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Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

The local Solar System. From the Sun to Earth's orbit and the Moon. And from there all the way into the outer regions of the system beyond Neptune and the dwarf planets beyond it.

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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Ember » Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:24 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."

Something, anything, had to be able to put a stop to what was happening to the five bots that were being used. Ratchet had moved from the terminal he had been using next to Axle for another that was positioned closer to the science station. He’d need them both for the equations he was running.

At the same time the CMO had taken his leave of the station beside him, Axle began to relax. He always found it a bit unnerving when he was working so closely to “The Hatchet” as Sideswipe so lovingly referred to him as.

It wasn’t that he disliked the cantankerous doctor, it was that they hardly saw eye to eye. Ratchet was perfectly capable of severing all emotional attachment to his patients in order to keep from becoming overwhelmed at any one of their losses while Axle tended to try to make a connection, to get close and understand the patient. Each of them saw the other’s view as either a flaw or a serious problem. Fights and arguments would always ensue.

Axle continued to tap away at the keys trying hard not to think about what The Fallen had in store for them and his Heralds. The field medic shook his head trying to rid his wandering processor of the distracting train of thought.

The black head of the former doctor swiveled to take in Ratchet. The grumpy old codger was deep in thought…Axle could tell, Ratchet always tended to mumble and curse to himself. He also had a bad habit of nipping the corner of his mouth. It was subtle, and if you didn’t know him you would just wind up ignoring it. But he and First Aid, and possibly Pharma, knew better.

Axle turned back to his own terminal and set back to work. Had had just reestablished his rhythm when the doors to the bridge split down the center and slid apart.

At first Axle paid no heed but when he caught a glimpse of a familiar paint job that was on a familiar frame he stopped and looked over at Smokescreen. He stared at the diversionary specialist for a moment before his surprised expression turned into something more akin to annoyance.

With a deep set frown Axle turned back to his work and quickly opened a comm line with the blue and red former racer. >>Smokescreen! What in the name of all that is holy are you doing here? You’re supposed to be with Tracer holed up in ‘Jack’s lab! Tell me you didn’t leave her alone in the lab with a replicator that can make unlimited amounts of Syk!”<<

Science Lab

And that was why he refused to utilize drones. He could have been back in the lab breems ago had it not been for that infernal drone!

Perceptor let out a heavy sigh as he finally was able to exit the supply room with all of the parts he needed. He was just about to take his first step away when the door slid back open and the small drone that had “helped” him cautiously moved over the threshold. With its three digit appendages the mono-opticed drone beeped and chirped several times before it reached out and tried to grab a hold of the bin Perceptor was holding.

“Oh no you don’t!” The scientist extended his leg and placed his foot on the top of the little drone’s head. The fed-up mech kept the small non-sentient bot at bay as he pulled the bin out of its reach. “I have had just about enough of you. Not only did you delay my work but you had the audacity to bring me the wrong items!” Perceptor punctuated his final words with a small shove with the side of his foot.

The drone beeped lowly and hung its arms down at its sides. The poor thing looked pathetic. Unfortunately that was what got Perceptor in this mess in the first place. No more falling for that. “You’ve done all the damage you can do for now. Go back inside. Go on! Shoo!” A low acknowledging chirp preceded the small bot moving back behind the safety of the door.

Finally the scientist turned sniper relaxed. Perceptor shook his head lightly as he turned away and made the short trek back to the lab.

Unsurprisingly Wheeljack along with Jetfire, Chromedome, Huffer and Ironfist were all present. With his expression schooled Perceptor sent a stiff nod to all of the mechs. The sooner they got things done the sooner he could do some real work with the Ore.

“Gentlemechs. I believe we all have our work cut out for us. What say we get started, shall we?” He cast his gaze in Wheeljack’s direction and placed the bin of parts out on one of the benches closest to the mad scientist. As he began to offload the parts he leaned in close to the engineer. “I believe the drone in the supply room has…issues.”

Weapon Storage Facility

After passing through the docking ring Sideswipe was sure to slow his pace. He was anxious to get off the ship but he didn’t want to appear gung-ho. He was still gung-ho, he just wanted to be sure he looked cool about it.

As he meandered through the Ark - 22 he let his overactive processor wander. And boy did he enjoy the pictures coming into view in his mind’s eye.

What he wouldn’t give to be sent down planet side just to blow a few ‘Cons away. Or even better; take on a few ‘Cons hand to hand. Man, now that would be perfect! The thought of grappling with the enemy brought a wide smile to his face and caused him to quicken his pace.

He needed action. He was meant to be on the front lines, not cooped up in a ship slowly suffocating. He’d rather have his spark extinguished than wait another astrosecond for some action. Of course Sunny would probably have something to say about that. It’d probably go something like… “You wished to have your spark extinguished but you didn’t think about how it would affect me! You ungrateful little butthead!” Sideswipe chuckled. “Butthead” he said lowly. “Nah, Sunny wouldn’t say that. He hates human idioms. But it’d be hilarious if he did.”

He thought for a moment as he turned another corridor, his destination already in sight. “Actually, it’d be more hilarious if Sunny called Prowl an ungrateful little butthead. Or even better, Ratchet!”

Sideswipe chuckled and snorted as he finally came to the weapon storage facility. He rubbed his hands together in anticipation and opened the door. The crimson bot stepped inside with a wide grin and saw…no one.

“What the…” he growled out as he turned around looking for whomever it might be playing the prank on him. “Oh ha ha. This isn’t funny! Pranks are my thing!” He quickly lunged behind a locker to find no one. “What the slag is goin’on?”

While still searching though the room he opened up a line with Springer. It suddenly occurred to him that he was probably the first to arrive. >>”Hey, Springer! I thought you said you wanted me at the weapon storage facility. Well I’m here and you ain’t. What gives? I made it here before you and I was on the Guardian. You’re losin’ your touch! Get down here before I get bored and start testing out weapons…alone.”<<
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:39 am

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Firing Range - Outside of Weapons Storage Room

Springer reached the firing range just as Sideswipe rang him up over his comms.

>>”Hey, Springer! I thought you said you wanted me at the weapon storage facility. Well I’m here and you ain’t. What gives? I made it here before you and I was on the Guardian. You’re losin’ your touch! Get down here before I get bored and start testing out weapons…alone."<<

Springer chuckled a little. Finally, a bot ready to see some action. He stepped closer towards the doorway to the room where the crimson mech waited for his arrival when he noticed Cliffjumper walking by, weapons strapped across his back and over his shoulder. Looks like Sideswipe wasn't the only one aching for some action.

"Hey Cliff'," Springer began as he turned to the minibot warrior, "You busy helping some one out right now?" Cliffjumper turned to the triple changer and lowered his rifle.

"Nope. Just practicing my fine aim, sir."

"Okay. First off; Please don't call me sir. Save that kinda stuff for Magnus... Second; how'd you like to take those guns out of the firing range and take 'em down to Earth instead?"

The red warrior's eyes widened in excited as a faint grin stretched across the left side of his faceplate. "Are we going 'Con hunting?" He asked eagerly.

Springer's gave a slight cringing expression as he rolled his eyes over towards the right side of his optic-sockets.

"Ehh...No...Not exactly. Just come inside here with me and I'll debrief you and Sideswipe all at once, just so I'm not having to repeat myself." Springer responded as he turned back to the door he was previously about to enter. The doorway slid open and the two bots could see Sideswipe just sitting alone among a wall of various forms of weaponry.

