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Decepticon Battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Mazinman » Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:04 pm


Shadowing watched the events unfolding from the shadows. The fates had lead him into a far more visible role than he ever truly felt comfortable with. This is where he truly belonged, silently observing and evaluating, picking the right moment and target to strike. This case, however, was more frustrating that he could ever imagine.

"Pointless... all of this pointless...." he thought as the fighting began and the melee spread. The cyber-jackals where now truly fighting amongst themselves for the corpse that had been Megatron's dream. For a moment he debated whether his involvement would do any good or just contribute more to the spreading fire.

He frowned. He had to act. Whether it was doomed to failure or not he had to, at least, try.

Shadowing left from his spot in the shadows of the roof to land near where the main battle was raging between Shockwave and the others.

"Please, for the sake of the Decepticon cause, stop this pointless fighting!" Shadowing screamed to the leader figures in this combat.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Devastron » Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:42 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Inside Hangar

Thunderwing watched and waited patiently as everything unfolded before him. At first he had been annoyed at Razorclaw’s absence and then late arrival, but he decided it all played into his bigger strategy. If Razorclaw was clumsy enough to practically announce his coming betrayal, then let him. It would make sure that all attention was focused on him, and he would bear the brunt of the initial attack. He would likely go after Shockwave himself in some sort of melee attack, hoping his blade, or possibly his teeth and claws, would win the day over Shockwave’s firepower.

Of course the clumsy way the Predacon had played all of this meant Shockwave would likely be expecting something from him. With the element of total surprise lost the odds, which he calculated were in favor of Shockwave, shifted even more to the cycloptic leader. Still, such a fight would take a toll on either combatant, leaving them just that much easier to be toppled by him when the time came. Perhaps it wouldn’t be the most honorable or respectable of wins, finishing off a damaged opponent, but then what was more honorable or respectable then victory? Yes, he would take the reins of the Decepticon Empire while standing on the broken forms of Razorclaw and Shockwave. Whoever was left after that would fall in line or follow the other two would be leaders to the junk pile.

Razorclaw could perhaps be salvaged some how, he had served with distinction before and losing him would likely result in the loss of his entire elite team. Shockwave however had done far too much and had ambitions far too high to leave functioning. Starscream would have to be put down as well; he wasn’t going to allow him to start plotting anew. Blackwind would easily replace him as seeker commander and help tighten his grip on the throne, as it were. Once those immediate problems were dealt with he could solidify his powerbase at a more leisurely pace.

Of course this would all have to wait until the battle had begun. First they had to go through the summoning of the infamous Decepticon Justice Division. Their membership had probably changed since last he had seen them, but they all seemed to be the same Megatron worshipping sycophants that they were before. They would be an interesting challenge to deal with in his new order. He silently stood through, watching as the Division and Shockwave went back and forth with the preliminaries before moving on to the real heart of the matter.

It was no surprise to see Soundwave step forward. There was certainly no love lost between him and Starscream. As he recalled they had both been there from near the beginning. He wasn’t certain if they were rivals exactly, but Soundwave’s appearance of totally loyalty certainly clashed with Starscream’s more power hungry personality and actions. It seemed that whatever animosity existed between them would now be excised one way or the other.

With Soundwave’s damning testimony, true or not, Starscream’s fate was apparently sealed. He doubted that the Justice Division would question the testimony of one of Megatron’s most loyal lieutenants. That combined with a history of treachery made a guilty verdict a near certainty. It also meant that Starscream was liable to try some last ditch gambit to get himself out of the situation, perhaps calling on his seekers to rescue him or demand that Razorclaw enact his plan.

Thunderwing was only mildly surprised when, instead of a plea for help, Starscream sought to wreck the entire proceedings by informing the Division of Megatron’s death. It was a way to bring a swift end to the trial, as the signal with the Division was swiftly ‘lost,’ but without directly tipping Razorclaw’s hand. It was a bit more clever then he would have given the seeker credit for. Now the next move was likely in Razorclaw’s hands now.

He frowned as Razorclaw let loose a battle cry and charged into battle with Shockwave. The lack of originality or planning in this move was disappointing and showed why the Predacon would never be truly fit to lead. He was a skilled hunter and predator, but it took more then pure animal instincts and battle lust to lead the Decepticons. He could be exceptionally skilled at leading his team, but it took more then that to lead the Decepticons. Charging into battle was simply a quick way to certain defeat.

The Decepticon’s frown deepened as he watched the battle unfolding around him. Several Decepticons were throwing around power levels well beyond their norms. Apparently Shockwave’s new fuel source was working and, if his readings were correct, both sides had managed to obtain some. This put him at a decided disadvantage in the battle. Even with his carapace he was doubtful of his chances in a melee like this with himself so underpowered compared to everyone else. He needed to find a way to even the odds.

As if answering his thoughts a nearby wall exploded in a burst of shrapnel and smoke. As the air cleared he could make out a hole, and behind it appeared to be a lab where a satisfied looking Blackwind stood along with a few other Decepticons. A smile spread over his face, his row of sharp fangs glistening from the explosions and laser fire nearby. Knocking aside a few stray Vehicons Thunderwing moved through the gap in the wall and into the lab.

“It is good to see you functional Blackwind,” he gave her a smile and nod. He was glad to see her, and apparently intact. Unfortunately anything more then a quick greeting would have to wait for a more opportune moment. He quickly glanced around the room. “I take it this is Shockwave’s lab, and I hope that means you come bearing gifts?”


Soundwave’s face remained blank, but he couldn’t help but clench his fists as everything fell apart around him. Razorclaw had declared a civil war and Starscream had escaped captivity with the help of one of his lackeys. Everything he had established in the wake of Megatron’s absence was falling apart all around him. He had little doubt that under Starscream or even Razorclaw’s rule he would find himself, at best, regulated to little more then cannon fodder, if not executed out right. He had worked to long and hard to allow that to happen, especially at the hands of Starscream. He would fight until the end to keep what he had gained, and if he was to lose it all, he would make sure that Starscream, above all others, would pay like no one else would.

“Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Ratbat: Eject. Operation: Interference.”

The four cassettes shot out of Soundwave’s chest, ready and prepared for their current ‘operation,’ This time interference wasn’t quite as literal. They were to run interference for Soundwave by keeping the other seekers busy while he finally terminated Starscream for himself. Each of them had also tasted some of the ultra energon Soundwave had saved in his systems so any fight would still be on more of an equal footing, and 2 on 1 should make up for their size disadvantage.

Frenzy ran to Skywarp, stopping in front of him. “Hey Warp, its nothing personal, I actually like most of yer pranks, but the boss says Starscream is goin’ down, and yer in the way, so bye bye!” The small Decepticon lifted his arms and unleashed a sonic assault on the seeker, powerful vibrations coming off his hands and heading towards Skywarp.

Ravage loathed working with the other cassettes. He considered himself a professional while the others ranged from highly annoying to stupid to downright psychotic. Still, if there was one thing someone like Frenzy was good at, it was drawing attention to himself. Ravage knew Skywarp would likely try to run or teleport out of the way, and so he waited in the shadows, ready to pounce on the foolish seeker when he thought himself safely out of the line of fire.

Rumble really wanted to just set the whole place to shaking, but Soundwave was warning against that as he might possibly tear a hole in the ship. Rumble always did his best to follow orders, but that one really limited what he could do. He was just going to have to settle for a good old fashioned slug out. He hurtled through the air in a flying tackle at Nightraven’s midsection. “Yer going down ya dumb broad!”

Ratbat circled around Nightraven in the air. “Why if it isn’t my old transport! I told you before the end of your kind would be coming soon, but I had no idea it would be this soon. You can rest easy knowing that your fuel will be gratefully recycled to other, more deserving models of Decepticons. It just makes good business sense!” Ratbat opened fire with his electron lasers as he circled her.

With Starscream’s two apparent bodyguards dealt with, Soundwave charged into the fray himself, heading straight for the seeker. Gripping his concussion gun, he opened fire as he charged at him. He knew the seeker was fast and would not hesitate to flee. That meant he was going to have to close with him quickly if he was to terminate him once and for all.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Phaze » Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:23 am

Motto: ""All's Fair in Life and Death""
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon

continued his forward momentum as Thundercracker’s machinegun fire pelted his upper frame like rain bouncing from a rock. By the time that Crueljaw realised Thundercracker was on the move bringing the weapon that the mech Thundercracker had just dispatched crashing down. Instead of swinging his shotgun around and blasting Thundercracker at close range he brought his right arm up and hit the activation rune on the grip. The formally idle handle burst to lift creating the flaming Plasma blade that he loved to use in close combat.

