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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:27 pm
by Six Two One
Even if he is one of the many greatest kitbashers in the world, he will be greatly missed. Bill, otherwise known as TFMaster, has brought us TFans and Kitbashers out there together to share our ideas, concepts, works, and other such things.

Although he passed away, I refuse to believe he did. He's still here with us, leaving a trace of works in progress, moving us to get up, and continue our hobbies, and life.

I don't think I can say anymore.

Bless your family. May you rest in peace, Bill (The TFMaster).

The Six Two One.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:41 pm
by Tekkaman Balde
Sad news...very sad news

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:58 pm
by clay
My jaw dropped for about ten minutes before I remembered to close it.

A heart attack at 31, leaving behind a wife and son? I'm dazed.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:21 pm
by Greyryder
I have no words. :cry:

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:29 pm
by alhaw
Truely tragic news. He was an inspiration to all kitbashers. It is thanks to him that we all have this place to share in our art, and I think it is fitting and touching that we use this place to pay tribute to him.

My thoughts are with his family and I hope they know how many people out there are praying for them.

RIP TFMaster

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:46 pm
by Tramp
This is heart wrenching news. He was younger than me! 31 is way too young to die.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:30 pm
by Superquad7
Seibertron wrote:Hey guys,

I'm sure this is especially tough for those of you who are here. This website and this community really meant a lot to Bill. I feel guilty that I have not finished working on integrating Transtopia yet per Bill's request. He had a lot of really great ideas that he had shared with me and I will continue to work on them to make his ideas live on. I can't imagine how difficult this is for Lauren and their son Racheal. I'm so thankful that I had an opportunity to befriend Bill last year at Botcon. So many thoughts ...


I try to keep up with TF news daily, and ever since I got into this subculture [kitbashing] of Transformers, I have really made a diligent effort to keep up with each of you guys and your work. "Good" or "bad" are subjective to me with this method; I just care about each of your works and to offer my help when I can.

This is how I initially got in contact with TFM. We started talking through IMs and e-mail. I was glad to ask for advice and he was glad to share. I tend to stay pretty busy, but if and when he had anything he needed done, I was more than glad to do it. I made the "Kitbash of the Year" sig for him and the site and I ran several errands on a graphic design level for him personally. I was always (and continue to be) glad to help.

As I said, I try to keep up with TF news daily and each of your work. This kind of news is the sort I don't want to learn. I was hoping to be able to meet him at a future Botcon (as we talked about this in our conversations). We had thrown around ideas of getting T-shirts made for a "Team Transtopia" type thing for Botcon . . . like Ryan said, TFM had a lot of great ideas for Transtopia. TFM was very glad to have befriended you, Ryan.

Many of us here at Transtopia were skeptical of the integration of this site to Seibertron, but TFM convinced me early that it would be a good thing. I still believe that. When TFM came to me and offered me administration privilages on the site, I just felt honored. I know my contribution to the actual site has been minimal (mostly due to time and other obligations), but my commitment to do what I can for this site will still stand. This site and community/subculture of Transformers was very important to TFM. TFM's contribution to this cannot be understated. Not only was TFM committed to TF kitbashing and the subculture/community, but he was committed to the idea that TF kitbashing is ART. This idea in itself is one of the reasons I feel he and I had a respect for one another.

My tribute to TFM will come in each of my future customs beyond this point. His work continues to inspire me (as you all do). I'm very thankful and blessed to have been able to call myself his friend. Bill, you will be missed by us on many levels. My expression of that will be to continue my customs work, to grow and learn from it, and to continue to contribute to the TF kitbashing community.

Lauren and Racheal: I will be in prayer for each of you and also as you continue as a family. May God confort and hold you though this difficult time.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:53 pm
by plowking
Just for you Bro....


Myself, and my Customs, salute you.

Now go on and get the rest you need, and deserve.

It just wont be the same without you here in body.... :cry:....but I know your spirit goes on.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:01 pm
by Nemesis Sturmvogel
I can't believe that he's gone :(

Some words about TFmaster

TFmaster as artist: He made really good works (Kitbashes, Repaints,etc. , something that will pass to next generations)

TFmaster as father: He faced the problems (i remember the "TT Closing", and how he fixed it)

TFmaster was a great human being, he made his best in his life.

Rest In Peace Bill. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:07 pm
by JL
RIP TFMaster, your work has always been very inspiring.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:25 pm
by Retread
RIP Bill. May your spirit live on in the projects and bashers you've inspired through this site and your brilliant work.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:40 pm
by CX-1
:( He shall be missed.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:11 pm
by ptitvite
This is a brick in my face tonight. Horrible...sad...frustrating.
I love kitbashing but also enjoy discussing and sharing with people here.
TFmaster gave me this hobby that never in my life, I would've actually done without his commitment to Transtopia and his support to the excellent and the not-so good (me) kitbashers.
Transtopia has lost it's soul.
My respects to family and friends.

RIP TFmaster

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:46 pm
by Autobot Shade 0066
Though I didnt know him very well, he was always there to help and answer any questions. My hearts and prayers go out to him and his family.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:56 pm
by Auceps Prime
Ptitvite wrote:Transtopia has lost it's soul.

I don't know about that I think TFmaster's soul will live on through his artwork and everthing that goes in to customs from here on his work an inspiration will always be in thought by me and probably all of us here at Transphopia.

I was really shocked when I found out the passing of Tfmaster. I never had a chance to meet him but I had spoken to him a few times through e-mail and pm's. I always have been a Transformer fan but not really in to kidbashing until I found this site. He and this site was the reason I really got into kidbashing my self. So I know he will be missed by me because I always really loved his work. RIP TFmaster!!!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:11 pm
by BillyBadAss

This is truly shocking news..
It's just so surreal to read this - It really is difficult to believe..


