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Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:21 pm
by shajaki
i had heard a bit of hype over generations roadbuster. and ive got to say he doesnt quite live up to it.


i like his head sculpt and overall color scheme. but his shoulder weapons seem a little strange/small. im sure theres more to them (like skids combining guns) but as they are, theyre not much. the wheels on his forearms feel to big to be hanging out there. and his legs just look to thin. i wont go as far as saying FOC shockwave, but thats what it brings to mind. also his vehicle mode seems to be inflated... or maybe its just this pic that makes it look that way. and if i might speculate, the way his leg tires tuck behind his calves, anyone think that might limit his knee posability?

what i will say though, is generations RB is a closer homage to G1. with his full brown head, 4 wheels instead of revolvers rear treads, and the original RB never had a minicon/powermaster/core/whatever you wanna call him. although the shape of revolvers vehicle mode resembles G1 better...

on to revolver..


his overall blocky look is very appealing to me. makes him look solid and sturdy, like he'd be a hard guy to take down in a fight. i think his arsenal is slightly more impressive (and confirmed the guns connect). the wheels on his arms have less of a "hey look at me!" feel as opposed to RB. his companion whether he should exist or not is still neat.

one thing though... may be minor but i think is ridiculous... revolvers treads dont work and theres NO fake wheels on the bottom of the treads. to me thats just a such a simple thing, how could it be missed? you might as well have the front wheels molded solid too. at least thered be cohesion.

my verdict: revolver
overall the shape of his bot mode is more pleasing to me, so ill probably be preordering him or buying upon release. but who knows, ill keep my eye out for more pics of hasbros. and when i see him in hand i might change my tune and have a revolver to sell. but as of right now my moneys on fansproject!

side note: the pics i have for comparison might not be the best. the hasbro RB looks brighter and "polished" making revolver look a lil drab next to it.

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:55 pm
by fenrir72
Revolver released already?

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:30 pm
by shajaki
fenrir72 wrote:Revolver released already?

nope. early march. preorders JUST opened up in the major web stores.
but ive got my info from a video review (tj ducket if i recall correctly).

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:12 pm
by Wh33l Jck
I don't really like either to be honest. Third Party one is too blocky in Vehicle mode.

I think I like the Hasbro one better except those wheels on his arms stick out like a sore thumb. I'm still hoping that is a mis-transformation somehow...

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:17 pm
by Mkall
shajaki wrote:
fenrir72 wrote:Revolver released already?

nope. early march. preorders JUST opened up in the major web stores.
but ive got my info from a video review (tj ducket if i recall correctly).

Revolver saw a limited release in Japan-based markets before Chinese New Year. Only now are the other retailers getting preorders.

There's one thing that the poster failed to talk about though; the price. IMO FansProject Roadbuster is a little better, but not enough to justify it's much higher cost than Hasbro's

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:27 pm
by shajaki
Mkall wrote:Revolver saw a limited release in Japan-based markets before Chinese New Year. Only now are the other retailers getting preorders.

There's one thing that the poster failed to talk about though; the price. IMO FansProject Roadbuster is a little better, but not enough to justify it's much higher cost than Hasbro's

ahh k. the more popular youtube reviewers sometimes get early releases or prototypes. so i just assumed.

and i didnt mention the price because i honestly didnt think of it. im not rich, but i can afford third party prices (most of the time). for me its about having the best quality or the best representation of any given character on my shelf. besides, im sure most people clicking on the topic are aware of the price tag these things command. but in case they arent, most sites have him listed around $90.

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:20 pm
by fenrir72
The price indeed! FP already has a name among 3rd party. I'm kind of leaning towards this release (FP) because he looks block/bulky (my preference) though the Hasbro version is also tempting. His spindly legs kind of bothers me so maybe I'll just wait til its release for a better look (calling Ryan) :lol: More likely I'll wait for the Tomy release.

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:22 am
by Nemesis Destron
I think Hasbro did a decent job and I for one believe in getting what you pay for AND if you want the best you gotta be willing to pay for it. I feel FP has done something really good here but I gotta show some support to the real McCoy.

I too hope there is some mis-transformation going on and his weapons could use some beefing up, specifically his shoulder weapons. I hope a 3rd Party group can give Hasbro RB the firepower he so rightly deserves...I'm looking at you Dr.Wu! The only flaw I see (which is minimal) are his feet, they just don't look right.

He's got a great looking alt-mode IMO and as usual I must wait to see what Takara has in store for us. :VEHI:

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:32 am
by El Duque
I already have the FP version and it's great. I got in prior to seeing the Hasbro version at Toy Fair (which I saw first hand), so the now the question is,

"Do I regret the purchase having seen the Hasbro version?"

No, I feel the FP version is the better of the two. However, the Hasbro version looks very nice and is MUCH more affordable. If you can afford the FP version go for it, he's awesome! If your a thriftier collector grab the Hasbro version. I'll end up with both but FP will probably be the one on my Classics shelf.

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:26 am
by fenrir72
You lucky you :sad:

Are the tank treads functional like Warden?

