Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Feel free to discuss anything about any of the thousands of Transformer toys here. Anything from Generation 1 all the way to the soon to be released, the never to be released or the hope to be released is fair game! Want to show off your stuff? Please post your's and see others in the Transformers Collections Forum.
Post your reviews of Transformers toys in this topic. Videos can be posted in a topic as well as text reviews and images.
Please keep each topic dedicated to one specific toy (i.e. DOTM Deluxe Class Optimus Prime") that has actually been released.
The Bazaar of Carbombya is your place to buy, sell, or trade Transformers toys, comics or other items! is not responsible for the transactions between users. BUY, SELL OR TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!
Subforum: Carbombya FeedbackDo you collect other toys besides Transformers? Maybe you've got a Masters of the Universe collection you'd like to show off, or maybe you like Thundercats, Voltron, G.I.Joe, Power Rangers, Star Wars, Wrestling, or any of the various comic book toy lines. Please keep the discussions here to non-Transformers toy lines.
Share your Transformers sightings here with other fellow Seibertronians in your area, meet other fans, plan meetups, and help each other find the latest new figure or great bargain at stores in your area. Feel free to help each other out finding other popular toys in your area as well.
Share photos of your Transformers collection here in this dedicated forum to showcase our collections.
There is more to Transformers than movies, cartoons, comics and toys. Discuss anything else Transformers here.
Discuss anything about the Transformers cartoons and comics! You can discuss anything from G1 to Cybertron as well as the comics from Marvel, Dreamwave, IDW and more!
Get the latest Transformers related Convention and Event forum news and information. Join in discussions with fellow attendees right here on
Discuss anything and everything related to the Transformers Live Action Films franchise, which are directed by Michael Bay. Join us to discuss the movies and stuff up to date with news for the 2017 release of Transformers 5. Check out our Live Action Film section here.
See a Transformers video that you just have to share with everyone? Are you a YouTube video person and made a Transformers related video that you'd like to share with the rest of Post videos here in this forum. YouTube videos can be displayed inline by using BBcode tags and the YouTube video identifier. For example, [youtube]J8C02vPHjuc[/youtube]
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