Welcome to the Seibertron.com Twincast / Podcast Episode #169 - "Worst Giveaway Ever". Join host ScottyP, all alone with Razorclaw0000, in the wilds of North Carolina as the team prepares for - and winds down from -
NC Comicon 2017.
Episode #169 "Worst Giveaway Ever" is available directly and in our RSS Feed, and should appear on iTunes and Stitcher Radio within 24 to 48 hours of when you see this news post.This short show starts off with some silliness as we open two full of cases of vintage Transformers Armada trading cards by Fleer as we attempt to complete Scotty's set and get Bob hooked on some true collecting insanity. The experience prompts us to offer the "worst giveaway ever" - you could win a complete stack of Energon Scorponok teaser cards from the Armada line by guessing how many we have. Closest winner without going over will win the entire stack! Open to US residents only - complete rules available in the show!
You could win a whole lot of me!After that, we chill out and reflect on NC Comicon, including our interviews with
John Barber, David Hedgecock, and Chris Ryall, the
exclusive covers, and show in general.
The cover of the comic of the adaptation of the movie of the comicWas this convention an experience that's enough to satisfy Transformers crazed veterans of several Botcons past? In many ways yes, even without the laser focus on our favorite Robots in Disguise. Tune in to hear our thoughts on how this convention stacks up and whether or not you'll want to look into checking it out in years to come.
Cheap Pop!Finally, we close out with some small bragging rights from the show. We hope you enjoyed the insanity, and stick around for Episode #170 - and the discussion with the folks at IDW.
Just enough to drive the completionist insane!Thanks for listening!
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