The scythe slammed into the blade but the rushed defence left his arm in a silly position, the scythe blade dug into his shoulder a loud bang told him that his alternate mode’s tyre had just shredded along with some minor circuits. Ignoring the pain Crueljaw with a grunt the larger decepticon started extending his sword arm allowing his strength to move the scythe backwards before he brought his shotgun up for a point blank shot. “I hope you got a decent doctor on standby chuckles” growled Crueljaw his faceplate was illuminated in a ruby light from the plasma blade as he squeezed the trigger on his shotgun.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Cryhavok » Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:07 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun

The Predacons had burst into action following their leader, Razorclaw. And while most of them seemed to be content to blow through the ranks of Vehicons - that was not nearly enough for Headstrong. He wanted a challenge and chance to prove himself to his brothers in arms. Anyone who had gone through the branding was strong enough to finish off a mere drone soldier. And Headstrong certainly felt he was far more than your average Decepticon. He would show what being a Decepticon really meant to these weak fools whom had allied themselves with Shockwave. He would dominate them.

Now picking up a proper target was another thing. Shockwave would have been the ideal target but the Predacon code demanded he belonged to Razorclaw. No assistance would be given unless their leader would call for it. This was a battle for the leadership of the Decepticons. It demanded some resemblance of honor. Underhanded trickery would be just fine but for Razorclaw to truly gain the respect of the Decepticons - he needed to defeat Shockwave without the direct assistance of the other Predacons. Nevertheless, there were so many Vehicons and Decepticons gathered in the hangar that Headstrong's vision had trouble focusing on any single target to choose. Which served him just fine. He went by through memorizing the color patterns of his allies and as long as he wouldn't charge through any of those the Predacons had allied themselves with, he figured there was no problem to be had later on.

Transforming into his thickly armored rhino mode, Headstrong waved his head from side to side before locking into a suitable target. A dark shape, almost the size of a seeker, stalking towards Breakdown while wielding a scythe much like the crazy little femme whom had attacked Thundercracker. Seriously, what was with these scythe wielding fools? Could they not see that a scythe was an inferior form for a weapon? Headstrong had fought inside the pits easily long enough to learn which techniques and weapons worked the best. Scythe was a weapon of intimidation, difficult one to master and most often chosen by idiots and showoffs. A properly built spear in the hands of an adequate fighter would serve its wielder far better than a scythe in the actuators of a buffoon that valued himself higher than he actually was worth.

And Headstrong was a spear. A spear with the greatest asset of them all on his side - surprise.

It was really a shame. It would be too easy.

The massive mechanical rhino charged forwards, ploughing his way through the Vehicons that were unlucky enough to stand on his way. Crushed and trampled corpses of Shockwave's pathetic drone soldiers marked the path he carved as his target drew closer. Until he finally hit him.

A cry of sheer agony escaped Deathstinger's vocal processor as Headstrong's acid dripping horn burst through his torso. The hunter might even have survived Headstrong's initial attack had there been room to maneuver. But there wasn't. There was only the crushing momentum of Headstrong and the hangar wall that served as the anvil to Headstrong's hammer.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:28 am

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers

As the mechanical lion quickly advanced on Shockwave’ position, Razorclaw could see that the combustible gas he had just launched moments ago was doing its job, bringing down several mechs that were nearby while doing more damage to the one-eyed scientist, himself. The follow-up concussion blast also did its job, or at least partially as the Military Operations Commander’s cannon arm had not been hit. However, the force of the strike did bring the purple Decepticon down to one knee, giving the Predacon lord ample opportunity to pounce and end this little insurrection now before it got more out of hand.

Unfortunately, Razorclaw’s intention did not materialize as Dead End and then Motormaster entered the melee, attacking Shockwave and bringing the lion-former’s advancement to a sudden halt. The logical mech swiftly dealt with the smaller Stunticon’s feeble attack. Whatever possessed Dead End to think he could take on Shockwave was anyone’s guess. Perhaps the ultra energon had given him cause to think he was invincible. Of course, the doomsayer was gravely mistaken.

Motormaster, however, was an entirely different matter as he dealt several hard blows to Shockwave before the purple scientist used his momentum and propelled the large Stunticon Commander through a wall, exposing the corridor beyond. Razorclaw now saw another opportunity to strike at Shockwave while the logic-driven ‘Con was preoccupied with Motormaster. However, that was put on hold, as well, as numerous Vehicons swarmed in to provide cover for their one-eyed master.

“Seriously? You fraggers think you can stop me?” Razorclaw growled as the mechanical beast crept forward, keeping low to the floor as Shockwave’s guards approached. “All right then. Have it your way.” Without further delay, the lion-former leapt at the first Vehicon, tearing into it with his serrated claws like the drone was made of nothing more than tin foil. Once that one was dealt with, Razorclaw move on to the others as they opened fire on him. The laser assault did little to slow the Predacon lord down and actually tickled his chassis in places. Damage was sustained, of course, but nothing detrimental and nothing that would stop Razorclaw from ultimately returning his attention to Shockwave. But, first thing’s first.

The lion-former pounced on another Vehicon, wrapping his jaws around the drone’s head and ripping it from the body in one swift motion. Razorclaw then swung his own head around towards another Vehicon, releasing the severed cranium and sending it airborne. The approaching guard caught the head in his hands, optics widening at the grisly sight. Before the drone could react further, Razorclaw was on him, as well, digging in to the Vehicon’s metallic hide before tearing out his innards. The gruesome display caused most of the other drones to halt their assault on the Predacon Commander as the mechanical beast turned his energon-covered maw in their direction.

“Oh, so now you pathetic slag-heads are having second thoughts, hmm?” Razorclaw commented as he then transformed back into robot mode and drew out his sonic sword. His armored plating bore the scorch marks of dozens of laser blasts, but the new ore derivative made the damage nothing more than a mere nuisance to the Predacon lord. He would have his purple prize even if that meant going through the entire Vehicon contingent on board in order to do so. “Well, it’s too late for that, I’m afraid. Time to pay the price for getting in my way!”

Letting out another deafening battle cry, Razorclaw rushed forward into the remaining Vehicons that were dumb enough to stand their ground against him and began eviscerating each one in succession while beheading others. Energon and body parts flew in all directions as the lion-former worked his way through the drones and back towards his real adversary, Shockwave.

Science Lab

At first, Skywarp had not bothered to take a good look through the gaping hole in the wall which Blackwind had just created with the immense power that her carapace provided. If he had done so, the teleporter would’ve realized sooner that she had succeeded in making an easy path directly back into the hangar where civil strife was in full swing. Wait an astrosec, how did...? 'Warp thought, not realizing just how close the two locations were in proximity to one another. Of course, if he had simply studied the warship's layout a little more when he had the chance, he would've been more prepared. As it were, he was lucky he didn't teleport himself and Starscream into a bulkhead or even into the vacuum of space. That would've been bad.

Regardless, the laboratory was clearly much larger than Skywarp first realized as the main entrance was located at the far opposite end from the wall that the lab shared with the hangar. The new "doorway" provided a much quicker means of returning to the fight without having to go the long way around. Furthermore, the prankster would now be able to see how Nightraven was doing without straying too far from Starscream’s side.

Once Thunderwing had passed through the breach to check in with Blackwind, Skywarp moved towards the hole only to be stopped in his tracks by Soundwave’s diminutive minion, Frenzy. The cassetticon seemed to be friendly enough at first, even complimenting the teleporter on his numerous pranks over the vorns. “Um, thanks. I do take pride in my work.” However, the pleasantries ended abruptly when the small mech suddenly leveled his hands at the black and purple seeker and unleashed a powerful sonic attack.

“Ah, slaggit!!” Skywarp exclaimed as he teleported out of the way, reappearing directly behind Frenzy and aiming his arm-mounted lasers down at the cassetticon. “You missed,” the prankster commented as he opened fire at pointblank range. The seeker, himself, likely wouldn’t miss, but that all depended on the actions of the currently hidden Ravage.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Cryhavok » Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:20 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun

Illogical stratagem indeed. Certainly it had been a clever move from Shockwave to use Motormaster's momentum against him. In this case though, the outcome was hardly as inhibitive as Shockwave likely had hoped for.

And there were at least two clear reasons for this.

Now, they were in a hangar or a battlecruiser. Hangar used to store shuttles and dropships. Hangar that became a crucial hub during a battle scenario, allowing multiple Vehicon and Seeker fighter wings to launch into a battle and return for resupplying. And as it was logical to prevent the hangar from being a weak link that would allow the enemy to easily disable the mighty warship - the walls of the hangar were built to survive a collision with a ship as big as a corvette, the largest ship type the hangar could take in.

That being said, running, smashing, driving or blasting his way through objects had never done much to slow Motormaster down. And while he would never admit it, his charges were not unstoppable. To be fair, he had been stopped way more times he cared to remember - by an occasional Prime, Grimlock or well... a sturdy wall. The collision with the hangar wall fell to the latter category. Not that the sight was spectacular or all that funny. It was just a large ridiculously durable Decepticon running into a wall that didn't budge nor dent under the strain it was subjected to. And that large Decepticon staggering for a short moment before recovering his bearings and turning his attention back towards the reason he had just hit the wall - Shockwave.

Luckily enough for Motormaster, couple of Shockwave's Vehicon minions had been gracious enough to run after the brutish Stunticon following Shockwave's move - providing some level of obstruction against Shockwave's line of sight. And while the one-eyed freak had no qualms of sacrificing his drone soldiers - they would still take the brunt of a possible blast from his arm cannon. And this allowed Motormaster to act.