Weapon Storage Facility

"Sorry for my late arrival Sideswipe, got caught up dealing with a lot of crazy stuff going on in the bridge." Springer began as he started to look over and pull certain weapons of the shelves of the storage room. "Listen, I'm just gonna make this short and simple because I don't feel like diving into all the logistics of Magnus's plan. Basically, we're going to constructing a small outpost down on Earth. He doesn't want to build a heavily fortified fortress yet so we're not to bring any sort of heavy weapon placements or weapon of that kind." He said as he was ironically looking over a large multi-barreled turret. "So, no weapon systems would leave us pretty vulnerable to any sort of attack right?" He asked rhetorically.

"Right!" Cliffjumper responded, not picking up on Springer's sarcasm.

"Sooo... What I need you two to do is act as lookouts, sentries, that kinda role and what not." He raised an Ion cannon on to his shoulder and picked up some battery-cells for his laser rifle. He turned to the two red bots and gave a reassuring look. "I know guard duty isn't the most awesome of roles to take on in a mission, but it'll get ya off the ship for a while. And if you're anything like me, your servos would be aching to get some fresh air down there."

Cliffjumper looked down at the floor of the storage room. Guard duty... He's right, not that fun of a role to take on. But he could have the possibility to shoot a Con or two if he did take on the role.

"I'll do it." The crimson minibot exclaimed as he looked back up to Springer. Boring or not, if he missed the chance to see some action again, he'd regret his decision for cycles.
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Foximus » Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:53 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle

Blurr listened to Bluestreak explain some of the goings on and as the chatterbot prattled on, Blurr was stricken by some of the hard truths that Bluestreak rattled off without much pacing. It was a lot to take in all at once. He had seen Rodimus. Been with that group! For a while, anyway. The Fallen. The end times. However, the speedster processed the information with his usual speed. A look of determination replaced the dumbfounded look that had made its on his faceplate just moments before.

Smokey looked back at the blue speedster and said, “I guess the bar idea will have to wait. We can’t rightfully open a pub if the universe ends. Heh. We should offer Magnus our help, instead, don’t you think?"

Blurr nodded curtly and was about to try and get the city - well, supreme commander now - commander's attention when Springer approached him. He'd been talking about him? Blurr listened to what the green triple changer needed him for. A replacement for Bumblebee? He could do that. Blurr snapped off a quick salute to Springer in affirmation. "Yessir!"

Blurr watched the green mech address Ingram and then both of them again, telling them to meet him in the bounce chamber if they were ready. Finally! A chance to stop sitting on his hands and do something! Just in time for the end of the world too. The blue speedster turned to Ingram, his hyperactivity roaring on all cylinders.


Blurr practically took off out of the bridge, disappearing in a blink, headed in a beeline for the bounce chamber.

Bounce Chamber

Blurr arrived rather speedily from the bridge to the bounce chamber. He glanced back and wondered if he should've waited up for Ingram...his excitement had gotten the best of him, as it often did. Oh! And Springer had said something about weapons! Hm...His electro-laser canon might need some recharging. He couldn't remember the last time he'd checked it. The weapons storage facility likely had what he needed.

Yeah! And Ingram had probably gone there first, actually thinking instead doing what Blurr had done and rushed off to the Bounce Chamber. Hopefully. He really felt bad about leaving the husky femme behind. Without another thought, Blurr zipped out of the bounce chamber and out into the corridors again, merely a blur of motion.

Weapon Storage Facility

As Blurr reached the doors of the weapon storage facility, it occurred to him that it might be a good idea to calm down. He was only going to serve as a scout after all. A fill-in for Bee. He needed a level head. Yeah. Slow down. Keep it together. Opening the door to the facility, Blurr blinked in surprise when he saw Springer, Cliffjumper, and Sideswipe all piled in there.

Well. He had definitely made the right call coming here to check his weapon. The blue speedster would have been the one with the jammed weapon. Well, not today! Blurr flashed the occupants of the room one of his dazzling amiable smiles before zipping over to where he knew the munitions for his canon were.

"Heyguys, good to see you!" he said by way of greeting, trying to curb his enthusiasm a bit. "Ready for action?"



Slowly and at his own pace, Ramhorn had finally meandered onto the Ark-22's bridge. He had taken such a path as to avoid anyone else on his way to meet up with Blaster. It had cost him some time, but he'd enjoyed his solitary walk. No one to bother or pester him. Nope. Just peace. And quiet.

Unfortunately, all good things had to come to an end. As Ramhorn trudged up to the bridge doors, something very fast and very blue shot out of them and disappeared down the hall. Probably Blurr. No one else moved that fast. Wonder what had gotten his circuits hopping. Ramhorn mozzied inside the bridge and was greeted by the last thing he wanted to see. People.

It was inevitable he supposed with his destination being what it was. Ramhorn just kept his head down and trudged over to Blaster's side and promptly laid down with a rather distinct 'harrumph'.
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Marcus Rush » Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:19 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun

As Springer's team departed the bridge, Magnus made his way past Bluestreak and Smokescreen. He stepped up onto the higher command well in the center of the bridge, overlooking the sunken operation decks below. Before his gaze the deceptively peaceful orb of blue, white and green, with splashes of brown, turned slowly on the primary view screen. Just beneath that the massive digital representation of Sol 3, sat the triple partial arcs that comprised the stations of Navigation, Sensor Tracking and the Helm. The stations were occupied though not presently filled by their primary inhabitants. He turned his optics towards the black and orange mech that had recently taken over position of the Navigation terminal.

"Blaster..." he finally broke his temporary silence. He knew he needed to finally address the masses on both ships. To prepare them for their future as well as their destinies when it came to the present, it was a task he did not relish and did not want. But Prowl was right, with Optimus missing there were few others who had the experience and were readily available to assume that role. Personally he would have rather had dispatched the Longevity or even the Guardian itself to search for more worthy candidates. Unfortunately, fates did not give him the opportunity. "Activate the internal ship communication grid. Splice with the Guardian's and broadcast the next sequence. Live."

As the internal servos embedded in the ceiling of the bridge began to flicker to life, Ultra Magnus stood up from his brooding and pivoted back to face those who remained on the bridge. Before him a small sensor pod began to flicker to life and patch in to the communications array that linked the two vessels.

He brushed off an imaginary thread of discomfort from his right shoulder and then instinctively straightened his posture. The display light on the sensor activated and flashed green indicating that the link was established and fully functional. Inwardly he marveled how swift Blaster could instigate such a complicated link of two totally different communication systems with only a few fundamental similarities. The Ark Class was one of the older types of vessels, the Guardian one of the more modern, a link would typically take a few minutes, but for the skill of the Voice, it was almost instantaneous.

There was a moment of silence as he allowed his image to usurp many of the lower levels, quarters and screens throughout the two warships. He knew that his presence was enough to garner a level of attention from those who served with him or beneath him, a legacy of his mentor perhaps. Or was it because he earned that respect?

His mind played out with a series of introductions that he could use to begin his address. All of the standards seemed to be too disingenuous and decidedly unprofessional. He was never one for true small talk, it took away from getting to the matters of fact and accomplishing the true objectives of discussion or debate. No, this address had to be his, made by him alone and had to have a stamp of his authority. In other words, he was in command and he had to act as such.

