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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:01 am
by Burn
Absoloutely brilliant!

I love Martha already. She's got that medical knowledge which to me means she's going to be a bit like Nyssa and actually understand a lot of what The Doctor is on about.

The expunging of the radiation scene, was anyone else expecting him to let out a ripper of a fart? But in typical DW fashion ... it came out of his foot. :P

I think if anyone was worried DW wouldn't be the same without the Doctor/Rose chemistry then they need not be. The Smith/Jones chemistry is going to be another great partnership. :grin:

Now as for the Saxon/Master thing. John Simm has apparently been cast to play "Mr Saxon", he was also rumoured to have been cast as "The Master" so i'd say you're right on the money Darkageis. The Saxon thing will be the underlying theme through the season with Mr Saxon appearing towards the end and will no doubt be revealed as The Master (as his return is all but confirmed anyway).

Could he be running for PM of England? Or should we assume whatsherface has already been replaced?


Something else to consider.

"The Monk" (or "The Meddling Monk") was actually a Saxon Monk.

Perhaps they could be bringing him back? Or perhaps in this version of DW they will tie The Monk and The Master together as the same person (it's been a debate over the years).

And where does old Billis (from Torchwood) fit into this? I'm going with the theory that the grandfather clock he had was a Tardis and it was him who took Jack and NOT The Doctor. Perhaps to use Jack's regenerative abilities for himself?

Damn RTD for making us come up with more theories than whether Starbuck's a fracking Cylon or not!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:13 am
Burn wrote:Absoloutely brilliant!

I love Martha already. She's got that medical knowledge which to me means she's going to be a bit like Nyssa and actually understand a lot of what The Doctor is on about.

The expunging of the radiation scene, was anyone else expecting him to let out a ripper of a fart? But in typical DW fashion ... it came out of his foot. :P

I think if anyone was worried DW wouldn't be the same without the Doctor/Rose chemistry then they need not be. The Smith/Jones chemistry is going to be another great partnership. :grin:

Now as for the Saxon/Master thing. John Simm has apparently been cast to play "Mr Saxon", he was also rumoured to have been cast as "The Master" so i'd say you're right on the money Darkageis. The Saxon thing will be the underlying theme through the season with Mr Saxon appearing towards the end and will no doubt be revealed as The Master (as his return is all but confirmed anyway).

Could he be running for PM of England? Or should we assume whatsherface has already been replaced?


Something else to consider.

"The Monk" (or "The Meddling Monk") was actually a Saxon Monk.

Perhaps they could be bringing him back? Or perhaps in this version of DW they will tie The Monk and The Master together as the same person (it's been a debate over the years).

And where does old Billis (from Torchwood) fit into this? I'm going with the theory that the grandfather clock he had was a Tardis and it was him who took Jack and NOT The Doctor. Perhaps to use Jack's regenerative abilities for himself?

Damn RTD for making us come up with more theories than whether Starbuck's a fracking Cylon or not!

thanks!, but wait a min, i havent got to the end of season 3 of BSG yet, starbuck might be a cylon!? woah!!!!!

(please dont tell me anymore it'll spoil it for me and i dont want to derail this thread either0

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:42 am
by Insurgent
Great episode. I rekon Martha is gonna be better than Rose. Instead of moping around the Doc like a lovestruck puppy, Martha will be running around all over the shop. Looking forward to the rest of this series.

The expunging of the radiation scene, was anyone else expecting him to let out a ripper of a fart? But in typical DW fashion ... it came out of his foot.

Especially the way he was standing at one point. I loved that little bit of dialogue after:

Martha: You're crazy
Doc: You're right. I look silly with only one shoe.
Takes the other one off and throws it away.


Forgot they do things with running hidden words. I missed the Saxon thing, but I'll be keeping my eye out for it in future. Finally, there's something decent on TV again other than Galactica. :grin: .

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:03 am
by Burn
Insurgent wrote:Especially the way he was standing at one point. I loved that little bit of dialogue after:

Martha: You're crazy
Doc: You're right. I look silly with only one shoe.
Takes the other one off and throws it away.