Grabbing one the Vehicons to function as a living shied and gunning down the other, Motormaster charged off towards Shockwave again. And for some reason, perhaps to protect his arm cannon from unnecessary damage, Shockwave did not fire at him. In the last possible moment, Motormaster pushed the Vehicon out of his hand and speared into Shockwave, tackling the purple Decepticon with a force that would have split a weaker Cybertronian in two.

"Is this all you got?!" Motormaster mockingly bellowed as he began smashing his fists against the upper body and faceless head of the former Military Operations Commander whom the Stunticon had pinned under himself. Shockwave had dared to use Megatron's possible death as a reason to declare himself the leader of the Decepticons but each strike Motormaster unleashed on him brought him nearer and near to be declared brain dead.


Oh, so many targets to choose from. The potential of carnage Brawl could unleash in the hangar was nothing short of staggering. Sure, he had not been given a chance to power up on ultra energon but that did little to diminish the power of his weapons or the strength of his armored skin. Blast-Off was far more likely to get hurt anyway. The snobbish lone wolf was made of tin foil as far as Brawl's opinion was concerned.

Take this slagger for an example. A big brute - almost Motormaster's size and positively glowing due to ore-13 exposition had taken an immediate interest in the two Combaticons following the explosion of the door by Brawl. Howling in a mad fury, this berserker was now running towards the two Combaticons, an axe in his other hand while wildly swinging some kind of a chain with the other - cleaving his way through the Vehicons like a whirlwind.

Pretty impressive. Brawl wouldn't have minded to observe the massacre this warrior had unleashed a little longer. It reminded him of the good old days. The brutal, face to face duels fought in the Pit. Too bad he couldn't answer to this howling lunatic's challenge properly with no melee weapon in sight.

Not that it mattered. Blowing stuff up was as always an entertaining option. And it really made no sense letting the big oaf to start hacking into him with his energo-axe.

Locking his turret in position, Brawl loaded a kinetic energy penetrator into his firing chamber instead of an explosive round and waited until the big Decepticon got closer and closer - until he was practically in point-blank range. The chance to wrecking Blast-Off in a friendly-fire accident was just too big with explosives. Too bad really but it was not worth of getting in trouble with Onslaught.

THOOM. THOOM. A twin blast from Brawl's sonic cannons stopped the big con's charge, making him to drop his weapons to cover his audio receptors in pain. Heh, it was always funny to use the sonic cannons to just stun to allow an easy hit with his main gun.

"Say hello to my little friend!" Brawl quoted a line in a fleshing movie he had watched to ease his boredom during the time the Combaticons had been forced to study the human culture in advance in order to better blend in - just prior firing the kinetic energy penetrator into Contemptor's mid section, effectively blasting the berserker in two.

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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Marcus Rush » Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:19 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Main Engineering

Vortex tapped swiftly through several hundred layers of security codes and mockingly regenerative lines of file, code and binary. His optical visor darted from one side to another as he took in the enormous amounts of detail and information that the security screens could provide. Though they were complex, almost to the point of being beyond him, Vortex was confident enough in his own abilities that some day he would be able to turn these creative constructs into protocols for his further use and manipulation... assuming they survived this coop attempt.

As the interrogator managed to purge the first dozen layers of visible firewalls to access several non vital systems such as power transfer protocols to energon dispensors and even the occassional door, Onslaught's orders came through. Another area of the ship that faced heavy computer protection. Still the codes were of little consequence as Vortex soon discovered through his sensor tap that the door itself was no longer material.

No longer being constrained by opening a door that no longer existed, Vortex turned his attention to a schematic that was materializing before him on a secondary projector. Redundancies after redundancies confused the power grid. The removal of one would immediately be picked up by the other batteries. The interrogator marvelled at the intricate designs of the ship's originator Shockwave. He also marvelled with regards as to how he had so far gone unmolested in his incursion into the ship's subsystems.

Tapping into the security monitor of the laboritory where Onslaught's transponder originated, Vortex shifted his attention to the dispensory. He had made enough headway into the system to begin unlocking those particular pieces of equipment. It was not much, but at least it gave them a tactical advantage. If they could continually refuel and their enemy couldn't, they won out. A matter of attrition.

Once the security locks were lifted, Vortex transmitted an all clear to his team commander. He then returned his attention to the over all power supply of the ship. By now systems in the hanger were coming online, primarily the security fields and structural integrity enhancements that Shockwave had installed over the eons. The additional power drain was being mitigated by the primary engines. If Vortex wanted their uprising to gain an overwhelming advantage, he needed to make sure he had the ability to prevent Shockwave from spacing the lot.

Without orders, Vortex turned his worm codes to the next tier of control codes and began rewriting the voice activation commands for the space doors of the hanger. He could not allow his team to be thrown into the void, though the loss of a few loose cannons did not strike him as too significant a loss. His fingers danced over the controls once more plunging himself deeper onto the operation system.

Adding the final touch to his modification assalt codes, Vortex activated the systems to begin locking out the door commands from those who stood with Shockwave. It would take time, but at least it would limit the access of those who opposed their operation.

Vortex looked up in time to hear the hydaulic hiss of the large energon violet double doors as they pulled back to reveal a most dour of sights. The section chief and chief engineer had returned from their inspection, or whatever it was they were doing. With them an armed security detail of three Vehicon troopers with heavy rifles and one club wielding brute of old. Gone those idiotic power packs that had been the weakness of a great many designs, but still present the shield matrix and menacing endurance that made most wary of their presence.

The chief engineer pointed towards the bank of terminals where Vortex was hid and declared his presence to those of his engineering unit. His orders were crystal clear, there had been a disturbance in the system and tech across the ship was going haywire as if being hacked. He ordered his team to begin securing the Operating System and to reinforce security across ship so that their commander and master would not be beaten on his home turf.

Vortex glanced down at the terminal screen and scowled. He needed five more astro minutes to complete the lock down of the hanger doors and reroute power from that section. Other worms had already found their way into the subsystems that transfered fuel from the tanks into the reactor. They were in the process of overriding the original codes of the chief engineer and initiate an immediate lockdown. But again, Vortex needed time or his work would be undone.

He resolved that he had little option left but to fight. Course that also meant he could use the resources around him. Vortex's digits flew over the command terminal and abruptly killed the power to the engineering section lighting systems. He then shunted power from one of the coolant vents near the brute and two engineers and began a pressure build. Vortex locked the terminal with his own specialized key, and made for a more defensable position. As the engineers probed the power outage, Vortex took aim at the coolant pipes. He drew his neutronium rifle and fired a pair of slugs straight into the densest collection of stress fractures, hidden by the darkness and caused by the exponentially growing pressure.

The explosion sent supercooled nitrogen cascading across the brute and engineer. Seconds passed leaving them as frozen memorials of their former selves. As the automatic containment measures activated, the surviving three security officers began showering Vortex with a withering spray of laser fire. At least they were distracted, now Vortex needed to get to another position and begin taking out the engineers. He could ill afford to allow them a chance to override his work. He needed to buy himself time, and time he would purchase come pitt or Unicron's wrath.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Marty Rocket » Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:52 am


Thundercracker struggled against the weight of Crueljaw as he bore his full weight on Thundercracker, from behind the shimmering red blade of his sword. Grunting, Thundercracker attempted to lean forwards, putting more of his bodyweight into his newly acquired scythe so that he can try and push through Crueljaw's defence. As hard as he tried, though, it didn't seem as if Thundercracker was actually going to be able to match Crueljaw strength for strength... but maybe, if he could hold on, the bigger Decepticon would tire quicker than the tough, well conditioned and battle hardened Seeker.

Thundercracker felt a blunt, metallic object press against his body. Feeling the circular object against his body, Thundercracker looked to see that Crueljaw's shot gun was pressed against him- ready to fire. Thundercracker had to do something, or risk taking a fatal shot.

Immediately, Thundercracker took all of his weight out of the grapple that he found himself in with Crueljaw. It was then that Thundercracker took a step to his right, immediately sidestepping the lethal shot. However, at the same time, as Thundercracker stepped aside and allowed his defence to lower, it also brought down Crueljaw's sword... which pierced the end of his left foot.

"Graaahhh!" Thundercracker roared, as he felt the searing blade cut through his foot. He wasn't out of the woods yet, and now, more than ever, Thundercracker had to put himself in a better position or risk being overwhelmed.

Thundercracker transformed to his alternate mode, which ultimately caused his foot to slide painfully away from the wrath of Crueljaw's sword. He hovered in the air for a moment, then the blue jet immediately ascended towards the ceiling of the hangar.


Climbing into the air of the large hangar as quickly as he could, Thundercracker caused one of his trademark sonic booms to thunder through the entire hangar. Now above the fighting, Thundercracker headed for the door that he entered the hangar from, as he activated his radio.

