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SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby Evil Eye » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:32 pm

Motto: "Don't be a goddamn coward."
Weapon: Acid Spray Gun
Is that...Death's Head?

Great! Now I just need to read the UK comics to actually have some connection to him!
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby Sabrblade » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:35 pm

Motto: "Can't do a job halfway. What's worth doing is worth doing well, I say."
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Delta Magnus wrote:Is that...Death's Head?

Great! Now I just need to read the UK comics to actually have some connection to him!
Man, I am SO ready for BBTS to process my preorder of that Death's Head toy, the waiting is killing me!
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Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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Dinobot Underbite Only Has A Vehicle Mode And Beast Mode But No Robot Mode?

Postby psj333 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:50 pm

After viewing the Underbite toy at the SDCC 2014 panel, it seems to me that the Robot In Disguise cartoon for 2015 will features Dinobots that will have finally have both vehicle and beast altmodes. Unfortunately, for Underbite himself, he does not have a robot mode. Does that mean that will other Dinobots in the cartoon will abandon their robot modes, and use their beast modes as replacements to their robot modes, or that this abilities is only reserved for Underbite himself? :BOT: :CON:
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby shockblast2 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:52 pm

Weapon: Energon Crossbow
shajaki wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:What idiot Hasbro executive thinks the children (to whom this toy line survives) will give a **** about obscure combiner characters? Not to mention the fact that parents are not going to shell out $90 each for these. Yeah, the adult fans will buy them, but they are a VERY small percentage of sales. And at $16 a pop, this line is finished.

With Hasbro's crap quality these days, I will be surprised that if they can even stand up straight.
jeezus christ monkey balls. do you ever have anything positive to say? why are you even a part of this fandom?

With the current state of things only delusional fan boys have anything positive to say. By the numbers this line is a sinking ship. Why do you think they are finally falling back on the likes of some of you for monetary support? You will be lucky IF the price point stays at $16 a pop. Not to mention the quality issues.

I am not a part of your type of fandom nor would I want to be. Passive at best. I am in my thirties, not teens.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby shockblast2 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:54 pm

Weapon: Energon Crossbow
GuyIncognito wrote:
shajaki wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:blah blah blah
jeezus christ monkey balls. do you ever have anything positive to say? why are you even a part of this fandom?

I second that.

You are like 45 and get off on insulting people on forum blogs. Why would I respect anything you say? Grow up. Really.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby Va'al » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:57 pm

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Hi everyone - can we please keep disagreements as civil discussion rather than personal attacks? Thanks!

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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby Evil Eye » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:00 pm

Motto: "Don't be a goddamn coward."
Weapon: Acid Spray Gun
I find it amusing that your sig decries nerd rage when that is precisely what you seem to thrive on.

And honestly, if you aren't part of the fandom then WTF are you doing on the forum?
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby SW's SilverHammer » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:01 pm

Motto: "The  days  grow  shorter,  and  yet  the  sun  still  shines"
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anyhow, the combiners look pretty big compared to sky/jetfire
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby shockblast2 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:03 pm

Weapon: Energon Crossbow
Sabrblade wrote:
OptimalOptimus2 wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:What idiot Hasbro executive thinks the children (to whom this toy line survives) will give a **** about obscure combiner characters? Not to mention the fact that parents are not going to shell out $90 each for these. Yeah, the adult fans will buy them, but they are a VERY small percentage of sales. And at $16 a pop, this line is finished.

With Hasbro's crap quality these days, I will be surprised that if they can even stand up straight.

Ahem. When you have first seen the Constructicons, Aerialbots, Combaticons, etc., were you like "WHOA!" or super excited. If you had, then I'm pretty sure kids will also love the Combiners too.

