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The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

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The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Lastjustice » Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:12 pm

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Heres an article about the list of scenes...

Was nice see exactly what was all added besides the obvious stuff like the forest scene.
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Delicon » Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:15 pm

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For many months now, it has been debated back and forth as to which scnes in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen were exclusive to the IMAX release of the film.

Thanks to member Lastjustice and the website it looks like we finally have the answer. They have taken the time to watch both versions simultaneously and have broken down all the differemces. Surpisingly, there are many, but most last just a few seconds at best, hence creating all the confusion.

Here is an excerpt of their analysis.

Contentwise, the IMAX version barely has more to offer than the theatrical release, even if to fans of glossy robot action every second might be held dear. The depiction of the respective action sequences in the bigger format, however, is the distinct advantage of this version, since a 16:9 TV is in those moments filled and shows more picture information compared to the other scenes in the 2,35:1 format, without annoying widescreen bars in the way or having to zoom in (which leads to a loss of picture information).
For fans of the flick its a definite must-buy.

The runtimes of the described scenes refer to the theatrical release. The other differences in runtimes result from rounding up/down single described scenes to comlete resp. half seconds and from shots containing a few frames more/less which aren't included in this article for lack of relevance.

Decepticon Grindor landing is shown a little longer and he runs more toward the camera.
1.5 Sec.

Theatrical release
Sam tries to escape from the action and jumps through some minor explosions.
2 Sec.

After Optimus' kick resp. throw, Starscream hits the forrest floor hard in slow-motion.
3 Sec.

Optimus gets already earlier heckled by the Decepticons and can at first barely fight off their multiple attacks.
12.5 Sec.

Optimus rams into Starscream and knocks him on the floor.
2.5 Sec.

You can see Optimus earlier during the long shot of Grindor, immediately after he ripped his face apart. Here, you can still see both halves of the face flying through the air.
1.5 Sec.

The (slow-motion) shot of the fallen Optimus with Sam in the foreground runs a little longer.
3 Sec.

A truck belonging to Devastator drives past the camera in close up.
3 Sec.

During Devastator's transformation the advantages of the IMAX format become clear: Because of the different aspect ratio the action appears much more impressive
no time difference

The longshot of the attacking Devastator can be seen longer.
a few frames

The shot of the sucking Devastator also runs a little while longer.
a few frames

The same with the back shot of the giant fighting robot after the long pan.
a few frames

The red Twin is sucked into Devastator's mouth for a longer time.
a few frames

The red Twin swings around Devestator a little longer.
a few frames

The Twins getting thrown to the floor is a few frames longer.
a few frames

To view the original article, which has some very detailed images, please click here. - The Ultimate Transformers Resource!
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby thebruteslayer » Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:40 am

I want to see the IMAX version so bad after reading this!
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:35 am

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So the final line is...big fat waste of time.
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Darclipto » Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:12 am

Have you seen the IMAX footage? It's actually alot better, especially the scene with Prime fighting Grindor, Screamer and Megatron.
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Rodimus_light » Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:18 am

NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE wrote:So the final line is...big fat waste of time.

As someone who has bought the IMAX version. It is basically worth the trip to walmart in every way.(It doesnt cost more)

The forest Scene is a whole new ball game with the additional footage in addition Having seen the movie three times in theater. I must say even the normal parts look better in the Imax footage. Megatron looks dirtier for one. Also the 12 seconds of Optimus being beaten up really makes the fight seem more balanced. Also seeing Optimus scrapped is always emotional, and all the little 1 second additions tie the whole scene together and make it less jumpy. Oh and instaed of accomplishign absolutly nothing Grindor actually does some damage to Optimus.

One MORE THING!!! (Asian old man voice)
When the car is cut in half in the warehouse it is not very clear who uses a buzzsaw. But Starscream uses it in the forest fight to hack up Optimus.

If you liked ROTF you will like the Imax version at least 5% more. Personally about 20%
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Primus1101 » Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:19 am

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Well if the IMAX footage only enhances the Forest Fight, then I'm fine, I have it in my favourites on my YouTube :P
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby vectorA3 » Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:05 am

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kudos to That was comprehensive.
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Solrac333 » Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:51 am

I noticed every on of those the first time I saw it! :o)
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Bouncy X » Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:59 am

did they actually suggest zooming in to avoid those "pesky black bars" ? wow...i cant believe a movie site in 2009 would even suggest such a thing.

but yeah this doesn't sound like too much a of a big deal, i dont regret buying the steelbook version. but least this time they added material involving the robots. unlike the first movie's Imax presentation that just added more human scenes and pointless ones at that.
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby ishigoto » Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:15 am

This is on the walmart imax dvd right?
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Supreme Convoy » Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:27 pm

NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE wrote:So the final line is...big fat waste of time.

Not exactly. Seeing it in the IMAX theater was extremely cool!
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Autobots....FIRE! » Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:47 pm

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AnybodY know If the IMAX version will be available in the UK?
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby noctorro » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:14 pm

Is the Imax version blu ray? I saw both the normal version and the Imax in theaters and have good memories from both. But I'll import it since it probably won't be available in Holland, the Imax.
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Delicon » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:47 pm

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omega666 wrote:I noticed every on of those the first time I saw it! :o)

Then why didn't you tell the rest of us?
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby dragons » Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:05 pm

Is the Imax version blu ray? I saw both the normal version and the Imax in theaters and have good memories from both. But I'll import it since it probably won't be available in Holland, the Imax.

actually it is released on dvd & bluray format only at walmart i got the normal dvd imax version havnt watched it yet
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby vectorA3 » Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:20 am

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ya, when you're looking for the Imax footage, u want the Walmart exclusive "Big Screen Edition" -available on dvd and Blu-ray. If it doesn't say this on the package, you're getting the regular version, obviously.
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Lastjustice » Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:43 pm

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Autobots....FIRE! wrote:AnybodY know If the IMAX version will be available in the UK?

Heres the exclusives thread.


I'm glad to have the Big screen edition myself. If you have access to it no reason not to get it.
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby Soupy » Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:34 pm

I'm glad the Big Screen DVD changes the aspect ratio as well. Unlike The Dark Knight where that feature was only available on the blu ray.
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Re: The offical list of additonal scenes between the Imax version.

Postby vectorA3 » Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:36 am

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soup wrote:I'm glad the Big Screen DVD changes the aspect ratio as well. Unlike The Dark Knight where that feature was only available on the blu ray.

speaking of which - i need to put TDK on my laptop before the code expires.....
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