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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:10 am
by Venomous Prime
Dude, that Draven/Crow Collage looks bad ass, are you ever going to finish it?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:31 am
by Robinson
Hopefully, the guy that was doing it disapeared offf of the scene for a little bit, so hopefully I can gt it done

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:05 am
by Venomous Prime
My friend got Pinhead from Hellraiser on his arm, and his next tattoo is going to be the outline of the Crow.

I'm still a little worried about getting a tattoo because of my sensitive skin, but I want one so frikkin bad

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:46 am
by Godmodule
I got my right arm done from wrist to shoulder (Have of it is a sleeve, vines wrapping up my arm) and one on my left arm, as well as my back and legs. I keep them covered up though, as I'm not as into the strange looks I get as I was when I was 21.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:47 am
by Godmodule
Though I really, really want a Wing Zero Custom or a Deathscythe Hell tattooed on my back.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:29 pm
by Megas1
Heres my sock on my left shin. Personally didnt think gettin tatted on bone was a bother at all, but different strokes i guess


left side:


right side:

Shoulder piece will be a half sleeve by the end of the year

My name in ogham writing its stone age Irish, oh and my first one

and my electricians (my job) tatt my mates an apprentice (tatt artist) so she needed a canvas havent had time to go back and get it coloured. I was her third canvas i think

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:58 am
by GrimSqueaker
Good man chris glad to see u finally posted up ur tats!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:16 pm
by NeuroToxin
I'm going get my first one as soon as I can leave this base. The only thing is I don't know what I want to get yet. Guess I have a month to think about it though.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:21 am
by structuraldefect
A few.left arm 3/4 outline done for American Mcgees Alice sleeve, other arm is one big tribal piece so far, right inside leg, left foot have smaller pieces and my right shoulder is pretty covered as well, i work as a tattooist in the UK, and have to say with the lead up to the movie, and other comic movies in the past few years the number of geek tattoos has gone through the roof, spiderman especially.
P.S GrimSqueaker theres nothing wrong with them that cant be easily touched up.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:15 pm
by Emperor Primacron the 1st
Don't got any yet. I am doing body building in the gym and if I get tatooed now, they could get stretched when my muscles get bigger, so I'm going to wait a little while first. :)

Emperor Primacron, good idea...

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:58 am
by Mighty Scorponok
Meanwhile I am considering getting a Wolf howling at the moon, or a Goliath Gargoyle clawing himself through my skin. Still that would go on my right shoulder blade, and it would be the size of my other tatt on my left blade.