Starsaber468 wrote:Landcross sure was an suprise
Whaaa?? Howd I miss that? --But I think its more of a case...that with "unreleased" combiners you have more cons that bots to choose from. Pretty much all the standard Autobot combiners have been released...and unless you made up a couple more new ones like Op Maximus & Sky reign...the bots are going to be outnumbered. Having Landcross should be a slam dunk.
Wing- (Air Raid/Skydive repaint)
Waver-(perhaps a new Boat TF Voyager class?)
Dash (Legends Blackjack repaint)
Tacker (Rook Remold)
Mach (could this be the first US release of the shuttle Blastoff mold?)
Tackle (Offroad repaint)
Even Roadcaesar I could see with Starsaber added in (as they did Deszaurus for Liokaiser)
Starsaber (Heavey Silverbolt retool)
Blacker (Dragstrip repaint)
Braver (Dead End repaint)
Laster (Breakdown repaint)
Holi/Stakeout (Streetwise repaint)
Those two would balance out Predaking & for any others they *might* be planning further down the line (Piranacon, Monstructor etc...) I have no clue
Bucket/Want List: Botcon 2016 Customization Class Ratchet (G2 Deco), or Customization Class Ratchet (Marvel Comics Deco) **would also be willing to pay for an Unpainted Botcon 2016 Ratchet, TT Legends Fortress Head (only) with working Electronics
Wish List of Modern Combiners: Road Caesar, Monstructor & Dinoking (proper size to fiction), Landcross, Guard City, Battle Gaia, & G2 Defensor. Wish List of Titans:Metrotitan,Majin Zarak