"Blast it, Skywarp!" Thundercracker cried through his radio. "What's going on?! Where are you?! I'm getting my afterburners handed to me back here!"
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Ember » Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:46 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Inside Hangar

The explosion caused by Blackwind’s artillery caused the Air Commander to take a quick look over his shoulder. The last thing Starscream needed was to be exposed by some idiot maneuver performed by the crazed femme. And of course his assumption was correct. With a growl the silver Seeker turned back to fueling himself up all the while cursing the carapace encased femme to the Pit and back.

“You deranged fool! You’ve exposed us!”

The low growl that had escaped Starscream’s annoying vocalizer did not go unnoticed by Blackwind. But instead of turning to face the now screeching pest Blackwind simply smiled and watched. “No. I’ve exposed you. And if you wish to survive you’ll hurry up and get your sorry little aft in gear.” She called back.

The Aerial Coordinator’s chin lifted high when she saw a figure approaching her but kept her weapons lowered. A smile formed on her face as Thunderwing finally came into full view. Blackwind offered the Warlord a nod. “It’s good to see you as well.” The femme gestured over her shoulder with a tilt of her head, “It is. Or at least it was.” Her only response to Thunderwing’s last query was an exuberant grin. There was a most useful gift, indeed.

A low grunt was the only thing offered by Starscream when he finally disconnected himself from the fuel port. He quickly turned to the crimson and gold mechanic, a deep sneer etched on his visage. “Knockout! Get out there and find your assistant. We need as many mechs as possible to take down that one eyed logical nuisance!”

With a start Knockout gave a quick nod and took off toward the breech in the wall. He was able to breeze past both Blackwind and Thunderwing and out into the hangar where he drew his proton beam rifle and fired off several shots into the head modules of two approaching Vehicons. “Cluuuuuuuutch!” His voice carried over the din of the battle hopefully loud enough for his partner to hear.

Nightraven had just finished with the last drone letting the corpse fall into a heap on the floor when she turned and noticed that the sound she thought she heard before had, in fact, turned out to be real and not something she imagined.

Through the breach she could see Skywarp who was being attacked by Frenzy. Thankfully the prankster was able to teleport away in time to avoid being hit by the little runt’s sonic attacks.

Nightraven’s concentration was suddenly pulled from the scene and onto Rumble. “Really?” She sighed before engaging her thrusters and taking to air avoiding the small cassettecon’s pathetic attempt to tackle her.

A smile formed on her face as she watched his follow through only to be distracted by Ratbat who had taken up a position above her. “Oh no. Not you again.” The black and purple femme raised her arm mounted lasers and started to take aim when the rat-with-wings opened fire with his electron lasers. “Argh.” A small cry of pain escaped Nightraven’s vocalizer as her shoulder and wing took a couple searing hits. She recovered quickly and maneuvered herself from under Ratbat. Once she was out of his range she raised her arms and let loose a volley of laser fire.

Starscream watched closely while Knockout fled out into the fray and Thunderwing and Blackwind got reacquainted. The sickening scene nearly made his retch. Instead the Seeker Commander settled for an annoyed grunt before taking a step toward the bots. “You two make me…” He was stopped mid rant when the charging form of the Decepticons’ Communications Officer came barreling toward him.

“I don’t think so.” He sneered. Starscream took to the air and quickly transformed avoiding the concussive blasts and the advancing blue menace.

Now out of reach the silver Seeker came about and opened fire on his attacker with his Null rays. “You’ve picked the wrong mech to back, Soundwave! I could have offered you so much more!
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:53 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Through the broad hangar entrance that Brawl had ripped open even further, two more of the large Vehicon brutes smashed their way through following after the Decepticon identified as Contemptor that had targeted the Combaticon aggressor, their own optics targeting the Prime individuals associated with Shockwave's dissatisfaction at the moment: the Predacons.

Rampage had smashed his way through yet another Vehicon grunt when his senses alerted him to the fact that something larger was approaching. Something that was not an ally.

Transforming into his tiger mode, the Predacon leapt forward just as the edge of an oversized shield came crashing down, splitting the Vehicon soldier in half as Rampage unleashed a torrent of machine gun fire from the dual-ports attached to his hip joints.

Snarling, he rushed forward, taking to the air, weapons firing only to be caught in the blitz-rush of another charging brute, slamming its shield against the Predacon's body and sending him spilling across the hangar, his claws scraping across the floor of the ship as he eventually skidded to a stop. No sooner had he got to his feet, than an audio shattering boom staggered the Predacon even more.

The Predacon transformed, his blade in one hand and his lightning rifle in the other as he worked to regain his equilibrium.

"Alright. We do this the old-fashioned way," Rampage said, psyching himself up as he began to charge the brutes, strategy and positioning much more in his focus than it had been during his earlier attempt.

The force of Motormaster's impact had momentarily scrambled all of Shockwave's internal circuitry. The wall behind him severely dented as a result of the impact and fallen Vehicon drones beginning to litter the hangar, Shockwave dropped to the ground, his sole optic flickering as Motormaster continued his brutish onslaught.

Inside the strategist's vast mental processors, however, links were being reestablished, impacts were being analyzed and strategies were being reassessed even as the Stunticon continued his assault. Thus far, nothing had occurred that was outside the realm of Shockwave's expectations. Though science was Shockwave's primary realm, he had never strayed far from Megatron's inner circle precisely because he could deliver in the physical arena as well, when the situation required. And few situations required that ability more than the one he currently found himself in.

The single optic blazed forward once more to its full luminescence.

"Declarative," Shockwave began, raising his arm cannon and channeling what seemed to be a limitless supply of energon currently at his disposal. "It is not."

Shockwave fired on the Stunticon from this optimum, point blank range. Missing was not an option. The resulting blast decimated the Stunticon's chest cavity.


A sonic eruption had rattled the entire hangar, though Shockwave's auditory dampeners had absorbed much of the effect by adjusting their receptor levels within a fraction of a microsecond.

Thundercracker, Shockwave's internal brain module analyzed, designating the source of the weapon as a tertiary threat at present.

As he got to his feet once more, his optic surveyed other aspects of the battle. Primarily the approaching Predacon Commander. Yes, they had strayed a little too far from one another. He would rectify that just as willingly as Razorclaw. Shadowing's pleas had not fallen on deaf audio receptors, but now was not the time to consider such actions.

"Negative, Shadowing. Engage and detain aggressors or suffer subsequent reprimands. Imperative: Weirdwolf, disengage that Vehicon and engage Predacon auxiliary threats," Shockwave commanded as he had seen one of the former guards of his energon stores unleashing his primal fury against some of Shockwave's own resources. Unsatisfactory.

Shockwave took another glancing blast which refocused his attention on the Predacon. Razorclaw was making short work of the Vehicon intercessors, but they were fulfilling their function. As Shockwave stalked forward, he grabbed one such Vehicon off of his feet and launched it in the Predacon's direction before firing off another round from his cannon arm.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Devastron » Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:00 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword

Swindle had been working on a plan to take over the bridge on his entire trip to the room in question. Unfortunately he wasn’t coming up with much, aside from fervently hoping that it would just be a bunch of Vehicons manning the stations. He had once sold a rust protection to a planet that had zero moisture, he felt fairly confident he could outthink and outmaneuver a few glorified drones.

Unfortunately he noticed as he stepped on to the bridge that Darkwing and Dreadwind had been left behind to man the bridge, along with an assortment of Vehicons. The confident smile that had been on his face faded. Having a couple of actual thinking and sentient Decepticons on the bridge was going to make things more difficult. He would just have to improvise something. He was a salesman after all; rolling with the punches was all a part of what he did.

“Heeeeey, Darkwing, Dreadwind, hows it going? Me and the rest of the Combaticons just got on board. I just wanted to come up here and contact some of the Cons left on the ground, let them know whats going on here. We’ve been kind of out of contact you know, didn’t know about all the big stuff going on up here.”

The smooth talker quickly made his way to the communication console as Darkwing and Dreadwind voiced no objections. Neither of them really trusted Swindle, but they didn’t actively distrust him either. What he said seemed legitimate enough and they could always make sure he was sending an actual signal to the Cons on the planet and not someone else.

Smiling, Swindle plunked down in front of the communication station and began working the controls. He was going to have to move fast if this was going to work. He began establishing a frequency with the triplechangers still on Earth, a cover for his real intentions. At the same time he installed a program on the computer that he had developed some time ago. It was a clever little thing that he had created with some tech he’d picked up on his many trade missions. It would work its way through all of the systems defenses until he had full access, but the ingenious bit wasn’t that. As it went through the various defenses it would trigger various security measures and defenses. None of these would lead back to the program itself, but they would create massive confusion and, with any luck, get rid of some of those interfering with his plans. The arms dealer did send an actual signal to help cover his tracks though.

>>”Hey, Astrotrain, Blitzwing, how’s it going down there? Just wanted to let you know things are crazy up here, but I just might have found a way for us to get some more goodies and, you know, more goodies means more profit. We will be living the high life gentlemechs, just hang in there a little longer.”<<

The Combaticon had to wipe the smile off his face as he saw his little program doing its work. Instead he allowed a frown to cross his face. “Uh, hey guys, it looks like something’s going on over here. I swear I didn’t touch anything!”

