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Regarding Starscream's feminine side...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:08 am
by Red 50
I've been thinking for a while about Starscream and the feminine side of him (don't ask). He constantly has design that somewhat resembles more of a female robot. And he is constantly portrayed as Megatron's 'underdog' (b*tch, if you please). And all the fanart that portrays him as, well... you get the point, I hope.

Anyway, all that got me thinking: what would be if they actually made a continuity where Starscream, the REAL Starscream, was really a FEMALE decepticon? What would the fans think about it? What would be their reactions? What would be YOUR reactions?

BTW, Slipstream doesn't count here, she was a clone.

Re: Regarding Starscream's feminine side...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:23 am
by Jelze Bunnycat
Red 50 wrote:I've been thinking for a while about Starscream and the feminine side of him (don't ask). He constantly has design that somewhat resembles more of a female robot. And he is constantly portrayed as Megatron's 'underdog' (b*tch, if you please). And all the fanart that portrays him as, well... you get the point, I hope.

Anyway, all that got me thinking: what would be if they actually made a continuity where Starscream, the REAL Starscream, was really a FEMALE decepticon? What would the fans think about it? What would be their reactions? What would be YOUR reactions?

BTW, Slipstream doesn't count here, she was a clone.

Better not watch the French dub of the Movie then, where he (along with Shrapnel) was voiced by a female actor. Plus, in the Japanese dub of the series he had a "bishounen" type voice, enough to make one wonder...

Re: Regarding Starscream's feminine side...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:28 am
by njb902
TFP brought up some interesting, if unintentional, questions.

Re: Regarding Starscream's feminine side...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:58 pm
by Noideaforaname
I'd imagine there would be a LOT of complaints, as it'd be a significant change (or perceived as such, realistically it'd probably just amount to using different pronouns) and people don't like that. At first, at least. Maybe with time a number would accept, even perhaps prefer, Starscream being a lady, but that change would undoubtedly be highly controversial for years to come. Especially if they did it just for the shock of it.

Me personally, my reaction would probably be:
"What, why'd they do that? Why not use Slipstream, or a new character?"
*watch show*
"Well, it works, but I'd rather it not be permanent" -OR- "Wow, they really just wanted the shock factor..."

Certainly not waiting for it to happen.