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Game Progress Thread

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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby SKYWARPED_128 » Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:42 pm

Weapon: Null-Ray Rifle
Batman - Arkham Knight

35% into the story, and loving every second of it.

I'm glad there are so many side missions to choose from; really adds replay value. Tons of homages to the previous games (I've only played Origins, though).

I don't see why so many people don't like the Batmobile segments. Sure, it's not the same as beating up punks with your bare hands like in past games, but there are plenty of side missions for that. On the other hand, it's not as convenient to "grind" upgrade points, as you'll now have to "hunt" for side missions instead of beating up random groups of punks.

Still, the Batmobile rocks. I've always wanted to drive around in a Tumbler-type Batmobile in a game, and this fulfills my wildest fantasies. If anything, the AK Batmobile is pretty much the Tumbler on steroids--I see more than a few design ques were taken from the Tumbler, from the tank-like silhouette to the aggressive angles. It's still its own thing, though, as it sort of "transforms" into a tank.

Story-wise...I can't say much without spoiling it, but suffice to say, it's really dark.
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby SKYWARPED_128 » Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:33 pm

Weapon: Null-Ray Rifle
Batman - Arkham Knight

71% game completion.

Completed side missions aka Gotham's Most Wanted

- The Perfect Crime

- Armored and Dangerous

- Creature of the Night

- Gotham on Fire

- Two-Faced Bandit

- Friend in Need
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Moosey » Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:35 pm

Motto: "Join the church of Alpha Bravo today!"
Weapon: Reciprocating Laser Cannon
100%'ed arkham knight. Going back to do New Game + soon :). If you get the game definitely complete it. It's a pretty rewarding experience as many of the side quests end in cool boss fights.
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby SKYWARPED_128 » Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:00 am

Weapon: Null-Ray Rifle
Moosey wrote:100%'ed arkham knight. Going back to do New Game + soon :). If you get the game definitely complete it. It's a pretty rewarding experience as many of the side quests end in cool boss fights.

100%'ed the game myself just yesterday. 8) Enjoyed every moment of it,especially the Batmobile. I even completed the DLC episodes for Harley and Red Hood--kinda short, at a combined playtime of 20 minutes or so.

On to the AR challenges and maybe another run on easy mode this time just for the story.
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Moosey » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:51 am

Motto: "Join the church of Alpha Bravo today!"
Weapon: Reciprocating Laser Cannon
SKYWARPED_128 wrote:
Moosey wrote:100%'ed arkham knight. Going back to do New Game + soon :). If you get the game definitely complete it. It's a pretty rewarding experience as many of the side quests end in cool boss fights.

100%'ed the game myself just yesterday. 8) Enjoyed every moment of it,especially the Batmobile. I even completed the DLC episodes for Harley and Red Hood--kinda short, at a combined playtime of 20 minutes or so.

On to the AR challenges and maybe another run on easy mode this time just for the story.

Cool! I can't wait to dive back into the game once the DLC's begin to come out, for the time being I'm going back and playing Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Wigglez » Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:52 pm

Motto: "*cough*"
Weapon: Dual Bladed Sword
Batman Arkham Knight

100%ed story mode and new game plus. I just have to finish collecting all the stars and do the 3 other trophies and I'll I have the platinum trophy for the game. I don't have any of the DLC but I'll get that once it's all out. I 100%ed the first 2 games (DLC included) and I'll do it with this game. I didn't do so much on Origins though
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Psycho Warrior » Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:32 am

Motto: "Afternoon everybody."
Weapon: Corrosive Slime Shooter
Just got into Team Fortress 2. Yes, I'm late.
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Dragonslayer » Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:52 pm

Motto: "Howdy, dammit!"
Weapon: Photon Blaster
100% Arkham Knight a few weeks ago on Normal. Gonna eventually go back for New Game+.

Played a little Star Wars: The Old Republic this weekend while the wife was away. Got my Trooper from Level 37 to Level 39 on Balmorra.