Darkwing shook his head as he got up from his post. “I knew we shouldn’t have let you touch anything. You better not have screwed anything up Swindle or I swear I’ll use you as a shield in whatever firing line we are put on for this.”

Dreadwind looked up from his console. “It doesn’t look like he activated the self destruct. That was what I assumed he did. I don’t know if he could find a worse thing then that to do, but I’m checking.”

Darkwing sat down at the communication console as Swindle moved out of the way. “I’m sure if its worse you’ll find it Dread.” The Decepticon flier began working the console. “Whoa, there are alarms going off all over the place! Someone is attacking us! Or sabotaged us or something! Defenses are going off everywhere, including on the brid-“

His last words were cut off as the intruder defense systems went off on the bridge. The controls were all highly electrified with a powerful current. The current tore through the two fliers and the Vehicons as they sat at their controls. While it hurt like the pit it was designed to only disable any Cybertronians at the control, more to prevent accidental deaths of fellow Decepticons then any sort of mercy for intruders.

Swindle smiled as he looked around at the stasis locked Vehicons and Darkwing and Dreadwind. “Nothing personal guys. I’ll make it up to you though; I’ll give you 5% off your next purchase from me.” He pulled a rubber glove from a compartment on his hip and placed it on his right hand. Using it as insulation he punched in a code on the command chair that deactivated the defenses. His little program did the trick and now he had full control of the bridge.

>>”Onslaught, Swindle here. We”<< he had to bite back the urge to say ‘I’, >>” have control of the bridge.”<< As he sent the signal he quickly brought up a ship manifest of spare parts and weapons. He might as well do a bit of ‘shopping’ while he was in control. He seriously doubted that the Predacons would miss a few missiles or spare generators, among other things.



To say Clutch was bored by the whole trial was perhaps an understatement. He had never been one for politics or rules for that matter, so seeing Decepticon ‘justice’ meted out in a pseudo-courtroom setting wasn’t something that was going to hold his attention very well. It was maybe a little interesting to see the DJD, even if it was just as holograms, but that was more like an ant being interested in the giant humans walking around it kind of way. He was happy to keep about his business and stay out of their way.

The warrior was considering just turning his audio receptors off and staring at the wall when all slag broke loose. Starscream started shouting about Megatron, the holograms disappeared and Razorclaw attacked Shockwave. It was such a shocking turn of events that his processor was having a hard time taking it all in. He had been serving under Shockwave, but Razorclaw was an officer as well. He looked over to see what Weirdwolf and Skullcruncher were doing, since they were basically on the same assignment as he. Unfortunately both of them were attacking Vehicons for little to no reason, also apparently caught up in all the confusion. Clutch let out a frustrated grunt.

The Decepticon’s head snapped around as he heard Knockout calling out his name. Nothing would spare the smaller, more conniving Decepticon if he had somehow gotten them in even deeper slag then they were in now. Clutch switched his hand for the massive hammer head and began smashing and bashing his way towards Knockout, bullying his way through Vehicons, Predacons, Stunticons and whatever else was in the hangar. He finally got with in eyesight of his partner. “Knockout! What in the name of the pit is going on here!”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:32 am

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers

Razorclaw was impressed, and that did not happen very often. The sheer power exhibited by Shockwave’s ultra energon-fueled arm cannon tore through Motormaster’s chest like it was nothing but tinfoil, leaving the Stunticon Commander in apparent stasis lock. The Predacon lord had hoped for more of a fight from a mech like Motormaster, which would have given the lion-former enough time to make a sneak attack while the one-eyed scientist was preoccupied. Unfortunately, Motormaster was now out of the battle and Shockwave’s Vehicon grunts had done their job at slowing the Predacon Commander down. Regardless, Shockwave’s attention was back on Razorclaw, having flung a drone at him before unleashing a follow-up blast from his powerful arm weapon.

The dire fate of Motormaster only served to solidify the need to avoid Shockwave’s laser assault no matter what. Instead of leaping aside, however, Razorclaw stopped his advance and stood his ground, bracing himself as Thundercracker’s sonic boom hit overhead. At the same time, the Predacon lord brought up his sword as the Vehicon that had been thrown at him quickly approached. Within moments, the guard became impaled through the midsection on Razorclaw’s blade, flailing about helplessly as the lion-former then spun around with all of his might, using that momentum to fling the Vehicon right back at Shockwave.

Razorclaw knew, of course, that the drone would never reach the Military Operations Commander. Instead, the Vehicon collided with the aforementioned laser blast from the purple mech’s arm cannon, causing a powerful explosion that decimated the Vehicon and propelled the Predacon leader back and off of his feet. Transforming into lion mode in midair, Razorclaw successfully landed on all fours, digging his serrated claws in the hangar floor in order to stop his slide.

Looking up, the mechanical lion gazed across the hangar to see if the explosion had had a similar affect on Shockwave. Through the smoke left behind, Razorclaw could make out the darkened silhouette of the Military Operations Commander. While he could not see if the one-eyed scientist had been further injured, the Predacon lord hoped that the purple ‘Con was at least stunned by the powerful detonation.

Wasting no time, Razorclaw leapt forward into a sprint, covering half the distance between himself and his opponent before stopping again. Peering up, the lion-former saw a series of catwalks high above the hangar floor. Aiming his shoulder-mounted concussion cannons at the various supports, Razorclaw opened fire and watched as the metal structures over Shockwave began to give way and fall down towards the one-eyed scientist. With any luck, the logical mech would be buried alive underneath the rubble, allowing Razorclaw to finish him off.

Blast-Off had been successful at fighting the normal-sized Vehicons that were in the hangar. His ionic blaster did its job sufficiently, leaving behind a trail of shorted out bodies in its wake. However, there were now much bigger mechs to fry, one of which, Contemptor, Brawl took care of with his usual grace and flare for absolute destruction. But that ‘Con was not the last as several, heavily armored Vehicon brutes entered the hangar, carrying massive shields that blocked the effectiveness of the space warrior’s ionic weapon.

“Slaggit! This is not good!” Blast-Off exclaimed as he fired his blaster at three approaching brutes, their shields absorbing the impacts and subsequent electrical effects that would’ve brought a regular Vehicon grunt down already. “Not good at all!” The space warrior quickly glanced around to see where his green comrade was. “Hey, Brawl, I could use a little help over here, buddy!”


Thundercracker’s sonic boom suddenly echoed throughout the hangar, causing the space warrior to stumble a bit from the shock. It had also been enough to slow the larger Vehicons down, allowing Blast-Off time to escape by leaping into the air and transforming into his Boeing X-37B spaceplane alt mode. It was the first chance he had to assume this new form and it felt rather good for an Earthen vehicle. The space warrior quickly ascended as high as he could, opening a comm line to the blue seeker: >>”Thanks for the help, Thundercracker! If you’re looking for Skywarp, I think he may be through that hole in the wall over in the adjacent science lab. He may be indisposed right now, fighting with Soundwave’s little minions. At least, that’s where I saw them run to. But, again, thanks for the assist!”<<

Circling the hangar from above all of the carnage, Blast-Off spotted the three Vehicon brutes that had almost crushed him moments ago. Now, they could not effectively reach him, but he could certainly reach them. Deploying his X-ray weapon from his nosecone, the X-37B spaceplane targeted the three bruisers and opened fire, cutting the Vehicon trio in half where they stood. Even their big shields were no match for the intensity of his X-ray laser. >>”Never mind, Brawl! I got ‘em! Heh.”<<
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Cryhavok » Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:34 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun

What the slag was Razorclaw doing? He should have reached Shockwave already but no - the Predacon warlord had been slowed down by the Vehicons far more than Motormaster had expected. Then again, this scrap against Shockwave was going fairly well for him so far. Motormaster had been able to impose his will against the walking calculator who just wasn't used to an opponent like him. Now, he had Shockwave pinned down and under flurry of staggering blows that would have been enough to turn a lesser Cybertronian into metal paste. Too bad this was still Shockwave. One of the most powerful Decepticons ever. The only advantages over Shockwave the large Stunticon had were his massive weight and experience in dirty fighting. It was safe to assume that if he couldn't finish the one-eyed freak within the next few blows, Motormaster himself was going to face defeat.


Shockwave could still speak? This wasn't going well. Motormaster could already fathom what was to follow. Quite simply, he was just too stubborn to give up.

"Shut up and fall alr-"

>>"It is not."


The noise was simply too loud. Shockwave's cannon couldn't have provided such a bang. And why were his sensors feeding him data so chaotic? He needed to finish the damn fight. How the slag he could do it with all of his sensory feedback going haywire. And where the frag was Shockwave anyhow? That far away? So he had been hit? So much energon on his hands. Heh, been a while since he had bloodied his hands like this. Motormaster couldn't avoid smirking. Wait. It was his energon. How the slag it could be his energon? A hole in his chest, almost size of his fist. Slag.


Pain receptors were finally starting to kick in. Sensory data feed was stabilizing. It hurt like hell. He knew he was in a bad shape. Really bad. To be frank he couldn't recall when he had been hurt this bad for the last time. Slagging no he'd let this stop him. It was just a hole. He had been shot full of holes before. Ignore it. Ignore the pain. Yeah. Balance center was not responding. He wasn't going to get up anytime soon. Slag.