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:04 am
by Shadowstream
I've made my views on FansProject clear many times, but I'll regurgitate it again here for your convenience in the most abridged way possible: Looks good, price of admission not worth the likely eventual heart break, Hasbro wins.


Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:04 am
by GuyIncognito
When you factor in price, it's no contest; Generations wins. The FansProject one isn't superior enough to justify the HUGE price difference. $90 vs $20.

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:24 am
by dirk2243
I love the ALT mode of Hasbro, compared to the alt mode of FP's, but I'll probably stick with Hasbros. Now what am I going to do with my Universe (repaint) Roadbuster.

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:48 am
by Valandar
dirk2243 wrote:I love the ALT mode of Hasbro, compared to the alt mode of FP's, but I'll probably stick with Hasbros. Now what am I going to do with my Universe (repaint) Roadbuster.

Get rid of it, as it was a sucky "roadbuster" as it is? :D

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:24 am
by dirk2243
Valandar wrote:
dirk2243 wrote:I love the ALT mode of Hasbro, compared to the alt mode of FP's, but I'll probably stick with Hasbros. Now what am I going to do with my Universe (repaint) Roadbuster.

Get rid of it, as it was a sucky "roadbuster" as it is? :D

As soon as the new one proves to be less sucky, although it isn't a repaint......

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:33 am
by RK_Striker_JK_5
I love FP products and have bought a lot of their stuff... but this time I'm getting the Hasbro version. Roadbuster isn't important enough to me to warrant shelling out the 90 bucks for Revolver. Sorry, FP. ;)

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:39 pm
by shajaki
fenrir72 wrote:Are the tank treads functional like Warden?

not even a little bit. treads are molded solid and dont even have the fake little wheels on the bottom.

Valandar wrote:
dirk2243 wrote:I love the ALT mode of Hasbro, compared to the alt mode of FP's, but I'll probably stick with Hasbros. Now what am I going to do with my Universe (repaint) Roadbuster.

Get rid of it, as it was a sucky "roadbuster" as it is? :D

nooooooo! keep it cause its an awesome mold! ive always loved that mold. combat knife ftw!

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:51 pm
by GuyIncognito
$90 and it doesn't even have working rear wheels? #fail

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:59 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
dirk2243 wrote:I love the ALT mode of Hasbro, compared to the alt mode of FP's, but I'll probably stick with Hasbros. Now what am I going to do with my Universe (repaint) Roadbuster.

Sell him or repurpose him I'd say. I always keep spaces open on other shelves for that purpose.

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:04 pm
by Nemesis Destron
dirk2243 wrote:I love the ALT mode of Hasbro, compared to the alt mode of FP's, but I'll probably stick with Hasbros. Now what am I going to do with my Universe (repaint) Roadbuster.

You and me both dude and I was lucky on scoring the Nato-Bot upgrade for it. I guess I'll part ways with it after some reviews first. #-o :VEHI:

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:55 am
by Stormrider
Neither is perfect in my opinion. I will wait for reviews before deciding.

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:51 am
by Counterpunch
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:I love FP products and have bought a lot of their stuff... but this time I'm getting the Hasbro version. Roadbuster isn't important enough to me to warrant shelling out the 90 bucks for Revolver. Sorry, FP. ;)

I'm essentially in the same boat.

I just don't think FP's Roadbuster looks good enough to spend $90+ on.

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:45 am
by paul053
I have no confidence at FP's product that much now. So Hasbro's Roadbuster is a easy pick for me. Much cheaper, plus I only go to 3rd party products when Hasbro is not making them for sure (or terribly, terribly made).

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:36 pm
by Amelie
FPs Roadbuster suffers the same ills as their Not-Chromedome. Its way too blocky and Roadbusters alt-mode looks like it has way too many hinges on too small surface area.

Hasbro's has a pretty decent robot mode and a spot-on alt mode. And its less than $30. For those that are concerned about the size of HasTaks guns - wait for an inevitable third party for stuff like Pathfinders or just take 5mm peg guns from someone else ;)

Re: Generations Roadbuster VS Fansproject Revolver

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:20 pm
by shajaki
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Roadbuster isn't important enough to me to warrant shelling out the 90 bucks for Revolver. Sorry, FP. ;)

i dont have any real connection to roadbuster either. never owned the G1 toy, or watched/read about him in any fiction. i think i simply stumbled upon him on one of my jaunts through the tfu alpha index and was like "now that guy looks bad ass!". i just really liked the look of him and since then kept my eye out for new versions. and i recently decided specifically what my TF collection would entail, and he's part of it. like i already said, whatever the best representation of any given character exists, will end up on my shelf.

paul053 wrote:I have no confidence at FP's product that much now.

why is that? not trying to spark a debate (im not a FP fanboy or anything). but ive found them to have some great products. and they only really suffer from what almost all 3rd party figures suffer from: theyre not playthings. if that makes any sense... in my opinion pretty much all 3rd party figures have the same sort of "fragility" and dont have the same durability as a has/tak product. but they usually have intuitive designs and are amazing display pieces.