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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:41 pm
by magus
Alright, first let me preface this post. I hate macs and they hate me. I worked in a computer lab while going through college that was full of the darn things... it was not a fun experience for me.

Anyways, I hate the smug attitude these new mac ads have. Full of half truths and seeming to solely try to sell macs based on the "cool" factor.

Oh and I find it ironic that I read posts on the interwebs from mac users who go from slamming on Windows and in the next breath touting how they can now run windows xp on their new intel based macs. Yeah, so the mac can run windows xp now, I'm pretty sure any modern PC could run OSX if it weren't for Apple's little lockouts built into the OS to prevent it. Not only that, but there's so much irony in a mac user needing to dual boot OSX and XP to do everything on their system whereas I, a PC user, have no need to dual boot a mac OS to do the things a mac excels at.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:49 pm
by AutobotGeneral
Macs have a 'cool' factor? huh?

Well, besides the Dual Boot Capability of NEW macs, most Macs still can't play most of the games I play, therefore PC for the Win.

And hey, I'd be pissed if I couldn't right-click.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:02 pm
by magus
AutobotGeneral wrote:Macs have a 'cool' factor? huh?

To some people they do. Part of it is the way they're styled, part of it is the "in crowd" mentality, and part of it is because of the iPod. In other words it seems to be more of a fashion statement to some people than about anything else and apple is trying to capitalize on that with these ad campaigns.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:27 am
by Gameovermus Prime
Buying a computer for a fashion statement is retarded. You just don't spend that kind of money for a "statement".

PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:43 am
by magus
Gameovermus Prime wrote:Buying a computer for a fashion statement is retarded. You just don't spend that kind of money for a "statement".


PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:58 pm
by Tweezy
Not only that... what the mac users do not seem to realize is that the inside of their "Macintoshes" *waves hand pretentiously* on the inside are... *GASP SHOCK HORROR* the exact same as a PC.
The thing that really bugs me is that all (and I mean
ALL) of the mac users like to act as though they are superior. One such example is when the teacher of my art design and career skills class began to "explain' the inner workings of a macintosh. She had started with the usual jibber-jabber and began to explain binary code. Her explanation was correct in the same way that a serial killer is a well loved and respected member of society. She was explaining that the PC binary code uses 01101100, while the mac is capable of going 01101234. Now while I'm not one to be critical, I cannot help but wonder... ahem... WHEN IN THE F*** DID BINARY CODE GO PAST ZEROES AND ONES? ...ahem...*cough*..never..*cough*

Now do not misunderstand, I do not hate my art teacher, she's a rather likeable person, I just completely disagree with her explanation of how Mac's are supposedly superior to PC's.

And another thing... the mac is just a pretty face. The way I see it, a fad that will eventually fade, just like pokemon, or yu-gi-oh. The MAC, like just another pretty face, will not withstand a long commital relationship, go out with a PC instead!

thank you...for your time... and good night
-Tha Tweezrrr-

PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:15 pm
by Redimus
everything (cr)apple do these days is about image, look at the iPod.... more expensive, less battery and less user friendly at EVERY memeory size than pretty much any mp3 player...

I personaly wen Creative Zen Touch, and it's lasted me well over a year, and has a brilliant batery life as well as a sound quality that is only affect by the fact i currently have some crap ear phones and not always the best quality files.