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Transformers Fan Fiction: The Vine-Man Quadrilogy

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Transformers Fan Fiction: The Vine-Man Quadrilogy

Postby lockdownisfresh » Mon Nov 11, 2024 9:02 pm

The Vine-Man Quadrilogy and the Nature Wars
By Daniel Person


A ginger, handsome, long bearded park ranger named Benjamin Bishop, who works for Great Smoky Mountains National Park, falls in love with the park. While walking out in the woods one night, he sees a large strange brown creature swinging from the big pine trees. At first he thinks it’s a man or some kind of animal but he doesn’t know what kind of animal could swing from the trees like that. He decides to take some photos of the creature but it is too quick and it only comes out at night. He talks to his Native American friend, “Talking Woods,” and he tells him to try reaching it by climbing the trees and waiting silently. Benji decides to climb up the trees with his climbing equipment so he see better but the creature is on to his games and never shows. On another day, Benji is doing his rounds in the park when suddenly he hears a radio call about a disturbed guest with a gun. Benji decides to investigate and gets into a heated argument with the guest about park rules and customer service. The customer then pulls out his gun and fires but the shot is quickly blocked by the strange creature from the woods. The creature tells the criminal to leave the ranger alone and to put his hands behind his back so the ranger can arrest him but the criminal refuses. The creature is forced to use his vines to subdue the criminal. Benji arrests the criminal with minimal effort and thanks the creature and asks him his name. The creature tells him: “Names are not important but to just call him Vine-Man and leave it at that.” He tells Benji he is a spiritual creature created by the Native American tribes that pray over the wilderness areas and that he protects the National Parks and their visitors and employees from harm. He also tells Benji he has the power of telepathy and that he can call on him through his mind whenever there is trouble in the park.
The creature disappears for many months and Benji is out doing his normal rounds when he hears a distress call about a murder in the park in an abandoned cabin. Benji goes to the cabin to investigate the body and finds “Talking Woods” dead with stab wounds all over his body. Benji doesn’t know who could have made these sort of wounds because they don’t look like they came from any knife he has ever seen and almost look like he was impaled by some kind of animal with horns. But then he thinks what kind of animal could impale with wounds all over the body and leave so much blood? Benji starts to come up with some theories and leaves the cabin. As soon as he enters the woods near the cabin he hears a strange noise from behind him almost like sinister laughing. Benji does a 180 and sees another strange figure, this time a large, muscular, green figure with very large red thorns stuck all over his body. He is in the woods hiding behind the trees and he looks both beautiful and deadly at the same time. The figure shows himself and calls himself Briarstorm and tells Benji that he hates the woods and all the people visiting the park and he enjoys causing panic amongst the park visitors and townspeople by killing them. He then shows him his circular eye and fires a ball of flame in the ranger’s direction and starts to set the cabin on fire to cover up his tracks. Benji darts out of his way and fires his gun at Briarstorm but the creature continues to move and shoots more flame balls and tries to start a forest fire.
Just then Vine-Man shows up and tackles Briarstorm and the two tumble through the woods punching and kicking each other and fall down a waterfall and continue fighting in a river. Briarstorm cuts and slashes at Vine Man but can’t reach him because of the rushing water. Vine-Man finally lands a kick on Briarstorm and he lands outside the river and onto a backroad of the park. Vine-Man follows and they start fighting again. Briarstorm is bigger and more muscular than Vine Man and he slashes and cuts at Vine-Man, causing wounds, but Vine-Man quickly recovers due to his healing and regeneration powers. During their scuffle, a truck with campers inside comes around a turn and almost crashes into them but stops in time to watch them fight. Briarstorm shoots off two thorns from his hands and kills the husband and wife in the front seats. Vine-Man fires some vines toward the surrounding trees and pulls both of them out of the road. Now that Vine-Man knows what this creature is capable of, he grabs some large rocks and tries to smash his head with them. But the creature is too quick and backflips out of the way and grabs onto a large nearby tree. He tells Vine-Man that the Nature Wars have started and that he is his sworn enemy from now on. He says that his name is Briarstorm and that he will do whatever it takes to destroy this park and all nature parks from here on out and kill all the park visitors. Vine-Man retreats back to the woods and realizes that his responsibilities lie with fighting this new threat and protecting the wildlife and visitors and employees of the park. He talks to Benji and tells him it was the first time he had seen that creature ever kill a human and that usually he only kills other animals. Benji tells him he thinks he hit him with one of his bullets but that it seemed to have no effect. Vine-Man tells Benji that he will have to have more encounters with the creature in order to find out a weakness. He also tells him he can’t read Briarstorm’s mind because his thoughts are clouded by evil.
Many weeks later Vine-Man is seen walking near the river that he and Briarstorm first fought in, and is swimming in it, and accidentally disturbs a flock of geese peacefully diving for some fish. Suddenly, the geese are scared away and the water starts flowing the opposite of the current. Another creature forms from the water mist. She carries Vine-Man to a nearby waterfall. She says: “Hello, my name is Lady Aqua and I am an ancient elemental guardian of the aquatic areas of the park. I will be your guide to help you out in any way I can to defeat Briarstorm and any other destroyers of nature. There is also another ancient elemental creature near the mountains whose name is Rock Golem who is made out of rocks, and maybe he can be some assistance in helping you out too.”
Vine-Man decides to travel to the mountains to find this Rock Golem and put him to some use. Vine-Man is seen traveling to the top of one of the snowy mountain peaks and is about to give up when he hears a whistling sort of sound that seems unnatural. Vine-Man sees a cave and decides to go in when the ground around him starts to shake. Suddenly the rocks converge and a huge figure and behemoth stumbles about and makes a loud roaring sound. He asks Vine-Man: “Who is it that awakens me from my slumber?” Vine-Man introduces himself and tells him he has been searching for a rock creature who can help him defeat the threats to all of nature and to the national parks of the United States. Rock Golem agrees to help but on one condition: Vine-Man beats him in battle. The two begin to fight but Vine-Man keeps his distance and tries to outsmart him rather than overpower him. Rock Golem throws a rock at Vine-Man and he dodges left out of the way. Then Rock Golem throws another rock and Vine-Man dodges right out of the way. Vine-Man runs around and decides to trick Rock Golem by leading him over a large ledge. Rock Golem tumbles and begins to fall apart as he falls down the mountain. Realizing he has been beaten, Rock Golem forms again and tells Vine-Man: “I will do whatever you ask to take down the threats of the national parks.”
Years pass and Benjamin Bishop falls in love with another brunette female Park Ranger named Lauren Johnson and the two decide to get married at a church in the park. Benji invites Vine-Man and his other Native American friend Jennifer Gault (the daughter of “Talking Woods” murdered by Briarstorm). The Reverend Pastor Davis asks them to make their vows and they say them and then kiss and they begin to walk down the aisle when an eerie laughter is heard. Briarstorm starts to tell them how lovely they all look and that it would be a shame if anything were to happen to them and then proceeds to taunt Benjamin Bishop and Vine-Man into a fight. Briarstorm calls for his new friend and fellow evildoer Flamefreak, a creature made out of yellow, orange, and blue flames, and tells him to burn down the entire church. Flamefreak does so while screaming “Pornography is sin!”, killing the entire congregation except for Pastor Davis. Benjamin Bishop runs to his truck and pulls out his revolver and starts shooting at Briarstorm but it has no effect. Vine-Man lashes out with vine after vine trying to subdue Briarstorm but Briarstorm raises his arms and slashes out and severs the vines. Vine-Man calls on the bears and the cougars and the deer and all the woodland creatures to charge and attack Briarstorm. Briarstorm quickly and easily disposes of them by cutting and stabbing them with his thorn hands. Briarstorm then begins to contemplate his next victim and looks not to Benjamin but to his bride Lauren! Briarstorm surrounds her with his body but Vine-Man throws as many of his vines as he can and tries to stop him with all his might! Vine-Man tells Lauren to run and take cover and she escapes. Vine-Man is suddenly overcome with a rage so violent that he starts throwing wood from the burned down church at Briarstorm and Vine-Man screams. Vine-Man sees a nearby tree with vines and gathers all the vines into his body and becomes as big as the trees themselves. Briarstorm finds some briars in some nearby bushes and becomes big as well.
Just then Rock Golem appears out of nowhere and he and Vine-Man decide
they need to combine forces in order to take down Briarstorm together. Their new combined form is known as “Super Vine-Man” and it is far bigger than Briarstorm. Briarstorm tries to run away in fear but it’s too late and “Super Vine-Man” grabs Briarstorm by the legs and starts smashing and thrashing Briarstorm about. “Super Vine-Man” realizes that he needs to take out Briarstorm for good for all the pain he has caused and tells Benjamin Bishop and the others to flee the area and stomps his new rock feet against the earth. He causes a massive earthquake that swallows Briarstorm and Flamefreak supposedly for good. After defeating Briarstorm and Flamefreak, Vine-Man separates from Rock Golem and the two say their goodbyes and hope to never hear from Briarstorm or Flamefreak again. Benjamin and Lauren hug and vow to continue their job of protecting the park and all its visitors from evil. Vine-Man tells Benji how sorry he is for the destruction of the church and tells him this will never again happen as long as he can stop it. The end. The movie closes with the song “Forever” by “Influx” while showing Vine-Man running and swinging through the woods and holding a deer fawn.

