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Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:10 pm
by Burn
njb902 wrote:People just need to put things in perspective, this is just a movie.

It is, and it's for entertainment purposes. And they entertain me. Other movies entertain me more sure, but these ones do their job well enough.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:06 pm
by Capt.Failure
Burn wrote:
njb902 wrote:People just need to put things in perspective, this is just a movie.

It is, and it's for entertainment purposes. And they entertain me. Other movies entertain me more sure, but these ones do their job well enough.

There is a deep seated irony in this entire conversation:

Bay and Nolan are friends, fans of each other's respective film trilogies, and respect each other highly.

Your heads may explode now.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:16 pm
by vegetacron
"Yeah, i mean f*ck man...I need to think about them f*ckin kids...It about the f*ckin kids man! The kids! So we got, we got Mark Walberg and hes all like 'We need to re-design this sh*t man! For the f*ckin kids! The KIDS!"

I dunno. Its not like he really can do any worse...can he? Could he drive away all of those new fans with an even worse story and interpretation? I'll make'm a deal, if he can drop the price down on retail transfomers coming out, i'll love his movie.

I think thats a fair deal.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:27 pm
by Capt.Failure
vegetacron wrote:"Yeah, i mean f*ck man...I need to think about them f*ckin kids...It about the f*ckin kids man! The kids! So we got, we got Mark Walberg and hes all like 'We need to re-design this sh*t man! For the f*ckin kids! The KIDS!"

I dunno. Its not like he really can do any worse...can he? Could he drive away all of those new fans with an even worse story and interpretation? I'll make'm a deal, if he can drop the price down on retail transfomers coming out, i'll love his movie.

I think thats a fair deal.

Yes because a billion dollars per film is caused by people being driven away. :roll:

The fanboys need to realize that their dislike of the films doesn't mean they are universally hated. More people like the films than anything that came before. Not that you're going to let facts cloud your bias. :lol:

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:41 pm
by Autobot032
Capt.Failure wrote:Not that you're going to let facts cloud your bias. :lol:

That's exactly the problem. Their hatred is so ridiculous that they can't even think clearly. They couldn't see the other side of the argument at all, even if they were paid to. That bothers me. Knowing that people are so closeminded, so walled off, that it turns them into people like this over TOYS and a movie about TOYS, it's scary.

I say again, like I've said before... There's a difference between being a fan and being a fanatic. And yes, yes there is a difference.

Scares the livin' crap out of me that people got SO upset they wanted to KILL Michael Bay. I mean, do you people understand how insane that is? Y'ALL THREATENED TO KILL A MAN OVER A MOVIE BASED ON TOYS.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:43 pm
by DTR69
Burn wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, but that's hilarious. Where exactly did I say that Bay was a good director?

I just said I'd rather watch Bay's TF movies over Nolan's Batman trilogy.

Want me to elaborate? Nolan's Batman trilogy was boring. The only redeeming factor in all three movies was Heath Ledger's portrayal of The Joker. He was absolutely brilliant. Everything else? Boring.

Again, MY opinion. It's not open for debate whether I'm right or wrong. That is just how I feel.

Is Bay a good director? Well he's a better director than anyone in this fandom. And I personally feel that he was, and is, the right person for the job. Giant **** robots beating the crap out of each other ... that's gonna require some big explosions and lots of action scenes which the man is known for. It's his "thing".

But what amazes me about how every time I speak up in defense of the movies, there's at least ten other people out there quick to jump on me about it, not one of you people EVER bring up the writers.

You're all so quick to blame Bay. He's not the one who wrote the story. He was given a manuscript and said "here, work your magic on it".

You want to blame Bay for the movies being bad? Hey go for it, but don't forget to blame the writers as well.

If that's a response to me, let me clarify. I never was saying that you said specificaly Bay was a good director. yes I qouted you, but my whole response wasn't ment to be based on your qoute entirely.
I was using your qoute as an example, and I'm trying to keep my posts brief, but it's hard as someone is always going to find fault or missinterperate something so I am always trying to cover every angle, but then people won't read it all, and rah rah rah you get my point.