Don't believe me? Next year go to Toys"R"Us a week before Christmas.
Yeah, it's not the fact that these toys are of the G1 combiner characters that appeal to kids. It's the fact that it's five guys who combine into one big dude. And that they can all mix and match limbs with each other. The gimmick may be old, but it's timeless. Kids like combining robots. The fact that these toys represent the G1 characters is the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

Toy sales in general are down 17% and that is IF you include Lego, who is only down 9% from just last year alone. Parents are sick of poor quality and higher costs. What makes you think they are going to spend $90-100 a pop on these? Especially in a day and age where electronic toys rule? You have children with Ipads by the time they are 10. Why would they care about this stuff? The sales numbers do not lie.
I didn't see many children giving a squat about FOC Bruticus and it had a video game to drive the sales. What makes you think children who do not even know these characters will care?
This line comes and goes in waves. And Hasbro missed the mark on these five years ago. Transformers as a whole has positioned itself with its flaws for another hiatus. Unless you and people like you are going to buy ten of these things. Go check out your local big box stores. TF4 junk is shelf warming. And I can see why. It is right next to the TMNT stuff, which is better quality, more popular, and 8.88 a figure.

I see why you feel the way you do as you are an adult fan and as I said before I do respect you as you are not like some of your counterparts here, but I disagree that these will do well in the market. This line needs the children to drive it or it will fade away. And none of these new reveals are going to drive the franchise. Even the new cartoon is kinda strange, but maybe it will do well. But that will rest on whatever price points Hasbro comes up with for the toys in that line.
Last edited by shockblast2 on Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby shockblast2 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:05 pm

Weapon: Energon Crossbow
Delta Magnus wrote:I find it amusing that your sig decries nerd rage when that is precisely what you seem to thrive on.

And honestly, if you aren't part of the fandom then WTF are you doing on the forum?

I didn't say I wasn't a fan. I said I wasn't that type of fan. And judging from the way some of these type of "fans" are I am blessed to not be just like them.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby SW's SilverHammer » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:11 pm

Motto: "The  days  grow  shorter,  and  yet  the  sun  still  shines"
Weapon: Electron Scimitar Sword
shockblast2 wrote:
Delta Magnus wrote:I find it amusing that your sig decries nerd rage when that is precisely what you seem to thrive on.

And honestly, if you aren't part of the fandom then WTF are you doing on the forum?

I didn't say I wasn't a fan. I said I wasn't that type of fan. And judging from the way some of these type of "fans" are I am blessed to not be just like them.

I know right, liking things because people have individual taste and opinion; ****ing sacrilege, because it's all about you, and what you don't like :lol:
Last edited by SW's SilverHammer on Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby DMSL » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:12 pm

Weapon: Electro-Laser Cannon
I just died a little inside.

These all look horrible. How can you go from Prime back to "Animated"?
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby DMSL » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:18 pm

Weapon: Electro-Laser Cannon
It's great Hasbro is finally giving us combiners, it's just a shame they have learned nothing.

They should have paid attention to what they did in G1 and what the third parties are doing now. These combiners are ill proportioned.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby Evil Eye » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:18 pm

Motto: "Don't be a goddamn coward."
Weapon: Acid Spray Gun
To the best of my knowledge, Animated was very well received, so perhaps it was a conscious decision?

And as I've mentioned before, the G1 combiners were blatantly awful. The third party combiners are good in spite of the G1 accuracy, not because of it.

Also, any pics of Strongarm?
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby shockblast2 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:24 pm

Weapon: Energon Crossbow
SW's SilverHammer wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:
Delta Magnus wrote:I find it amusing that your sig decries nerd rage when that is precisely what you seem to thrive on.

And honestly, if you aren't part of the fandom then WTF are you doing on the forum?

I didn't say I wasn't a fan. I said I wasn't that type of fan. And judging from the way some of these type of "fans" are I am blessed to not be just like them.

I know right, liking things because you know people have individual taste and opinion, ****ing sacrilege, because it's all abut you, and what you don't like :lol:

You don't get it. It is not about ANY of us. It is about sales and profit. It is about who is driving the market. Considering these are CHILDREN's toys the children and, more importantly, their parents must be on board with backing these things. Again, I reiterate, what makes you think any random child gives a squat about these combiners?
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby Evil Eye » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:26 pm

Motto: "Don't be a goddamn coward."
Weapon: Acid Spray Gun
shockblast2 wrote:
SW's SilverHammer wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:
Delta Magnus wrote:I find it amusing that your sig decries nerd rage when that is precisely what you seem to thrive on.