Vine Man Voice Actors Casting:

Main Hero Vine-Man: Chris Pratt

Park Ranger Benjamin Bishop: Chris Hemsworth

Native American “Talking Woods”: Jason Momoa

Main Villain Briarstorm: Willem Dafoe

Side Hero Lady Aqua: Anya Taylor-Joy

Side Hero Rock Golem: Peter Cullen

Side Villain Flamefreak: Jack Black

Pastor Davis: Mark Wahlberg

Jennifer Gault (daughter of “Talking Woods”): Hayden Panttiere

Park Ranger Lauren Johnson: Tara Strong

Vine-Man 2: Vine-Man Triumphant

After the earthquake, Briarstorm and Flamefreak are seen descending into the center of the earth and they both fall into the same prison cell. Flamefreak runs around the cell screaming: “Let me out of here!” Briarstorm looks around the large cell and carves the word “****” into the prison cell walls with his thorn hands. A large reptilian humanoid demon unlocks the prison cell and throws away the key. The demon attacks Briarstorm and tries to kill him but Briarstorm is too strong and cuts the demon’s head off with his claws. Briarstorm studies the demon’s corpse and realizes it is Killer Croc, one of Batman’s villains from Gotham City. Briarstorm beats on the prison cell doors and pulls and tears at the bars and rips the bars from the stone walls and throws the bars across the prison hall. Flamefreak says: “You’re not afraid of anything, are you, Briarstorm?” Briarstorm replies: “No, my child, I am not.” They both stumble down a long corridor and they see Megatron from Transformers, Adolph Hitler, the serial killer Sweet Tooth from the Twisted Metal video game series, Shredder from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Super Buu from Dragon Ball Z, among the prison cells. They also see the demons from the Doom video games stalking the corridor. “Where are we?,” Flamefreak wonders out loud. As they reach the end of the corridor, they stumble into a hole and see all sorts of demonic creatures and even giant spiders and centipedes that eat the prisoners alive. Briarstorm accidentally falls into a giant spider web and feels the web sapping his strength and has to cut himself free while fighting two giant spiders. The giant spiders turn out to be Tarantulas and Blackarachnia from the show “Beast Wars.” Tarantulas talks about Briarstorm and says: “He operates out of hate. That’s a motivation I can trust.” Briarstorm impales and kills Tarantulas and Blackarachnia with his bare hands. They climb out of the hole and continue their slow walk. They eventually reach a large valley of flames and lava torturing skeletons of people and see rivers of blood and they realize they are in Hell itself. They see a parting of the large valley of flames and a bridge that extends to the center of the valley where a creature known as the “Demonic Eyeball” is waiting to talk to them. The Demonic Eyeball says he may look small and unintimidating, but he is actually one of the most powerful demons in Hell and can’t be destroyed by any man-made weapons. He proves his power by teleporting around the chasm very quickly and shooting lasers out of his pupil. He tells Briarstorm and Flamefreak he has many other powers as well and he has the power to grant them new abilities. The Demonic Eyeball tells Briarstorm that he was a “malevolent spirit sent from Hell to terrorize the people of Earth.” He also tells him “he used to be a man and that it was predestined that he would be chosen to become this monster.” Flamefreak remarks that the Demonic Eyeball looks like “Sauron” from “the Lord of the Rings.” The Demonic Eyeball tells Briarstorm and Flamefreak that he can take them back to Earth’s surface through a portal. Briarstorm is given new wings and the new power to manipulate minds and control the weather and now has a scepter with evil powers that can alter reality. The scepter has a pentagram on top and an inverted cross on the bottom signifying demonic powers. Flamefreak is given new wings and a skull head on fire. The Demonic Eyeball also gives them a new evildoer: Transmetal 2 “Beast Wars” Megatron the Dragon. Megatron is a red dragon that has wings and breathes fire but also is made up of gold and purple spikes and organic material like Briarstorm. The Demonic Eyeball tells Briarstorm that Megatron can speak but has to stay in beast mode while on the surface and can only breathe fire instead of breathing fire and ice.
Upon going back to Earth’s surface, Briarstorm quickly sneaks to Benjamin and Lauren’s house in the woods of the Great Smoky National Park at night and waits outside. A pregnant Lauren Bishop is seen doing her nightly bedtime prayers when she is interrupted by a large flying wing outside, her dog barking, and a familiar presence of evil, and calls on Vine-Man for help through her mind. Vine-Man comes quickly, swinging through the woods and finds Briarstorm. Vine-Man is dismayed and quickly realizes this version of Briarstorm is too powerful to be defeated in Vine-Man’s current form. Vine-Man starts hiding in the trees trying to draw Briarstorm away from the house. Vine-Man makes fun of Briarstorm in an attempt to buy time. "You won't make a fool of me, Vine-Man!," yells Briarstorm. "You already make a fool of yourself," replies Vine-Man. Briarstorm shoots a flame ball in the direction Vine-Man was talking but Vine-Man darts to another tree. “You hear that, Vine-Man? That’s the sound of inevitability. That’s the sound of your death,” says Briarstorm. Vine-Man decides to keep quiet for the remainder of the fight so Briarstorm won't find him. Briarstorm lets out a loud roar and tells Vine-Man to “man up and face him.” Just then Rock Golem shows up and tries to kill Briarstorm but realizes he can’t beat him and is turned to dust and pebbles with Briarstorm’s scepter. Briarstorm again taunts Vine-Man telling him he should be “very afraid” of him now that he is more powerful, and calls him a “wimp” a “coward” and a “baby.” Briarstorm also informs Vine-Man that “He is not actually a spiritual being created by the Native American tribes in the area but that he actually used to be a man that worked for the US Government and the result of an experiment gone haywire.” He tells Vine-Man that “We are unique creatures and that instead of fighting each other we should join forces because the humans are the real enemy.” While Briarstorm was talking, Vine-Man positions his legs and knocks a bunch of trees down on Briarstorm, subduing him for a while.
Vine-Man realizes he can’t defeat this new threat without new help and goes
