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Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 1:46 pm
by AllNewSuperRobot
The only way I could see some merit in it would be if a showrunner or writer wanted to deep dive into the 6B theory, onscreen. Which would be difficult since The Timeless Children. Clearly some time had passed between The War Games finale and Pertwee emerging from the Tardis.

Baker, Baker, Davison and McCoy are also still with us. So someone impersonating them would be odd too. Specifically as all their Doctor's had clearly defined beginnings and endings. Troughton was the only one whose ending was left ambiguous.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 11:57 pm
by JazZeke
While it's one thing to recast, say, a superhero or James Bond because those characters originated in another medium and the actor was never the original, definitive version of a character... the role of The Doctor is different. Any actor who plays them is putting their own unique spin, and personal take, on the character. So recasting an actor's particular Doctor seems disrespectful, IMO... However, I feel an exception can be made when it's the actor's son. Then it feels like the original actor isn't being replaced, but paid tribute to by their decedent. I would quite like to see Sean Pertwee play the Third Doctor on TV.

An exception can be made for the First Doctor, because like the guy in the video said, there's already precedent.

Also, the thing about David Braddely's First Doctor is... he looks the part but doesn't sound like Hartnell. So I feel like Big Finish is making a mistake casting him and not someone who sounds like Hartnell. Personally, I would have liked to see Bill Nighy play the First Doctor on TV, I feel like he would do an awesome impression.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 9:49 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
JazZeke wrote:So I feel like Big Finish is making a mistake casting him and not someone who sounds like Hartnell.

Oddly enough, Big Finish have recently recast the First Doctor.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:05 am
by JazZeke
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:
JazZeke wrote:So I feel like Big Finish is making a mistake casting him and not someone who sounds like Hartnell.

Oddly enough, Big Finish have recently recast the First Doctor.

Decent, but I think the actor overdoes it on Hartnel's verbal ticks. Feels more like a parody version at some point.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:09 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
Perhaps. But closer to Hartnell than Bradley. I watched the deleted scene from Twice Upon Time. Re-enacting the ending of The Tenth Planet.

I didn't like it.

To my ear, Bradley does not even get the tone right.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 1:26 pm
by AllNewSuperRobot

Doctor Who Legend of the Sea Devils


...It was fine, I guess?

The title is a bit of a misnomer. The Sea Devils were not really ...interesting, to be fair. Only one of them spoke and the characterisation was a bit too generic for me. You would think they would have gone to more effort with the debut of a new Classic monster debut in Nu Who. But the short answer is, no, Chibnall didn't. A jarringly violent episode too. Considering every bit of it was offscreen. The jump cuts and editing around it all are quite distracting to look at. There was a cavalier attitude to the depiction of violence, which also raised an eyebrow. 

Dan was fine. The Doctor and Yaz... made me grateful the next episode brings this run to an end. The preview did raise a smile at least. 5/10 

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 12:31 am
by Burn
Far too generous.

The writing was atrocious. The story was pointless. In fact, the only take away from this episode was The Doctor telling Yaz "No". And it was done terribly at that.

The Sea Devils themselves were very unimpressive. Modern DW has done a pretty good job of taking classic monsters/villains/aliens and making their cheap designs look credible. That really didn't happen here.

The highlight of the entire episode was the preview for the next episode, which sadly, sees the return of the worst Master who will no doubt over shadow the return of former companions and (hopefully) other surprise returns.

This was, perhaps the most forgettable episode of the Chibnall era. Whittaker really doesn't deserve this.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 1:21 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
I did sigh when I saw the Master AGAIN, in the preview. I really didn't think that speech at the end of Flux was going to be that literal.

At this point, I should know better.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 2:45 am
by ZeroWolf
The treatment of the sea devils makes me sad, they were a favourite of mine, despite really having two serials back in classic Who.


I've not looked comprehensively but the special is getting "rave" reviews from places that I don't understand.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 4:29 pm
by Burn
If you want a good example of how bad the writing was.

Pirate Queen shows up ... her actions lead to the death of the young dudes father and the rest of the village.

By the end of the episode said young dude is hugging the Pirate Queen and is excited to be joining her crew.

The same woman whose actions lead to the death of his father and village.

Right ...

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:29 am
by ZeroWolf
Burn wrote:If you want a good example of how bad the writing was.

Pirate Queen shows up ... her actions lead to the death of the young dudes father and the rest of the village.

By the end of the episode said young dude is hugging the Pirate Queen and is excited to be joining her crew.

The same woman whose actions lead to the death of his father and village.

Right ...


I write rubbish, but even my stuff is better then that!

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 2:11 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
ZeroWolf wrote:
Burn wrote:If you want a good example of how bad the writing was.