"Attention Autobots. As of last stellar cycle, I have assumed command of the united Sol Forces of the Autobot Army, Navy and Air Forces. Prowl has stepped down to resume his initial and pivotal role in the chain of operations. As for our Supreme Commander Optimus Prime. Many rumors of his demise have continually circulated throughout the star system, and many of those involve the congruent death of Megatron as well..." Magnus paused, his words hung unspoken but it was clear to those who knew him well that the very mention of his departed brother still bit at his processors. "While I cannot offer any level of security on the condition of Megatron, I can promise that whether he is functional or not, our fight with the seeds he has sewn into the fertile grounds that is his faithful is far from over. Units such as the Combaticons, once reported to be under the command of Shockwave, have been sighted and encountered in system. That encounter gives evidence that Shockwave has abandoned Cybertron, with other reports from other Autobot operatives, and is in system... most likely onboard the Thanatos."

He allowed the reports to settle in before he continued. "A strategic move that holds little meaning if Megatron is still functional or present within the sector. Again this is a logical progression of available pieces of evidence and does not initially confirm this belief and should not be taken that the Decepticons have suffered a major blow to their over all capabilities.

As for the rumors of Optimus, my brother... We have not yet found evidence that he was destroyed in that encounter between he and Megatron. No molecular traces have been discovered either, which tends to grant to a working hypothesis... of which I dare not to delve into for possibly stoking false senses of hope or dread."

His figure immediately bolstered, his shoulders stiffened and his optics flared to life. Discussing the possibility of discovering proof of his brother's death clearly tore at him, though he never showed it to the passing mechanism.

"Under the authority of Grimlock, the Ark 19 was deemed irreparable. Given the sentiment of the chief engineer of the Guardian, Ironfist, this was confirmed that only minor patches could be made to the vessel and a more complete facility was required to meet the required needs of the stricken ship. I realize that many onboard the 22 and Guardian called the 19 their home for a great length of time. She was proud vessel and has carried a proud tradition. Thus it was decided to dispatch her for repairs. Grimlock volunteered his team for the operation, though their methods were less than civil and has left a litany of displeasure regarding their departure. These matters with regards to their departure will be addressed at a more opportune time. For those involved in that incident, of which I am sure there are numerous, I will hear your comments and your reports as presented and take them in context with known events and evidence."

An unfortunate event that he had to discuss before the more positive aspects of his initiatives. But it was something that Jazz had brought to his attention, and Prowl needed closure, though he knew the black and white strategist would never admit to it. "As for events that have taken place since my arrival. The sequestering of our forces onboard our two vessels in Earth orbit is not a tactic I completely support, though at the time I do believe I can understand the perceived necessity. However, though our presence on the planet has slowed our discovery, it has not stalled the fortification of smaller Decepticon units on the surface. In order to prevent future incursions onto this planet, I have initiated what has been dubbed Operation: Autobot City. Under the guidance of Prowl and a team of specialists, we have begun scouting a location for a new semi permanent colony on the planet in which we can more fully defend the planet from off world incursion.

To further the success of this operation, we have begun implementation of a development blitz. We can no longer allow ourselves to have the terms of this conflict dictated to us. In order to improve the construction and effectiveness of our future Autobot City, I have asked and now I put a call to any Autobot onboard the 22 or the Guardian, with engineering or scientific backgrounds to check in with Wheeljack for further instructions or project assignments.

In addition to these tasks that I have laid before our Autobot Corps of Engineers, I have begun reviewing policies of Earth side scouting and research opportunities. Earth is not our home, we are merely visitors to this world, brought here by the same tyranny and lust that has stained and demolished our very sparks. In Optimus's memory, I will not allow the same fate of Cybertron and countless other worlds to befall this one."

He paused again, this time he mused to himself quietly as he watched the others on the bridge. The majority of their optics already riveted to him as he stood there exposed to the camera. He had been brief and clear in his intention regarding earth, though he did not delve into the specifics which those who were not of command level did not need to be made privy to. He had established that even with the current lack of physical presence of his friend or his most hated foe, there was little to confirm their existence or their deaths. There were still more that he had to address, and he was loth to do it.

"As for more pressing matters that overlap with our current programs that have been established. Reports regarding the defection of Hot Rod, Hardhead and Hex must be addressed. These rumors are false to the highest degree. As it stands, these individuals have been infected with a powerful entity that has driven them to a depth of darkness that lurked within their personalities. This infection is extremely dangerous and incredibly lethal. It is the embodiment of a legendary horror unlocked from the dark caverns of Cybertron's distant past. Named the Fallen," the name drove several quick gasps by those units who had just come on duty in the lower levels and wells. "The fallen, a usurper and betrayer of ancient Primes, a slayer of brothers and a murderer of innocent sparks, has assumed control of Hot Rod and reformed him. This Black Rodimus plans the entire obliteration of the Cybertronian race."

He looked down and gave a passing glance to Ratchet and Axle. Giving an imperceptible nod, Ultra Magnus continued. "Black Rodimus's power alone is more than a match for our combined forces here on Earth. That reality is inescapable. Therefore, I am initiating a parley with the Decepticons to combine our forces in neutralizing this threat. We will rescue our comrades, their deaths are an unacceptable outcome to future operations. Therefore during our negotiations and our planning, I want all available Autobots to check in their status with medical staffs of their assigned vessels and prepare for deployment." He knew that coming from anyone other than himself or Optimus, this news would have been a laughing matter and would have reverberated through the holds. But Ultra Magnus was not the sort to have much of a sense of humor when it came to operations, and that meant the whole would have to be on alert and ready to go the moment he gave the order.

"I am aware that this is a lot of information for a great many to assimilate. And there are still details that are unclear and cannot be made public until we know the full breadth of their implications. However, it must be made clear here and now. I am Ultra Magnus, I accept the responsibility as your Commander. We will not fail in our ambitious endeavors. The memory and the hope of Optimus Prime will guide us in our actions and act as a beacon through these dark crises..."

The transmission was cut as Magnus toggled a simple switch off the feed. He shook his head as he descended down towards the others gathered. "Not necessarily my most motivational speech. Though that has never been one of my more endearing features. At least it serves to inform those who listened the mechanizations of what is going on in these times... Blaster make sure that feed was received by the Guardian and recorded for future transmission to Prowl and Arcee's units on earth... once they are better situated."

"Bluestreak, your rather extensive experience in... salesmechship, I believe I will require your assistance in developing a pitch for our Decepticon friends."

"Oh and one more thing Blaster, send another blast to the Thanatos. And repeat the process once every 3 breems until a response is received. Inform me immediately once contact has been achieved."
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby sumowrestler » Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:55 pm

Weapon: Saber Blade
From Frigate Guardian

>>The Guardian had received your broadcast, Commander Magnus. We are ready to serve you in whatever is needed including my personal team. Let us know what the next step is and when to fulfill it.<<
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Marcus Rush » Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:11 am

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Science Laboratory

Ironfist sat down at a work bench while Huffer did the manual adjustments to the transit ring. It was a daunting task that required intricate knowledge of sophisticated construction techniques, though at present watching the smaller engineer beat on one of the power conduits to get it into its proper position did give him pause for thought. Not entirely suited for the task that the minibot had unwittingly assumed, the weapons engineer remained removed from the actual physical labor of the fine tuning adjustments.

From his satchel he withdrew a data crystal and plugged it into one of the work bench projection slots. Immediately two conical renditions of a small ammunition shell populated the center of the space. He entered a series of commands to magnify the bullet and to display several pieces of the rather substantial coding that would be contained within the micro sensor that populated the warhead. Given their current assignment, to modernize the Autobot Munitions and over all technological database, Ironfist felt that this little project of his was something of a welcomed reprieve.

