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An example of a set of missions

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An example of a set of missions

Postby Psychout » Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:37 pm

Motto: "This post clearly was meant to offend, and if you are affected by it in any way please close your browser and discuss it with someone who knows not to take the internet seriously."
Weapon: Black Magic
Some of you may have seen the experimental Punch/Counterpunch missions that have been cropping up in the lower/mid level bracket. That mission still needs some work, but in the thread where it was created, I said I was working on a mission chain based on Punch/Counterpunch. Here's an idea of what I meant, and (hopefully) a good example of a 'chain' of missions spanning a while range of level groupings.

First off - the key:
  • the levels is the rough range the text is suitable for, treating 0's as rookies, 1-2 as recruits, 3-5 as grunts, 6-8 as elites and 9+ as titans.
  • The :BOT: & :CON: emblems symbolise which faction will see which set of texts.
  • The + & - are the win/loss messages at the top that everyone ignores when they look at the their XP scores, but they have to be put in so I've kept them short.
  • Any [Location] tags will allow Burn to decide what Cybertron location they will be attached to. It wont show anything up as yet, but we are trying to work out how best to use them

And now the actual missions...
:BOT: Punch’s double agent bootcamp.
There’s more to this war than just fighting those ‘cons, we need to understand them to defeat them properly, and to do that we need to learn how they tick. There’s going to be a bunch of rookies on exercise outside [location]. Watch them, learn from them, and when you have what you need, take ‘em out! Just don’t let them see you until you are ready!
+ Nice work cadets, we got some valuable intel AND sent them packing. Now head too the mess to relax, you’ve earned it!
- You were spotted! Get yourselves to CR to recuperate and report back for duty ASAP, we’ll just chalk this one down to experience.
:CON: Counterpunch’s ‘rough-em-up’.
Right peons, its raidin’ time! We’re low on ammo and all the actual soldiers are busy doing real missions. You recruits go hit the Greasepit supply depot outside [location] and rough up a few of the NAILs. Try not to make a mess of it, or you’ll be answering to Counterpunch!
+ We’ll at least you got that right, and you managed to take out an Autobot patrol as well! Now, hand over the spoils, lowlife’s!
- You walked into a TRAP? You idiots! Now get back to base, and I’ll let Counterpunch deal with you there...

:BOT: Exploit the Rookie Riot
We’ve got our chance to thin out the ‘con ranks. Punch has planted a spy in there who will be inciting them to rebel against their commanders, causing a riot. We’ll use the distraction to sneak into their base and take a buncha' them out. Get into position and await my signal to attack!
+ Success! That's a whole bunch of their recruits that won't be in action again any time soon.
- The distraction failed, abort, ABORT!!
:CON: Counterpunch has done WHAT??
Commander, Counterpunch has broken ranks and taken a bunch of the new squaddies with him, they’re tearing down the training base. He’s demanding to be transferred out of [location] and assigned elsewhere. Permission to send a squad to bring down their little insurrection?
+ Commander, Counterpunch had already surrendered, but it appears there was an Autobot recon crew in the area. As expected, our recruits made short work of them...
- Commander, the riot had attracted attention from a local Autobot recon force, and we got ambushed. We’ve no idea what they were doing this far out, but it seems they put Counterpunch down for us too so I guess they did us a favour..?

:BOT: Ambush exercises
Our agent in the ‘con ranks, Counterpunch, will be sending a bunch of their grunts on a one-way mission to [location], with us as the deadend. Get into position, stay down and be prepared to attack on my signal. These are Decepticons so hit them hard and heavy, and stay out of sight!! You know what will happen if they catch you!!
+ Congratulations soldiers, Punch’s trap worked. Now we sit back and watch the ‘cons blame each other for that mess.
- Those ‘cons were better prepared than we thought, we need to take this intel back to Punch!
:CON: Recon missions
Attention all Decepticon forces in the [location] region. Counterpunch has been promoted to security main, and will be handing out the recon tasks now. Report to him for assignment at once! Don’t mess these up, as it’ll be HIM you’ll be answering to!
+ Hahaha!! Not only did you complete the job, you squashed some Autobot insects as well. Nice job, now GET BACK TO WORK!!
- Can you not even get a simple RECON mission right? Report to Counterpunch immediately for exhaust detail.