You just brought up a very good point, why don't people ever blame the writer? You are totaly right bay isn't the person who comes up with all the ideas, bay is definently not the person who designs the transformers, the sets etc.
The thing is Bay is the director, and he ha sthe final say and on top of that he will tell the writers the direction he wants to go and take the story. Everyone in the creative department is just doing what Bay wants to bring his vision to life.
He wasn't given a manuscript and said work with it, he is given a script and he will turn it down and say to writers to start over or make changes here and there. But your point about Bay not being the person who comes up with the details is right, maybe all the deisgners and writers never came up with anything better. But the thing is I have seen the concept art and some of the earlier designs were much better.

I've not got a problem with you liking Bays work, but to say that no one in the fandom is a better director than Bay is so wrong it's untrue. For a start, do you know who I am and what I do, let alone anyone else. There are loads of professionals in the fandom, have you not seeen the fan made creations, art, models, animations, stories. I'm a designer by trade so I know alot about what goes on behind the scenes in the creative industry. But there are fans out there who are not professionals and they produce things in there spare time that I am in awe of. There is alot of talent in the fandom, and I'm sure that there are some up and coming directors within, and there are those that will never be a director, but definently have the sense and know how to put Bay to shame.

Finaly just becuase Transformers are fighting robots so explosions are a given and bay is known for explosions. Remeber what you said about blaming the writers, well Bay can't take credit for the explosions, as thats the pyrotechnic team, yes Bay directs the sequence and where the explosions take place, but he ruins it all by super fast editing so you can't take in and appreciate all the detail and effort. The reason why people are so upset is not becuase Bay didn't deliver with all the explosions, it's becuase of everything else.
If transformers was just about explosions and fighting robots, then the franchise would not have lasted so long. Transformers has depth and so many layers to it. There are deep storylines that are constantly evolving, have you not seen all the comics out there.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:01 pm
by Capt.Failure
DTR69, I'm not going to quote your post in my response because your a consummate politician regarding each and every one of your responses. You're a special kind of poster since you're a master of twisting words and altering meanings. The type who doesn't care if they're right, so long as they show the other person is wrong.

That you show you know nothing of film making is apparent. Bold claims of what you do in real life mean nothing on the internet, so such claims from you are worthless to me. Equally laughable are your claims of talented fans having more skill at directing than Bay. Lastly your attempt to redirect credit from Bay just shows that you know you're wrong, and that your only viable reaction is to spindoctor what everyone says into a positive for you.

Since making this post any more long winded would be an effort in wasted time and energy, I'll allow a favorite quote of Galvatron's to sum you up in my eyes:

"This is bad comedy." :CON:

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:35 am
by AutoBorst
As always, Bay sounds like an arrogant tool. I think he actually fears someone making a better TF movie, not one that's worse. I really don't see how they can get any worse. Yeah, 120 million people saw your movie but that's because people easily confuse big explosions for good film making that's why it has a score of 36% on RT.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:49 am
by Autobot032
AutoBorst wrote:As always, Bay sounds like an arrogant tool. I think he actually fears someone making a better TF movie, not one that's worse. I really don't see how they can get any worse. Yeah, 120 million people saw your movie but that's because people easily confuse big explosions for good film making that's why it has a score of 36% on RT.

Oh, whoa whoa. There ARE directors that are much worse than Bay.

Uwe Boll, that's a given.

However, there are plenty of movies that come and go in theaters that are just terrible and the directors behind them aren't helping matters.

Bay does know how to make money. All of his films, while critical messes, have generally been box office hits. I think one or two was a loss, but nothing major. The man is a multibillion director. It's not because he'll just direct anything, it's because he knows how to work with visuals, which is very important for a director.

There ARE directors who are much worse than he is.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:51 pm
by Capt.Failure
Autobot032 wrote:
AutoBorst wrote:As always, Bay sounds like an arrogant tool. I think he actually fears someone making a better TF movie, not one that's worse. I really don't see how they can get any worse. Yeah, 120 million people saw your movie but that's because people easily confuse big explosions for good film making that's why it has a score of 36% on RT.