Not really playing anything with any regularity at the moment, though.
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Hellscream9999 » Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:05 am

Motto: "Never forgive, never forget."
Weapon: Black Magic
After a year and a half of non-stop Dynasty Warriors 8XL, it turns out, I'm ranked 8th in the world for kills, sitting at just over 3,000,000 :michaelbay:

If anybody wants help, or would like to co-op, just pm me ;)
I am not a G1 fan, please treat my opinions as such.

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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Shadowman » Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:28 am

Motto: "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I sure as hell won't."
So while I wasn't terribly interested in any Saints Row game past 2 (The marketing made The Third look like it went far sillier than it needed to) the recent sale for it on Steam had the entire franchise (Save for the first game and Gat out of Hell) DLC and all, available for $11. It's $170 worth of games and DLC. It didn't matter how interested I was, I can't say no to that.

And then it turns out the marketing for the third game was, actually among the most misleading I've ever seen; while sillier, the game isn't far off in tone from 2.

And then it turned out IV was far closer to what 3's marketing was going for. But it made me laugh so I had fun. I spent the weekend burning through all of the content. I only just finished Gat out of Hell about an hour ago.

10/10, would Saints Row again.
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby BeastProwl » Fri Nov 20, 2015 2:07 pm

Motto: "Gravity Hurts"
Weapon: Razor Tipped Wing Swords
Shadowman wrote:So while I wasn't terribly interested in any Saints Row game past 2 (The marketing made The Third look like it went far sillier than it needed to) the recent sale for it on Steam had the entire franchise (Save for the first game and Gat out of Hell) DLC and all, available for $11. It's $170 worth of games and DLC. It didn't matter how interested I was, I can't say no to that.

And then it turns out the marketing for the third game was, actually among the most misleading I've ever seen; while sillier, the game isn't far off in tone from 2.

And then it turned out IV was far closer to what 3's marketing was going for. But it made me laugh so I had fun. I spent the weekend burning through all of the content. I only just finished Gat out of Hell about an hour ago.

10/10, would Saints Row again.

I only ever got to play the fourth one and it's christmas dlc. It was really funny, had good gameplay, but I never got into the series as a whole. But yeah, I hear a lot that 3 is very underrated. It was like they got cartoon network to market it for them.

So I have a book of progress to get through here.

First off, Monster Hunter 4U

I realise that i'm late to 4, and even later to the MH franchise, but damn if I didn't pick a great game to get into.
From the start the game plops you into a ship battle with an elder dragon, not hard, but it teaches you things about how the game is played, and introduces you to the hunting life.Next few hours is kinda boring, fetch this, craft that, go here, get this, I remember thinking that this was dumb and pointless, but low and behold, I was waxing on and waxing off the whole time, because when the first monster battle arose, I was ready...kinda.
It's tough to find what weapon suits you best at the start, though I think Greatsword was my first choice originally, not a bad weapon, but looking back, I couldn't play through the whole game with it.
So fastforward to now, months later, I'm a chargeblade user, and I have full Brachydios Armor (Always feel bad wearing it to talk to the guildmarm, since well, you know)
and a brachy charge blade.
I want to get into the meat of the online, but it seems I'm kinda stuck at the moment. I'm HR3 though, so that's something I guess.
Anotherthing. The music. My Gawd the music.

Impressive for a game on 3ds

Played this game for about a week straight. Me and my friend got really high on how refreshingly different it was to minecraft, even though it's got A LOT in common with it. Even now, I dare say Terraria is the better game of the two on console. I'm not sure about PC though.
Id'e recommend getting it if you're interested, just dont play the hell out of it, or you'll hit hard mode and get tired of it. That's what happened to us, and we werent too casual to play it, we adjusted pretty well, we just got bored and are giving it a break.