:BOT: Special Ops attack on [location] base
Punch’s alter-ego, Counterpunch, is going to be sending the Decepticon forces on a supplies raid over in [location]. Your job is to defend the supply depot and prevent those Decepticons from taking our resources. Meet up with the local infantry, lay low, and wait for the right time to strike. Those Decepticons cannot be allowed to win!
+ Well done soldiers, we repelled the [location] invaders and gave them a beating they won’t forget in a while! Go report back to Punch for your new assignments.
- [location] command ignored Counterpunch’s instructions and sent a larger force than expected, you held your ground well, but we can't win ‘em all. Take a break to recover and head back to HQ for Punch’s next instructions.
:CON: Raid [location] for supplies
Troops, we’ve had a message from Security Lead Counterpunch It says ...*ahem*... “[Location]’s weapon stores have a bunch of shiny new rifles. I WANT THEM!”
...well, you heard the commander! GET!!
+ Excellent! These rifles will come in extremely handy against those meddlesome Autobots. Well, what are you waiting for? Get to Counterpunch for your next assignment. GO!
- After a performance like that, you’ll be lucky if there is enough left of you all to make a SINGLE rifle. You had better hope Counterpunch is in a forgiving mood!

:BOT: Fake an ambush to get Punch undercover
Autobots, our double-agent needs returning to his undercover position, so his alter ego Counterpunch is going to be leading a group of Decepticon guards away from their posts. You will ambush them, bring them down, and allow our larger strike team to insert Punch behind their lines. Make the distraction good and loud!!
+ Success! Their guard left their posts and you made short work of them. Let’s hope the strike team did their job properly!
- They train their guards better than we thought, regroup and pull out - our strike team will have to deal with their defences as well. Now go and train better for next time!
Image Livening up guard duty
Hey, you see that? Looks like a NAIL convoy carrying supplies. Counterpunch said we were welcome to help ourselves to any spoils, right? So how about we get a crew of us together and go shopping? I’ve got a thirst on, and there’s nothing going on out here and it’ll lift the boredom…
+ Heh, looks like dead bots were on special offer today. Now let’s get back to our posts before we’re marked as AWOL...
- “When I find out which of my guards left their posts to go drinking, I will slag every single one of them!!”

:BOT: Blind the enemy
Punch has finally been able to get his hands on the comms array for [location] access codes. Take a specialist crew, and sabotage that equipment - blinding them will make it far easier to drive them out of the region and off our doorstep!!
+ Success! The array is destroyed and their comms are down. Message command so they can take advantage!
- How could you let them fight you back? The damage we did was not good enough and Punch may now be compromised! Get back to your posts and just hope he is luckier than you are!!
Image The sensors are down, don’t come back until you know why!
Security Lead Counterpunch has been promoted again, and now Relay Agent Counterpunch says there is a glitch in the comms array over in the [location] sector. He says to get a team of specialists, get over there and check it out, and if you see any Autobot terrorists on your mission, eliminate them!!
+ Well done Decepticons, eliminating that team ensures our communications remain interrupted. Strange that a team of Autobot specialists knew to hit that location though, I’d better inform Agent Counterpunch who… hang on… who else knew about…
- What? Why would a force of that size be hitting such an insignificant target? The only person who knew it was even there was... Counterpunch. What is going on?? Get back to CR and don’t mention a word of this, something is not right here...

:BOT: Help deepen Punch’s cover
Punch’s undercover alter-ego Counterpunch has hit a wall, so needs to be promoted to keep us getting fresh intelligence. He has discovered that the [location] regional Commander Thunderwing’s fortress will be mostly unguarded whilst he attends High Command in Kaon with his bodyguards. Use this opportunity to break in and find something Punch can use to discredit them, to take their place. Expect some resistance, but these codes should get you inside once you have pacified them.
+ These files will bury them for sure, now we just need to get them to Punch. Go grab a drink soldier, you did good today!!
- Those defences were much tougher than was expected, you did well to get that far. I’ll get the bad news to Punch whilst you guys go and recuperate. Looks like we need a new plan...
Image Counterpunch’s moment of triumph!
The Commander of sector 3 in [location] has been recalled to Kaon, probably to answer for all the losses we’ve been taking recently, and serves him right. Thunderwing wants me to put in a security detail whilst he is away, and you’re it. If you mess this up, it’s not just me you’ll have to answer to, it’ll also be him, and he’s even meaner than I am!
Get moving slaggers!! Counterpunch out.
+ Well, you managed to survive did you? What, you want a medal or something? Get back out there!
- You are possibly the WORST guard team I have ever seen, how dare you overshadow my moment of glory!! Get back to barracks, Thunderwing will deal with you all later...

