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Text/Picture Review - Classicsverse' Hoist (Generations)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:55 am
by Banjo-Tron
Hi guys, I got Hoist in-hand and thought I should take a look at him. You can see my review below, and the rest of my stuff at Enjoy...

Figure Details

Manufacturer - Hasbro
Toyline - Generations



The battle for which Autobot Hasbro hates the most is really gathering momentum now, with Gears and Skids being the new front runners. Hoist has dropped out of the running, as Hasbro have now retooled the diminutive Trailbreaker mould to honour the garish mechanic. Was it worth their while, or should you be glad that this is an Asia exclusive?

Appearance (Robot Mode) 7/10
Being a retool, this shares all the positives and negatives of Trailbreaker. For the size, this does a decent job of homaging Hoist, but there is a bit of an issue with the head, which has a huge gap in the neck, unless you look from the correct angle. Hoist has had his hands retooled, to allow them to hold the gun which is now provided. Can I just say that the gun is rather odd, because it seemingly has 3 handles on it. It is a welcome addition for a legends-class figure though.


Appearance (Alternate Mode) 7/10
The green on this guy is slightly underwhelming, and I'm not massively impressed with the paint apps here. Hasbro have attempted a nod to the old figure by adding on some tampographed black and yellow stripes, but they are so meagre that they shouldn't have bothered. Sparse is the adjective I would use here. They were thoughtful enough to add a socket for the gun though, but it's a shame that the gun couldn't double as a crane and be positioned further back.


Transformation 7/10
I like the way that the legs fold out of the roof, and that the bonnet and cabin still form the chest. There's only so much that you can do with a legends-class figure, but, in this case, quite a lot is packed into a small size. The original G1 transformation is referenced successfully.


Poseability 5/10
Pretty rubbish, really. Think original Starwars figure articulation, but without the head swivel. He has one pose, unless you count 'fallen over' as a pose as well, in which case he has 2. Hoist gets one bonus point over Trailbreaker because he now has 3 poses - Standing up, standing up with gun, asleep.


Durability 8/10
There are no parts on this guy that seem remotely like breaking. But then he has so few points of articulation that I wouldn't think that breakage would be possible! The gun does sit very tightly in the roof in alt mode, but I have seen no evidence of stress marks.


Overall - 34/50
This little fellow is unlikely to win any beauty contests, but at least Hasbro have acknowledged him to some extent. I now see this a race against time between Hasbro and the third parties, to see who will make the first deluxe mould. The Headrobots mould had me drooling, but until then, this guy is better than nowt.