Oh, whoa whoa. There ARE directors that are much worse than Bay.

Uwe Boll, that's a given.

However, there are plenty of movies that come and go in theaters that are just terrible and the directors behind them aren't helping matters.

Bay does know how to make money. All of his films, while critical messes, have generally been box office hits. I think one or two was a loss, but nothing major. The man is a multibillion director. It's not because he'll just direct anything, it's because he knows how to work with visuals, which is very important for a director.

There ARE directors who are much worse than he is.

Now you've done it. Now they're going to start defending Uwe Boll since you compared him to their personal Hitler. If that happens you should just lock the thread since it will be beyond salvaging. Uwe Boll is indefensible as a filmmaker and as a human being. :lol:

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:39 pm
by King Kuuga
Autobot032 wrote:Bay does know how to make money. All of his films, while critical messes, have generally been box office hits. I think one or two was a loss, but nothing major. The man is a multibillion director. It's not because he'll just direct anything, it's because he knows how to work with visuals, which is very important for a director.

There ARE directors who are much worse than he is.

I agree with this, actually. He knows how to rake in the cash, and that's why Hasbro likes him. He's good at the "making money" part of filmmaking, just not at the "movies as an art form" part. Not that anything Transformers has ever been exceptionally artistic and beautiful, but his style.....ehhhhhhhhh.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:52 pm
by Burn
Art is subject to ones personal opinion. >:oP

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:10 pm
by Capt.Failure
Burn wrote:Art is subject to ones personal opinion. >:oP

Roger Ebert said you were wrong for enjoying Transformers. Who are you to question someone more educated than yourself? Since only stupid people like you enjoy the series we can see it's a clear sign of America's downfall as a nation that it's considered "ok" to watch this kind of trash only meant to pander to the lowest common denominator. Anyone who supports Michael Bay by seeing his movies loses their right to opinion.

Note: This entire paragraph was written in parody and does not reflect my personal views, mostly since I'm a huge fan of the films and enjoy Bay's movies in general. Sadly there are people who think like this.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:29 pm
by D-340
Burn wrote:But what amazes me about how every time I speak up in defense of the movies, there's at least ten other people out there quick to jump on me about it, not one of you people EVER bring up the writers.

Ever watch the special features on any of the movies? I have, Bay was in the drivers seat of these "movies", not the writers. Do I disagree with you on the action elements he does, no. What I do disagree with is the rest of the schlock in these "movies"

And to whoever is STILL uses the that it's just toys, there's fiction behind it. Just like comics. Those can be good(Batman, X-Men, Iron Man), so can Transformers. Quit deluding yourself, if you wanna settle for schlock, settle for it. But know, you don't have to, you choose to.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:44 pm
by Burn
What else are we suppose to choose then?

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:54 pm
by njb902
Come on burn, you know these guys aren't going to respect that you dare to differ with thier "facts".

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:52 pm
by Capt.Failure
D-340 wrote:
Burn wrote:But what amazes me about how every time I speak up in defense of the movies, there's at least ten other people out there quick to jump on me about it, not one of you people EVER bring up the writers.

Ever watch the special features on any of the movies? I have, Bay was in the drivers seat of these "movies", not the writers. Do I disagree with you on the action elements he does, no. What I do disagree with is the rest of the schlock in these "movies"

And to whoever is STILL uses the that it's just toys, there's fiction behind it. Just like comics. Those can be good(Batman, X-Men, Iron Man), so can Transformers. Quit deluding yourself, if you wanna settle for schlock, settle for it. But know, you don't have to, you choose to.

Yeah, frak Michael Bay for fooling me into enjoying a film. All that fake fun I had was just me being delusional.

Or maybe you need to learn that your opinion is not that of others, and need to learn to deal with it. The way you act like a spoiled child screaming at others to stop enjoying themselves is pathetic. Your misery is your own. It would do you good to remember that.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 3:29 am
by RhA
D-340 wrote:Quit deluding yourself, if you wanna settle for schlock, settle for it. But know, you don't have to, you choose to.