back to his ancient mentor, Lady Aqua, who tells him the only way to defeat Briarstorm now is to go back in time and find King Arthur’s sword Excalibur. That sword is the only thing that can vanquish him now. He asks Lady Aqua if it is true that he was really just an experiment by the US Government gone awry and she tells him to seek the truth for himself. Lady Aqua also tells him this time Briarstorm is much more dangerous and he can actually kill Vine-Man. Vine-Man breaks into the CIA and begins to uncover the truth, through security camera footage, about his existence. He sees a video of an Army Special Forces Private named David Rodgers submitting to an experiment that the Army was doing on vines. After becoming the creature Vine-Man, there is an explosion in the lab which triggers David’s memory loss. Vine-Man also learns about the Government’s covered up secrets about time travel and steals a small, handheld time portal machine. Vine-Man again finds Briarstorm by following a trail of destruction and tricks him into going back in time with him. They are immediately thrust into a large battle with the Knights of King Arthur’s roundtable versus wild barbarians in a valley.
Meanwhile, back in the present, Flamefreak has multiple copies of himself and decides to start forest fires in all the national parks by shooting flames out his skull mouth, at the tops of the trees. He yells his name annoyingly as he does it. Flamefreak decides to put a curse on the woods and starts creating “Zombie Fires” that will come back to burn the woods even after they are put out. Lady Aqua hears of this and puts a stop to the fires by drowning Flamefreak out with her water powers and flooding the parks. She vows to put out any future fires with her water powers as well.
After escaping the battle in the large valley, Vine-Man meets with King Arthur to tell him his plans and asks for the sword Excalibur but King Arthur tells him he can’t help him and refuses to let him use it because he needs it for battle. He then tells Sir Lancelot to escort the “talking tree” out of Camelot. Vine-Man is angered and tells King Arthur if he won’t let him have the sword that he is just going to have to take it by force. King Arthur calls for a battle challenge with Vine-Man fighting against the Black Knight. The Black Knight agrees and they meet out in an arena with many people watching. The Black Knight shows Vine-Man a vision of the future and Vine-Man assumes a new form as an angel and is given wings and a sword to fight the Black Knight with. In this form Vine-Man goes by the name Vine-Angel. Vine-Angel flies into the sky and swings after the Black Knight with his sword but he blocks it with his hammer. The Black Knight shows that he can fly too and starts hovering around the battlefield and going after Vine-Angel with his hammer. As the battle progresses, Vine-Angel reaches out with his mind and tries to calm the warrior and let him know he is his ally and not his enemy. The Black Knight reveals that he is actually Medieval Spawn in disguise and he was sent to this time to stop Briarstorm from destroying humanity. Vine-Angel lets Spawn know that they have a common enemy and he is trying to destroy Briarstorm as well and he needs King Arthur’s sword Excalibur to do it. Medieval Spawn is carrying Excalibur and says he will give it to Vine-Angel as long as he promises to kill Briarstorm. Vine-Angel promises to do so and is granted the sword that he says he will return when he is finished. Medieval Spawn tells Vine-Angel that Briarstorm’s staff and dragon are very powerful. He says that if Vine-Angel destroys the staff and the dragon that Briarstorm will become a coward and Vine-Angel can defeat him. After hearing this, the vision of the future ends and Vine-Angel loses his wings and returns to his normal self.
Vine-Man meets with the wizard Merlin who tells him he cannot defeat Briarstorm with the sword Excalibur alone. Merlin tells Vine-Man about a legend that there is a large Ice Dragon called Blizzard living in the mountains far outside of Camelot. Merlin offers Vine-Man a horse to aid him in his travels, which he accepts. Vine-Man travels to find and tame the beast and along the way he meets a half-man half-goat Satyr playing the flute that tells him a riddle to find the dragon. “I am not a blanket, yet I cover the ground; a crystal from heaven that doesn’t make a sound. What am I?” Vine-Man guesses a “snowflake” and gets the answer right. The Satyr also tells him that: “there are fairies living in the mountain and fairy dragons as small as cats that guard the mountain cliffs as well.” Vine-Man walks around and sees a Unicorn getting a drink from a nearby stream. He walks up the mountain and sees a small purple dragon going after insects in the sky and landing on a nearby mountain cliff. Vine-Man eventually finds the Ice Dragon Blizzard when he travels to the mountain peak but the dragon speaks and says he will only help the one that carries the sword Excalibur. Vine-Man shows him the sword and defeats him in battle and gains the advantage of flight against Briarstorm and Megatron.
Vine-Man finds Briarstorm by following a trail of destruction, and the two dragons fight for a long time. They attack each other with wing attacks and flame and ice attacks and kick and maul each other with their claws. The first fight ends in a draw. Vine-Man and Blizzard fly very high to the clouds and it starts raining and they dive back down to confront Briarstorm and Megatron for the second time. Blizzard sneak attacks Briarstorm and freezes Briarstorm’s scepter with an ice blast and Vine-Man swings with his sword and destroys the scepter. Blizzard gets close enough for Vine-Man to decapitate Megatron with Excalibur. Just as Vine-Man is going to land the killing blow to Briarstorm, Briarstorm begs and pleads for his life to buy himself some time. “You who without mercy now beg for it?,” says Vine-Man. Then Briarstorm sees something shiny on Vine-Man’s arm that he hasn’t seen before. He sees the time machine still strapped to Vine-Man’s arm. Briarstorm escapes by quickly flying close and snatching and stealing and using the time portal machine that Vine-Man was still carrying, to go to the future. Vine-Man is stunned that he got tricked so easily by Briarstorm and realizes he failed to keep his promise. Realizing he is stuck in the past unless he finds a way out, Vine-Man says goodbye to Blizzard and returns the sword Excalibur as he promised he would. The movie closes with the song “Evil Eye” by “Fu Manchu” while showing Vine-Man flying on Blizzard with the sword Excalibur raised in the air triumphantly.