Carefully he began to manipulate the magnified projection and zoom in on the problem area he had tagged from his last visit to the project. The conversion ratios never seemed to fit with the mathematical design of the prototype he had built earlier. In order to calibrate the sensors on the fly currently required too much time between rounds. Programming individual targets at once was dangerous, sure one may get one maybe two shots off at respective targets... but by the time the third came around you were dead before the weapon finished its calibration.

Ironfist required a faster program capable of reading the sensor data and automatically adjusting the warheads and their propulsion on the fly, without the burdensome risk of sonic or subsonic transmission. Any sort of control signal originating outside of the shell was at jeopardy of being intercepted and over written. Thus a shot on the Decepticon ranks could instantly become a lethal barrage on Autobot positions. He needed to overcome this limitation.

As he pulled out a holographic stylus, his mathematic equation began to scroll down to the position highlighted in the schematics. He poked at the sensor housing and enlarged it to five times the original magnification, which made it about six inches long and the bullet housing practically the size of a battleship shell. He began by tweaking the arrangement of the sensor components, the code flashed red immediately telling him that his efforts were not going to provide the desire results.

Eventually he rejected the idea of having the total sensor package in the head of the casing. Instead he moved the primary body of the micro sensor to the rear of the shell while keeping the lens and receiver at the tip. This would limit the over all yield of the ammunition shell, probably make it worthless to long range torso shots. But it kept his grid green. Nodding briefly he carefully reshaped the charge to include two components, the blasting cap for the propellant and the primary propulsion of the explosive or acidic slug. A careful flick of his stylus, Ironfist elongated the body of the weapon by half a millimeter, large enough to fit into standard issue weapons of Autobots, and even into some of the more unique firearms he had constructed over the years. The propellant would ignite once the blasting cap was toggled, as with most ammunition, however what made this unique was that in combined with the sensor guidance system this bullet was capable of piloting itself to a target.

"Now all I need is an appropriate targeting frequency that is unique to our enemies and can be repeatedly acquired through passive sensor sweeps." He leaned back in his chair and watched Huffer grumble something to Wheeljack as the Autobot Chief Engineer, returned from the depths of the vessel.

He nodded a greeting to Perceptor who soon followed behind. "Well as you can see, our small friend here has been an invaluable asset to the advancement of our current experiments..."

"If you call being blown out of the room invaluable." Huffer groused as he finished wiping off the grime from his breast plate. "You two are just in time to witness a computer simulation. Once I get that information, it'll be protoform's play to construct a full scale version. Though I doubt it will even work at this scale."
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Smokescreen85 » Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:29 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers

Smokescreen’s attention was quickly drawn away from Bluestreak’s ramblings when he received a frantic private comm from Axle, who had noticed his presence on the bridge. The diversion expert had expected such a reaction from the field medic once he realized that the rallybot had left the drug-addicted femme to her own devices. Smokey glanced over at the former doctor and cracked a reassuring smile while at the same time responding to him over the same private channel.

>>”Actually, I left her in a corridor not far from the lab, but it’s okay, Axle. Tracer’s doing all right. She was tired and said she wanted to lay down for a recharge in Jack’s lab. We also decided that it would be a good time for me to make an appearance as I’ve been out of the loop for far too long. I’m feeling fine, by the way, good as new and ready to help out with this Fallen business. From what Blue just told me you guys are going to need all the help that you can get.”<<

It was then that Springer approached both Blurr and Ingram, requesting their services for a new assignment. Smokescreen turned his cranium just in time to see the blue speedster disappear from sight. “Good luck!” The diversion expert called out after his friend and racing idol. He doubted that Blurr heard him as he was probably already down at the bounce chamber by now. It was times like these that Smokey wondered why he ever wanted to join the Cybertronian Racing Circuit to begin with. After all, the rallybot didn’t like to lose and he would have never won against the likes of Blurr.

It was a mute point now as there were more serious things to worry about in the present day. The end of the universe was one such thing. Smokescreen felt the need to help in any way that he could. Yes, Tracer was still a top priority to him, but if the Fallen succeeded in his nefarious plan then they would all cease to function, Tracer included. Thus, Smokey felt the need to fight the Fallen not only for the Autobot cause but for the femmebot that he cared most about.

Before the diversion expert could offer his services, Ultra Magnus began his speech over the ship wide communications grid. The supreme commander had a lot to say and he had no problem conveying everything that was on his processor. Magnus confirmed what Smokey had suspected regarding the change in leadership with Prowl stepping down. A wise choice in the rallybot’s opinion. The situation with the Dinobots was touched upon but the fact that Grimlock and his crew had actually stolen the Ark-19 was replaced with something less than truthful. The diversion expert remembered what he had overheard in the corridor before using the 19's theft as a distraction when sneaking Tracer down to the Earth's surface to meet with Oil Slick. Therefore he knew that truth regarding the Dinobots. However, it was something he would keep to himself.

The mention of Autobot City was something new to Smokescreen and it was an intriguing idea to say the least. Everything regarding the Fallen, Hot Rod, Hex and Hardhead was presented in more detail but Magnus pretty much confirmed what Bluestreak had told him. A possible truce with the Decepticons was another confirmation. It was all a lot to take in especially for a mech who had missed so much in recent cycles. Being cooped up in Wheeljack’s lab was like being in solitary confinement. It made Smokey feel useless when so much had been going on that he could have helped with. No matter. Now, he was better and would do whatever it took to defeat the Fallen and rescue their possessed comrades.

Meanwhile, Bluestreak remained quiet, a novelty but understandable considering he didn’t dare interrupt Ultra Magnus while he brought every Autobot on both ships up to speed. The gunner was already aware of most of what Magnus was revealing. The most dire of which was the Fallen and the coming of Unicron. Everything else was secondary in the black and silver mech’s mind. Who cared what really happened with Grimlock and the Ark-19? Who cared about Autobot City? None of that mattered near as much as the end of the Cybertronian race. Although, it wouldn’t be a bad thing necessarily if the Decepticons were wiped out only, but Unicron didn’t work that way. It was everyone or no one and thus an uneasy alliance had to be formed, one that Bluestreak was not looking forward to in any way, shape or form.

Once Ultra Magnus was done with his speech he turned his attention briefly over to the chatterbot, referring to him as a salesmech who would help in making a pitch to their Decepticon “friends” if any Autobot could even call them that. “Um, yeah, sure thing, Commander Magnus. Whatever you need I’m here to give aid. Although, in order to make a good pitch, as you call it, it would be helpful to know just who we would be delivering the pitch to. I mean, with Megatron likely gone, we don’t really know who’s in charge over there. If it’s Shockwave, then we would have to make a logical argument for joining forces which shouldn’t be too hard to do. Honestly, ol’ one optic would be the easiest to convince in my opinion. Of course, if it’s an egomaniac like Starscream or even someone with more violent tendencies like Razorclaw then logic goes right out the window, I’m afraid. Still, I would think that facing the annihilation of the Cybertronian race would force anyone to consider all possibilities. One side can’t win it alone, but together we have the best chance to defeat the Fallen and prevent the return of Unicron. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend as the old saying goes. Right?”

Smokescreen couldn’t help but overhear Bluestreak’s nonstop suggestions. Moving over to his chatterbot comrade, the diversion expert placed a gentle hand on the gunner’s shoulder. “Easy there, Blue. You’re going to wear out your vocals before you’re able to finalize a pitch. Heh.” The rallybot then turned his attention to the new Supreme Commander of the Autobots and gave the appropriate, respectful salute. “Commander Magnus, sir, Smokescreen reporting for duty. I’m sorry for the interruption, but I’ve been out of action for a while now and just wanted to let you know that I’m fully capable of assisting you in any way that I can. Just give the word, sir, and I’ll do my very best!”