Demon's Souls

Me and this same friend Co-op'd it. Never again.
Never will I play this game again. Imagine if Satan walked up to God one day and was like, "Hey man, I done bad, but like, can I make just one thing, just one! PLEASE!"
and God's like "Pffft fine, what's the worst that can happen?"
Then Demon's Souls got shat out of a fiery geyser in the living room of a japanese game dev with a complex to screw over humanity.
Basically the backstory behind Demon's Souls as I see it. This game was made to screw you, in every way possible. All through it my friend kept comparing it to castlevania. Only comparison I saw was level design. Enemies? Besides the madusa heads, maybe, none of the enemies in castlevania were hard to deal with in the way enemies in this game are, and it's not gooddifficulty either, like dmc3, no, it's like, place a gold skelliton weilding a sword that'd make seigfried jealous along a narrow walkway in wich there's a fall down to certain death. Narrowly avoided him killing you? Here's two more, all the while you're being shot off screen by flying manta rays who you can't kill, and can't ever really block because they shoot from behind 9 times out of 10, and you cant focus because you're getting bombarded on all sides. And all this is just in one level, I could write a memoir about how broken the difficulty in this game is, and the worst part is, your typical souls game fanboy will look at you and call you a casual and tell you you need to git gud or whatever. I beat the 'hardest' game in the series, pretty sure I'm as good as I want to be.

GTAV Online

Did my first few heists. They were fun, but I shortly got tired of the game again, and am no longer playing it. I play from time to time, but for the most part, eh. It's run it's course.

Goat Simulator

Why do I have this game again?

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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Moosey » Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:34 pm

Motto: "Join the church of Alpha Bravo today!"
Weapon: Reciprocating Laser Cannon
2 weeks after fallout 4's release, I've sunk in 22 hours, reached level 23, and have done very few quests. Mainly have just been exploring the map. It's a blast!!
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Shadowman » Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:36 am

Motto: "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I sure as hell won't."
Moosey wrote:2 weeks after fallout 4's release, I've sunk in 22 hours, reached level 23, and have done very few quests. Mainly have just been exploring the map. It's a blast!!

That's Bethesda games for you. My first session of Skyrim was somewhere around ten hours and I don't think I even completed 5% of the game in that sitting. I got **** done, don't get me wrong, it's just there was so much to do and to this day, every time I play Skyrim I find some new thing I never did before.
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Wigglez wrote:Just remember. The sword is an extension of your arm. Use it as if you're going to karate chop someone with your really long sharp ass hand.
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Moosey » Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:38 pm

Motto: "Join the church of Alpha Bravo today!"
Weapon: Reciprocating Laser Cannon
Shadowman wrote:
Moosey wrote:2 weeks after fallout 4's release, I've sunk in 22 hours, reached level 23, and have done very few quests. Mainly have just been exploring the map. It's a blast!!

That's Bethesda games for you. My first session of Skyrim was somewhere around ten hours and I don't think I even completed 5% of the game in that sitting. I got poop done, don't get me wrong, it's just there was so much to do and to this day, every time I play Skyrim I find some new thing I never did before.

Oddly enough, I could never get into Skyrim, despite liking Fallout 3. I think it's simply a preference of setting as well as my opinion that Bethesda's combat system works better for gunplay. I might go back and finally get to playing New Vegas after all of 4's DLC's release - but by that point something else might be catching my attention. Gamer troubles!
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Shadowman » Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:26 am

Motto: "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I sure as hell won't."
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain:
A good number of times this game is fun. But more often it's just unrelentingly brutally unfair. And I know what you're thinking "You just need to git gud, Scrub-owman" but there have been points where enemies would take notice of me while I was standing still and on the other side of a wall. Or the fact that health regen (Because it's the only MGS game to lack Rations) can be undone by a single shotgun pellet.

Still having fun, though. Just took out the team of Skulls protecting a truck full of uranium. I wanted to take them alive, but the game, as with Ground Zeroes and Peace Walker before it, tends to punish you for not using lethal force.

Well at least it's a good thing I don't have any other massive time-sink games.