He was truly an inspiration. Actually - many of you kitbashers here are an inspiration - but Bill made the impossible into reality. And they were flawless..
MasterPiece Power Master Optimus Prime, MasterPiece Motormaster and Menasor, War Within Megatron.. the list goes on..

He had a lot of ideas.. and a lot of projects going on at the same time..
Bill was always thinking of what to do next - what would be his next project..

I joined Transtopia two years ago because I was so inspired by the creations. After looking at TFM's kitbashes - I had confidence to do my own.
Bill's encouraging words motivated me.. I mean - the guy never put down any of the ideas that I had - he only added to them..
and for that I thank him..

After posting a few drawings here - TFM and I collaborated using the Myth Wars concept and created the Gargoyle/Dinobots, Stone/Constructicons, and MW Megatron (which was a winged, fire-breathing, horse).

Even during his working on MP Menasor he wanted to scratchbuild a MW Megs..!
I guess he always had to do work on something - always had to figure out how to accomplish/fix problems ..

I will really miss him.

He truly was the TransFormer Master..

R.I.P. Bill Koshorek
1975 - 2007


PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:26 pm
by RavageX-9
keeblezak wrote:oh, my. i can't help but wonder if his recent troubles with work and the site helped to contribute to this. :cry: and this is a kind of wake up call for me and probaly some others around here. people who post on the forums are real people, sitting at a computer, laughing, socialising, having a family. in other words human. this dwarfs all other concerns we have had here over the last few months with the threat of losing the domain and all.
r.i.p bill

It's good to be reminded once in a while, but hopefully it's something we're all aware of. I think it's especially important when someone else is having a bad day and acting like a jerk.

Pun-3X wrote:I just saw the link at TFans, leading to the one at Seibertron.

This was entirely unexpected. I mean, at 31 years old? My head's still reeling from this, I can't believe it's true.

What awful news.

How do you get a heart attack at 31? Did he have a really poor lifestyle? Smoking, drinking, eating, and stress? Oh well, I guess if someone like me doesn't know him well enough, it's none of our business, especially since it's all over and done with.
Also, guys, be careful with those toxic chemicals and sharp objects. They're bad enough alone, in combination they're probably much worse. You don't want that stuff IN your body.

I hope I get to make kitbashes before *I* die. :( One of these days I'm going to buy an airbrush with an air compressor. and do casting.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:50 pm
by LesserZ
I just got back into town this week and started catching up on all my TFNews. I saw on TFormers an article about TFMaster passing away, and ran straight to my bookmarks. I was so hoping to meet him this year when I last spoke to him. Man, with him gone now. His wife and son are going to be stuck in a serious rock and a hard place. I'm so sad about this news.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:12 pm
by Hobbyist Prime
What the HELL??????? :cry:

I have not been able to get online very much as of late from work and the day I get some time to check everything out and say hi to the gang I'm met with this!

Personally, I never did get the chance to meet Bill but it was his work that inspired me and got my creative juices flowing. My heart goes out to his family and I only hope that they get enough donations to help ease some of the pain and frustration that this has caused! :cry: :cry: :cry:

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:51 pm

:( *speachless*

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:29 pm
by Gryphman
I lost my friend. There's not really much else to say.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:11 am
by Primus_feather
::lowers hat and head in Honor::

Truly one of the few who honestly deserved the name MASTER..

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:25 am
by Duo Prime
:cry: This is truly awful....It just doesn't seem real. TF Master, as many of you have stated, was the inspiration for me to get into kitbashing. I found his original site a few years ago and was completley floored by what i had found. This guy was and is one of the greatest Artists I have ever seen.

My love and best wishes go out to your wife and son. TF Master, You will be soreley missed. :cry:

R.I.P. TF Master.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:13 am
by Pepie
A friend of us passed away last week..

I got to know his work via, I addored everyone of them.
I emailed this TFmaster to offer some help on setting up his own showcase as it was obviously needed.

He insisted on one thing, and that was to offer a home to a future Community, where alikes could share ideas.. showcase their work etc.
The site should never be build for him alone, that was what Bill insisted.

So we went at work, Transtopia slowly started to deploy and rest is history.
He achieved what he wanted, his goal was set and done for.
Transtopia as the ultimate kitbashers portal.

I have talked so much with this guy over time, I even wanted to book a trip to the US and he offered me his couch to sleep on, his table to eat off.. his family to meet.
The plan didnt went through, I moved... got new work, transformers and everything bound to it (i.e. kitbashes, art) was quickly left out of my life as I had other stuff around.
We still talked to each other via email here and there (i dont have my own inet connection), but really.. the contact wasnt what it was, and i feel damn ashamed of it now as this man was one of the best guys you would wanna know in life.

Both a mentor and friend, passed away.
My thoughts go out to each and everyone here at Transtopia, but mainly to his wife and son; as they where his joy and delight in life.
He allways was a damn proud husband and father, many can take an example of that.

I salute you, TFM.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:45 am
by evilratbat
I am lost for Words at the moment Just holding a Minutes silence at Lunch time Bill was a friend in Which was always there. He will be missed , Theres not many people that have pushed me to work at doing customs or artwork as Much as Him . To many he was the one person which really was a shocker in the fact that hes work Moved the borders of Kit bashing and more.

RIP Bill its a sad day to lose you as you have been the key person in which has helped so many.

I hope hes familys will be ok through this period of time and i give my best wishes