Science Lab

Wheeljack’s work on the armature was interrupted by the arrival of Perceptor, who’s delay in returning to the lab was blamed on a faulty drone in the supply room. The mad scientist finished attaching a cranium to the skeletal body and looked over at the sniper, a wide grin spreading across his exposed faceplate as he put both of his hands up into the air. “I didn’t build it, Perceptor. I swear! Heh heh!” The white mech knew all too well that his reputation for building defective machines was legendary at this point and thus he had no problem poking some fun at himself from time to time. “Don’t worry too much about it. I’ve pretty much got a basic skeleton built here. All we need is to install working circulatory and nervous systems. I assume you were able to find everything you needed in the med bay’s storage.....”

The inventor was interrupted again, this time by Ultra Magnus’ speech that he was broadcasting ship wide over every functioning view screen. Wheeljack turned his attention to the nearest monitor, watching and listening to everything the new Sector Commander was saying. It was a lot to take in but ‘Jack had no problem assimilating everything that was conveyed. The one thing that grabbed the mad scientist’s attention the most was the return of the Fallen and those whom have been possessed, if that was the right word for it. With everything he and Axle had done to help Smokescreen and Tracer, Wheeljack had missed a lot, including a looming apocalypse. It was almost enough to make any mech rethink their priorities. However, the inventor had no regrets in helping his friend and would do it again in a spark beat.

Once Magnus was finished with his message, the view screen grew dark again and Wheeljack rubbed his chin guard before looking over at Perceptor once more. “Wow! I I feel like we should do something to help fight the Fallen, you know? Building this armature just doesn’t seem like it’s that important anymore when you consider that the universe could be coming to an end.” The white mech grew silent, contemplating his words for a moment. Wheeljack quickly realized that he and the others in the science lab had a part to play in all this just like everyone else did. Developing this new technology was still very important and could not be impeded by the return of an ancient enemy.

“Perhaps I’m wrong,” Wheeljack finally conceded, shaking his cranial unit in disgust of himself. “If Magnus needs our help then I’m sure he’ll ask for it. I mean, this new ore we’re going to be testing could give us an advantage in fighting the Fallen, right? Even the new ground bridge technology could be utilized in distributing troops to where they need to go. Yeah, I’m definitely wrong. Just ignore the ramblings of a mad scientist and let’s just get this armature completed, shall we?”

Wheeljack then dived into the bin of spare parts that the sniper had placed on a nearby workbench just as Huffer mentioned something about taking a look at a computer simulation. The engineer didn't divert his attention and remained focused on the task at hand. “Perceptor, Jetfire, I will likely need your assistance with installing the circulatory and nervous systems as they are more akin to biology than mechanics. I’ll do what I can, of course.”
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:41 pm

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Science Lab

Chromedome manage to finally gaze away from his extensive simulation programming. He had been so focused in his work that he didn’t even realize that Wheeljack and Perceptor had made their way over towards Huffer and Ironfist’s side of the laboratory. The mnemosurgeon took a moment to catch up with reality for a bit. He didn’t even know he had zoned out so bad until he began to take in all the this new information being fed to him. Rubbing his temples, he returned to the computer screen and activated the simulation program that Ironfist and Huffer requested for.

“Simulation’s up and running Huffer.” The mnemosurgeon announced, turning to the minibot engineer. “When you’re ready you can come take a look.”

Just as Chromedome was beginning to take a seat next to the terminal he had been working on, he noticed Ironfist analyzing a holographic blueprint of sorts. From what he could tell, the design was that of an ammunition round but it was shaped differently than the standard rifle rounds everyone carries on them.

“Hey ‘Fist,” Chromedome began as he took a seat next to the weapons engineer, “Whatcha working on here?”

Weapons Storage

Springer was greeted at the door of the weapons storage area by the ship’s speedy messenger. As he turned once more out towards the doorway, he was stopped by Magnus’ speech over the ship’s PA system. Oh if that didn’t get the energon flowing again, Springer didn’t know what would.

“Alright boys, when you’re done here meet me in the bounce chamber.”

The triple changer made his departure from the room carrying a wide assortment of weaponry on him. Over his shoulder slung an Ion Cannon, his own laser rifle was slung over his back as was his sword. In his left hand he carried a Nucleon Minigun by its forward handle bar.

Corridors – En Route to Bounce Chambers

As the green Triple Changer traversed the corridors of the ship, he could hear the echo of Magnus’ message beginning to take effect on the troops. These were grim times in the Autobot ranks, but the tiniest shred of optimism was enough to enlighten the spirits of some of the Bots.

Magnus’ message also reminded Springer that he needed to contact Hot Spot over on board the Guardian.

>>”Springer to Hot Spot. I need you and your Protectobot Team to meet me over in the Ark-22’s Bounce Chamber. I assume you’ve heard Magnus’s speech by now so it won’t be too hard to guess why I need ya’ over here. Anyways, get over here as soon as possible. Springer out.”<<
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Devastron » Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:43 am

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Untraceable message from Decepticons to Autobots

>>"State your business."<<
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Foximus » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:36 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle

Blaster listened and worked while Ultra Magnus gave his address to the Autobot ranks. His words instilled hope in Blaster's spark despite such grave news. The situation was rather dire. The return of the would spell the end of them all. They had to stop...what did Ultra Magnus call him? Black Rodimus? He supposed there was no better way of saying it. Blaster mulled it over a little until Ultra Magnus called out to him.

"Oh and one more thing Blaster, send another blast to the Thanatos. And repeat the process once every 3 breems until a response is received. Inform me immediately once contact has been achieved."

"Gotcha, hoss," Blaster replied with a wave. Blaster prepared to do so when a thought occurred to him. He had ought to check in with the earth teams. He needed to make sure that those transmissions wouldn't interfere with any incoming signals from the Thanatos as well. Easily done. He was about to set to completing his tasks when a response to the message came through.

>>"State your business."<<

Immediately, reflexively, Blaster attempted a trace on the signal. Unfortunately, he found that it was bouncing off of earth satellites. Copying his own tactic. Blaster felt a wave of aggravation wash over him. Soundwave. That frakkin' piece of...Blaster whirled around to look at Ultra Magnus with urgency.

"Yo, hoss! We've got a reply. Patching it through to the main viewer as we speak. No vid feed though."

That done, Blaster tried to busy himself with reviewing the logs while waiting for further orders from Magnus, looking for any reports from Prowl. Soundwave. Somehow that glitch managed to get under his plating every single time. Logs, There was one private transmission from Prowl to Hound, but other than that, nothing. He had ought to request a status report from Prowl soon. Arcee's team had just been dispatched. He'd give them some time before he checked in.

Blaster did a preliminary scan of the valley where the group had been dispatched. The entirety of the Aerialbots were there, which surprised the chief CO only slightly. Those lot were a rowdy bunch anyway. Hound was there too. The voice supposed that Prowl had been calling for reinforcements. Blaster checked the bounce logs. They hadn't bounced there. Which meant they took a shuttle. Prowl's and the others' signals were coming through bright and clear despite the atmospheric disturbance in that particular sector. Good.

Blaster patched open a separate channel and sent a transmission down to Earth:

>>"Yo, Prowl! This is Blaster, coming to you from the bridge of the Ark-22. What's the latest? How're you 'Bots holdin' up down there? Send up a shout!"<<

Blaster immediately shifted to scanning for the other team of 'Bots holed up on Earth. The bounce logs gave their general coordinates. Only a team of three. Arcee being the leader of the pack, he surmised. They all looked golden as well. All good. All good.