:BOT: Cover up Punch’s mistake!
Emergency! We need a team to intercept a Decepticon patrol dispatched to the detention cell where Counterpunch is breaking out a team of our prisoners. If they catch him, his cover will be irreparably blown - get to them before they can make it to [location], and ensure Punch’’s cover remains intact!
+ Success! You gave Punch the time he needed to get the prisoners out and back into cover. Great work Autobots, numerous lives will be saved because of your hard work!
- NOOOO!! Punch’s cover has almost certainly been blown, we’ve lost all contact and his tracker has stopped transmitting. This failure may have cost us more than just the lives of those prisoners...
Image Has Counterpunch double crossed us?
There is a strange disturbance down at the [location] detention cell, and Ravage has reported to Soundwave that a well-known Decepticon may be aiding the Autobots. Get a rapid reaction team down there now and see if you can catch Counterpunch in the act! I knew we couldn't trust him, now I just need proof
+ We didn’t get the proof we needed, but I still don't trust Counterpunch! At least you stopped the escape attempt, so I guess this is well done, Decepticons!
- How am I supposed to prove Counterpunch is the traitor if you can’t even stop a simple jailbreak??! Now get out there and recover those prisoners!

:BOT: Get Punch out of Kaon, ALIVE!!
Autobots, mobilise! Our agent in the Decepticons ranks posing as Counterpunch, needs extraction. He is pinned down by a team of ours that don't know his secret identity, and a Decepticon squad are on their way to intercept. We need to head them off so we can get word to our wrecking crew to break off their attack without Punch being compromised. Send your best assault troops, and smash those cons all the way back to Kaon.
+ The distraction worked, we got him! Our agent lives to see another day, thanks to you. Well done, Autobots!!
- Pull back Autobots, their forces are too strong!! Punch will have to fight his own way out of this one...
Image Can Counterpunch be trusted?
Decepticons, this is Overlord, commander of sector 11 in [location], so you had better listen good. Megatron’s lackey, Counterpunch, has yet again found himself surrounded by Autobots on a routine mission that should have been top secret. He is either grossly incompetent, or a traitor. Get a squad of heavies, take out the Autobot vermin then find out which. I need to know if he can be trusted, and I need to know NOW!
+ You defeated the Autobot squad, so I won’t have you all slagged, but you let Counterpunch slip away. Do not fail me again!!
- Imbeciles!! Not only did you let the Autobots escape, but Counterpunch is missing as well!! You had better hope i have calmed down by the time you get back from CR...

:BOT: Are they onto Punch’s alter-ego?
Punch is in disguise as Counterpunch, is on the run from the Decepticons deep in the enemy territory of [location] commanded by Skorponok. We think his cover has been blown. Assemble an elite team. A distraction force will go ‘pick up’ Counterpunch, your team will plant evidence that ‘proves’ to regional commander is discrediting him to try and gain influence with High Command. We just have to hope the cons fall for it, otherwise Punch is dead.
+ The battle may have been won, but the Decepticons still got to Counterpunch before we did. We just have hope the Decepticons fall for the evidence.
- This is a Disaster! Not only did the ‘cons pick up Counterpunch before we did, but you lost the data files with the faked ‘evidence’! Punch is as good as dead now.
Image Counterpunch has done WHAT??
Skorponok has decreed Counterpunch to be a traitor, and wants an elite squad to track him down. He was last seen in the wastes outside of [location]. Arm up, be ready for anything, and if you see that blue-skinned traitor, take him down with extreme prejudice… the boss is going to want a whole lotta words with him.
+ Excellent, the traitor has been captured. Send him to the labs, we’ll soon find out how he is informing the Autobots from right under our noses...
- You imbeciles!! Not only did you let yourself get ambushed by those Autobot amateurs, you let them get take out Counterpunch before we could. Bring the body back, and we’ll see what we can find out once he is awake again.

