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'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

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'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

Postby WreckerJack » Sat Feb 18, 2017 4:50 am

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A web series from Russia called Transformers: Portal has been running since September 2016. It has a comic book feel while including animation and sound to tell its story. From what we can see it appears that portals may play a role in integrating the two series for a crossover.

"The creator is Marvelous Group marketing agency, which works with Hasbro on Transformers, Play-Doh, Nerf and other brands." Explains TFW2005 user, Arvegtor. "According to what I know, Hasbro likes it enough to order the next project in a similar format. The project’s website is “”, the official vkontakte page is also a part of the picture (most of the projects before only used the vk page and they can still be found there)."

This video is in Russian but still worth checking out to see some of our favorite characters from Titans Return and Robots in Disguise. Even if you do not speak Russian the artwork is easy to appreciate. Maybe we will get to see this series in other countries sometime soon.

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Re: 'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

Postby Sarahthecutevixen » Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:19 am

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is that Cyberglyphics i spot?
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Re: 'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

Postby shauyaun » Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:13 am

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Sounds exciting!
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Re: 'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

Postby ScottyP » Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:32 am

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I liked everything about that. Blaster's Russian voice actor was awesome. And more Stripes, yay!
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Re: 'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

Postby WreckerJack » Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:31 pm

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I was most exited to see Wolfwire to be honest.
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Re: 'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

Postby Kurona » Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:23 pm

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Well... you've already crossed over with the Live-Action movies, Aligned, why not cross over with something that somehow manages to be worse?

Negativity aside... I must admit, seeing the Protectobots fight the Decepticon Headmasters was pretty awesome.
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Re: 'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

Postby Sarahthecutevixen » Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:14 pm

Motto: "Violence isn't the answer, it's the question. The answer is yes."
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Kurona wrote:Well... you've already crossed over with the Live-Action movies, Aligned, why not cross over with something that somehow manages to be worse?

Negativity aside... I must admit, seeing the Protectobots fight the Decepticon Headmasters was pretty awesome.

Look closely the cybertronian language is cyberglyphics and the insect leg stripes has found is ROTF insecticons....are we seeing a continuation of the Dark Sparks Story line? I THINK NOT
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Re: 'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

Postby Kurona » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:06 am

Motto: "Don't forget to subscribe to the official Doctor Who youtube channel"
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GalvatronG1 wrote:
Kurona wrote:Well... you've already crossed over with the Live-Action movies, Aligned, why not cross over with something that somehow manages to be worse?

Negativity aside... I must admit, seeing the Protectobots fight the Decepticon Headmasters was pretty awesome.

Look closely the cybertronian language is cyberglyphics and the insect leg stripes has found is ROTF insecticons....are we seeing a continuation of the Dark Sparks Story line? I THINK NOT

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Re: 'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

Postby Sarahthecutevixen » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:52 am

Motto: "Violence isn't the answer, it's the question. The answer is yes."
Weapon: Particle Beam Cannon
Kurona wrote:
GalvatronG1 wrote:
Kurona wrote:Well... you've already crossed over with the Live-Action movies, Aligned, why not cross over with something that somehow manages to be worse?

Negativity aside... I must admit, seeing the Protectobots fight the Decepticon Headmasters was pretty awesome.

Look closely the cybertronian language is cyberglyphics and the insect leg stripes has found is ROTF insecticons....are we seeing a continuation of the Dark Sparks Story line? I THINK NOT


I mean Rise of the dark spark killed any chance of a continuation,
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Re: 'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

Postby o.supreme » Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:35 am

Motto: "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
So now...Animators in Russia can produce a better series than what Hasbro contracted Machinima to produce...these truly are the end times.
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Re: 'Online Series Transformers: Portal Shows Crossover between RID and Titans Return

Postby Sabrblade » Fri Oct 01, 2021 9:53 pm

Motto: "Can't do a job halfway. What's worth doing is worth doing well, I say."
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So, I just binge-watched this entire series with YouTube's closed captions turned on and switched from auto-generated Russian to auto-translated English. While not perfect, the auto-translation did give me at least a basic understanding of what all was going on in each video.

Here's what each video's title and description says according to Google Translate:

Bumblebee's Mysterious Message
The appearance of portals of unknown origin has been noticed throughout the Earth. Humanity is in a panic. Bumblebee gets in touch with a cryptic message. What's next?

In Search of Artifacts
Our universe also has Transformers artifacts. It's time to learn more about them!

Encrypted Signal Intercepted
The Mysterious Observer arrives in our world. Who is this? What is its purpose? You just have to find out...

The Mystery of the Portals is Close to Being Solved
Bumblebee and his team managed to establish contact with the expedition heading to the Portal. No one could imagine what they faced on the other side...

Observer Message #2
What do the ancient legends say about the Titans and Titan Masters?

Titans Are Furious!
Can the Autobots of the Generations Universe find the mysterious Titan Masters?

The Reason For the Portals Has Been Revealed!
Team Bumblebee and the Generations Autobots managed to locate the very first expedition to enter the portal. But the rescue operation ran into unexpected resistance...

Observer Message #3
What role did the Generations Universe Decepticons play in the creation of portals? Perhaps the Observer has the answer.

