bits. It's possible they were in there by mistake, of course.

Re: Need help reassembling Armada Super-class Optimus

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:21 pm
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
And having reassembled him, for now, that does indeed seem to have been the case.

However, I discovered during reassembly that some pieces are missing: The inner tab pieces of the left shoulder, and the mouthplate... I could use some reference pics for making replacements if I can't find them, as well as references for getting the catch that holds the Super Mode head set properly.

I also managed to lose the optics despite having them on my desk during the reassembly, fun times... Still haven't found those..

Between that and the wiring damage that I wasn't able to fix at this time, I'm somewhat tempted to get a partial cab with intact bits and transfer the parts from this one to it...

Re: Need help reassembling Armada Super-class Optimus

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:38 pm
by Overcracker
Not sure what you mean by the “tab pieces of the left shoulder” exactly, bue here’s the cacth that holds the head, and the mouthplate closeups.


Prime Close Up

And the awkward reference to Total Recall Prime has built in. :-D :lol: :lol:


Re: Need help reassembling Armada Super-class Optimus

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 11:39 pm
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
Overcracker wrote:Not sure what you mean by the “tab pieces of the left shoulder” exactly,
So, you've never noticed the grey tab pieces he has sticking out of his shoulders? The ones that even poke through the truck grille in vehicle mode? That's part of what I'm talking about. There's also a piece unique to the left shoulder, not sure whether to call it a tab or a button. You can see it here, it's close to the surface of the truck hood (and seems to line up with another piece in super and truck mode):

Overcracker wrote:bue here’s the cacth that holds the head, and the mouthplate closeups.
I appreciate the thought, but I'm afraid those photos are no help. Seeing just the outside isn't going to cut it here. I need to see what the internal shaft of the mouthplate looks like, what those two gray parts in the left shoulder look like in their entirety, what other parts the catch for the super mode head interacts with (if any) and whether I used the right spring when reinstalling it.

Re: Need help reassembling Armada Super-class Optimus

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:58 am
by Overcracker
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:
Overcracker wrote:Not sure what you mean by the “tab pieces of the left shoulder” exactly,
So, you've never noticed the grey tab pieces he has sticking out of his shoulders? The ones that even poke through the truck grille in vehicle mode? That's part of what I'm talking about. There's also a piece unique to the left shoulder, not sure whether to call it a tab or a button. You can see it here, it's close to the surface of the truck hood (and seems to line up with another piece in super and truck mode):

Overcracker wrote:bue here’s the cacth that holds the head, and the mouthplate closeups.
I appreciate the thought, but I'm afraid those photos are no help. Seeing just the outside isn't going to cut it here. I need to see what the internal shaft of the mouthplate looks like, what those two gray parts in the left shoulder look like in their entirety, what other parts the catch for the super mode head interacts with (if any) and whether I used the right spring when reinstalling it.

I had notice them, but you weren't; very specific that's what you mean. Once is a slid tab, thew other is the release for the super mode head latch.

Also, no, I'm not taking apart my Optimus Prime to get a look at the inside of the faceplate, sorry.