Voice Casting:

The Demonic Eyeball: Mark Hamill

King Arthur: Dwanye “The Rock” Johnson

Merlin: Anthony Hopkins

Vine-Man 3: Vine-Man Victorious


Briarstorm used to be a brunette, cute looking human child called Trent Rodgers that was abused by his “Christian” parents and relentlessly bullied by his “Christian” friends. As a child, he was molested when he was only 7 years old from a “friend” in his Bible Study class. His parents forced him to work like a slave and beat him with a belt when he didn’t learn his daily Bible verses correctly. When he was in high school he became an athlete and was sexually and physically assaulted by his peers. When he was attending a Christian private college, the abuse continued. He went to therapy afterwards and his therapists told him there was nothing wrong with murder if you have a good enough reason to do it. Having a rough childhood, he became cynical and angry towards people in adulthood, especially those who were religious in nature. His brother, David Rodgers went on to join the Army and Trent tried to join the military too, but was turned down because of his mental illness. He eventually joined a gang that raided the CIA and accidentally fell into a vat of chemicals that the CIA was experimenting on plants and briars in particular. The chemicals changed him into the monstrous villain Briarstorm and ashamed of what he had become, he went into hiding in the woods in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. When Briarstorm saw some people killing nature and harming the park he decided to give them what they wanted. He started destroying the park and harming its visitors. Around this time, Vine-Man lost his memory and showed up in the park and that’s how the Vine-Man trilogy and the Nature Wars started.