God tears open the skies! The clouds part and thunder strikes down at the soil below him. He speaks: MORTAL FOOLS! QUIT DELUDING YOURSELVES! I HAVE WITH ME, WRITTEN ON STONE SLABS WHAT THIS MORTAL WORLD MUST DEEM 'SCHLOCK' AND WHAT NOT!'

The people tremble in fear. Questions are faintly being uttered in the crowd. Have we been wrong all this time? Could we, in all of our foolishness, denied ourselves paradise by accepting schlock into our lives? Oh harsh reality! Have we been blind?

The skies close up again, the stone tablets fall to the earth and the crowds gather around them, now knowing what is truth and what is schlock. We had been saved!

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 4:28 am
by King Kuuga
RhA wrote:[That post right above me]

This made my morning. Thank you. :BOWDOWN:

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 4:50 am
by Burn
Turns out when those stone tablets hit the Earth they set off a massive fireball which engulfed the planet and wiped out the dinosaurs.

Except the Bayosaurus. It thrived on the explosions and the cries of dinosaur fanboys.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:44 am
by njb902
Burn wrote:Turns out when those stone tablets hit the Earth they set off a massive fireball which engulfed the planet and wiped out the dinosaurs.

Except the Bayosaurus. It thrived on the explosions and the cries of dinosaur fanboys.

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but apocalyptic falling rocks will kill me.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 2:48 pm
by Capt.Failure
RhA wrote:
D-340 wrote:Quit deluding yourself, if you wanna settle for schlock, settle for it. But know, you don't have to, you choose to.

God tears open the skies! The clouds part and thunder strikes down at the soil below him. He speaks: MORTAL FOOLS! QUIT DELUDING YOURSELVES! I HAVE WITH ME, WRITTEN ON STONE SLABS WHAT THIS MORTAL WORLD MUST DEEM 'SCHLOCK' AND WHAT NOT!'

The people tremble in fear. Questions are faintly being uttered in the crowd. Have we been wrong all this time? Could we, in all of our foolishness, denied ourselves paradise by accepting schlock into our lives? Oh harsh reality! Have we been blind?

The skies close up again, the stone tablets fall to the earth and the crowds gather around them, now knowing what is truth and what is schlock. We had been saved!

I love you. :x

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 3:05 pm
by njb902
Capt.Failure wrote:
RhA wrote:
D-340 wrote:Quit deluding yourself, if you wanna settle for schlock, settle for it. But know, you don't have to, you choose to.

God tears open the skies! The clouds part and thunder strikes down at the soil below him. He speaks: MORTAL FOOLS! QUIT DELUDING YOURSELVES! I HAVE WITH ME, WRITTEN ON STONE SLABS WHAT THIS MORTAL WORLD MUST DEEM 'SCHLOCK' AND WHAT NOT!'

The people tremble in fear. Questions are faintly being uttered in the crowd. Have we been wrong all this time? Could we, in all of our foolishness, denied ourselves paradise by accepting schlock into our lives? Oh harsh reality! Have we been blind?

The skies close up again, the stone tablets fall to the earth and the crowds gather around them, now knowing what is truth and what is schlock. We had been saved!

I love you. :x

Oh sorry CF but Nemesis Maximo is his main squeeze.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 3:27 pm
by D-340
Ah, how I've missed this. Everyone but those enjoy Bay's crap fests is wrong. How dare I voice anything but love and praise for Michael Bay and everything he's done. Stupid me. Just pass me the Bay Kool Aid, and forgive me for having a differing opinion. :roll: You all got me SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good.

Re: Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 3:32 pm
by Burn
Care to point out exactly where people have said you're wrong?

I don't see it. I sure as heck don't think it. You just have an opinion that's different to mine. Doesn't make you wrong. Doesn't make me wrong either. Makes us human.

People seem to have trouble grasping that concept.