Pirate Queen shows up ... her actions lead to the death of the young dudes father and the rest of the village.

By the end of the episode said young dude is hugging the Pirate Queen and is excited to be joining her crew.

The same woman whose actions lead to the death of his father and village.

Right ...


I write rubbish, but even my stuff is better then that!

Same :lol:

I dread to think who is left now? Those who have yet to transition from Classic to Nu Who. Other than every single named Time Lord that isn't Master, Doctor or Rassilon. Obviously Chibnall won't be a factor moving forward, but I do hope RTD continues to mine from the Classic era and not reuse the handful of familiar faces.
Raston Warrior Robots? Wirrn? Space Pirates... Or even those related to existing Nu Who foes, like the Sensorites or Rutans.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:17 am
by ZeroWolf
While nu who brought the Great Intelligence back, the Yeti were missed. They could do a return to Peladon or drop in on the Draconians. Maybe they could bring back the Daemons?

What would be fun, though I doubt they would be able to stop themselves tinkering too much, is the Celestial Toymaker.

Seems some people are worrying that the timeless child element of Chiballs era will be retconed by RTD.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:23 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
There are so many races that have been largely overlooked in Nu Who. I did raise an eyebrow at the use of snowmen over the Yeti, in their titular story. When the Great Intelligence is involved and the Yeti aren't used or even referenced. It is a bit odd.

ZeroWolf wrote:Seems some people are worrying that the timeless child element of Chiballs era will be retconned by RTD.

Understandable, considering RTD has officially said he likes the concept of the Timeless Child. But, in saying that, doesn't mean he wouldn't seriously tweak it. I think when the 13th Doctor essentially threw the fob watch in the bin, even Chibnall didn't know where to go with this idea.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:35 am
by JazZeke
ZeroWolf wrote:Seems some people are worrying that the timeless child element of Chiballs era will be retconed by RTD.

I really, really hope so. I don't have a problem with the Doctor having lives before Hartnell, the Time Lords dicking with the Doctor is par for the course. But making the Doctor the singular being that Time Lord biology is reverse-engineered from goes back to the awful fanficy meta-writing that they're The Most Important Being in the Universe.

It'd be so easy to retcon the Timeless Child as being the Master, and learning that is what broke him (again.) However, he wanted the Doctor to think THEY were the Timeless Child to see it break them too, only to be frustrated that it didn't.

As for Tecteun showing up and confirming the Doctor as the Timeless Child... eh, make the whole Flux season a fever dream, none of it made sense anyway, and otherwise the universe is now a quarter of its size and most of the monster races are wiped out, and that's just impractical.

AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Understandable, considering RTD has officially said he likes the concept of the Timeless Child. But, in saying that, doesn't mean he wouldn't seriously tweak it. I think when the 13th Doctor essentially threw the fob watch in the bin, even Chibnall didn't know where to go with this idea.

I think Chibnall's entire era can be described as "throwing ideas into a blender without knowing what to do with them." So I'm not expecting any kind of follow-through with the Timeless Child stuff, making it all the more pointless.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:42 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
The Timeless Child stuff ONLY made sense as being The Master. I don't know how Chibnall could have come to any other conclusion? That realisation would have driven the Master insane enough to go genocidal. Not it being the Doctor.

I also really hate the "space jesus" angle Nu Who gave to the Doctor. Cosmic Hobo, yes! The greatest being to ever exist, no!

JazZeke wrote:It'd be so easy to retcon the Timeless Child as being the Master, and learning that is what broke him (again.) However, he wanted the Doctor to think THEY were the Timeless Child to see it break them too, only to be frustrated that it didn't.

Which sounds a lot like The Killing Joke. Given that this iteration of The Master reeks of discount Joker, that sounds quite apt.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:45 am
by JazZeke
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:The Timeless Child stuff ONLY made sense as being The Master. I don't know how Chibnall could have come to any other conclusion? That realisation would have driven the Master insane enough to go genocidal. Not it being the Doctor.

I also really hate the "space jesus" angle Nu Who gave to the Doctor. Cosmic Hobo, yes! The greatest being to ever exist, no!

JazZeke wrote:It'd be so easy to retcon the Timeless Child as being the Master, and learning that is what broke him (again.) However, he wanted the Doctor to think THEY were the Timeless Child to see it break them too, only to be frustrated that it didn't.

Which sounds a lot like The Killing Joke. Given that this iteration of The Master reeks of discount Joker, that sounds quite apt.

I've even said before that this Master's wearing the Joker's hand-me-downs.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:46 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
Indeed. I did grimace with his reveal as the Master in Spyfall. It was a bit too Cesar Romero...

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:52 am
by JazZeke
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Indeed. I did grimace with his reveal as the Master in Spyfall. It was a bit too Cesar Romero...

