The very rare and super expensive G1 Bludgeon got an update recently with the Super 7 Ultimates Bludgeon.
But that big action figure is missing the "inner bot."
So, I made it:
As you can see, I used the Combiner Wars Brawl as a base... Well, not really. That's a cheap Chinese K.O that cost less than 20$CAN shipped. No freaking way I was going to pay the eBay price to make that custom.
I removed the original turret from "Brawl" and I made some sort of platform so that the S7 Bludgeon turret/shield/gun accessory could fit. For color matching, I had no choice but to spray paint it the same color as the rest of the tank.
The turret is simply pegged in, but still rotate freely.
Comparing with the G1 original, the colors match pretty well. The G1 does have 4 threads, but the overall look of the tank feels more like a normal standard tank. I thought of using the classic deluxe tank Megatron to make the custom, but it wouldn't work because of the arms. Another rule is that the tank had to be a deluxe. So, CW Brawl was the best option.
Now, on to the bot mode. As you can see, the main difference is the new head. I mixed the Classic deluxe Cyclonus head with the Prime Beasts Hunter deluxe Bulkhead together.
Also, the gun/cannon of the S7 Bludgeon have a standard 5mm peg, so it fit perfectly in a standard TF hand.
It was a lot of work making that head. I'm proud of it, despite the messy paint.
The G1 original, if you wonder why I made the custom head this way:
It is not 100% accurate to the G1 look, but that's close enough for me.
Comparison with the turret/shield detached:
Overall, I'm pretty glad how the deluxe "inner bot" Bludgeon turned out. Also, the combiner gimmick is preserved. So, if I want, I could combined it with Grand Galvatron. It would make sense.
So, what do you guys think of it?