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Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby PerfectVision » Sat Nov 02, 2024 8:23 am

'saw the film in french today,I'm the only one who waited for the post-credit scene.I would say it has the never boring status which is good for me,a good dynamism.The most surprising is that the humor is moderate,this Bee is a bit demented.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Rodimus Prime » Tue Nov 05, 2024 10:14 am

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#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:As far as we know, the Quintessons still control the surface. There's no reason they would have relinquished control. It's not like they would be scared of the Autobots when they held their own for a long war, defeated the Primes, and have all the Energon they could need.
Do they, though? They got a big load of it in this film, but the Quintesson talking to Sentinel did say it wasn't enough and Sentinel said he would get the rest. And now with Sentinel's demise, where will they get more? The Autobots seemingly control at least the mines (assuming all the cogless sided with them), so unless the Quints launch a full invasion to regain control of the mines and the miners, they won't have energon.

But with the Matrix replenishing the entire planet at the end of the movie, the mines aren't even needed. So I guess the plot of the sequel could be the Bots and Cons either together or separately defending the planet against a Quint invasion and theft of the free-flowing energon.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Sabrblade » Tue Nov 05, 2024 10:30 am

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Rodimus Prime wrote:
#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:As far as we know, the Quintessons still control the surface. There's no reason they would have relinquished control. It's not like they would be scared of the Autobots when they held their own for a long war, defeated the Primes, and have all the Energon they could need.
Do they, though? They got a big load of it in this film, but the Quintesson talking to Sentinel did say it wasn't enough and Sentinel said he would get the rest. And now with Sentinel's demise, where will they get more? The Autobots seemingly control at least the mines (assuming all the cogless sided with them), so unless the Quints launch a full invasion to regain control of the mines and the miners, they won't have energon.
They probably would launch a full invasion. Their initial attack on the Primes seemed like just the beginning of a full planetary conquest, but what stopped them from just storming Iacon and taking it over was Sentinel cutting a deal with them. They leave Iacon alone in exchange for his supplying them with energon, all so he could live a cozy life and lord above the other Cybertronians. But now that Sentinel's out of the picture, the deal would be off and the Quints would have nothing preventing them from now deciding to go on the full offensive to take Iacon and all its wealth and resources for themselves.
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Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby #1 Signal Lancer fan » Tue Nov 05, 2024 10:34 am

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Rodimus Prime wrote:They got a big load of it in this film, but the Quintesson talking to Sentinel did say it wasn't enough and Sentinel said he would get the rest. And now with Sentinel's demise, where will they get more? The Autobots seemingly control at least the mines (assuming all the cogless sided with them), so unless the Quints launch a full invasion to regain control of the mines and the miners, they won't have energon.

But with the Matrix replenishing the entire planet at the end of the movie, the mines aren't even needed. So I guess the plot of the sequel could be the Bots and Cons either together or separately defending the planet against a Quint invasion and theft of the free-flowing energon.

In the shot where the Energon begins to flow, the "camera" zooms out to show that Energon is flowing across the surface of the planet, meaning that it is up for the Quintesson's taking.

Also, I didn't get the impression that it wasn't enough for the Quintessons, but moreso that Sentinel didn't meet his quotas. So it's not that the Quintesson's didn't have enough to get by, they just didn't get what they were promised.

The end of the movie does have Optimus saying "If the Quintessons ever return to Cybertron..." but I don't take that to mean that the fled. It's more likely that they took the Energon back to Quintessa and will be returning for more. There's no reason that the Quintessons would be scared of the Autobots or the Matrix when they fought and defeated the original Primes.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Glyph » Tue Nov 05, 2024 10:36 am

I assumed it was a Bug's Life / Seven Samurai etc situation where the Quints allowed Sentinel to "rule" (i.e. manage their labour-intensive resource planet for them) as long as he paid the tithe whenever they called in to collect it, and their demands would be for as much as they could take - I took it that it "wasn't enough" as in it was less than their agreed amount rather than the Quints desperately needed more.

Given that the Energon was flowing freely when the Quintessons previously invaded, I could certainly see them coming back in force now that it's there for the taking again rather than needing to be laboriously mined up.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby #1 Signal Lancer fan » Fri Nov 08, 2024 1:31 pm

Motto: "For too long, I've let life pass me by! Now I want to take part in the grand drama; my legacy will be written large among the stars!"
Correct me if there's a different thread for this, but I haven't seen it discussed here:

Hasbro Entertainment President Olivier was interviewed for a website called Untapped and hinted that a sequel to Transformers One is already in talks.

From the interview:

Q: "I know it’s early days but do you foresee future installments in this iteration of big screen TRANSFORMERS adventures?"

