Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

shonenfan4 wrote:God I hate Kmart exclusives. Last time I went into Kmart, it looks like the whole place was robbed or something.
Energon Is My Drug wrote:shonenfan4 wrote:God I hate Kmart exclusives. Last time I went into Kmart, it looks like the whole place was robbed or something.
Ha, I know what you mean. I went into our K-mart a few months ago looking for new waves, and it looked like a bomb went off in there. The shelves (and the whole store) were a complete mess.
Also, they had a big sign that said "Transformers Headquarters!". When I got to the toy section, they had maybe 3 figures...
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:No one's going to mention that they gave the name of a helecopter 'bot (Blades) to a jet mold and they gave the name of a jet 'con (Skywarp) to a helecopter mold?
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:No one's going to mention that they gave the name of a helecopter 'bot (Blades) to a jet mold and they gave the name of a jet 'con (Skywarp) to a helecopter mold?
redsaleen wrote:saw these at kmart in NY tonight, price tag is 28.00
shonenfan4 wrote:redsaleen wrote:saw these at kmart in NY tonight, price tag is 28.00
That's about the price of buying 4 individual legends figures, guess it's not so bad.
Razorclaw0000 wrote:shonenfan4 wrote:redsaleen wrote:saw these at kmart in NY tonight, price tag is 28.00
That's about the price of buying 4 individual legends figures, guess it's not so bad.
In PA, Legends are still about $5. I'm curious to see what this'll run here.
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