And honestly, if you aren't part of the fandom then WTF are you doing on the forum?

I didn't say I wasn't a fan. I said I wasn't that type of fan. And judging from the way some of these type of "fans" are I am blessed to not be just like them.

I know right, liking things because you know people have individual taste and opinion, ****ing sacrilege, because it's all abut you, and what you don't like :lol:

You don't get it. It is not about ANY of us. It is about sales and profit. It is about who is driving the market. Considering these are CHILDREN's toys the children and, more importantly, their parents must be on board with backing these things. Again, I reiterate, what makes you think any random child gives a squat about these combiners?

The fact they're robots that turn into vehicles and can combine into a huge robot?
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby DMSL » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:26 pm

Weapon: Electro-Laser Cannon
Easy pass for me. They are heading in the right direction here, but the proportions of the combined mode are terrible and the individual robots could be a hell of a lot better. Including firearms instead of just melee weapons would make a huge improvement. I also don't like that they are changing altmodes. Stunticons should be four sports cars and a truck, not one SUV. The Aerialbots also never had a chopper and that Powerglide Targetmaster i am not a fan of.

I wish Hasbro would just stick with the source material instead of trying to be creative with this. They should be creative with the transformations instead.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby SW's SilverHammer » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:32 pm

Motto: "The  days  grow  shorter,  and  yet  the  sun  still  shines"
Weapon: Electron Scimitar Sword
Delta Magnus wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:
SW's SilverHammer wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:
Delta Magnus wrote:I find it amusing that your sig decries nerd rage when that is precisely what you seem to thrive on.

And honestly, if you aren't part of the fandom then WTF are you doing on the forum?

I didn't say I wasn't a fan. I said I wasn't that type of fan. And judging from the way some of these type of "fans" are I am blessed to not be just like them.

I know right, liking things because you know people have individual taste and opinion, ****ing sacrilege, because it's all abut you, and what you don't like :lol:

You don't get it. It is not about ANY of us. It is about sales and profit. It is about who is driving the market. Considering these are CHILDREN's toys the children and, more importantly, their parents must be on board with backing these things. Again, I reiterate, what makes you think any random child gives a squat about these combiners?

The fact they're robots that turn into vehicles and can combine into a huge robot?

Yeah, that's the thing people like things, and sometimes that's reason enough to buy things; not everything has to be subject to piss vinegar and bile.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby Peridot » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:33 pm

Motto: "The sea, it calls to me!"
Weapon: High-Energy Laser Rifle
shockblast2 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
OptimalOptimus2 wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:What idiot Hasbro executive thinks the children (to whom this toy line survives) will give a **** about obscure combiner characters? Not to mention the fact that parents are not going to shell out $90 each for these. Yeah, the adult fans will buy them, but they are a VERY small percentage of sales. And at $16 a pop, this line is finished.

With Hasbro's crap quality these days, I will be surprised that if they can even stand up straight.

Ahem. When you have first seen the Constructicons, Aerialbots, Combaticons, etc., were you like "WHOA!" or super excited. If you had, then I'm pretty sure kids will also love the Combiners too.

Don't believe me? Next year go to Toys"R"Us a week before Christmas.
Yeah, it's not the fact that these toys are of the G1 combiner characters that appeal to kids. It's the fact that it's five guys who combine into one big dude. And that they can all mix and match limbs with each other. The gimmick may be old, but it's timeless. Kids like combining robots. The fact that these toys represent the G1 characters is the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

Toy sales in general are down 17% and that is IF you include Lego, who is only down 9% from just last year alone. Parents are sick of poor quality and higher costs. What makes you think they are going to spend $90-100 a pop on these? Especially in a day and age where electronic toys rule? You have children with Ipads by the time they are 10. Why would they care about this stuff? The sales numbers do not lie.
I didn't see many children giving a squat about FOC Bruticus and it had a video game to drive the sales. What makes you think children who do not even know these characters will care?
This line comes and goes in waves. And Hasbro missed the mark on these five years ago. Transformers as a whole has positioned itself with its flaws for another hiatus. Unless you and people like you are going to buy ten of these things. Go check out your local big box stores. TF4 junk is shelf warming. And I can see why. It is right next to the TMNT stuff, which is better quality, more popular, and 8.88 a figure.