A: "I agree, it is early days, but never too soon to think about what’s possible! In fact, coming off of TRANSFORMERS ONE, we have been exploring future projects with the film’s director, Josh Cooley. The TRANSFORMERS franchise has such a rich history and passionate fandom, so there are so many facets that have yet to be explored in entertainment."

The full interview can be found here.

What's especially interesting here is that he mentions that they're exploring "future projects," not just sequels, which makes me wonder if there could be more than just Transformers Two in the works.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Sabrblade » Fri Nov 08, 2024 1:39 pm

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#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:What's especially interesting here is that he mentions that they're exploring "future projects," not just sequels, which makes me wonder if there could be more than just Transformers Two in the works.
Sure, anything's possible. But even the failure that was The Last Knight had Hasbro and Paramount exploring potential future projects for that movie, too, back before they decided to go in a different direction after the warmer reception that the Bumblebee movie received. They like to keep their options open, so we'll see what happens. Expect the worst but hope for the best. ;)^
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Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Glyph » Fri Nov 08, 2024 1:57 pm

Yeah, while allowing for optimism I note that "future projects" is extremely vague and non-committal - if they were seriously planning a sequel, it likely would have been announced straight away, would be in development already, and they'd have said "sequel". So I'm firmly in camp "outlook not so good, but never say never" for the time being.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby #1 Signal Lancer fan » Fri Nov 08, 2024 2:12 pm

Motto: "For too long, I've let life pass me by! Now I want to take part in the grand drama; my legacy will be written large among the stars!"
Sabrblade wrote:But even the failure that was The Last Knight had Hasbro and Paramount exploring potential future projects for that movie, too, back before they decided to go in a different direction after the warmer reception that the Bumblebee movie received. They like to keep their options open

Glyph wrote:Yeah, while allowing for optimism I note that "future projects" is extremely vague and non-committal - if they were seriously planning a sequel, it likely would have been announced straight away, would be in development already, and they'd have said "sequel". So I'm firmly in camp "outlook not so good, but never say never" for the time being.

I guess what has me specifically optimistic here is the specific mention of being in talks with Josh Cooley. While the phrasing of "future projects" is vague, the mention of working with this movie's director specifically on future projects is much less vague and certainly implies that they want more from him, whether it be a sequel to Transformers One or something else entirely.

The vagueness of the comments has me very cautiously optimistic that there could be other stories, (like perhaps a prequel about the Primes) in the works. This is especially encouraged by his mention of the facets yet to be explored in entertainment.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Glyph » Fri Nov 08, 2024 2:14 pm

Entirely fair. Here's hoping!

(I wouldn't say no to a TV series in the TF One setting, but that's personal preference speaking.)
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby PerfectVision » Fri Nov 08, 2024 2:16 pm

I could see a sequel with giant characters as a way to fight the invaders,'could be bodybuilding with spectators.They have a tendency to be rehashes:after the event that was the transformations thanks to the cogs,what else?Combining or growing.
Some smaller characters?Another reanimation of corpse?
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Sabrblade » Fri Nov 08, 2024 3:07 pm

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Cooley has gone on record stating that he definitely wants to do more. But it all depends on if hasbro and Paramount will let him.

With Michael Bay, Hasbro and Paramount were all too eager to let him make more movies for them (even past the point when he clearly didn't want to do it anymore) because his movies were such huge moneymakers (until TLK, that is).

But this movie, sadly, hasn't been doing so well financially, despite the positive reaction from both critics and audiences alike. So the fate of any sequels for it is very much up in the air at this point, even if Cooley has made it clear that he actively wants to do more.
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Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Rodimus Prime » Sat Nov 09, 2024 2:48 am

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Glyph wrote:(I wouldn't say no to a TV series in the TF One setting, but that's personal preference speaking.)
2nded. I always thought the story of Transformers (regardless of continuity) always lended itself better to a series or at least a miniseries like the WFC trilogy. There's simply just too much to tell in 1 movie.

As for the sequel to TFOne, I'll gladly take it direct to streaming or even DVD/blu-ray if Hasbro has soured on theatrical release because TFOne didn't make enough for their liking. As long as it gets made.

Ditto for finishing Bay's 2nd trilogy, but that's a different thread.
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Transformers One now on Paramount +

Postby william-james88 » Fri Nov 15, 2024 1:14 pm

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Today marks the day that Transformers One starts its next distribution phase as it goes to Paramount +. There, families that have the service will be able to discover it at no extra charge. We'll see how it registers on the charts in the weeks to come.

We have a lot more new regarding this film. Christopher Batty was the cinematographer on Transformers One and sat down for an interview with Animation World Network. You can read that interview here: ... ormers-one

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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Kyleor » Fri Nov 15, 2024 2:50 pm

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Paramount+? When does it come to a real streaming service?
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Sabrblade » Fri Nov 15, 2024 3:01 pm

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Kyleor wrote:Paramount+? When does it come to a real streaming service?
It's a Paramount movie, so why wouldn't it go to Paramount's streaming service?
Last edited by Sabrblade on Fri Nov 15, 2024 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby cloudballoon » Fri Nov 15, 2024 4:15 pm

Kyleor wrote:Paramount+? When does it come to a real streaming service?