Was he still losing energon? No. Automated self-regeneration system had stopped the bleeding. Made sense. He did have a reputation to withhold. Too bad it couldn't patch him up. Too bad he had lost so much energon before it had happened too. Slag no he was going to stasis-lock just yet. He was Motormaster. Not some weakling Autobot. He needed to get back to the fight. He needed to-

Frag. Damned legs still wouldn't carry his weight. Oh did it ever hurt. A gun. He needed a gun. Heh, this must be how his boys felt when he beat some respect to them. Ah, there. A fallen Vehicon that was still clutching a rifle in its hand. Crawl. Crawl towards the gun. Get a revenge. Crawl.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:23 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

This stuff was magnificent. The Combaticon Commander watched as his internal sensors and diagnostics indicated not only a full recharge but several of his systems being effectively overclocked, though he could feel none of the typical strain or delirium that went with such power levels. Very impressive indeed, Shockwave. It seems you will still have some use in our new world.

Getting access to the precious energy had been easy, and gaining some additional information about the inner workings of the ship's security responses even easier thanks to some of Vortex's expertise.

Onslaught could hardly wait for the rest of his unit to get full access to this derivative of the Ore-13. They deserved it every bit as much as he for their efforts and getting them access to would be his first priority when this battle was over, assuming they succeeded.

And that was precisely what he had been assuming from the beginning, otherwise it was not Razorclaw whom he would have supported in this political maelstrom.

A transmission from Swindle heralded even more good news. Engineering was theirs thanks to Vortex, and now the bridge thanks to Swindle. Both had carried out their mission and succeeded just like Onslaught had planned. If Blast-Off and Brawl were fairing just as well, momentum was definitely working in their favor.

>>"Excellent Swindle. Vortex has engineering and the rest of us will be securing the hangar and our positions of power soon enough. I'll be in touch in a breem or two. If I'm not, assume the worst and do what you need to do."<<

But they could not rely on momentum. Not when their opponents were individuals of the caliber of Shockwave and Soundwave--individuals who respected no formalities of combat like many of Onslaught's Autobot opponents over the millenia. Their collective defeat would be the only thing of interest to either of those two cold, calculating Decepticons. Onslaught knew that they all would have to push until their victory was unquestioned.

The ceaseless gunfire still rang clearly in Onslaught's audio receptors, with stray blasts entering from the massive breach that Blackwind had struck between the laboratory and part of the hangar. As he turned, he saw an unfamiliar mechanoid darkening part of the entry between an auxiliary corridor, the laboratory and the hangar itself. Only Onslaught's extensive research into Decepticon personnel provided any reference as to who the mechanoid was, as he had never served with him directly.

"Decepticon Landgrab, identify your allegiance!" Onslaught yelled out over the cacophony of battle. Landgrab looked at him for a moment, raising his hands in the air tentatively, looking from Onslaught to a fallen Vehicon that had crawled into the laboratory and was looking for cover from some relentless attack not far away. The fact that he was already missing one leg was a good indication that its efforts were only marginally successful.

"S-Shockwave, sir!" Landgrab yelled back.

"Good! Get in there, he needs assistance!" Onslaught barked back, assuming his most commanding tone. The fact that Landgrab did not appear to question his orders in the slightest only further confirmed Onslaught's earlier suspicion that the Combaticons' break in ranks had not filtered its way down to every one of Shockwave's loyalists.

As the lumbering mech walked over to one side of the breach, Onslaught raised his weapon.

He hated this. Shooting someone from behind was so beneath him. He would have reprimanded anyone in his unit for doing what he was about to do. He had been trained better. They all had. But again he had to remind himself of their opponent in this struggle. No quarter would be given and no tactic that could potentially bring victory would go un-utilized. So would it have to be here.

Onslaught took a step closer, lowering his aim slightly, before blasting the knee joints out of either side of Landgrab's stance, sending the large mech toppling to the ground. He fired again, destroying the hand that had only moment's ago produced a weapon to somehow aid Shockwave.

The Vehicon turned to see what was going on, only to find the barrel of Onslaught's weapon in its face. He then put the automaton out of its limited concept of misery. Onslaught then turned back to Landgrab, his weapon pointed at the large Decepticon's cranial unit just as it had been with the Vehicon.

"Stay down and you stay functional. Otherwise.....," the Combaticon began, but the roar of the battle pulled his attention away. He quickly closed the distance between himself and the breach and got his first real glimpse inside. It was a glorious display of battle, were it not for the fact that all within wore Decepticon badges. How unfortunate that Megatron's absence had lead them to this. Would it always be so?

He could philosophize later. He had a battle to win now. And his optics quickly searched out his prime target. He found them both quickly, their distinctive color schemes making the process none too difficult.

The ultra energon was potent beyond measure. He could already feel what it was doing for him. He could imagine that same reaction for Razorclaw, a top notch melee combatant. But with ore-13 in play, energy was the currency of the realm, and only a fool would dispute that energy production and manipulation was Shockwave's domain even before any exposure to this derivative. He could not begin to fathom what it must be like for the cycloptic mech now. They had had Shockwave at their mercy what seemed like ages ago, aboard the bridge of this very ship as they departed Cybertron. Fate had denied them the opportunity to solidify their victory that day. Fate, and Thunderwing. It would not be repeated, regardless of where the political winds would blow in the aftermath of this.

No quarter given or received, Onslaught thought to himself as he raised his weapon and lined up a shot, any shot, that would lend assistance to Razorclaw. They had made it this far.

Only a little farther....

Onslaught fired.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Ember » Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:19 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."

From the breech in the wall that that crazy femme Seeker had made, Knockout, that dapper Cybertronian specimen, that astounding Decepticon warrior, that – oh who was he kidding, the only thing Knockout was an expert in was disassembly and seeking out Clutch to use as a shield when the worst finally happened.

And right now, right at this very moment, things were truly chaotic. Oh, that didn’t mean everything was going to go to hell in a handbasket, no, not at all. What it meant was with so much occurring at the same time there was more of a chance that Knockout, himself, would be caught in some kind of crossfire, or friendly fire, or Primus knew what else. What he needed was some way of protecting himself. And that came in the form of the sweet, sweet sound of Clutch’s voice.

With a broad knowing smirk plastered on his handsomely chiseled face, Knockout took a quick glance in all directions, sent one devastating blast to the chest of a Vehicon and took off in the direction of his assistant. “What’s happening, my dear friend is my finish is going to get singed and my frame pounded into scrap if we don’t start working on taking out Shockwave’s minions.” The mechanic said once he arrived at Clutch’s side.

Knockout reached around his hulking partner and fired a blazing shot into the side of another advancing drone. A proud smile on his face the crimson and gold ‘Con looked up at Clutch. “I’ll explain everything later. All you need to know for now is as free agents we get to test the waters.” He took a look in the direction of where Razorclaw and Shockwave were having it out. “Think of it this way; Shockwave seems to be running a bit cold right about now and what we’re looking for is a happy medium. So until we actually find it we’re going to go with the flow. And it looks like that flow is heading in Razorclaw’s direction. Got it?”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Foximus » Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:27 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle

From his place at Skullcrucher's side, Weirdwolf began to grow restless as he watched the mayhem unfold before him. The monotonous sound of his comrade's munching at the fallen Vehicon was drowned out by the din of battle. Shockwave's cannon boomed and the ruler of roads fell. An impressive display to be sure.


A sonic explosion thundered through the air in deep bass tones, rattling the very frame of the hangar. It made Weirdwolf flinch as his highly attuned audio receptor struggled to dampen the sound. Crack of Thunder. The thundering sky warrior. Weirdwolf cast his optics upward for the blue seeker, but Shockwave's robotic, monotone voice called out his designation.

"Imperative: Weirdwolf, disengage that Vehicon and engage Predacon auxiliary threats."

At this new command, Weirdwolf redirected his gaze to Razorclaw's subordinates who were ripping into assorted Vehicons around the hangar. The feeling of restlessness consumed the tracker's spark and finally prodded him into decisive action. Choosing one of the Predacon elite for his quarry, Weirdwolf kicked Skullcruncher in order to break him away from his haze of feasting.

"Long enough waited have we. Skullcruncher, comrade of mine, cease for feat of fuel and metal. We go to fight our fight; loyal guards return to cycloptic commander, despite strife. Let us duel the beast of the jungle!" Weirdwolf snarled, half-thinking aloud, half-speaking to Skullcruncher.

Plunging into the fray, Weirdwolf deftly avoided the Vehicons in his path as he made his way to his chosen prey. The Decepticon tracker snarled viciously as he charged Rampage, throwing himself into a full-body tackle at the tiger Predacon.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Phaze » Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:31 am

Motto: ""All's Fair in Life and Death""
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon
Hangar - Dude you seen my Seeker?
Crueljaw watched with satisfaction as Thundercracker disengaged from the fight but only after the plasma blade in his hand had slammed into his foot.