David Tennant, now surpassing Tom Baker as #1 Doctor EVER.
(And I thought Tom Baker would be #1 for the rest of my life, he has been for nearly 3 decades. Still hard to believe someone has come along that's better)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:09 am
by Cyber Bishop
I have my torrent running as we speak so hopefully soon I will be able to watch it.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:15 pm
by Colinus Maximus
Cyber Bishop wrote:I have my torrent running as we speak so hopefully soon I will be able to watch it.

That's funny, I found 4 torrents to down load hoping one would finish before I fell asleep, unfortunately I drifted off while watching my VHS of the Deamons. (Hey, it was after 2 a.m. and I made into episode 4) I woke up and all four were completed.

Great episode! Nice bit of Martha mentioning her cousin at Canary Warf. (Bit of an old Patty Duke show reference there. LOL)

On the Meddeling Monk/Master same/different person debate it depends on what you considder cannon. The Doctor Who Roleplaying Game produced by FASA in the mid 80's had them as the same person. Where as the New Adventures novels published by Virgin had the Monk as a seperate charater (with the name Mortimus) from the Master (also given a proper name in "The Dark Path" 2nd Doctor Missing Adventure, which I can't remember right now) as did the Timelord Roleplaying game (I believe also published by Virgin) that had stats for all Doctors, companions, and major foes up to Survival. (Seperate entries for The Master and The Meddeling Monk.)

Personally, I perfer to think of them as seperate people and hope they both turn up again in the future.

Did anyone see the Doctor Who episode of The Weakest Link. That's also up on the torrents and quite good. I was rather suprised by who won.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:38 pm
by Burn
Cyber Bishop wrote:I have my torrent running as we speak so hopefully soon I will be able to watch it.

Dude you're slow! :P

I slept in (something I unfortunately rarely do) woke up, and found the torrents had gone up half an hour earlier. I had to ask Tammuz if it had aired because they've never been that early. But they were!

Took me half a day though.

Like I said with The Monk/Master thing, they have a tendency to manipulate things with this new series so it wouldn't suprise me if they did come out and say they were the same person despite what's happened before. After all, it's a bit hard to consider ANYTHING canon when it comes to DW.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:01 am
by Insurgent
Now as for the Saxon/Master thing. John Simm has apparently been cast to play "Mr Saxon", he was also rumoured to have been cast as "The Master" so i'd say you're right on the money Darkageis. The Saxon thing will be the underlying theme through the season with Mr Saxon appearing towards the end and will no doubt be revealed as The Master (as his return is all but confirmed anyway).

Could he be running for PM of England? Or should we assume whatsherface has already been replaced?

I watched The Runaway Bride and Smith and Jones again last nite to keep an eye out for these references and I found:
TRB: The tanks at the end get an order from Mr Saxon to open fire on the webship.
S&J: The guy on the radio when Martha is getting ready for her night out said "this proves Mr Saxon's theories about life out there". Also, the "Vote Saxon" posters mentioned earlier.

So clearly this Saxon guy is a public figurehead who has theories about aliens existing (as if they need any further proof :P ) and Saxon is indeed the running tag. I don't know about all this Monk/Master thing as I'm relatively new to the Whoverse (only seen the 3 movies and a few Pertwee Episodes) but I hope these two stay around for a good long time.

Whatsherface was booted out at the end of 2005 so I assume she has already been replaced. Although this is English politics...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:19 am
by Cyber Bishop
I checked before I left for work this morning and the DL was complete so as soon as I get home I am watching it! :grin:

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:40 am
by Mkall
I enjoyed it throughly. "We used to play with iridium bricks in the nursery." Classic.

I also enjoyed, probably a little too much, seeing the doctor having to manually lock the door for once.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:41 am
by Cyber Bishop
So the EP was that good.. Man I can't wait to see it this evening.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:50 am
by War Hammer
A bizarre episode to start off the new series but again it throws you straight into the action with a weird but brilliant story. I like this new sidekick straight off, I'll still miss Rose but that’s because Billy Piper actually surprised me with how well she played the part. I watched it with the missus Saturday and she flat out hates the new girl, seems she was a big Rose fan and wanted the Dr to get it on with Miss Tiller.

