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ILM Recognize the Artists - Transformers: Dark of the Moon

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:45 pm
by El Duque
ILM has uploaded a video to their YouTube account recognizing the visual effects and sound teams that contributed to Transformers Dark of the Moon, which is nominated for three Academy Awards:

  • Best Sound Mixing
  • Best Sound Editing
  • Best Visual Effects

Re: ILM Recognize the Artists - Transformers: Dark of the Moon

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:51 pm
by Trikeboy
While they did great work I'm not sure they will get the awards for sound. As for visual effects, heck yeah they should win it. Despite what some people think of movie designs they can't deny that ILM put their all into those visuals and they deserve recognition for it.

Re: ILM Recognize the Artists - Transformers: Dark of the Moon

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:00 am
by TFfan92
If DOTM doesn't win best visual effects then I'll know for certain that the Academy is just biased against Micheal Bay. I mean the first one should have won it right off the bat but lost to The Golden Compass. ROTF had terrible story but very superb special effects and still lost that award to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. ILM puts in way more hours of dedication and love in these films then any other special effects team. They deserve this award for these films so maybe third time's a charm.:APPLAUSE: