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Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:23 pm
by USDA Prime
Overreactive Commentary:

:shock: OMG OMG OMG Chiefs are ahead of Packers 3-0 in the 1st quarter!!!


This has been an overreactive commentary.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:16 pm
by Prowl76
Interesting that the Colts get their first win and the Packers get their first loss on the same day. I think the NY Giants are going to give me a heart attack. Each week they are like a different team.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:37 pm
by USDA Prime
Wow, didn't realize when I made that last post that it would actually come true. Kudos to the Chiefs. This week was just full of upsets and unexpected wins, with the Colts, Panthers, Redskins.

Nice to see the Pats win a potential playoff time. First time I saw Tebow play, and though he made some mistakes, he made a lot of impressive moves. Sometimes it seemed impossible to get the guy down, especially when the Broncos were at their own one and the Pats almost had a safety. It was fun seeing him run back 29 years before the sack later on, though.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:45 pm
by First-Aid
My prediction continues to come true for the Bears. Now they have to face a Packers team who will be looking to surge back after a loss this week. Final: Green Bay 45, Chicago 28.

The Giants are almost as Jeckyll and Hyde as the Cowboys. At least the playoff picture got muddier...

I have to say, Tebow was impressive in most cases. If Denver hadn't turned the ball over, they may have beaten New England...the patriots D still is just horrid.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:55 pm
by Rodimus Prime
This week was certainly memorable.

I guess Coach Shula and any of the living '72 Dolphins can pop the cork yet again.

As for your prediction, I think it will be much worse for the Bears. I hate to say it, but without Cutler, they're just lost. I didn't think it would be this bad.

I knew if the Jets were going to lose to someone, it was gonna be Philly. At least the AFC East question was cleared up, and the AFC playoffs got a bit clearer.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:39 pm
by SirSoundwaveIV
Man, that loss sucked. We played terrible too and we still only lost by 5...oh well. We just need to win one or have the steelers beat the niners and we get homefield outright

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:54 pm
by Heavy B
DAMN YOU GREENBAY, you were suposed to go 19-0. now im out 100 bux.

also, Nice to see the Pats D pull their collective heads out of their collective ass's. The first quarter was rough but watching fumble, after fumble, and then chasing Tebow practicly to his own endzone gives me some hope.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:14 pm
by SirSoundwaveIV
Dr. Heavy B wrote:DAMN YOU GREENBAY, you were suposed to go 19-0. now im out 100 bux.

also, Nice to see the Pats D pull their collective heads out of their collective ass's. The first quarter was rough but watching fumble, after fumble, and then chasing Tebow practicly to his own endzone gives me some hope.

I'm just glad Brady took a proverbial dump on Denver's D...him and Roddy White really saved my ass this week in fantasy, up by 23 with him having vernon davis left.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:38 am
by Cyber Bishop
Pittsburgh lost that game, the niners were just there to reap the spoils..
The decision to play Ben lost this game, he looked like an old man that needed a walker last night.. If he was not injured I think this game would have had a different outcome.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:21 am
by Rodimus Prime
As long as the squealers lose, regardless of the method, I'm happy. Maybe gimpy gets banged up a little bit more in the next 2 weeks and they get bounced in the first week of the playoffs.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:38 pm
by SirSoundwaveIV
49ers completely manhandled the steelers in general though, I was impressed with that game. Still don't think their offense is good enough to beat the Saints or the Packers at their places, but I wouldn't be surprised if any combination of those three makes it to the NFC Championship. They just seem to be a clear level above the rest of the NFC (with the Packers leading the pack, hurr) and the other teams just don't seem good enough to compete with them. Lions could pull an upset though, but their maturity is going to shoot themselves in the foot (again) come playoffs time.

Also I'm in my fantasy championship now :D Number two seed playing the number one, beat them during the regular season. (I'm 7-4-2, he's 11-2) I get at least 60 bucks just for playing, 120 if I win. I'm pretty happy right now

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:06 pm
by Marcus Rush
Monday proved two things. First, the Steelers are a team that can be dominated at the line. Their defense can be toothless and their offense can be comprised of nothing more than points going the other way. Not saying that is a given, but they have been prone to intense blowups this season. In other words, they are pretty close to being done this season. Making the playoffs or not, they won't go very far.

Secondly, we learned that the Niners are a team to be recognized as a contender. Whether their offense is as potent as Green Bay or New Orleans is, is irrelevant. Their defense is so dominating that they are slowly being given the nick name, Dinobots. Because they are ruthless, intense and of course leave their enemies nothing more than smoldering wrecks on the side of the field. I mean heck, did you see the hits they put on Big Ben? Man I cringed every time Aldon Smith flew in and drilled him to the turf.

Regardless of how things develop from here on out. I can see the NFC Championship being a mix of Green Bay, New Orleans and San Francisco. I prefer to have it New Orleans at San Francisco, where we will punch our ticket to the Super Bowl, but we'll see how the cards play out.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:43 pm
by First-Aid
Mike Tomlin shot himself in the foot by starting Rothlesberger on Monday night. I have to agree that the Steelers lost that game more than the Niners won it, but it was still ugly. The thing to remember about Pittsburgh though is that they were without James Harrison. He is the anchor of that defensive front and a total athletic freak of nature. I believe the outcome may have been different if he had played, and if they had started Charlie Batch instead of Ben.

That being said, I am seeing New Orleans being the representativ e of the NFC in the Super Bowl as things stand right now. They can go toe-to-toe offensively with Green Bay, and the defense is decent. Watching the Saints game this weekend will be historic, too, as I expect Brees to break Marino's mark this weekend. As high as his season total is going to be, I suspect that the new record may stand for a LONG time.

The AFC right now is a mess. If the Steelers were healthy, I'd say they would be the favorite. WHy not Baltimore? joe Flacco. Joe seems to have plateaued in his progression as an NFL QB despite the addition of Boldin and the emergence of Torrey Smith. Best guess right now for the AFC? San Diego...they are the hottest team right now and if they get in to the playoffs, they could do what the Pack did last year and ride that hot streak all the way to the title...which is tremendously ironic considering I was one of the more vocal "Fire Norv Turner" people a couple weeks ago. I still think he should be canned because he is just a horrible head coach- a great offensive coach, but a horrid head coach- but if the Chargers make the playoffs, there is no way in hell things would change.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:18 pm
by SirSoundwaveIV
The point isn't if their offense is as good as GB/NO, Marcus the point I've been bringing for weeks right now is if their offense is good enough to beat whatever their defense can't stop, and I'm honestly unsure of that. Packers defense is heavily underrated- near the bottom in yards, yes, but 14th in scoring and 1st in INTs (Capers needs to blitz more though, if we're getting burned for yards ANYWAY, might as well take our punches while letting Matthews and co get a few big plays). Not horrible as so many people leap to label it as, but what I'd qualify as decent, bordering on mediocre. If we take the bears to the house early on christmas we'll have time to rest our beaten up O line and give time for jennings to work his way back for week two of the playoffs.

I think, right now, its the Packers and whoever gets the number 2 seed between SF and NO. Basically it boils down to who plays at home the most in my mind, though not impossible for upsets between the three to happen.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:11 pm
by Marcus Rush
Oh I agree that New Orleans and Green Bay's offenses are strong enough to overcome what their defenses give up. Pointing to the Patriots for an example to that fact. However, as much as I admire their offense and love the fast past quick strike capabilities they can dish out, I have to say that I am not confident they can get passed a top tier defense. Not even going to mention my team's defense. IF hypothetically, the Saints or Packers make it to the Super Bowl, and they are forced to face off against a defense like Pittsburgh or Houston, I get the feeling they will sputter more than they will score. Green Bay's run game is abysmal so they have to rely the passing game against solid if not elite secondary combinations.

Though I do go on record in stating I doubt that the Pittsburgh Steelers will make it to the Super Bowl, primarily because they are still scrubbing the Big Ben Smear off if the Candle Stick Turf, and McDonald's uniform... yes yes I know its still fun to remember good hits, but also because their path has become exponentially more difficult.

If its a match up between Green Bay or New Orleans verses New England, then I expect a massive Shoot Out with the NFC team winning. But if its either of those teams against one of the top AFC D's, AFC will bring home the hardware.

Defense wins championships, as the old cliche goes. Best Defense in the NFC is in San Fran, course I do hope Green Bay loses to the Saints and the Niners beat the Falcons to meet each other in Candlestick for the title.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:19 pm
by Blurrz
Denver donkeys make me sick. Another December crash.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:54 pm
by Rodimus Prime
Blurrz wrote:Denver donkeys make me sick. Another December crash.

I feel your pain. The Jets couldn't even beat the Giants. They don't deserve to be in the playoffs. Though they're not out of it yet. They're in a 3-way tie with Tennessee and Cincinnati. They have to beat Miami next week. If they do, they're in, because even if the other teams win, the Jets have the best record in their division out of the 3. But still, this is not the way to get in. And they would have to play either the Chargers or the Broncos, I think. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take some Valium...

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:48 pm
by Blurrz
You think Rex is gone if the season ends next week for the Jets?

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 2:10 am
by Rodimus Prime
Blurrz wrote:You think Rex is gone if the season ends next week for the Jets?

I guess it depends on his contract. If he has 1 or 2 years left, I think they let him finish it. If more, probably not. Or maybe they'll give him a "talking-to" so next year he shuts his face and concetrates making the team better. I mean, make no mistake, he did improve the team by a LOT, but after the euphoria wore off, he's just obnoxious. I cheered his brashness on the first year, I didn't mind it the second year, but even I say he should tone that **** down. This team isn't Rex Ryan, it's Mark Sanchez and the defense. I wish they'd get a better offensive coordinator, though. Schottenheimer has no idea how to maximize Sanchez's talents.

And let me correct myself. The Jets are not in a tie with Cincy and the Titans. They're in a tie with the Titans, but they're a game back of the Bengals. So the only way they get in is if the Bengals lose and the Jets win. We play the Dolphins and they play the Ravens, so it's pretty good chance. Though Miami seems to be tougher lately...

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:13 am
by First-Aid
Miami got off to a great start against the Patriots yesterday. That is reason for alarm in New England. They may end up with the number one seed overall, but that seems to be the only way they will make it to the second week of the playoffs. I doubt they will make it beyond...I see the Ravens in their future. Even Joe Flacco can beat that pathetic defense of the Pats.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:51 pm
by SirSoundwaveIV
Packers defense had a piss poor first half, but otherwise the Packers played AWESOME tonight against the bears. Great bounce back game for them, kinda want to see them keep rolling against Detroit and get some momentum back up come playoff time. O line did a fabulous job today, only 3-4 close calls and no sacks on rodgers

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:52 pm
by First-Aid
Drew Brees....just wow. A game to go yet and he's already broken Marino's record. What an amazing season. Aaron Rogers has had an amazing year, but I'm sorry...Brees is the MVP, hands down. I'm glad I got to see the pass "live" on TV. History is always cool to see.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:33 am
by Cyber Bishop
First-Aid wrote:Drew Brees....just wow. A game to go yet and he's already broken Marino's record. What an amazing season. Aaron Rogers has had an amazing year, but I'm sorry...Brees is the MVP, hands down. I'm glad I got to see the pass "live" on TV. History is always cool to see.

I got to see it at the game.. It was ELECTRIC!!!
It was so loud and even some of the Falcons players were clapping (something I did not see on the replays)..
I sat by some great Falcons fans too, yeah we have a hot rivalry, but the fans always seem to be the most courteous to one another.
Great game too.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:29 am
by Rodimus Prime
I was happy to hear that out of the 3 possible players (Brees, Rodgers, Brady) it was Brees. I will admit, when he came up 16 yards short a few years ago, I was relieved, as Marino was my favorite quarterback in the 90s, until he retired. But it's undeniable how much talent Brees has, and it was great to see. I hope Payton lets him loose this week so he can hit 5500 yards. Nice round number, and will most likely be unbeatable for 20-25 years.

Now, I can't believe I'm doing this, but I will be rooting for Brees' former team, the Chargers (whom I dislike almost as much as the patsies and squealers), to beat the Raiders (a team I picked to win the AFC West) so the Jets can get in the playoffs, because I am certain the Titans will lose as will the Bengals. The Ravens can't take it easy, as they're tied with the squealers.

Week 17, go Ravens, go Chargers, and J!E!T!S! Jets! Jets! Jets! :grin:

And Rex Ryan should shut his fat mouth.

Re: The NFL 2011 discussion thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:49 am
by First-Aid
According to ESPN's Adam Schefter last night, it sounds like Norv Turner will be out at the end of the season.
Cyber Bishop wrote:I got to see it at the game.. It was ELECTRIC!!!

WOw...That had to have been awesome. I noticed that the media is trying to spur a debate about how he did it (throwing the football while up as many points as they were) and calling him classless for doing it. Honestly, they are so full of sh!t that I think they may just ruin themselves on this one. Next game for NO is a road game if I remember correctly. I'm sure coach Smith and the Falcons understand why he did get the record in front of the home fans had to make it extra special for Drew, and if Matt Ryan had been in his position at home they would have done the exact same thing. Normally throwing when you are up by a kajillion points is unsportsmanlike. This was a special case though. And I'm glad you fans got to see it. I'd imagine the atmosphere compared to when I went to Game 5 of the 2010 Stanley Cup Finals at the United Center (Blackhawks won this pivotal game 7-4, putting them up 3-2 in the could literally feel the electricity in the air, and yes I do mean literally).

I will say this right now: New Orleans is probably the best team in the NFC.