I've got no issues with the actor playing him, but the way the character is written just doesn't jive. Even putting aside the fact that it totally ignores Missy's character development from a camp mustache-twirling villain to a more interesting chaotic neutral just as likely to help the Doctor as hinder them, this Master acts like an unhinged, barely-keeping-it-together lunatic, which just doesn't match up with the introduction of him maintaining a cover persona for decades, working with the Doctor once before without dropping the act, and even just waiting around for decades when the Doctor stole his TARDIS to catch up... when he so easily could have crossed his own timestream during the Pertwee/Delgado UNIT days and given his past self a hand in killing the Doctor. I can't believe this snarling, rabid animal of a Master could also play a long game like that.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 4:00 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
JazZeke wrote:
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Indeed. I did grimace with his reveal as the Master in Spyfall. It was a bit too Cesar Romero...

I've got no issues with the actor playing him, but the way the character is written just doesn't jive. Even putting aside the fact that it totally ignores Missy's character development from a camp mustache-twirling villain to a more interesting chaotic neutral just as likely to help the Doctor as hinder them, this Master acts like an unhinged, barely-keeping-it-together lunatic, which just doesn't match up with the introduction of him maintaining a cover persona for decades, working with the Doctor once before without dropping the act, and even just waiting around for decades when the Doctor stole his TARDIS to catch up... when he so easily could have crossed his own timestream during the Pertwee/Delgado UNIT days and given his past self a hand in killing the Doctor. I can't believe this snarling, rabid animal of a Master could also play a long game like that.

The actor is good. The characterisation doesn't work. This Master might have worked, as a post-Simm regeneration. Who was insane from his last, lightning throwing appearance. But not post-Missy. Even if he isn't after her in the timeline, it just doesn't mesh.
Which, as I will repeat forever, is where this Master should have been Omega. Everything about this persona and the backstory of Spyfall fits the lost Time Lord better in every way, than the Master.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 4:39 am
by ZeroWolf
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:
JazZeke wrote:
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Indeed. I did grimace with his reveal as the Master in Spyfall. It was a bit too Cesar Romero...

I've got no issues with the actor playing him, but the way the character is written just doesn't jive. Even putting aside the fact that it totally ignores Missy's character development from a camp mustache-twirling villain to a more interesting chaotic neutral just as likely to help the Doctor as hinder them, this Master acts like an unhinged, barely-keeping-it-together lunatic, which just doesn't match up with the introduction of him maintaining a cover persona for decades, working with the Doctor once before without dropping the act, and even just waiting around for decades when the Doctor stole his TARDIS to catch up... when he so easily could have crossed his own timestream during the Pertwee/Delgado UNIT days and given his past self a hand in killing the Doctor. I can't believe this snarling, rabid animal of a Master could also play a long game like that.

The actor is good. The characterisation doesn't work. This Master might have worked, as a post-Simm regeneration. Who was insane from his last, lightning throwing appearance. But not post-Missy. Even if he isn't after her in the timeline, it just doesn't mesh.
Which, as I will repeat forever, is where this Master should have been Omega. Everything about this persona and the backstory of Spyfall fits the lost Time Lord better in every way, than the Master.

Yes! Omega would have been a perfect fit.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2022 5:47 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
He Jests at Scars

Big Finish time again. As this story is from 2003, no doubt one that has done the rounds. But I only just heard of it and thought to give it a try.

I think this is further testament to how Big Finish can take the stuff from the Classic era that wasn't great and make it shine. This instance, being the Valeyard. We have an alternate take on the ending to the 6th Doctor serial - Trial of a Time Lord. The Valeyard in this tale, defeated the 6th Doctor at that serial's conclusion. Claiming his reward. What follows is a dystopian lesson on why sometimes, the villain shouldn't win.
Michael Jayston's Valeyard here is fantastic. Perfectly capturing the prevailing feature of a morally inverted Doctor- unbound ego and arrogance.
The ending, is not where I expected it to go. But no less fitting to the character. A very interesting What If? take on Who lore. 9/10

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2022 7:40 am
by ZeroWolf
So we have a new doctor.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2022 9:19 am
by AllNewSuperRobot
It's funny. I had a feeling for all the choices the "pundits" were throwing out there. That it would go to someone else. Never seen Sex Education, but I look forward to every new Doctor. Definitely when they are under a better showrunner.

Re: The Dr Who (and spin-offs) Thread *potential spoilers*

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2022 9:21 am
by ZeroWolf
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:It's funny. I had a feeling for all the choices the "pundits" were throwing out there. That it would go to someone else. Never seen Sex Education, but I look forward to every new Doctor. Definitely when they are under a better showrunner.

I think that's always been the case hasn't it?