This movie is located in Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, and begins with some hiking children following a map of the Grand Canyon that suddenly run into Briarstorm and Flamefreak clones who take them captive. Since it is in the future, Law Enforcement looks more futuristic and there are bridges crossing the Canyon and elevator rides to go down the cliffs of the Canyon. Benjamin and Lauren Bishop have a blonde daughter named Lexi who is serving in the Army. Vine-Man goes to the future because of Merlin’s magic. The Ice Dragon Blizzard and the sword Excalibur are nowhere to be found because they had to remain in the past. Briarstorm revisits the Underworld and gets his scepter back before the start of the movie.
Briarstorm starts manipulating some of the humans he has captured with his mind manipulation powers for his own personal gain, and uses an army of huge genetically engineered Venus Fly Traps and Tropical Pitcher plants to eat people who refuse to do what he says. Briarstorm is no longer just interested in destroying nature, but also wants to “take over the world” and “enslave all of humanity” and make them into “briar creatures” like himself. Briarstorm now holds up a sign that says: “Do unto others as they have done unto you.” Briarstorm also starts shouting that “God is dead” and that “everyone is going to Hell” and that there is “no hope for anyone.”
A new large villain named Magmar with magma and volcanic powers surfaces to help Briarstorm. Another new villain called the Wendigo that looks like a demonic deer with antlers and humanoid-like features and large, sharp teeth, also cannibalizes and starts eating people, including children. Flamefreak has multiple copies of himself that are flying around and setting the Canyon on fire and destroying the rocks. Lady Aqua arrives to help defeat the Flamefreak clones and succeeds with help from Vine-Man. Pastor Davis, now a large megachurch pastor, decides to betray his congregation and the earth by siding with Briarstorm and his minions for his own personal gain. He threatens Benjamin Bishop with a gun when confronted. An evil college professor named Dr. Little also sides with Briarstorm for his own personal gain.
Briarstorm tries to destroy the bridges and elevators in the Canyon and kill the park’s visitors but Vine-Man shows up standing in the back of Benjamin Bishop’s pick up truck and stops him by throwing his vine-bombs that envelope Briarstorm with vines. Vine-Man also throws wooden carved shurikens at Briarstorm’s eyes that make him vulnerable for a second. Briarstorm breaks out of the vines and shurikens and poisons the Colorado River with toxic chemicals and kills all the fish. The poison results in the creation of a new supervillain named Toxin that oozes with garbage and sludge and oil. A Native American Shaman who prays over the Wilderness calls on the Great Spirits to resurrect Rock Golem in the Canyon to fight against Magmar and the Wendigo. This time he is bigger than before. Vine-Man teams up with Benjamin Bishop and Lauren Bishop and all of humanity, and the United States Army and their rocket launchers. Lexi is among them. The Venus Fly Traps and Tropical Pitcher plants are destroyed with the rocket launchers. Briarstorm tells Vine Man the humans need to be destroyed because they are “stupid” and “worthless” and they “want to destroy the parks too.” He tells Vine-Man they are “no better than the animals” and they all “deserve to be slaughtered like animals.” He singles out the Christians and religious leaders as “hypocrites” that “don’t believe in climate change” and are “hell-bent on destroying the planet.” Vine-Man argues that “some of the people are part of the problem, but most love nature and are worth saving.” Vine-Man pleads with Briarstorm to help him “find a cure to turn Briarstorm back into the man and brother he once was.” Briarstorm insists he “likes being a monster and having power” and that it is “too late” and his “heart thirsts for blood and revenge.” Briarstorm tells Vine-Man that he always hated his brother because he was more successful than him. Briarstorm starts a massive storm with his weather-controlling powers, and tornadoes whisk some of the Army team away and some are struck with lightning. He destroys the military vehicles by shooting flame balls at them. Lexi Bishop is injured and Benjamin Bishop gets angry.
Meanwhile, Rock Golem defeats Magmar by punching and throwing and shoving him into the Colorado River and cooling and hardening him. He climbs back up the Canyon and sees the Wendigo about to eat a child and punches him and grabs the child in midair and sets him down safely. He then smashes the Wendigo with a hammering fist and kills him. “Way to go, Rocky!,” Vine-Man yells. “That’s not my name,” says Rock Golem. The new villain Toxin is seen trying to kill and poison Lady Aqua but the Army fires off some rockets and he is killed in the explosion.
