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Re: DC TV & Movieverses

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 10:40 am
by Stuartmaximus
who's arguing?

+ it's a fact! that Doomsday turns up in one of the trailers from a while back(& probably the more recent ones too) so how exactly is that a spoiler?

Re: DC TV & Movieverses

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:47 pm
by Burn
If people choose to use spoiler tags, that's their decision. No need to make a issue out of it. Get over it and move on already. sheesh. >:oP
Spinning out of The Lego Movie (but still DC related) ... The Lego Batman Movie!

Re: DC TV & Movieverses

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 6:52 pm
by Shadowman
I have the weirdest sense I'm going to hate that.

Re: DC TV & Movieverses

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:34 pm
by Rodimus Prime
So, I just got back from seeing Batman vs. Superman. It was pretty damn good. I think Batfleck is my favorite Batman yet. he was ruthless and took the fight to Superman without mercy. I thought I was gonna find Luthor annoying, as I don't care for Jesse Eisenberg that much, but he played Luthor not as straight evil, but more as as guy with a few screws loose. It felt like I was watching Jim Carrey in his prime. Anyway, I won't say much more, except that the film was 2 and 1/2 hours, but it felt like about an hour. It was very fast paced, with the last hour flying by as the action ramped up with the arrivals of both Wonder Woman and Doomsday. I can't believe critics crapped all over this film, it's a very good movie. It can be a direct sequel to Man of Steel, as anything relating to Batman/Bruce Wayne was only mentioned in passing. Luthor was the main villain with Doomsday taking over in the last 45 minutes. As for Doomsday, the character worked on screen, but I couldn't help be reminded of the Abomination from The Incredible Hulk every time he was on screen. Looked just like him. Batman was my favorite character in the film, and Affleck played him very well. he should definitely get his own film. I wish he could have been the one opposite Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, if he was, that film would have been flawless. There were references to the Flash and Aquaman, as well as minor appearances by both characters on screen, as well as another character I didn't recognize, but that's because I'm only a casual fan of DC. I highly recommend this film, it was very enjoyable. One thing I found a bit unexpected was the final trailer for Cap 3 in front of this movie. It was just odd seeing a preview for a Marvel movie in front of a DC film.

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:00 pm
by Burn
BvS trailer was in front of Deadpool for me.

Re: DC TV & Movieverses

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:44 am
by ZeroWolf
Rodimus Prime wrote:So, I just got back from seeing Batman vs. Superman. It was pretty damn good. I think Batfleck is my favorite Batman yet. he was ruthless and took the fight to Superman without mercy. I thought I was gonna find Luthor annoying, as I don't care for Jesse Eisenberg that much, but he played Luthor not as straight evil, but more as as guy with a few screws loose. It felt like I was watching Jim Carrey in his prime. Anyway, I won't say much more, except that the film was 2 and 1/2 hours, but it felt like about an hour. It was very fast paced, with the last hour flying by as the action ramped up with the arrivals of both Wonder Woman and Doomsday. I can't believe critics crapped all over this film, it's a very good movie. It can be a direct sequel to Man of Steel, as anything relating to Batman/Bruce Wayne was only mentioned in passing. Luthor was the main villain with Doomsday taking over in the last 45 minutes. As for Doomsday, the character worked on screen, but I couldn't help be reminded of the Abomination from The Incredible Hulk every time he was on screen. Looked just like him. Batman was my favorite character in the film, and Affleck played him very well. he should definitely get his own film. I wish he could have been the one opposite Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, if he was, that film would have been flawless. There were references to the Flash and Aquaman, as well as minor appearances by both characters on screen, as well as another character I didn't recognize, but that's because I'm only a casual fan of DC. I highly recommend this film, it was very enjoyable. One thing I found a bit unexpected was the final trailer for Cap 3 in front of this movie. It was just odd seeing a preview for a Marvel movie in front of a DC film.

I'm not sure who's in charge of trailer distribution, but nice to know you enjoyed the film, I'm still going to go in with low expectations as I'm not a big fan of the way dc is trying to darken their films but that's just me, I'm a better fit with the marvel universe. Though the exception to this probably will be suicide squad, despite my hatred of Jared leto

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:52 am
by Stuartmaximus
went to see Batman vs Superman, it was fantastic

loved the fight between B v S, also loved the Doomsday fight(YES! he kinda does resemble Abomination! & the destruction from fighting with him wasn't quite on the same scale as Man Of Steel) loved that we got to see glimpses of Flash & Aquaman(although dunno who that other guy was in those videos? also dunno who that was coming through that portal speaking with Bruce in his double nightmare?)