I understand the urge for the snarky comment. I'd do the same if I'm the "first!" type of commenter. But what do you expect? At least initially.

But you'll probably be able to buy or rent digitally sometime down the line on Google Play (or Apple Store? I don't care for it so I just assume Apple will too) sometime down the line. I got all my digital media there including the Bayverse movies, so at least Paramount doesn't lock all their films on their own "nobody subscribe to Paramount+" streaming platform only.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Rodimus Prime » Fri Nov 15, 2024 4:18 pm

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Kyleor wrote:Paramount+? When does it come to a real streaming service?
Probably in a few months. That's what happened with RoTB.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Dino-Snarl » Sat Nov 16, 2024 2:06 am

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Don't have this service. Will wait.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby william-james88 » Sat Nov 16, 2024 10:40 am

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cloudballoon wrote:
Kyleor wrote:Paramount+? When does it come to a real streaming service?

I understand the urge for the snarky comment. I'd do the same if I'm the "first!" type of commenter. But what do you expect? At least initially.

But you'll probably be able to buy or rent digitally sometime down the line on Google Play (or Apple Store? I don't care for it so I just assume Apple will too) sometime down the line. I got all my digital media there including the Bayverse movies, so at least Paramount doesn't lock all their films on their own "nobody subscribe to Paramount+" streaming platform only.

Its been available to rent or buy digitally for weeks now.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby Sabrblade » Fri Nov 22, 2024 3:16 pm

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Bad news for TF One and the future of the Hasbro movie industry in general:

Hasbro No Longer Financing Movies Based On Their IP, Focusing On Game Development Instead
"When there's gold feathers, punch behind you!!"

Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby o.supreme » Tue Dec 03, 2024 1:27 pm

Motto: "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I understand the film has been available to purchase on streaming services for a while now, but looking ahead to the physical media release on December 17th...

It is odd...(at least on Amazon), there appears the be only 2 offerings:

1. 4k/BRD/ Digital Bundle and
2. standard DVD

I have been collecting Blu Rays when I can, but Ill still purchase a DVD if that is the only option. But I haven't purchased any 4K yet simply because I don't have a device that plays them, nor a UHD TV, so there's no need.

Seems odd there's no stand alone Blu Ray release.

If #1 is my only option, I guess Ill wait until it goes on sale. I do plan on upgrading my media, but If you've noticed, 4k players are all but absent from B&M stores like Target & Walmart. Probably only Best Buy has them, or you have to get them online.

Kind of reminds me, about a decade ago, I had to purchase a few BRD bundles that came with 3D BRD's as well. What a waste those were...glad I got them cheap. Also glad I never invested in an HDTV that had 3D.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby TulioDude » Sat Dec 21, 2024 12:48 pm

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Saw it in the cinema, but didn't post my opinion on here.
The film is great!
The characters are Nice, theory interactions feel genuine and the movie took Full advantage of being animated tô give us amazaing shots and action scenes.
Im glad the Focus is on D16 and Orion's friendship. I think the trailers should focused on this angle.
Elita is awesome. They did a good job tô make her stand on here own.
Bumblebee turned out better than I thought It would, I feared he would feel out of place, but they did good job integrating him with the others.

Kinda wished, they explained on How Sentinel took the cogs alway, but I imagine this would entail explaining on how Transformers are born, so I think they wanted to use the screentime for others things.

About the part about"Not Killing Sentinel", makes Sense in isolation, but feels slightly flat after the amount of soldiers they took out before.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby PerfectVision » Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:51 pm

If Megatron wanted absolutely to kill Sentinel for treachery:they cannot justify how he could spare Starscream for it,exile after desertion at best.That's irreconcilable with all the other continuities for a change.The unforgivable killing is from Sentinel and cie,not the killed drones.
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Re: Transformers One: Animated Prequel Movie Thread

Postby #1 Signal Lancer fan » Tue Jan 07, 2025 2:45 pm

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PerfectVision wrote:If Megatron wanted absolutely to kill Sentinel for treachery:they cannot justify how he could spare Starscream for it,exile after desertion at best.That's irreconcilable with all the other continuities for a change.The unforgivable killing is from Sentinel and cie,not the killed drones.

I think the two of those are very different.

Sure, Starscream committed some treachery in the form of desertion, but Sentinel actively killed the Primes, took power for himself, and subjugated half of the population. I think one of those is a little more severe than the other.

Also, the movie kind of addressed this with Megatron's line "This is the last time I show mercy" after sparing Starscream
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