Anyway the weird and frightening aspect of the women's mind aside we both loved the new episode, it kicks off with the sheer fun, drama and amazing effects as the last series. Can't wait for next episode on Saturday :D

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:03 am
by Cyber Bishop
I finally watched it last night and thoroughly enjoyed it.. I cannot wait for the next episode. :grin:

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:19 am
by Burn
Did you watch it on your own or get the family to watch it CB?
(I'm just curious to know what an American family thinks of DW. It was always just Brits and Aussies to me who were fans)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:11 am
by Rogue.
I watched the show Sunday morning on Youtube ;) I downloaded that uTorrent, but haven't installed / tried it out yet. I don't trust my 1998 hard drive too much with downloading stuff. :?

Loved the episode! The Judoon are really cool aliens too. Very Sontaran-esque, but unique enough. I kept thinking that the plasmavore was really the Master. I mean, he was a clear, slimy snake creature at the beginning of the TV movie. But then I think about the Series 3 preview, and the bit with that guy who makes himself younger... and I think that maybe that guy is the Master. Who knows... ;)

I'm really looking forward to the rest of this series!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:04 am
by Psychout
Mkall wrote:I also enjoyed, probably a little too much, seeing the doctor having to manually lock the door for once.

Its little moments such as that which keep me coming back for more with Dr Who.

I think this new companion has a lot to live up to, but she has got off to a very good start, i think she will do very well.

Bring on the rest of the series...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:10 am
by Cyber Bishop
Burn wrote:Did you watch it on your own or get the family to watch it CB?
(I'm just curious to know what an American family thinks of DW. It was always just Brits and Aussies to me who were fans)

I watched it as soon as I got home from work, then when my wife came home from work all of us watched it (even the 2 year old).
All of us love the show.
I will have to snap a pix of the 2 year old in her "my old Tardis" t shirt and the 13 year old in her K9 shirt.
I have a Davros and Daleks shirt that I occasionally wear too.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:05 pm
by Burn
Dunno why it fascinates me, probably because I consider an American DW fan to be a rare breed.

Well you were up until about three years ago. Now I think the population has exploded. :P

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:44 pm
by Cyber Bishop
Burn wrote:Dunno why it fascinates me, probably because I consider an American DW fan to be a rare breed.

Well you were up until about three years ago. Now I think the population has exploded. :P

Really? I have a couple of local friends that are Who fans as well.

Here is my Who fan in training

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:14 am
by High Command
The Judoon reminded me of the Vogons from hitchhiker to be honest. Mostly it was their beurocratic attitude and stupidity that made me think of them, but also the low techness of putting the Xs on people hands with marker pens. Also their spaceships reminded me of the Vogon tower block spaceships from the recent Hitchhiker movie.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:30 am
High Command wrote:The Judoon reminded me of the Vogons from hitchhiker to be honest. Mostly it was their beurocratic attitude and stupidity that made me think of them, but also the low techness of putting the Xs on people hands with marker pens. Also their spaceships reminded me of the Vogon tower block spaceships from the recent Hitchhiker movie.

now you mention it.........

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:51 am
by Rodimus_Lantern
I've finally also discovered the awesomeness that is Dr. Who. I saw a marathon on the Sci Fi channel not to long ago and I've been watching it any time it is on. Is there a good place to get Dr. Who episodes?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:09 am
by Cyber Bishop
Rodimusprime256 wrote:I've finally also discovered the awesomeness that is Dr. Who. I saw a marathon on the Sci Fi channel not to long ago and I've been watching it any time it is on. Is there a good place to get Dr. Who episodes? has some episodes ... _Code=DWDB

You can also try Best Buy or Circuit City.

Mind you some of the older EP's will run you about $30 for a s dvd set.

And there is always ebay which is alot cheaper.

Also you can visit Outpost Gallifrey to get some Doctor Who info.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:49 am
by Burn
Go to Wikipedia and research "Time Wars". That's a good brain **** for ya.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:57 am
by Cyber Bishop
Burn wrote:Go to Wikipedia and research "Time Wars". That's a good brain **** for ya.

Woah.. Nice read!