Mission "Portal" completed?
The Autobots of the Generations Universe face an almost impossible task. Will they cope with their risky mission?

Observer Message #4
The final battle for the Portal is over... But does this mean that the threat of portals is no longer there?

Is the Story Nearing a Denouement?
The Autobots and allies are ready to begin transporting the Wheeljack device. The fate of both universes now depends only on them. The most risky part of Operation Portal has begun...

Portal Mission Completed
The final battle remained with the Autobots. Wheeljack's device destroyed and portals destroyed. But their consequences can be irreversible. Will both universes be able to exist as before?

The gist of the series is this. A dimensional portal suddenly appears in Crown City, along with many more all over the Earth. The portals mess with all the power in these cities and de-energize them. The government responds by sending a team of soldiers on an expedition through the portal in Crown City to investigate its origins. They successfully enter, but are sucked inside with no return.

Meanwhile, Bumblebee and the Bee Team try to investigate the anomaly themselves, but find that Transformers are unable to pass through the portals. So Bumblebee tries to send a message through the portal instead to see if anyone receives it and can help them with this situation.

At the same time, a neutrally-aligned dimensional being called the Observer watches these events unfold and provides commentary and additional information on these events, as well as advertising Transformers toys and merchandise to us, the inhabitants of the Quadwal Cluster.

Back in what the Observer calls the "United Universe", Bumblebee's message reached a wider audience than he expected, received by both the Decepticons (Bisk and Underbite are seen) and the humans, inadvertently revealing the Autobots' existence to humanity. His message also made contact with the other side of the portal, what the Observer calls the "Generations Universe", in which everyone has their Titans Return and Combiner Wars toy bodies. The soldiers who entered the portal arrived in this universe and were met by the Generations Autobots, who made contact with the Bee Team in the United Universe. Bumblebee was shocked to learn the existence of another world with its own different Optimus Prime.

Optimus explains that his world is suffering its own problems. Thanks to the portals, the Titans have begun to run amok and can only be calmed down by the legendary Titan Masters. The two Autobot teams of both worlds decide to help each other overcome their respective worlds' problems. RID Fixit and Generations Wheeljack work together via transmitter to search for the long lost Titan Masters.

Their joint efforts are a success: the Titan Masters are found in the cosmos of the Generations Universe and the raging Titans are pacified. However, there was another problem. While some of the soldiers who entered the portals from the United Universe were met by the Generations Autobots, other expeditions were captured by the Generations Decepticons. The Autobots were sent to rescue them from the Decepticon base and a great battle broke out. Afterward, the Autobots discovered from the Decepticons that the source of the portals was an experiment by Shockwave to create a portal to other dimensions.

But then, in the United Universe, the Bee Team are soon attacked by Glowstrike, Scorponok, and Kickback. Once they are defeated, they and the Generations Autobots learn a grave revelation from Wheeljack: He is partly responsible for the portals!

Long before the portals appeared, Wheeljack was working on a remote device that, when he turned it on, didn't seen to work at first so he left it alone. However, it unknowingly had a reaction with Shockwave's portal experiment when the Decepticon activated his portal. Somehow, Wheeljack's remote device acted as power source that amplified Shockwave's portals to generate more portals out of control all over the globe. It is decided that Wheeljack's invention must be brought away from the Generations Universe and into the United Universe to bring it to its maximum distance away from Shockwave's portal experiment, in hopes that such a distance will cut off the experiment from its out-of-range power source and close all the portals. Wheeljack and Fixit work together to design a special container to transport the invention through the portal.

The soldiers bring the container with the device inside it through the portal back to the United Universe, but just as they arrive, the Bee Team is suddenly surrounded by a whole army of RID Decepticons! A battle commences and RID Optimus Prime (in his Season 2 powered up colors) arrives to join the battle. Powermaster Optimus Prime contacts RID Optimus Prime and instructs him to absorb the power of the device to prevent it from falling into Decepticon hands. RID Optimus does so and powers up into his winged Power Surge toy form. Optimus unleashes the full might of the device and wins the battle, while also destroying the device. The portals between both worlds begin to disappear.

However, the Thirteen Primes appear on a large monitor and speak to Bumblebee and Optimus. They are not happy about how the Autobots of the United Universe revealed themselves to humanity and foresee disastrous results to come from this. They decide to combine their spark power with Vector Prime and turn back time to before the portals ever appeared and make it so none of this ever happened in either universe. Time reverses. No portals appear, and the Bee Team just resumes their normal lives with Denny and Russell. The end.

And all the while, the Observer just recaps these events, comments on them, and shills more RID toys.

Note that the Observer's use of the terms "United Universe", "Generations Universe" and "Quadwal Cluster" are quite different from each other.
  • "United Universe" is just объединённой вселенная, the Russian words for "united" and "universe", respectively. This was most likely intended to approximate the English words "Aligned Universe" in the Russian language.
  • Conversely, "Generations Universe" is backwards: вселенной Дженерэйшнс, the Russian word for "universe" and then the English word "Generations" written phonetically in the Russian alphabet.
  • Meanwhile, "Quadwal Cluster" is spoken in English, but inverted as "Cluster Quadwal".
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Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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