Briarstorm decides to gather up the children visiting the park and tells them he is going to kill them if they disobey him and don’t become “briar children.” He has a large bomb containing the chemicals used to turn him into Briarstorm and is about to use it on the children and other park visitors to turn them into briar monsters like himself. One of the children starts saying a prayer to God to defeat Briarstorm and rescue all the children. Briarstorm says to the child: “My dear child, you must be confused. God does not exist and no one can help you.” Briarstorm gets ahold of all the major TV news stations and tells them of his plans with the bomb while burning an American flag. An Army general shouts: “Do something Vine-Man or we will all be destroyed!” Vine-Man retorts: “I can’t defeat him. He’s too strong.” Just then the Demonic Eyeball shows up to the Grand Canyon to see how the battle is progressing. He teleports around the Canyon and shoots lasers out of his pupil at unsuspecting victims. He also rocks back and forth on his small legs and laughs at and taunts the Army soldiers that try to hit him with their weapons.
All hope seems to be lost when the Native American Shaman prays again to the Great Spirits and a Warrior Angel is sent from Heaven to give Vine-Man his angel wings and a sword of justice to kill Briarstorm with. Vine-Angel is struck by lightning by one of the storms created by Briarstorm’s scepter, but instead of hurting him it makes him more powerful and lights his sword on fire and gives him a shining halo over his head. An Army Private asks a General: “Sir what does the scouter say about Vine-Angel’s power level?” The Army General replies: “It’s over 9,000!!!!”, while he crushes the scouter with his hands. Vine-Angel and Briarstorm fly up into the air and battle for what seems like hours. Briarstorm says: “You see on this planet I rule. I am God.” Vine-Angel responds: “You’re not God, you’re just a big bully!” Vine-Angel attacks Briarstorm with his sword and Briarstorm blocks it with his scepter. The Demonic Eyeball teleports and shoots a laser at Vine-Angel, but Vine-Angel is too quick and reaches out with his vines and stabs the Demonic Eyeball in the pupil with his sword. The Demonic Eyeball lets out a loud shriek and explodes and dies, leaving no trace of his existence. Briarstorm attacks with his claws and Vine-Angel flies away just in time to avoid damage. Briarstorm sends rain and lightning after Vine-Angel but Vine-Angel flies above the clouds and smashes down on Briarstorm with his sword. This sends Briarstorm down to the earth in the middle of the Grand Canyon and a large explosion is seen and the water from the Colorado River rises up and over the top of the Canyon.
Vine-Angel cuts off Briarstorm’s wings and slices his scepter in half. Briarstorm begs for his life and tells Vine-Angel that all he wanted was to have a friend that cared about him. “No one wanted to be my friend,” he says. He asks Vine-Angel if he would be that friend. As Vine-Angel is about to accept his offer a small boy is seen walking around the canyon and Briarstorm decides to go after him and kill him. Realizing that Briarstorm was lying about wanting a friend, Vine-Angel kills a stunned Briarstorm by slicing him into pieces. He carries Briarstorm’s head above the canyon and shows it to the Army Generals to signal their victory. Vine-Angel tells the pastor and the college professor that not only did they betray all of mankind but they betrayed themselves as well, and cuts them in half with his sword. The citizens of Grand Canyon National Park try to rebuild their crumbling Canyon. Benjamin and Lauren share a kiss. A large rainbow is seen in the sky after the rain stops and a bald eagle flies overhead, signaling freedom and victory for all of humanity. Vine-Angel removes his sword, wings, and halo because he no longer needs them and goes back to being called Vine-Man.
Several months later, Benjamin and Lauren and Lexi Bishop are seen outside playing football with Vine-Man and some children at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park at the rebuilt church. Lauren and Lexi Bishop are both in matching pink dresses with flowers printed on them. Benjamin Bishop is in a suit and tie that matches his shirt. Lexi Bishop is seen kissing her girlfriend and the children are running around laughing and having a good time and making fun of Briarstorm and Flamefreak’s names. They start saying how glad they are that Vine-Man and the others defeated them together. Vine-Man talks to the children about the importance of throwing away your trash and recycling and “leave no trace” camping. The children laugh and poke fun at Vine-Man in a good-natured, wholesome way and he pokes fun back at them. The scene turns to night and they are gathered around a campfire making s’mores and Benjamin Bishop is singing songs on his guitar. One child is seen dancing around the decapitated head of Briarstorm stuck on a large stick. Another child dances around Flamefreak’s skull and wings, that are no longer burning, stuck on another large stick. The ravens of the park gather and start dancing around the sticks and cawing at them, signifying that Briarstorm and Flamefreak went to Hell because they were evil. The campers start telling stories of the good times they had together and try to forget the bad times. Vine-Man reminds the campers that in the end, good always triumphs over evil. Vine-Man remarks that he didn’t believe in the existence of God before, but now he does because of what happened with the angel. Vine-Man laments for his brother Trent and didn’t want to kill him, but he had no choice because he wouldn’t stop killing people and harming the earth. Vine-Man and Benjamin and Lexi and Lauren Bishop are all awarded medals from the United States Army Lieutenants for their heroism and sacrifice at the battle at the Grand Canyon. They live happily ever after. The end. The movie closes with the song “Forever (acoustic version)” by “Influx.”