Fallout 4:

Kind of taking this one slowly, mostly because I'm worried that there's going to be a point where I get locked-in to a faction before I'm ready to pick. (I'm probably going to pick the Minutemen, though) Level 22, though, and being all in lesbians with Curie.
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"Falling is really just flying downward and out of control."
Wigglez wrote:Just remember. The sword is an extension of your arm. Use it as if you're going to karate chop someone with your really long sharp ass hand.
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Wigglez » Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:18 pm

Motto: "*cough*"
Weapon: Dual Bladed Sword
Fallout 4

I beat the main story missions. Did a crap load of side missions. THEY NEVER STOP COMING!! Protect this settlement. Kill those raiders. Search for this. I finally said f*** it and just went with the main story. I know there are other missions to do that aren't the normal "do this" mission that we've seen a million times in 1 playthrough. I've collected 16 power armors. That's cool
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Shadowman » Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:35 pm

Motto: "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I sure as hell won't."
Wigglez wrote:Fallout 4

I beat the main story missions. Did a crap load of side missions. THEY NEVER STOP COMING!! Protect this settlement. Kill those raiders. Search for this. I finally said f*** it and just went with the main story. I know there are other missions to do that aren't the normal "do this" mission that we've seen a million times in 1 playthrough. I've collected 16 power armors. That's cool

Radiant quests, something they introduced in Skyrim. It's basically to give you a reason to visit more and more locations. It's also why people hate Preston Garvey. I've also completed the main story and most of the actual side quests, and just sort of sitting on things until the DLC starts rolling out. Fallout DLC never fails to give me my money's worth.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain:
BEATEN! I mean, the main story stuff, at least. Still a few of the hard-mode Main Ops to do, but I don't care. Still a lot of Side Ops to do, but I also don't care. I could stand to reacquire Quiet, but unless they start rolling out story DLC, I don't really need to worry about that now. This is the end of the series, and unless Platinum wants to get on with MGR2, I am okay with that.
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"Falling is really just flying downward and out of control."
Wigglez wrote:Just remember. The sword is an extension of your arm. Use it as if you're going to karate chop someone with your really long sharp ass hand.
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Wigglez » Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:41 pm

Motto: "*cough*"
Weapon: Dual Bladed Sword
Shadowman wrote: Fallout DLC never fails to give me my money's worth.

This is true. Bethesda DLC is always good
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Shadowman » Sat Mar 12, 2016 12:46 am

Motto: "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I sure as hell won't."
Wigglez wrote:
Shadowman wrote: Fallout DLC never fails to give me my money's worth.

This is true. Bethesda DLC is always good know, Horse Armor DLC. There's a reason I said "Fallout" and not "Bethesda."
Sidekick= Saiya_Maximal
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"Falling is really just flying downward and out of control."
Wigglez wrote:Just remember. The sword is an extension of your arm. Use it as if you're going to karate chop someone with your really long sharp ass hand.
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Wigglez » Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:07 am

Motto: "*cough*"
Weapon: Dual Bladed Sword
Shadowman wrote:
Wigglez wrote:
Shadowman wrote: Fallout DLC never fails to give me my money's worth.

This is true. Bethesda DLC is always good know, Horse Armor DLC. There's a reason I said "Fallout" and not "Bethesda."

I don't know. Skyrim DLC was good. The ones I got PS3 were anyway
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby BeastProwl » Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:42 pm

Motto: "Gravity Hurts"
Weapon: Razor Tipped Wing Swords
My copy of Skyrim on ps3 just refuses to run anymore.

Monster Hunter 4U

You know... Once you hit G-Rank, the fun hunting-gathering-grinding gets put into retrospect pretty hard... I feel like, every time I eat before a quest, my character is having Vietnam style flashbacks under his helmet if grinding G-Rank Serigios for his Armor. I'm using DB now mainly, the change in speed and ability to proc elements and land crits more consistently has been a godsend, though I'll switch to CB on occasion.
Now I gotta go break a HR Gore's face while it's enraged for a feeler+ to upgrade my DB. Shouldn't be TOO bad.