Weapon Storage Facility/Corridors

Springer passed by without so much as a hello or a howdy-doo. Blurr couldn't blame the green triple changer though. Probably had a lot on his mind. He did at least address the lot of them. Finishing up with his weapon, the blue speedster prepared to follow Springer when Ultra Magnus's message came over the view screens. It...was bad. Really bad. A lot worse than Blurr could've ever imagined. Bluestreak sure hadn't been kidding. Ultra Magnus addressing everyone sort of hit it home.

At the same time though, Blurr was filled with a fiery blaze of defiance. They could stop the rise of Unicron. They could get their friends back. Blurr was willing to do whatever it took. Even if it meant working with the Decepticons. Yes!

"Yeah!Letsdothis!" Blurr cheered as the feed ended. Energon pumping, Blurr zipped out of the weapon storage facility and through the corridors, nearly colliding into the back of Springer as he rounded a corner.

"HeySpringer!" Blurr chirped with a cheerful determination in his optics. He adjusted his pace to walk at Springer's side as well as his speech. "We're going save them. Hot Rod and Hardhead and them, I mean. I know we can do it."
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby sumowrestler » Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:01 pm

Weapon: Saber Blade
From Guardian to Ark-22

>>Hot Spot to Springer, my team is already in the bounce chamber of the Guardian. It may be simpler to bounce from both ships with a nanoclick delay to insure we don't bounce in the exact location. All we need is the coordinates and we will meet you down there.<<
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:09 am

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Corridors - En Route to Bounce Chamber

>>"Hot Spot to Springer, my team is already in the bounce chamber of the Guardian. It may be simpler to bounce from both ships with a nanoclick delay to insure we don't bounce in the exact location. All we need is the coordinates and we will meet you down there."<<

>>"Understood Hot Spot, thanks for the update. Don't get too comfy, we should be leaving here soon. I'll keep you guys informed and deliver the coordinates for the bounce as soon as I can."<<

Excellent. Hot Spot and his team was ready to go, this made timing easier for the triple changer. He just needed to wait for the rest of his mock-up crew to meet up with him in the Bounce Chamber. Before Springer could ready his next thought, he was greeted by the blue speedster in the middle of the corridor.

"We're going to save them. Hot Rod and Hardhead and them, I mean. I know we can do it."

“Loving the enthusiasm Blurr.” Springer happily responded, “I know we can do it too, I mean we gotta do it! There’s too many lives at stake to let this slip. I still don’t know if Magnus’ plan is truly the best one we’ve ever had, but it’s the best we’ve got at the moment. We just need to have faith and keep our optimism up.”

Bounce Chamber

Springer entered the lifeless Bounce Chamber and lowered the weapons he’d been carrying onto the floor in the corner of the corner. He stretched his servos out then looked around the room again. He continued to fight his eagerness, trying not to give in and rush his teammates along to get their afts in gear and get this mission going. No, he needed them to take their time. He wanted to ensure they got everything they think they would need for the task at hand. He walked over and took a seat the chair that sat behind the command terminal of the Bounce Chamber’s controls. He gazed over the panel of light and switches and began trying to input the coordinates of their destination into the machine.

“What were the coordinates again?” He asked as he stared blankly at the terminal. He slowly typed at the controls, scratching his processor every now and again as he tried to recall the information. “Dammit…I knew I should have wrote them down or something…”

The triple changer leaned back in his chair as he pondered hard on whether he remembered the coding or not. Then a thought occurred to him.

“I Wonder if Blaster still has the coordinate map up back on the bridge…” he muttered under his breath. Sitting back upright, he opened his Comm unit back up and hailed Blaster on the bridge.

>>”Blaster, it’s Springer. Listen, I made the mistake of not memorizing the coordinates for the site Magnus wants us to scope out. You mind shooting me the data as soon as you can so I can bounce us out of here? Much appreciated if you could.”<<
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Marcus Rush » Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:12 am

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Science Laboratory

"I still say this whole project won't work. Magnus has us wasting our time trying to get this piece of junk operational." Huffer groused in an irritated sigh. He stepped over a large net of cables leading from the transit node ring into the vast array of sensors, computers and power devices that lined the walls of the science laboratory. A slow and disheartened sweep of his foot sent a small container of lubricants spinning end over end into a trash receptacle.

This really was a waste of time. The last time they turned on the power, he had been sent sprawling into the hallway. Sure it was partially his own doing but that did not negate the fact that this entire project was nothing more than a fools errand. This sort of technology had been abandoned for eons since the invention of the Transwarp Drive. Why in Primus's name should they try to bring it back to life? Huffer shrugged his shoulders again with an audible sigh.

"We should be focusing our efforts on getting back to Cybertron instead of fortifying this rock," his voice was low but his words carried. The construction engineer pulled up a seat that had been recently vacated by Chromedome and began entering a series of mathematical equations into the matrix. "This code won't work at all."

He didn't bother to change the code that had been written. Instead he deleted it entirely and began to write a new operating sequence for the node's activation. Not even bothering to submit the new OS to the testing program Chromedome and Ironfist had created, Huffer simply pushed it into the start up files of the node. "Just watch, they will blame me when this thing blows up half the ship. They always do, and once more I'll be stuck on this stupid boulder in the middle of nowhere."

Huffer activated the program and shook his head in dismay. A whir began to reverberate through the laboratory as the chevrons of the node began to spin slowly. Brilliant green Cybertronian symbols began to flare to life across the rim of the ring. They aligned with corresponding symbols on the borders of the node and locked into place. Chevrons reached down and scanned the symbols and registered the results on the monitor.

Immediately the construction engineer stood up in the silence he pivoted around towards the activating transit node. He looked back at the data that was flooding his terminal before once again attending to the details of the node. An event horizon began to flicker to life in the center of the ring.

The data storm was incredible. Huffer began to recognize patterns that had been lost to ages past, details that had not been put into practice for eons and lost to those terrible nightmares. Extending his fingers to the tip of the now live node he began to scan the gravimetric stresses on the ring itself. A new flood of data slammed his processors like a unerring blow from Motormaster.

Before he became overwhelmed, Huffer disengaged his contact with the node and quickly headed back to the console. He deactivated the activation program and allowed the node to return to standby mode. The waterfall of data was staggering and would take days of analysis before he could comprehend what it all meant. But from the initial impressions he could divine from the numbers was... that once again he had erred in his assessment. A sly smirk crawled across his lips, hidden by the massive overhang of his hood.

He downloaded the data into an encrypted data slate and stored it in his chest plate. He saved the results of the tests and left them up for review of his peers, though he did not include the assessments of the gravimetric data he had acquired during his brief contact. If they were to build a truly functional bridge, the standard methods would not suffice. He needed a new alloy from this primitive world, and the orders that had been sent to Earth would no longer be sufficient for this task.

"I knew this was going to be impossible," he grumbled as he downloaded a list of available alloys and ceramics from the planetary database. Few met his actual requirements, and those that did would not endure for very long under the extreme temperatures and pressures of a fully formed event horizon. Something stronger than Steel Alloy 1090 was necessary, and that meant he had to be there to work it out in real time. The minibot sighed as he walked towards the door of the Science Laboratory.

Pausing briefly he looked over at Wheeljack and gave a nod. "I am heading down to Earth. I probably won't find scrap of what I need, but if I don't this little pet project of Ultra Magnus's dies here." He didn't delve deeper into a preamble and instead let the Chief Research and Development Officer absorb the statement and then exited the chamber.

