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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:10 am
by Heavy B

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:16 am
by Prowl76
Wonder if he'll show up on TNA now.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:54 pm
by Burn
Doubtful. While TNA is all for picking up "former WWE workers" I can't imagine they'd be stupid enough to pick up Test.

They had plenty of time last year to sign him up. To do so now simply because he was recently on WWE tv would be stupid and a slap in the face to their "home grown" talent.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:48 pm
by Prowl76
They grabbed Tyson Tomko. Why not grab Test? He is the same if not a little better than Tson.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:19 pm
by Burn
Tomko had that history of working with Christian.

What can Test bring to TNA anyway?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:34 pm
Burn wrote:Tomko had that history of working with Christian.

What can Test bring to TNA anyway?


Oh wait Steiner has that market sewn up.

Okay with Test in TNA maybe the talent will see a Roid Price dropping war!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:57 pm
by Down_Shift
Burn wrote:Tomko had that history of working with Christian.

What can Test bring to TNA anyway?

Absolutly nothing. I hope he never works again. He isn't smart enought to know how to NOT kick people in the face. I'm sure I'll see him at a GCW event asking for bug bucks to hurt tallent. Grrrr what a douche :-x

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:02 am
by soundwavegt
Random thoughts....

Angle vs Steiner - oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.... of all the guys to put Kurt with they have to put him with that waste of space. That's gonna be hard to watch.

Kane vs Khali - See above, in Kane's favour...

Lashley vs Umaga - Hmmmmmmm, have to keep an eye on that one...

The return of The Fallen Angel - About time.

Undertaker vs Batista - I know where my loyalty lies.

Samoa Joe vs Christian Cage - Might be good.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:22 pm
by Gutter Bunny
wow...i could not be any less excited about WM...

only matches i'm interested in

Batista vs. Undertaker and only because i've been a taker fan since day1

Money in the bank...even though his matches have looked sloppy since he returned, i cant help but hope jeff hardy will get his s... together and get a push for the title. And after saying that, i dont think i've seen him do anything since his return that would really justify this...and thats coming from a hardyz fan.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:36 pm
by AutobotJazz
soundwavegt wrote:Angle vs Steiner - oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.... of all the guys to put Kurt with they have to put him with that waste of space. That's gonna be hard to watch.

Don't worry. Kurt can carry a can of Diet Pepsi to a good match. Although, I think the can of diet Pepsi might be a little more athletically gifted than Steiner. Yeah. This is gonna hard.

Math Lesson

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:08 pm
by Moff-V8
Barely dressed men plus grappling about covered in oil equals super-gay sport for closet man-lovers. Have the girls wrestle, fire the men, and then I will watch. Pay to watch men wrestle?

Re: Math Lesson

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:22 pm
by Rebirth Megatron
Moff-V8 wrote:Barely dressed men plus grappling about covered in oil equals super-gay sport for closet man-lovers. Have the girls wrestle, fire the men, and then I will watch. Pay to watch men wrestle?
You know the old saying that "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?" Try that next post you make on this site ok?

Plus there are women in wrestling too, nice looking ones.

Anywho, The Taker match..I'd be horrified if Bastista put an end to Taker's unbeaten at WM streak.

HBK vs Cena, HBK all the way.

Battle of the Billionaires...either way a famous rich guy goes bald.

The ladder long as it isn't Booker or Edge (For varieties sake, they have had their spots in the sun as of late. Spread the wealth and all that).

Kane vs Khali...Kane of course. Khali is less interesting than watching pure static.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:17 pm
by Prowl76
For some reason I see either Mr. Kennedy or C.M. Punk taking the money in the bank match. I think it would be a travesty if Batista beats Undertaker. That is a record Taker should retire with.

Re: Math Lesson

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:34 pm
by Down_Shift
Moff-V8 wrote:Barely dressed men plus grappling about covered in oil equals super-gay sport for closet man-lovers. Have the girls wrestle, fire the men, and then I will watch. Pay to watch men wrestle?

If you have nothing to add to this thread then please don't post in here. There's no point in ruining other peoples good times. Thanks.

Re: Math Lesson

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:40 pm
by Phategod1
Down_Shift wrote:
Moff-V8 wrote:Barely dressed men plus grappling about covered in oil equals super-gay sport for closet man-lovers. Have the girls wrestle, fire the men, and then I will watch. Pay to watch men wrestle?

If you have nothing to add to this thread then please don't post in here. There's no point in ruining other peoples good times. Thanks.


Re: Math Lesson

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:58 pm
by Down_Shift
Phategod1 wrote:
Down_Shift wrote:
Moff-V8 wrote:Barely dressed men plus grappling about covered in oil equals super-gay sport for closet man-lovers. Have the girls wrestle, fire the men, and then I will watch. Pay to watch men wrestle?

If you have nothing to add to this thread then please don't post in here. There's no point in ruining other peoples good times. Thanks.


TID/TIND :???:

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:45 am
by soundwavegt
AutobotJazz wrote:
soundwavegt wrote:Angle vs Steiner - oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.... of all the guys to put Kurt with they have to put him with that waste of space. That's gonna be hard to watch.

Don't worry. Kurt can carry a can of Diet Pepsi to a good match. Although, I think the can of diet Pepsi might be a little more athletically gifted than Steiner. Yeah. This is gonna hard.

That's a pretty good comparison! I think the general opinion is that Steiner just isn't any good any more. Back when he was in the Steiner Brothers with Rick, he was pretty good. But when he bulked up, he lost it all. A shame really.