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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby AndreaBeck » Sun May 01, 2016 11:45 pm

What to say about Call of Duty Black Ops III: Eclipse. Even compared to Awakening, the environments in it is even a step further away from the traditional grounding in realism and towards the fantastical and the flights of fancy.Got this game from a friend. Played Star Wars Battlefront Kaufen on XBox One for a few days now, and I'm a fan. Got it cheap from online store. :-$ It is "battlefront", so set yourself up for a great deal of battling. I am yet to complete this game but goinh to complete it soon. Its multiplayer mode is really awesome! :APPLAUSE:
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby Moosey » Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:54 am

Motto: "Join the church of Alpha Bravo today!"
Weapon: Reciprocating Laser Cannon
I realized I bought Dark Souls 2 a few years ago, played a little, and then gave up (I got it cheap, used). Anyways, a couple weeks ago, I came back with a new character. Here's my current play through stats:

Character Stats:
Name: Hela
Class: Swordsman (But I ended up building out like a hybrid between Swordsman and Knight)
Level: 116, mainly built out for endurance and dexterity, but also quite a bit of vigor and strength, and some vitality.
Armor: Rogue's Hood (+1), Vengarl's Armor (+2), some lame gloves I don't remember and I should probably level up my vitality to get more carry weight to equip better ones (+1), Vengarl's Boots (+1)
Weapons: Heide Knight Sword +10, Warped Sword +2, Drangleic Shield

Game Progress:
Current Location: Drangleic Castle, King's Gate Bonfire
Bosses Defeated (attempted to be put in chronological order): The Last Giant, Dragonrider, Old Dragonslayer, Flexile Sentry, The Pursuer, Skeleton Lords, Ruin Sentinels, The Lost Sinner, Scorpioness Najka, Prowling Magus and The Congregation, The Duke's Dear Freja, Royal Rat Vanguard, Belfry Gargoyles, Covetous Demon, Mytha The Baneful Queen, Old Iron King, The Rotten
Optional Bosses skipped for later: Royal Rat Authority, Smelter Demon
Hopefully I didn't miss any #-o
I'm glad this is my first Souls game, as people say it is the easiest, but I have not used a lot of summons, and some of them were out of annoyance (I summoned Manscorpion Tark for Najka because I had gotten her down to the point where one or two more hits would have killed her, but then I got bad RNG and she used her homing soul arrow spell, or whatever it's called, so I called him in as a damage sponge to get the fight over with)
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby BeastProwl » Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:43 am

Motto: "Gravity Hurts"
Weapon: Razor Tipped Wing Swords
Monster Hunter 4U

Stuck on Gogmazios and am down for some help if ya wanna give it! Me and my friend are having some real trouble beating him and getting to G-Crown.
I also need a Daora Horn to upgrade my charge blade all the way into Chernobog's Scythe,and Daora is my kryptonite. That stupid wind stun is a gimmick!It's not hard, it's cheap.

Anyways, I made a new mixed set I'm calling SkaggX. No affiliation to Borderlands, after abbreviating the armor parts, that's the name I got, and I love it.
It's Great Sword armor, and it has Focus, Evade Distance, Guard Up, Crit Draw, and Speed Sharpen. Makes for a good offensive set, and looks good to boot, wich is rare for mixed sets.

Check out my Art Thread! It actually gets updated from time to time!

Also taking commissions! Inquire via PM if interested :D
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Re: Game Progress Thread

Postby BeastProwl » Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:40 am

Motto: "Gravity Hurts"
Weapon: Razor Tipped Wing Swords
Beat Gog and earned our crowns. It was pretty damn cool.
When you fight a massive dragon and your teammate shoots him with the demolisher, it's the best feeling ever.
Mainly because if you hit him, the music changes to this:

After a long drawn out battle with a titanic dragon who aint havin your bs today, this song is quite a pick-me-up.

Im pretty much done though, since everyone is going to move on to monster hunter generations, and i'm broke. I have no teammates to help me go into least I made it to gogmazios. That's a lot more than I thought ide manage. I wear his greatsword on my back with pride.

Check out my Art Thread! It actually gets updated from time to time!

Also taking commissions! Inquire via PM if interested :D
Guardian Of Seibertron
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Courage: Infinity
Firepower: 10+
Skill: 9


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