Voice Casting:

Magmar: Dave Bautista

The Wendigo: Frank Welker

Lexi Bishop: Zoe Saldana

Vine-Man 4: Vine-Man Returns

This movie is set in the distant future when mankind has all but eradicated Earth’s resources and must seek out other planets to inhabit. Wars and famines and natural disasters have also ravaged Earth and many cities on Earth have been destroyed. Humanity decides to settle on Mars because that planet has the greatest chance for success of supporting life. The humans build an initial settlement on Mars called the City of Hope and they ask Vine-Man to fly in a spaceship they have designed in order to transport fuel and other resources to the city. Vine-Man is in the middle of piloting the spacecraft to Mars when he notices all the hatches on the spacecraft have been shielded shut permanently and their is a ticking clock in the rear of the spacecraft, indicating a large bomb of some kind. Vine-Man tries to deactivate the bomb but is unable and right before the bomb detonates, Vine-Man switches to his Vine-Angel form to survive the explosion. All the fuel and resources are lost, but Vine-Man does survive and decides to fly the rest of the way to Mars in this form because he has no other choice. Vine-Man realizes someone must have sabotaged the ship but he can’t think of a single person that would like him dead or that is his enemy.
When Vine-Angel finally reaches the City of Hope on Mars he finds it being overrun by some sort of malevolent alien entity. Most of the humans are dead and Vine-Angel realizes he has to figure out what happened and how he can stop it. A barely-alive Space Marine tells him the city is being attacked by some kind of demon horde. Vine-Angel quickly finds out that the city is being overrun by some kind of demonic force and dispatches some of the demons with his sword. He tries to fly outside the city but he realizes that the demons are coming from within the heart of the city and he must travel by foot inside to find the rest of them. Along the way, Vine-Angel finds out that the doors are all locked and the power to the city is out and he must find new and creative ways to destroy the doors so he can get through. Vine-Angel defeats many demons and then when he finally makes it to the heart of the city, he sees a familiar but very unwelcome sight: Briarstorm in his demonic form surrounded by Flamefreak and the Demonic Eyeball. Some Martians and Decepticons under Megatron’s leadership are there as well along with Super Buu from the Dragon Ball Z series. Briarstorm seems unaware of Vine-Angel’s presence, so Vine-Angel sneaks behind him to deliver a blow, but suddenly Briarstorm is aware of his presence, and spins around to greet him. Briarstorm explains that in his demonic form he is immortal and that he could never really be killed. He also explains that he manipulated one of the humans on Earth to leave the bomb on Vine-Man’s spacecraft, and to have the hatches locked so he couldn’t escape. Briarstorm tells Vine-Angel he planned on him reverting to his angel form because that would leave Briarstorm with enough time to take over the city and kill any humans that stood in his way. Briarstorm tells Vine-Angel that he knew the humans could never really be trusted to take care of the Earth and that he tried to tell Vine-Angel that before but he wouldn’t listen. He gives Vine-Angel two choices: either return to Earth and be safe, or suffer here on Mars and fight and die. Briarstorm reminds Vine-Angel that he is immortal and that he has the power to alter reality with his scepter. Vine-Angel tells Briarstorm that he will never surrender and Briarstorm unleashes a large horde of demons on Vine-Angel and after each wave they grow stronger.
Vine-Angel spins and slices his sword underneath the flying and hovering demons and slices them to pieces. Some of the flying demons have rocket launchers and shoot rockets at Vine-Angel, but Vine-Angel parries the rockets with his sword and sends them back towards the demons. Near the end of the battle, the demons get bigger and stronger and have huge horns on their heads. The Decepticons shoot missiles and laser blasts at Vine-Angel but he uses a force field to block their energy and bring the blasts back to them. Super Buu tries to turn Vine-Angel into chocolate but Vine-Angel dodges his shots and charges his sword to full power and slices Super Buu to pieces. The Martians begin to attack with their spaceships but Vine-Angel slices at their fuel tanks and stops them from flying. Vine-Angel nears the end of the battle and feels his strength growing weaker, but knows that he can’t give up or humanity is lost. Vine-Angel thinks about the long-dead Benjamin Bishop and the Bishop family and continues fighting.
Just as Vine-Angel is near the last set of demons, Briarstorm calls it quits and takes Vine-Angel to the air to try to persuade him to give up on the humans. Vine-Angel, of course, refuses his offer and the two start a battle of their own, but Briarstorm reminds Vine-Angel that he won’t stay dead for long if Vine-Angel manages to defeat him. Vine-Angel hits Briarstorm’s scepter as hard as he can and manages to shock Briarstorm for a minute, and then reveals that he has had the upper hand in the battle this whole time by shooting the cure, to transform Briarstorm back into the human he once was, straight at his head! Briarstorm screams out in agony and tells Vine-Angel that he will never forgive him for this, as Briarstorm’s powers are slowly drained away and he returns back to Trent Rodgers. Vine-Angel grabs him in midair and sets him down safely. Vine-Angel points out that Briarstorm/Trent should have known that he would have been prepared for this fight if it were to happen, and calmly puts a spacesuit on Trent so he can breathe. Vine-Angel also offers to transform himself back into David Rodgers, if Trent would like. Trent is so angry with Vine-Angel that he remarks he “would of rather been killed than be turned back into his former self.” Vine-Angel replies, “It was the only way I could show you that the humans were still worth saving.” Vine-Angel takes the cure and transforms himself back to David Rodgers and puts on a spacesuit and the two talk about a truce. David explains that forgiveness is necessary for Trent if he wants to heal from his hurting heart. Trent asks: “But how can you forgive me for murdering and killing all those innocent people and harming the earth?” David replies: “You do not yet understand the depth of God’s forgiveness and everlasting kindness, but you soon will. Yes tragedies can occur at home, but miracles can happen too.” Trent says: “Growing up, you always were better than me at everything, and I’ve only just now come to accept that as truth.” David implores Trent: “Dry your tears and stop ruminating about the past because now we are in God’s presence.” As they walk back to the entrance of the city, they also talk about what to do next and how to build the human race back again from nothing. The end.