Re: Math Lesson

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:53 am
by Heavy B
Down_Shift wrote:
Phategod1 wrote:
Down_Shift wrote:
Moff-V8 wrote:Barely dressed men plus grappling about covered in oil equals super-gay sport for closet man-lovers. Have the girls wrestle, fire the men, and then I will watch. Pay to watch men wrestle?

If you have nothing to add to this thread then please don't post in here. There's no point in ruining other peoples good times. Thanks.


TID/TIND :???:

PGJNCTJFK. see i can throw together random letters to :P

Re: Math Lesson

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:16 am
by Down_Shift
Heavy B wrote:PGJNCTJFK. see i can throw together random letters to :P

What you never saw anyone write "Truth if destroyed/ Truth if not destroyed" when you were in grade school. According to that, I have to marry a girl named Sarah. A shame I hate her. :lol:

You know, if Steiner came up with a better gimmick rather then stick with the stuttering rage thing, he may have a shot. He also needs to stop being a baby with his clotheslines. He's as fragile as Davey Boy Smith in that aspect. He should also start using the Steiner Screwdriver again. (Him and Hogan in WCW/NWO Revenge = unstoppable)

I have a question for you all? What do you think of Lashley using the running powerslam as a finisher? I personally love the move, but is it too dated a move for the newer younger fans who want more out of a crushing finisher? He was doing well witht he Dominator, so I wonder why he switched it up.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:41 am
by Prowl76
Anyone who says the running powerslam is a weak move I say let me do it to you. I have no problem with Lashley using that move although I do wonder why he is getting away from the dominator. I remember back in the day when Steiner was a really good wrestler. The ability to have good matches and pull off good moves is still there. He just needs to pull his head out of his roided up butt. Angle will ensure it is a good match.

Re: Math Lesson

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:57 am
by Gutter Bunny
Down_Shift wrote:
Heavy B wrote:PGJNCTJFK. see i can throw together random letters to :P

What you never saw anyone write "Truth if destroyed/ Truth if not destroyed" when you were in grade school. According to that, I have to marry a girl named Sarah. A shame I hate her. :lol:

You know, if Steiner came up with a better gimmick rather then stick with the stuttering rage thing, he may have a shot. He also needs to stop being a baby with his clotheslines. He's as fragile as Davey Boy Smith in that aspect. He should also start using the Steiner Screwdriver again. (Him and Hogan in WCW/NWO Revenge = unstoppable)

I have a question for you all? What do you think of Lashley using the running powerslam as a finisher? I personally love the move, but is it too dated a move for the newer younger fans who want more out of a crushing finisher? He was doing well witht he Dominator, so I wonder why he switched it up.

personally i prefer the dominator as it is a flashier move. Not that the running powerslam doesnt have its merit, but it would be the equivalent of someone doing a running leg drop...i just dont see the excitement.

I also agree that steiner should use the driver again, that was just a great move.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:04 pm
by Down_Shift
Prowl76 wrote:Anyone who says the running powerslam is a weak move I say let me do it to you. I have no problem with Lashley using that move although I do wonder why he is getting away from the dominator. I remember back in the day when Steiner was a really good wrestler. The ability to have good matches and pull off good moves is still there. He just needs to pull his head out of his roided up butt. Angle will ensure it is a good match.

Sorry, I didn't mean that the Running Power Slam is a weak move as in it doesn't do much. I've been powerslammed many times and it always knocks the wind out of me. What I ment by it, is it isn't as flashy as some of todays big finishers like Chin Music ot the Styles Clash.

I find it funny that Scott Steiner, who is now looked upon as a brick to work with, was the guy that coined the term "Fransensteiner" which is now associated with the lighter ,faster guys. Even when he was tag teaming with Rick he was built and could snap a Frankensteiner quick as a hiccup.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:51 pm
by Prowl76
I agree it isn't a flashy move but if it gets the job done whatever. I would like to see him give the dominater to Umaga though. I think it is possible the Angle/Steiner match could surprise people. Maybe Angle can get the old Steiner out of him for this match.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:12 pm
by Down_Shift
Prowl76 wrote:I agree it isn't a flashy move but if it gets the job done whatever. I would like to see him give the dominater to Umaga though. I think it is possible the Angle/Steiner match could surprise people. Maybe Angle can get the old Steiner out of him for this match.

I could see him giving him the Dominator at Mania. It's a time when all stops must be pulled to dazzle the fans. If you remember Umaga when he was Jamal in 3MW big guys use to throw him around all the time. After seeing Lashly leap through the cage onto umaga I wouldn't doubt that Lashly will do something big like the dominator or do the Power Slam out of a Gorilla Press.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:46 pm
by Heavy B
Down_Shift wrote:
Prowl76 wrote:I agree it isn't a flashy move but if it gets the job done whatever. I would like to see him give the dominater to Umaga though. I think it is possible the Angle/Steiner match could surprise people. Maybe Angle can get the old Steiner out of him for this match.

I could see him giving him the Dominator at Mania. It's a time when all stops must be pulled to dazzle the fans. If you remember Umaga when he was Jamal in 3MW big guys use to throw him around all the time. After seeing Lashly leap through the cage onto umaga I wouldn't doubt that Lashly will do something big like the dominator or do the Power Slam out of a Gorilla Press.

i wouldn't mind seeing umaga lose then reunite with rosey. i read an interview where rosey was considering a return