Ironfist tuned out much of the world around him as he reshaped the slug in his holographic projection. The primary body of the micro sensor was now located further into the rear of the shell and the smaller control modules of the propellant had been integrated with the newer sensor module. The primary focusing and detection lens was still intact at the front of the shell, though it was surrounded by a smaller charge of explosive materials.

He pulled the stylus down to the table and scrawled a quick note in the bottom left of the projection. Replacing the standard chemical that most Autobot firearms used as propellant and explosive catalysts, with something more concentrated and decidedly more effective for the munitions he was designing.

As he finished his scrawl, Chromedome entered his field of vision. "Hmm?" was his response as he set the stylus down upon the work bench next to the projection apparatus. "I am currently working on a new type of ammunition. One that is capable of enhancing accuracy for all users by 75% or greater. Of course it requires some fine tuning, but if I can solve this equation here..." He pointed to the long string of algebraic numbers positioned underneath a larger image of the sensor package that was embedded in the bullet casing.

"I can increase that to an even greater improvement." The formula, the hypothetical formula for consciousness, was framed in red and pulsed every so often as a taunting reminder that it had yet to be solved through the designs and positioning of various instruments within his shell. "I cannot seem to figure out the constant integers for Decepticon mental frequencies."

The weapons engineer shook his head and leaned back in his stool, stretching both arms above his head in a semi vocal groan of frustration. He had been working on this project for vorns, and had little to show for it. To be frank the Glass Gas guns had been easier than development of this particular piece of technology.

"To make a long technical description short, this bullet is designed to target specific centers of mental frequencies. In other words..." he allowed the surgeon to fill in the blank in the air. He already knew such a development would have its moral detractors, but there was never any harm in the weapons or munitions themselves. Only harm was in how they were used or in who used them.
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Foximus » Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:50 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle

Blaster awaited Ultra Magnus to respond to the Decepticons. While he waited, however, he received a message from Springer asking for the bounce coordinates. Blaster rubbed his temples. He knew Springer was reckless but to charge off without memorizing the coordinates? That called for some ribbing.

>>"Yo Springer, it's Blaster,"<< Blaster shot back as he retrieved the data that Springer had requested, >>"Sending you the coordinates. Holler if you a map and direction too. Maybe even one of these earth GPS devices to help you so you don't get lost."<<

Blaster chuckled as he sent the data over to the green triple changer.

>>"It's your show. G'luck!"<<
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Ember » Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:07 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
((OOC: Please let me have gotten this done right. If not let me know and I won’t change it. Heh))

Weapon Storage Facility

“Guard duty? Aww come on Springer.” Sideswipe whined. With a deep frown etched on his face the warrior backed into the wall and leaned into it heavily. It would’ve been nice to have been told the nature of this mission before he agreed to it. Guard duty. Pfft. He could be doing so many other worth-while things. Like….like…Damn!

“Fine. You’re just lucky I don’t have anything else to do right now. Besides Sunny needs his space.” Sideswipe shook his head before he pushed off the wall and loaded up with a few essentials…and a few nonessentials.

Without another word Sideswipe stomped out of the room. He moved pass Blurr and followed behind the green triple changer and the red runt. He did suppose if Cliff was going things could turn out to be pretty interesting. The thought brought a small smile to his face. Albeit a very small smile.

Bounce Chamber

Sideswipe stepped into the chamber and took in the group that had been assembled. Springer, Blurr and Cliffjumper. A pretty motley crew, but as far as teams go it was a good one.

Now, based on what he’d heard of Magnus’ little public address he assumed that now this little team would be giving aid in order to defeat the Fallen and his little horde of Cybertronians. That was fine with him.

“So we gonna get this show on the road or what?” he quipped with his trademark smirk. Carnage awaited.

((OOC: Since backtracking took me so long, I’ll be getting another post up in the coming future. 1 to 2 years should be good.))
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:18 am

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
((OOC: Ember, your post is fine, don't worry about having to edit it. Also with Sid's permission, I'm gonna NPC as Tailgate.))

Bounce chamber

>>"Oh ha ha HA."<< Springer replied sarcastically to the joking Blaster as he was fed the coding for the coordinate placement he requested. >>"Not all of us have a photographic memory system like you do."<< he retorted with a chuckle. He spun in his chair and punched in the coordinates into the targeting systems. For the terminal, he also sent the coordinates to Hot Spot and his team over aboard the Guardian. When the landing area was locked into position, he rose and turned to Blurr and Cliffjumper who were waiting in the room with him.

"Excellent! Now all we need is-" Sideswipe entered through the doorway just before The triple changer could finish his thought. "Hey! Perfect timing there Swipes! Alright why don't we get this show on the road now?"

Springer stepped up onto the Bounce Pad and waited to be "beamed" off the ship. He knew that wasn't the technical term for the process, but it more sense than what the egg-heads came up with for the process.


"Autobots...Let's bounce."

((OOC: I'll have the new thread up soon to carry this out.))

Corridors - Outside Science Labs

Magnus' speech was all too inspiring, so much that it got Tailgate to get out of sitting around the Guardian's bridge to go see if he could find some work or reassignment from Magnus himself.

The white and blue minibot walked with a slight hop in his step. He was excited to finally be up and moving again. Optimus' disappearance really caused him to, well, mope about. Hopefully a new task will take his mind off things for awhile.

As he walked by the science labs, he noticed Huffer, one of the Autobots top engineers come rolling out the doorway. Feeling optimistic, Tailgate walked up next to the engineer and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder plating.

"Hey Huffer! What's going on around here? Did ya catch Magnus' broadcast earlier? Pretttty powerful stuff if ya ask me."

Science Lab

"Directly target processor units." Chromedome said finishing Ironfist's statement. He rubbed the plating of his faceplate where a chin would be as he stared blankly at the blueprints set up in front of the weapons designer.

"Besides, even if you could target the processor directly, how could you get that formula you got there from determining the difference between an Autobot or a Decepticon? I mean programming can be written, I made a living off it, but there's no way the formula can differentiate between friend and foe..."

The mnemosurgeon leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. Memories of his past injections were floating through his processor as he tried to recall any significant data that would provide Ironfist with the information he needed. He was stumped though, he only had to search memory, not search for serial numbers and access coding.

"I'd need to inject again..." Chromedome muttered to himself, "Just to get the numbers needed..."
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Marcus Rush » Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:50 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun

As silent as the grave, an idiom from their protectorate world. It did little to describe the eerie silence that fell across the bridge as Blaster announced contact with the Thanatos. The various beeps of indicators and gages were the only signals that life was still present onboard the spacious multi tiered command deck of the Ark 22.

Ultra Magnus allowed his optics to pass over the lower tier again, those at the helm and navigation island already entering new courses and preparing evasive patterns. He immediately waved them idle and approached Blaster's communication station. Soundwave, a mechanism whose loyalty and devotion to the ideals of Megatron had become legendary.

For a brief moment Magnus entertained the idea that by some strange twist of fate, the disciple of Megatron had assumed power. With the flux and void left by the Decepticon leader's disappearance almost anything was possible. The thought was immediately rejected. He knew Soundwave from eons of constant battle. Such a position, even as place holder, was outside of that particular Decepticon's personal ambition.

He pressed the response toggle and opened the link between the two ships, with the expected seconds of delay as the signal would be bounced through a myriad of relays and dead ends in order to prevent tracking. Magnus forced the warrior from his voice, assuming instead the barring of a determined diplomat... at least as much a diplomat as he could muster. Sentinel Prime, his late mentor, was not exactly known for playing politics.