I see why you feel the way you do as you are an adult fan and as I said before I do respect you as you are not like some of your counterparts here, but I disagree that these will do well in the market. This line needs the children to drive it or it will fade away. And none of these new reveals are going to drive the franchise. Even the new cartoon is kinda strange, but maybe it will do well. But that will rest on whatever price points Hasbro comes up with for the toys in that line.

It almost sounds like you want Hasbro to fail. Also, most TMNT figures are small and kinda cheaply made. There's not as much engineering involved, as opposed to a toy that has to be both a highly detailed and articulated action figure, and a relatively sturdy toy vehicle.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby GuyIncognito » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:46 pm

shockblast2, please do us all a favor and keep your thoughts to yourself. We enjoy our hobby and don't need your constant negativity, which, frankly, looks like trolling.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby shockblast2 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:01 pm

Weapon: Energon Crossbow
Delta Magnus wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:
SW's SilverHammer wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:
Delta Magnus wrote:I find it amusing that your sig decries nerd rage when that is precisely what you seem to thrive on.

And honestly, if you aren't part of the fandom then WTF are you doing on the forum?

I didn't say I wasn't a fan. I said I wasn't that type of fan. And judging from the way some of these type of "fans" are I am blessed to not be just like them.

I know right, liking things because you know people have individual taste and opinion, ****ing sacrilege, because it's all abut you, and what you don't like :lol:

You don't get it. It is not about ANY of us. It is about sales and profit. It is about who is driving the market. Considering these are CHILDREN's toys the children and, more importantly, their parents must be on board with backing these things. Again, I reiterate, what makes you think any random child gives a squat about these combiners?

The fact they're robots that turn into vehicles and can combine into a huge robot?

So what? Again, Bruticus from FOC did the same and there were not children lining up to own it. And it was $65 as the price point was $12.99, this one will be roughly $100.

This isn't 1985. Children care about electronics by the time they are ten. Not giant robots that can't do anything but stand there. I have asked children myself and the response I get is "they don't do anything".
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby shockblast2 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:03 pm

Weapon: Energon Crossbow
GuyIncognito wrote:shockblast2, please do us all a favor and keep your thoughts to yourself. We enjoy our hobby and don't need your constant negativity, which, frankly, looks like trolling.

No, I think I will say what I want to say as long as it is within site rules. You personally accuse me of trolling. Didn't Alex just say to refrain from personal attacks? I am not taking your bait.

Alex? Am I wrong?
Last edited by shockblast2 on Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby SW's SilverHammer » Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:04 pm

Motto: "The  days  grow  shorter,  and  yet  the  sun  still  shines"
Weapon: Electron Scimitar Sword
shockblast2 wrote:
Delta Magnus wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:
SW's SilverHammer wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:
Delta Magnus wrote:I find it amusing that your sig decries nerd rage when that is precisely what you seem to thrive on.

And honestly, if you aren't part of the fandom then WTF are you doing on the forum?

I didn't say I wasn't a fan. I said I wasn't that type of fan. And judging from the way some of these type of "fans" are I am blessed to not be just like them.

I know right, liking things because you know people have individual taste and opinion, ****ing sacrilege, because it's all abut you, and what you don't like :lol:

You don't get it. It is not about ANY of us. It is about sales and profit. It is about who is driving the market. Considering these are CHILDREN's toys the children and, more importantly, their parents must be on board with backing these things. Again, I reiterate, what makes you think any random child gives a squat about these combiners?

The fact they're robots that turn into vehicles and can combine into a huge robot?

So what? Again, Bruticus from FOC did the same and there were not children lining up to own it. And it was $65 as the price point was $12.99, this one will be roughly $100.

This isn't 1985. Children care about electronics by the time they are ten. Not giant robots that can't do anything but stand there. I have asked children myself and the response I get is "they don't do anything".