:BOT: Punch has been captured, break him out!
Punch has been able to smuggle a message out to us. He’s removed his tracker and is playing possum amongst the high-value Prisoners in the [location] defence facility. We need a team of titans to bust him out before they can work out who he really is. Assemble, and the Wreckers will insert you into the strike-zone whilst causing a distraction. The mission is to allow Punch to escape as Counterpunch to maintain his cover, repeat: AS COUNTERPUNCH.
+ Counterpunch got away Sir, just as planned, but he nearly killed two of our men to do it. He is so deep undercover now, he may not be recoverable, please advise?
- Mayday! Mayday!! We’ve walked into an ambush and the Decepticons have wiped out the extraction squad. We have had to pull out, the target has not been liberated, repeat: the target has NOT been liberated, please advise..?
Image Traitors downfall!
I don’t know how or why, but I KNOW Counterpunch is the traitor, therefore I have set a trap for him. You will collect together a team of assault troopers and lie in wait. If he is who I think he is, he will signal his Autobot terrorist cell allies, and summon them to aid in his escape.
Intervene, stop them, and we will finally get to the bottom of who Counterpunch really is.
+ I knew it!! PUNCH!! Bring him to me, and I shall deal with him accordingly! ...lets see what he can tell us about what the Autobots know about us...
- The Autobot incursion was too strong for us my Lord, we had to ally with Counterpunch to get away at all. No, I have no idea where he is now...

:BOT: The Decepticons have rumbled Punch, get him out of there!!!
Punch’s emergency extraction beacon has been activated which mean he has been compromised!! All special forces operatives report for duty, Punch must be rescued, his cover is now irrelevant. The information he has is far too valuable to lose. His beacon was last heard transmitting from [location], find him before the Decepticons do, and bring him back!
+ Success, Punch has been extracted, now to work on re-establishing his cover.
- Disaster! The Decepticons have beaten us back - guess Punch is own his own now...
Decepticons!! Soundwave has caught Counterpunch in the act and now know him to be the Autobot Punch in disguise. All special forces personnel disengage whatever you are doing and head to [location] at once. Your target is Punch, Counterpunch or whoever he really is, and the order is to terminate with EXTREME prejudice, and bring the remains back to Megatron!! Expect heavy Autobot resistance as they try to rescue him. Decepticons, attack!!
+ At last, we have him! We have the traitor in our grasp. Now to bring him before Megatron to answer for his crimes...
- Yet again, your incompetence has let our target slip through our fingers. Megatron does tolerate failure, do not let him down again!!

:BOT: The long con
This is Prowl on the Autobots security channel, passcode: Gamma 7. Our agent within the Decepticon ranks tells us that Megatron is massing his forces for a strike on [location]. All warriors report back to barracks and prepare to repel a full assault. Our ages will be leading their attack, but don't worry, his weapons are specially designed so they cannot hurt you - it’s the rest of those Decepticons you need to worry about. Mobilise and roll out, you have 30 astro-minutes. Message ends.
+ The intel from Punch was 100% accurate, and we have foiled the Decepticon advance again. Now we plan our counterattack!
- These are unacceptable losses, Autobots! Our agent was able to pull the Decepticons out before they did too much damage, but next time we cannot risk losing!
:CON: What the slag is that?
Decepticons, this is your commander, Starscream. Counterpunch has identified a weakness in the Autobot defences outside [location], so I am sending him in with a team to exploit those weakness now. You will go with him, or I will have you all destroyed as traitors! Now get out of my sight!!
+ Well done Decepticons, my plan worked. Now you stay here and let me go and report MY victory to Megatron!
- You incompetent fools! How could you let the Autobots escape!! MEGATRON WILL HEAR OF THIS!

Is this the sort of thing you would like to see in the game; cohesive stories across all the missions similar to the Inferno chain?

Feedback, questions and suggestions always welcomed.

-edit by Burn-
This is the best format so please try to follow it. It's simple, easy to copy and paste and has everything I, and present and future staff need to add new missions.
(Aside from Energon/XP payouts, but we're working on set formulas for those based on the levels involved)
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