"My business, Soundwave, is of grave importance. I require connection with whoever has claimed lordship over your military. As well as Onslaught for verification."

Hallway towards Bounce Chamber

Huffer grumbled as he pivoted out of the mecha storage hold located between the Science Laboratory, the bounce chamber and the main engineering offices. Strapped to his back were two moderately sized packages, both rectangular in shape with a pair of semi circular features at the top of the items.

The engineer continued to replay the transmission from Ultra Magnus on the ship wide broadcast. Each and every goal that their de facto commander had outlined seemed more and more impossible than the last. In fact, Huffer hated each objective because with each word Magnus uttered during his address, Huffer found himself further and further away from returning to his beloved home world.

He turned the corner with a snap and narrowly avoided slamming into one of the scouts that had been stationed onboard the Guardian. Not entirely in the mood for a long drawn out conversation, Huffer simply nodded and pressed down on one of the computer terminals embedded in the wall nearest the doors leading to the bounce chamber. He pressed in a few codes and brought up the duty roster. "Tailgate. You're now reassigned to me. We're going to Earth, and I don't want to hear any arguments on the matter."

Walking passed briefly and without giving the scout an opportunity to protest, Huffer reached out and grabbed the fender of the scout. He pulled him into the bounce chamber and gave the transport chief the coordinates where Tracks was last located. He released his grip on Tailgate as they settled onto the bounce pad. "Transport."

With that command, Huffer disappeared in a blinding flash of light.
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Insidious » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:53 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Untraceable message from Decepticons to Autobots

>>"This is Combaticon Commander Onslaught, speaking on behalf of Decepticon leader Razorclaw. I trust that this communication means that there has been some development on your end in the matter we discovered on the Terran surface?"<<
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:10 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Encrypted Message from Prowl to Blaster:

>>”Blaster, this is Prowl. All is going well with only a few minor issues to report. First, Bumblebee has suffered a minor shoulder injury and is being attended to by a medical drone. Nothing to worry about. Second, the shuttle carrying the requested reinforcements was struck by an atmospheric discharge and crashed into a lake. The craft is lost. However, all who were on board are accounted for and fully functional. All equipment has also been salvaged. Finally, while we have found a potential location for our future Autobot City, there are humans in the area that are impeding our progress at further analysis. Therefore, we are attempting to use holograms and sound effects in the hopes of safely scaring them off. All infiltration protocols are being followed to the letter and we have not been discovered by the fleshlings. In addition, I have initiated a plan to conceal this valley from any further intrusions by the local population. I will update you on our progress when there is something further to report. Prowl out.”<<
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Marcus Rush » Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:44 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun

Ultra Magnus paused briefly. His optics narrowed slightly as the audio changed from the less than charismatic overtones of the Decepticon Communications genius, to that of a familiar battlefield rival. "Razorclaw is the new Decepticon Commander in Chief?" His voice was low enough that the communicator transceiver did not register the query. It was not his place to request an update on the shifts of rival political structures and power. He filed the information away for later reference, knowing full well that his tutor Bluestreak, was already hard at work devising an appropriate dialog for their future meetings.

He pressed the toggle on the microphone receiver. "Your assumption would be correct. The situation is darker than first anticipated, and those first indications were fairly bleak to begin with." Magnus leaned back and steeled his features. Though it was not a visual transmission, it would be noticed in his delivery.

"This entity, this infection that has taken two of your very own as well as three of our friends, is marching towards a grave event that will determine our own extinction. Of course you were there when the Fallen himself made such a proclamation..." His voice hung briefly. Magnus was not one for beating around the proverbial bush. "Onslaught, I need to speak with Razorclaw and yourself face to face. We must determine the best course of action in order to dissolve this looming doom, regardless of our affiliations or political biases... and I am sure that through some reflection, you have arrived to a similar conclusion."
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:38 am

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Hallway towards Bounce Chamber

"Re-Reassigned?" Tailgate began as the Autobot engineer began entering codes into a wall-mounted terminal. "Huffer, I was just about to go see Magnus about that actually! I'm sure he's got something useful for me to-" The scout was cut off as Huffer grabbed hold of Tailgate's fender and pulled him into the bounce chamber.

"Whoa! WHOA! HUFFER WA-WAIT! I NEED TO TALK TO MAG-" He yelled as he was cut off yet again, this time by the flash of the Bounce Chamber taking him to Earth alongisde Huffer.

((OOC: Tailgate has now moved to Detroit))
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Insidious » Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:03 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Untraceable message from the Thanatos to the Ark-22

>>"There exists the possibility that such a meeting could be arranged. Before I relay any of this to Razorclaw, I would hope that you have a secure--and neutral--location in mind. Moreover, who would we speak with from your side? If you think for a klik that Razorclaw and I would come only to be greeted by a contingent of Wreckers, you are sorely mistaken."<<
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:21 pm

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon

Jazz strolled over next to Blaster's position at the Communication relay system he was busy working at. He didn't want to disrupt or distract the communications officer's handy work, especially during a critical situation such as the one they were in now.

The Special Ops Director stared attentively at the large viewscreen in front of him. He scanned the display, his optics shifting like lighting left and right, back and forth, behind his visor. This all seems... Interesting. Might have to hop back on the band wagon and get his feet dirty for this. He turned to Magnus and walked up beside him.

"Commander Magnus," The specialist began as he approached the heavily armored mech and gave a slight salute like had done earlier. "After giving it much thought, I feel like I'm ready to get back out in the field. Although my circuits and pistons are aching for a quick dip into a cool CR Chamber right now, What do you think my chances of getting to go down and party with Springer and co. looking like?"
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby Marcus Rush » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:54 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun

Ultra Magnus rubbed his chin briskly, visually obscured by the audio only feed linking the two vessels in Earth orbit. A moment of silence passed before he made a deliberate and methodical move to begin tapping out roster commands as well as a coordinate data package. Once he was done he looked back at the slow spinning blue, white and brown orb that hung low as day began to break over the chosen location he had already devised for this gathering.

Magnus pressed the receiver toggle and made his reply. "Onslaught, such a tactic at this time would be highly inappropriate. In fact it would be utterly counter productive to the true objective of any meeting for cooperation. The site I have selected for this meeting is at present being secured and isolated from native sensors or investigators... or other such curious biologics."

Giving only a ginger nod to the counter intelligence officer, Magnus dispatched Jazz to reinforce Springer's small operation.
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Re: Autobot Vessel Ark-22 - Far From Home

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:48 am

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon

Jazz gave a small salute as a satisfied grin etched the side of his faceplating. He turned from the Autobot Commander and strutted over to Blaster and placed an arm over the Communication Officer's shoulder.

"Hey! Sorry to distract ya from your handy work big guy, but when you get a chance you mind streaming me some sick new tunes? I feel like I'm gonna need a kickin' new anthem for this peace keeping mission we're running."

He departed Blaster's side with a quick couple of taps on the broadcaster's shoulder plating and turned for the bridge's doorway. As he left the interior of the bridge, specialist gazed over his armor plating, not noticing any real damage or weathering.

Hmmmm...Maybe I should hold off on that CR dip...Think all I need is a quick recharge...


Hab Suite

A warm recharge slab sounded nice right about now, and luckily the black and white Special Operations officer had a cozy one he could curl up onto. He popped open an access panel located on his forearm and and himself an "alarm" to notify him when his recharge cycle was complete.

"Just a breem or two ought'ta get the ol' engine fired up again like normal." He stated aloud to himself as he laid the back of his processor into the arms he threw behind his head.
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