Vine-Man Powers List:

Super Intelligence
Super Strength
Limb regeneration
Near Invulnerability (except magical and spiritual weapons)
Super Speed
Super Endurance
Super Agility
Super Adapting to the Environment ability
Ability to call the woodland creatures to his aid
Able to shoot vines through his body and swing through the trees quickly
Combines with Rock Golem to create Super Vine-Man
Friends with Rock Golem and Lady Aqua and calls on their help when necessary
Knowledge of multiple fighting styles and abilities
Supersonic Flight (when in Angel form)
Ability to wield magical and spiritual weapons

Mind manipulation
Super Intelligence
Shoots fireballs from circular eye and can start forest fires and therefore invulnerable to fire
Super Strength
Shoots thorns from hands
Super Speed
Super Agility
Super Endurance
Ability to rip and tear organic beings to shreds
Knowledge of multiple fighting styles and abilities
Weather Control (when in Demonic form)
Flight (when in Demonic form)
Ability to alter reality with staff (when in Demonic form)
Near Invulnerability (except earthquakes and spiritual or magical weapons)

Ability to run up to 500 mph
Sonic bursts
Fire Manipulation
Telekinesis (in Demonic form)
Ability to start multiple forest fires at the same time
Supersonic flight (in Demonic form)

The Demonic Eyeball:
Shoots lasers through pupil
Paralyzes anyone who looks directly into his pupil
Can teleport anywhere instantly
Can fly and hover with jets hidden under legs
Near Invulnerability (except magical and spiritual weapons)
Mind control over humans when on Earth surface
Telekinesis and the power to crush organic beings internally at will
Can grow as big or as small as he wants to achieve objectives
Is slow when walking on robotic feet but super fast when flying or hovering

Rock Golem:
Super strength
Super Endurance
Ability to cause landslides and earthquakes at will
Near Invulnerability (except with reality altering weapons)
Not very Intelligent but makes friends easily
Can hide and play dead or assume the form of a cave or rock formation
Can change size from large to small, depending on the situation

Lady Aqua:
Water manipulation powers over a very large scale
Super Intelligence and Wisdom and Knowledge of several fighting styles and weapons
Ability to make friends and put out forest fires easily
Can assume human form if necessary
Can change temperature and evaporate when needed
Can’t be killed except by pollution and spiritual and magical weapons
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Joined: Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:44 pm

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