JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:I'm actually predicting Black Shadow not to be released by TakaraTomy, keeping in line with the "1 release per mold" rule (Blaster and Soundwave are the sole exception), and opting for the more "accurate" Ginrai nemesis Overlord instead.
Not just Blaster and Soundwave, but also Blurr and Brainstorm. Seems they're more willing to release the same mold twice if they're different enough. Since Black (Sky) Shadow and Overlord will have entirely (mostly? partially?) different jet halves it seems like they'd fall in line with the other four.
Anyone have a size comparison on the current and upcoming batch of Leaders? Sky Shadow looked slightly taller than Six Shot at NYCC, but how do they compare to Blaster/Shockwave or PM Prime? Just wondering how much taller they'd need to make Overlord to compare to God Ginrai. Might require them to just make a whole new figure.