Wonder Woman looked ok to me, & NO! she's not portraying Lynda Carter's version! more like Xena!

also loved how each character(Batman, Superman...but we knew his already from Man Of Steel..., Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman ect) got their own signature theme playing! that was kinda cool

dunno who Lex at the end was eluding to? that there's someone coming? Darkseid or Bizarro maybe?

one nitpick.....did we have to yet again be bashed over the head with Batman's origin story? coz how many times have we seen that by now?

& finally.....NO! Superman's not dead! or not staying dead!

so all in all an amazing movie(i dunno why some people are hating on this movie? coz i definitely loved it) & can't wait til the R rated version appears on Blu Ray ;)

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 12:29 pm
by ZeroWolf
Stuartmaximus wrote:went to see Batman vs Superman, it was fantastic

loved the fight between B v S, also loved the Doomsday fight(YES! he kinda does resemble Abomination! & the destruction from fighting with him wasn't quite on the same scale as Man Of Steel) loved that we got to see glimpses of Flash & Aquaman(although dunno who that other guy was in those videos? also dunno who that was coming through that portal speaking with Bruce in his double nightmare?)

Wonder Woman looked ok to me, & NO! she's not portraying Lynda Carter's version! more like Xena!

also loved how each character(Batman, Superman...but we knew his already from Man Of Steel..., Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman ect) got their own signature theme playing! that was kinda cool

dunno who Lex at the end was eluding to? that there's someone coming? Darkseid or Bizarro maybe?

one nitpick.....did we have to yet again be bashed over the head with Batman's origin story? coz how many times have we seen that by now?

& finally.....NO! Superman's not dead! or not staying dead!

so all in all an amazing movie(i dunno why some people are hating on this movie? coz i definitely loved it) & can't wait til the R rated version appears on Blu Ray ;)

Darksied is already been talked about for the justice league movie, in fact it looks like they want Darksied to be their answer to marvel thanos which is hilarious really as thanos was originally created to by the marvel answer to Darksied :lol:

Also as for people hating in the movie, probably because in their opinion, it wasn't a good film, containing elements that they didn't like etc. As long as you liked it is the main thing :-)

Although I would of preferred doomsday to get his own movie once the justice league movies were established, showing him mowing them down before ending the film with the ultimate one on one, ending with the death of superman and setting us all up for reign of the superman. Means Steel could get another chance at the big screen ;-)

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:01 am
by Burn
So after a total **** up of morning plans ... I jumped in the car and headed off to see this, which resulted in what could have been a day ruining **** up (but didn't thankfully).

I didn't hate it, but I didn't enjoy it. It was bland.

If memory serves me, Shadowman said it a while back, they gave the whole plot of the movie away in one of the early trailers. The movie really just did fill in the gaps.

The overall storyline was fairly weak. If this is what's going to set the tone for the Justice League movie-verse, then it doesn't look very promising.

I was hoping to see more of the Justice League, but instead we just get short videos on Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman.

It's not a movie I'll be rushing out to see again, nor will it become part of my DVD/Blu-Ray collection.

Oh and if anyone's curious, we had X-Men AND Civil War for trailers, along with The Huntman and Suicide Squad.

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:58 am
by TeamSKLeader
Guys if you were disappointed with Batman vs Superman, you can check out my teams new video One Punch Man Vs Superman instead.

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:48 am
by Rodimus Prime
Stuartmaximus wrote:one nitpick.....did we have to yet again be bashed over the head with Batman's origin story? coz how many times have we seen that by now?
We didn't get "bashed over the head" with it. It was in the movie for about 30 seconds, and it was actually relevant, because it was showing the effects of his parents' death on him, and that event was relevant because it's what saved Superman's life in their fight, when Bruce is told that their mothers have the same name. It brings Bruce down from the edge of being a ruthless killer. So it was actually relevant to the story.

DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:51 pm
by bikinigirl
Now that "Batman v Superman" is confirmed almost unanimously by fans and critics alike as being not awful but god awful, I'm trying to find solace in my action figures.

Sometimes I feel like it's better not to watch the movies and cartoons, or read the comics, and just make my own stories and canon.

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:58 pm
by Burn
Go on ... confirm my gut instinct ... it won't take long for you to show who you truly are.

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:43 pm
by bikinigirl
Supergirl and Flash will race in a crossover tv episode. If the Flash loses he really becomes a redundant member of the Justice League. So they have to set the episode up so that the Flash wins, like in the Smallville episode.

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:04 pm
by Burn
Yep, that post was good enough for me.

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 1:25 pm
by Stuartmaximus
Batman vs Superman deleted scene

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:39 pm
by sto_vo_kor_2000
Stuartmaximus wrote:went to see Batman vs Superman, it was fantastic

loved the fight between B v S, also loved the Doomsday fight(YES! he kinda does resemble Abomination! & the destruction from fighting with him wasn't quite on the same scale as Man Of Steel) loved that we got to see glimpses of Flash & Aquaman(although dunno who that other guy was in those videos? also dunno who that was coming through that portal speaking with Bruce in his double nightmare?)

Wonder Woman looked ok to me, & NO! she's not portraying Lynda Carter's version! more like Xena!

also loved how each character(Batman, Superman...but we knew his already from Man Of Steel..., Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman ect) got their own signature theme playing! that was kinda cool

dunno who Lex at the end was eluding to? that there's someone coming? Darkseid or Bizarro maybe?

one nitpick.....did we have to yet again be bashed over the head with Batman's origin story? coz how many times have we seen that by now?

& finally.....NO! Superman's not dead! or not staying dead!

so all in all an amazing movie(i dunno why some people are hating on this movie? coz i definitely loved it) & can't wait til the R rated version appears on Blu Ray ;)

the "other guy in the vid" was CYBORG, better known from the teen titans
the guy coming trew the "time portal" was the Flash
lex was talking bout darkseid

imo, i have lots to nitpic, but i enjoyed the film

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:31 pm
by Stuartmaximus
fantastic episode of Supergirl, with The Flash in it

cool to see Silver Banshee & Live Wire.

great line Kat delivered "your all standing around doing nothing like a cast from a CW Show!"

funny moment when Supergirl & Flash never heard of each other before!

fantastic ;)^

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:12 pm
by Rodimus Prime
On Thursday I went to see Dawn of Justice again, as well as Deadpool 1 last time before it left theaters, and I must say Dawn of Justice was not nearly as exciting the 2nd time around. Maybe because I knew the story already, and I just wanted to experience the visuals and action again, but it became painfully obvious that the story as well as the action was not as good as I thought when I 1st saw it. it's still a good movie, but it's too long. It could have been cut down with the main points of the story and the action kept in and it would have been a much more fast-paced experience.

And of course Deadpool is Deadpool.

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:41 pm
by Shadowman
So there were these two guys in an insane asylum...

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:55 pm
by Rodimus Prime
I've never read that story in comic form. Should I do that before watching this? I don't even know what it's about.

Re: DC TV & Movieverses (with B v S review *SPOILERS*)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:23 pm
by Shadowman
Rodimus Prime wrote:I've never read that story in comic form. Should I do that before watching this? I don't even know what it's about.

It's the definitive Joker comic. It's the most accepted version of his backstory (Even if he himself claims that he probably made it up) but for the most part it's about Joker trying to bring Commissioner Gordon down to his level. Related to that, this comic is the reason Barbara Gordon spent almost 30 years in a wheelchair.

Re: DC TV & Movieverse

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 10:54 am
by Stuartmaximus
B v S Knightmare sequence is not a dream! ... gn=SR-FB-P

Re: DC TV & Movieverse

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 2:27 pm
by ZeroWolf
Hmm but it may be still a dream if synder says so. It seems to me more like the product of a bulls rear end. Dream is the simplest solution here.

Re: DC TV & Movieverse

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 2:34 pm
by Burn
I took it as a vision, the fact that The Flash then appeared and gave him a warning, plus all the other BLATANT hints about Darkseid lead me to believe it was a vision.

Of course if they need to keep coming out and explaining things in this movie, it just highlights how terrible it was.