The audio receptor shattering boom echoed around the hangar Crueljaw’s optic just narrowed in irritation he’d survived worse in the gladiatorial pits the large con swung around and unleashed a stream of shotgun shells at Thundercracker hoping to get him back into the combat so they could finish what was started. “Get Down Here You Spawn of A PetroRabbit” Crueljaw was irate as he swung his sword arm out and compacted the face of an unlucky Vehicon scout that raced past.

First the optics looked at the falling body then his head followed as he extinguished the incandescent blade and clipped the handle to his hip. Seconds later the body of the fallen Vehicon was in his hand he juggled it slightly in his hand before hurling the frame of the Vehicon scout at Thundercracker hoping to get his attention better than using the shotgun attempt. Off to his right immense blasts of energy seared through the air as the cyclopean lord of the decepticons attempted to put down the rebellion.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:50 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

The usage of the Vehicon as a projectile weapon and not produced an ideal result. Instead of damaging or impeding its intended target, it was quickly launched back in his direction and subsequently destroyed by another of Shockwave's eruptions of ultra-energon. The blast had clouded the imperator's field of vision and damage indicators displayed gradual charring damage on his front exterior plating but still he progressed forward--ready to the incapacitate the Predacon. Ideally temporarily, but permanently if the current series of strategic calculations being performed in Shockwave's vast processors determined it to be the better outcome.

A blast that rocked against Shockwave's upper posterior plating halted his physical progress as well as the next blast that was currently being readied against the Predacon Commander. Shockwave turned to deal with the threat just as he had with Motormaster and found it to be...Onslaught. Illogical. Again. But it did not matter. The future of the Decepticons would not be decided by the warrior class. It could not. The possible extinction of their kind needed to be avoided. For that to happen, Shockwave and those like him needed to secure their place at the top of the Decepticon food chain. He would accomplish that and they would all appreciate the fruit of his labors--the continued refinement of ore-13, the mechanization of Sol-3 and the eventual revitalization of Cybertron itself. All were Shockwave's primary objectives. But it was clear they would not be accomplished without a clear end to this unfortunate but necessary distraction.

Shockwave raised his weapon to fire, even as his auditory receptors detected a potential attacker overhead.

Shockwave stepped forward, his cannon arm beginning to glow as he looked up and saw that it was not a single attacker, but rather part of a series of maintenance catwalks within the hangar that were now crashing down in his direction. He began to raise his weapon and destroy the incoming threat but not quickly enough.

The mass of internal equipment came crashing down on the Military Operations Commander.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Cryhavok » Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:04 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun


Thanks to Thundercracker's sonic boom, Skullcruncher wouldn't have heard Weirdwolf properly even if he hadn't been preoccupied by his own chewing. He had a tendency to focus on one thing at time and at this particular moment the center of his focus had been the Vehicon he was turning to spare parts through his internal digestive system. Now the kick though, it certainly got his attention.

Oh, it didn't hurt. Not too many things hurt Skullcruncher anyway. Rather, a weaker Cybertronian like Weirdwolf himself might have hurt himself kicking the heavily armored mechanical monster like Skullcruncher. Not Weirdwolf though, the tracker was far too brilliant to kick anything in a way that harmed him when just trying to get attention.

But it was effective. It shook him back to reality. Back into the battle raging all around him.

"Grrrrrrrr..." A guttural growl and an irritating screeching noise later, Skullcruncher reverted back to his towering robot mode. He needed a better view of the battle, something that his beast form could not offer.

It seemed like pure chaos to him. Decepticon attacking Decepticon. Former comrades in arms now fighting against each other. He wasn't even too sure who was on what side. One thing was certain though. Weirdwolf had attacked Rampage and the Predacons always stuck together. And so did Skullcruncher and Weirdwolf. He wouldn't spoil the tracker's fun, nor he was going to get between Razorclaw and Shockwave - now the other Predacons on other hand... He certainly wouldn't mind a good brawl.

It was time to get someone's attention.

"Tantrum! Bring it on!"
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:38 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
(OOC: The exchange between Razorclaw and Shockwave was agreed upon with Sid.)


The mechanical lion watched with sheer glee as the series of catwalks collapsed down on top of Shockwave, burying the Military Operations Commander alive. While Razorclaw was more than pleased with this latest turn of events, he also knew that this battle was not yet over. Even with Onslaught having now entered the fray, the one-eyed scientist was likely not down for the count. Under normal circumstances Shockwave was a tough mech to defeat not to mention now with ultra energon coursing through his systems. The Predacon lord and Combaticon Commander needed to approach the scene with caution regardless of how dire it looked for the purple ‘Con.

“Commander Onslaught, be mindful,” Razorclaw warned as he transformed back to robot mode and drew out his sword. “I sense that our quarry is not yet defeated. Maintain a guarded stance while I move in to investigate. Anyone loyal to Shockwave tries to give him aid, put them into stasis immediately.” Turning his attention back to the mound of rubble, the lion-former cautiously made his way forward and began removing some of the debris, using his sword to cut through the larger chunks of scrap metal that covered the Military Operations Commander. Before long Shockwave’s upper torso was exposed, his singular optic dark with no signs of movement or apparent consciousness.

Razorclaw carefully leaned down to get a closer look at his fallen foe, the Predacon’s sonic sword gripped tightly in his right, clawed hand. “He seems to be in stasis but my internal scanners can’t confirm.....” the lion-former’s words were cut off sharply as Shockwave’s only hand reached up suddenly and grabbed Razorclaw by his neck just as the purple mech’s one eye came back online with an intense glow of ultra energon fury. That piercing optic turned towards him as the pressure steadily increased, causing the Predacon lord’s neck plates to start to buckle under the force of the Military Operations Commander’s immense grip. Razorclaw tried to pry the hand free but was unsuccessful, his HUD flashing a series of internal warnings as energon flow was cut off to his cranial unit.

With no other alternative, the lion-former managed to bring his sword all the way back before plunging it deep into Shockwave’s midsection, missing his spark chamber by mere inches. This was intentional and not by accident. The one-eyed scientist could still prove useful in the new Predacon regime if he was willing to concede defeat and accept Razorclaw as the new leader of the Decepticons. If not, well, then the Military Operations Commander would cease to function here and now.

As Shockwave’s hold finally loosened, restoring energon flow to the lion-former's cranium, Razorclaw was able to pull free of his adversary’s grasp and gaze down into the purple mech’s now flickering optic. “You are beaten, Shockwave, and your supporters are outnumbered by my own,” the Predacon lord growled as he twisted his sword within the scientist’s gut, bringing it slowly up and closer to his spark chamber. “Surrender now and accept my claim on the throne or I will cut out your spark for all here to see.”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Foximus » Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:27 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
((The following is a joint post between Sid and myself.))

Tantrum's massive horns had slammed into the midsection of one of the shield-wielding brutes, plumes of exhaust escaping from his nostrils as he grunted and gored the large Vehicon even deeper. As the brute had dropped to one knee, Rampage had leapt on the brute's back, jamming his sword directly into the cranial unit of the large automaton.

Sparking violently, its modified singular optic dimmed and it collapsed to the ground with Rampage jumping off at the last moment and transforming back into his Cybertronian beast mode.

Upon hearing Skullcruncher's taunt, Tantrum was off like a shot, saying nothing to his fellow Predacon warlord and Rampage responding in kind. This was a battle. This was their element. Nothing needed to be said. Only done.

Rampage began to check his ammo levels when he felt an impact against his side. Grinding metal claws and teeth dug into his reinforced plating as the Predacon let out an instinctive snarl.

"You wanna play too, eh, psycho dog?" Rampage grunted out as he began to tear his claws into Weirdwolf's underbelly from his exposed positioning.

Weirdwolf snarled in pain and anger as Rampage began to tear into him. The tracker leaped away from the Predacon tiger to attain a better position to reengage the big cat. "A game this is not, little cat," Weirdwolf snarled out from gnashing fangs, "it is a duel for the throne, false king to claim the name of true through force!"

Watching the tiger's movements carefully for a moment, Weirdwolf let his bestial instincts take hold. They often allowed him to react very quickly in combat situations, sometimes even predicting an opponent's attack. The wolf waited for an opening, letting his senses guide him and knowing Rampage's aggressive nature wouldn't let this brief lull last for long.

"Come, cat! Settle we will the feud of feline and canine!" Weirdwolf growled out gruffly.

Rampage didn't need to hear another word. The two had sized each other up long enough after their brief first skirmish. Rampage was ready to shut this nutty wolf up for good.

As Rampage padded forward, breaking into a full run, Weirdwolf almost seemed to have a sick sixth sense about where exactly he was going to end up and had already maneuvered his way around the attack, slamming Rampage into the ground and tearing into Rampage's shoulder joint again, almost as if he wanted to tear the entire thing off.

Rampage's steely-clawed hind legs kicked Weirdwolf back, allowing him to quickly right himself before bringing an armored forepaw slashing across Weirdwolf's face, exposing sparks and wire.