Why is a 30+ year old man talking to random children in a toy/electronics store?
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby shockblast2 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:14 pm

Weapon: Energon Crossbow
Metro Prime wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
OptimalOptimus2 wrote:
shockblast2 wrote:What idiot Hasbro executive thinks the children (to whom this toy line survives) will give a **** about obscure combiner characters? Not to mention the fact that parents are not going to shell out $90 each for these. Yeah, the adult fans will buy them, but they are a VERY small percentage of sales. And at $16 a pop, this line is finished.

With Hasbro's crap quality these days, I will be surprised that if they can even stand up straight.

Ahem. When you have first seen the Constructicons, Aerialbots, Combaticons, etc., were you like "WHOA!" or super excited. If you had, then I'm pretty sure kids will also love the Combiners too.

Don't believe me? Next year go to Toys"R"Us a week before Christmas.
Yeah, it's not the fact that these toys are of the G1 combiner characters that appeal to kids. It's the fact that it's five guys who combine into one big dude. And that they can all mix and match limbs with each other. The gimmick may be old, but it's timeless. Kids like combining robots. The fact that these toys represent the G1 characters is the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

Toy sales in general are down 17% and that is IF you include Lego, who is only down 9% from just last year alone. Parents are sick of poor quality and higher costs. What makes you think they are going to spend $90-100 a pop on these? Especially in a day and age where electronic toys rule? You have children with Ipads by the time they are 10. Why would they care about this stuff? The sales numbers do not lie.
I didn't see many children giving a squat about FOC Bruticus and it had a video game to drive the sales. What makes you think children who do not even know these characters will care?
This line comes and goes in waves. And Hasbro missed the mark on these five years ago. Transformers as a whole has positioned itself with its flaws for another hiatus. Unless you and people like you are going to buy ten of these things. Go check out your local big box stores. TF4 junk is shelf warming. And I can see why. It is right next to the TMNT stuff, which is better quality, more popular, and 8.88 a figure.

I see why you feel the way you do as you are an adult fan and as I said before I do respect you as you are not like some of your counterparts here, but I disagree that these will do well in the market. This line needs the children to drive it or it will fade away. And none of these new reveals are going to drive the franchise. Even the new cartoon is kinda strange, but maybe it will do well. But that will rest on whatever price points Hasbro comes up with for the toys in that line.

It almost sounds like you want Hasbro to fail. Also, most TMNT figures are small and kinda cheaply made. There's not as much engineering involved, as opposed to a toy that has to be both a highly detailed and articulated action figure, and a relatively sturdy toy vehicle.

Hasbro? fail? LOL. You must be joking. They are one of the largest toy companies in the world. No, what will happen is they will cut off the withered member. Meaning that they will put this line on hiatus. They have done it before.
Highly detailed? Have you bought a figure lately? Missing paint apps, cracked pieces, broken joints. And those are just the short term issues. Just wait until about 10-15 years from now when the regrind they re using starts to break down on a microscopic level. You precious toy will literally break into pieces.
Educate yourself on what they are using in their resin blend these days. Pieces of diapers, recycled Tupperware, and leftover plastic trees are just a few goodies that are blended in there. If you think I lie, then forget what I said and do the research. Next time you are in a Hasbro panel, ask them what their prime to regrind ratio is for their resin. You will be lucky it is only 1:3. And the really sick thing is just six years ago you were getting 100% prime in your figures. Now, you are lucky if it 50%. And yet, you are paying almost 100% more than you did then.
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Re: SDCC 2014 Coverage - Discussion Thread

Postby Va'al » Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:20 pm

Motto: "Till All Are Pun!"
shockblast2 wrote:
GuyIncognito wrote:shockblast2, please do us all a favor and keep your thoughts to yourself. We enjoy our hobby and don't need your constant negativity, which, frankly, looks like trolling.

No, I think I will say what I want to say as long as it is within site rules. You personally accuse me of trolling. Didn't Alex just say to refrain from personal attacks? I am not taking your bait.

Alex? Am I wrong?

You're all wrong, as I asked you to give up.

Seriously, it's hard enough to keep track of the news as it is without getting reports about a conversation that could be highly constructive.

Next posts going against this we start giving warnings.
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