Rampage backed off for a second, transformed and produced his blade. Weirdwolf followed suit and the two blades quickly clashed. Over and over and over and over--neither mech seeming to find an opening to strike a lethal blow against the other. Until--at last--a vicious backfist from Rampage exposed an opening that Weirdwolf took immediate advantage of, slamming his sword into Rampage's side. Rampage howled in pain as all the sensor readings in his optics flashed red and he dropped to his knees and then ultimately the floor altogether.

Weirdwolf stood triumphant over his fallen prey only to see Shockwave become buried under a pile of catwalks. The tracker did not and would not go to Shockwave's aid however. This was a duel between Razorclaw and Shockwave and afforded no one else interfering. As Shockwave reappeared from the debris, the two competitors had one final clash with the winner seemingly apparent.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:00 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Transmission from Astrotrain to Swindle

>>"Copy that, Swindle. Securing our position aboard the Ultrax now. Hopefully we'll secure Octane as well while we're down here."<<


"You want some, jaws?" Tantrum snorted, barely taking a moment to even size Skullcruncher up before barreling in his direction at increasingly gaining speed. A fight was a fight, and the Predacon fueler had only barely begun to satiate the inner rage that was always simmering inside him. He hadn't had a release like this one in Primus knows how long. Angling his steeled horns downward, he plowed directly into Skulcruncher's powerful grip, his massive, steely horns only stopped from goring the other Decepticon by sheer force of strength as Tantrum plowed the two back towards a nearby wall.

As he attempted to rip one horn free of Skullcruncher's grip, the other mech's formidable strength hefted Tantrum into the air before powerbombing the Predacon through a maintenance table where a series of wing parts were set up and awaiting repair. Tantrum weathered the impact as best he could, several transistors already glitching as he transformed and soon a barrage of fists and blows came with it. But so too did a fiercely defensive Skullcruncher, who didn't waste the opportunity to respond in kind. Instead of sinew and bone cracking, metal bent and groaned, sparks flying as Tantrum did his best to match strength and endurance with the formidable Decepticon mauler, instinctively grabbing for his sword.

"Your slaggin' LAST mistake!!" Tantrum roared, his explosive anger fueling a thrust that would hopefully plunge the blade deep into every vital Skullcruncher possessed.

Though not as adept at close-quarters combat as he was at energy manipulation, Shockwave had calculated that the present circumstances necessitated the use of such a tactic. The margin of success was far less than he would have preferred but he saw no viable alternatives until their positioning within the ship had changed. Incapacitate the head and the probability was near certain that he would effectively incapacitate the rest of the Predacon commander. And with his fall, so too would his unit and thus the last vestige of resistance to his assumed imperatorship would be at an end.

Until Razorclaw's blade had found itself deeply embedded within a number of the cycloptic mech's abdominal vitals.

A litany of warnings and potential countermeasures immediately flashed in Shockwave's field of vision, all indicating the significant damage that had already been sustained as well as the potential for critical--if not lethal--damage to occur if the current strategy was not altered.

“You are beaten, Shockwave, and your supporters are outnumbered by my own. Surrender now and accept my claim on the throne or I will cut out your spark for all here to see.”

The damage he had sustained forced an immediate analysis of the present conditions. His optic, already dimming somewhat, surveyed the chaos taking place in the hangar. It was.......unfortunate.

"De...clara....tive: I agree with your...a-assessment. I yield," Shockwave stated, his singular optic flickering as the critical damage messages continued to flash in the bottom-right corner of his field of vision. "Aggression protocols are hereby ceased."
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Mazinman » Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:19 pm


Shadowing clenched his hands into fists at the command. He had seen this all before when the Senate had fallen apart and now it was happening again, for much of the same reasons. He had to do something, even if it meant disobeying an order. Before he could make that decision however he heard a loud cry over his right shoulder and turned just in time to see Divebomb swooping towards him and knocking him down. He was only just able to get his left arm up to use as a shield against the Predacon's beak.

As the pain of having his left forearm pieced by Divebomb's sharp beak it mixed with the great frustration he felt and something snapped inside his cranial unit. His optics glowed towards Divebomb. As he continued to sacrifice his left arm his right side wait gun slid into position and fired into Divebomb's left wing. As Divebomb recoiled at the blast Shadowing activated his back thrusters and pushed Divebomb up and slammed him against the ceiling. In a smooth motion, Shadowing flipped to Divebomb's back then once again activated his thrusters and drive him into the ground.

As Divebomb transforms after hitting the ground Shadowing draws his short sword and stabs his left wing into the ground, pinning him to the ground. He stands, his left arm dangling useless to his side, as his opponents tries to get unstuck and draws his rifle, aiming it at Divebomb's head. In an instant it all goes through his mind, corrupt and inept politicians who destroyed the Senate he had sacrificed so much for. Now the same was happening to the Decepticons. All that oil on his hands, all for nothing. His finger on the trigger tensed.

Then Shockwave spoke.

The surprising declaration snapped Shadowing out of his rage. He turned towards the scene between Shockwave and Razorclaw and his optics narrowed. This farce was over and a new one would be beginning. AS satisfying as pulling the trigger would be, it would result in nothing. He put away his rifle and pulled his short sword out of Divebomb's wing.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Marty Rocket » Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:05 am


Thundercracker had heard Crueljaw's taunt- such as it was. Thundercracker was never usually one to get ruffled from name calling, but being called the spawn of a Petrorabbit was hardly going to stir up any kind of negative response from him anyway. As far as Thundercracker was concerned, he was done with this stupid infighting. The Fallen was coming, and Thundercracker felt he had better things to do than take part in a Decepticon power struggle. He was hoping that perhaps he could talk to Skywarp some more, then use his wing mate to make more of the other higher ranked Decepticons see sense. If he couldn't, then they were always the Autobots...

Thundercracker's radar began to bleep, taking his attention away from his thoughts. A quick sweep of his scanners as he flew showed that a large object was hurtling towards him- a Vehicon shell! With only seconds to spare before the hunk of lifeless metal was to hit his tail flaps, the joystick in Thundercracker's cockpit pulled up. As it did, the nose of Thundercracker's jet form pulled up into the air as he continued to fly. The rest of his jet form followed suit, causing Thundercracker to fly vertically towards the ceiling, but as Thundercracker continued to keep the joystick pulled back, the blue jet began to curve so that his cockpit was pointing towards the floor as he executed a perfect loop de loop to avoid the Vehicon in question.

Though Thundercracker hated Earth and despised the Earthlings, he always had to admit (albeit through clenched teeth) that his Terran disguise was simply brilliant for its handling.

Thundercracker transformed back to his robot mode, now facing Crueljaw. Rotating his shoulders, Thundercracker pointed his shoulder mounted machine gun towards his rival on the ground before he unleashed another barrage of laser fire.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:08 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers

Razorclaw relaxed his grip on his sword ever so slightly as Shockwave finally yielded, accepting defeat and the new reality that the Predacon Commander was now in control of the Decepticon Empire. Of course, the lion-former was not entirely relaxed, not by a long shot, and was ready to swiftly slice the Military Operations Commander right up the center, cleaving his spark in two, if he so much as twinkled that singular optic of his the wrong way. “I’m glad to hear that, Shockwave,” Razorclaw stated as he placed his foot on the purple mech’s side for support and yanked out his sonic sword from his downed adversary’s guts. “You may not be suitable to lead the Empire, but you are still an important cog in the Decepticon war machine. I'd hate to lose a mind such as yours regardless of our differences.”

Not taking his optics off of Shockwave for an astrosecond, Razorclaw took a few steps back and away from the debris pile that now only partly covered the Military Operations Commander. After a few more moments passed, the Predacon lord turned towards Onslaught, giving him a nod of approval before facing the rest of the hangar full of his comrades in arms. “My fellow Decepticons, hear me now! Shockwave is beaten, and it is now time to set aside our differences and unite again under one banner! Therefore, I command all who supported his short rein as leader to lay down your arms now and pledge your loyalty to me, Razorclaw! Together we will lead the Empire into ultimate victory against our true enemies, the Autobots!”

The Predacon lord raised his sword into the air in a show of triumph with Shockwave’s defeat. All of the doubts that had lurked within Razorclaw’s processor leading up to this moment had all but vanished and was now replaced with a sense of pride for what he and undeniably Onslaught had accomplished together. Now, the Empire could move forward under Predacon control with the support of the specialty teams the way the lion-former and Combaticon Commander had envisioned since they had first set out on this endeavor back on Cybertron. Of course, there was still Starscream to be concerned with, but Razorclaw had bested the former Seeker Commander before and he would do so again if need be. Even if the red and silver flier came at him right now, the lion-former was confident that the rematch would go his way as he had plenty of power left thanks to the ultra energon that coursed through his circuits.

In this very moment Razorclaw truly had everything he wanted. The Empire was his to command and reshape into a Predacon regime. All he was missing was a crown and flowing cape, but those things were more akin to Starscream and not to a warrior general of Razorclaw’s caliber. No, the lion-former would lead by power and force, not by the jewels or garments he wore. Of course, how long his reign would last - a vorn, a deca-cycle, a few astroseconds - was yet to be seen.
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