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Re: Disney Princesses ditch Mattel for Prince Hasbro

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:53 pm
by ZeroWolf
I've read my brother's old marvel comics and annuals, some dating from the very early days. They seem a lot more serious now. Of course plots are subjectto opinion, but Disney bought marvel after the first iron man movie.Alsoa billion dollar company will buy another and not force input if said company was already making cash. Why mess with the golden goose? Maybe comics got softer as a whole because the majority of fans wanted it. Clearly this is the case as marvel are still going.

Also guardians was an awesome movie, what was your problem specificly?

You come off as a very jaded person who doesn't like Disney for undisclosed reasons or reinforces the kiddie stereotype on Disney.

The john Carter comment, so every other movie company is perfect? *cough*Green Lantern*cough*

Re: Disney Princesses ditch Mattel for Prince Hasbro

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:26 pm
by shin_hibiki
You'll have to forgive me for saying, but there's an awful lot of speculation and general freaking out here about an announcement which, according to the linked article and others that you can search, covers Disney Princesses (including Frozen) ONLY and not every Disney property under the sun (Cars, et al)...

Re: Disney Princesses ditch Mattel for Prince Hasbro

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:36 pm
by Fires_Of_Inferno
shin_hibiki wrote:You'll have to forgive me for saying, but there's an awful lot of speculation and general freaking out here about an announcement which, according to the linked article and others that you can search, covers Disney Princesses (including Frozen) ONLY and not every Disney property under the sun (Cars, et al)...

Not to mention that it's a partnership, Disney isn't buying Hasbro, they're just giving them the license to create toys based on their property. If someone hired me to write their autobiography, that doesn't mean they own everything I write.

Re: Disney Princesses ditch Mattel for Prince Hasbro

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:52 pm
by T-Macksimus
Calling it now... merger within the next 4 years, Disney having controlling interest within 8. This is a "fishing expedition" for Disney and you'd be damn fools to think otherwise. As for those of you thinking that a merger or buy-out would be a good thing, try explaining that concept to all the Star Wars authors and game designers who got skull-f****d when Disney bought out Lucasfilm and turned that franchise into a steaming pile of sh**. Entire software divisions suddenly on lay-off notice due to game cancellations mid-stream, comic and novel contracts being terminated mid-stream and with no warning whatsoever... all you folks think about is what you may get out of the deal but look at the thousands of people Disney screwed over in the past year and a half alone with their last huge purchase. Thousands of families directly affected by their b.s. Disney can kiss my ass as far as I'm concerned. This is absolutely horrible news and this is going to be nothing but a long, drawn out, hellish nightmare to come for us consumers. The rest of you are just too ignorant (many of you blissfully/willfully so) to see the long term effects of what is going on here. Read between the lines and learn a thing or two about the business world before you all start getting so hyped up about this news.

Re: Disney Princesses ditch Mattel for Prince Hasbro

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:55 pm
by Burn
HI T-MACKSIMUS! I made a thread for you

Re: Disney Princesses ditch Mattel for Prince Hasbro

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:07 pm
by megatronus
Burn wrote:HI T-MACKSIMUS! I made a thread for you

Holy crap. That thread is amazing!

Re: Disney Princesses ditch Mattel for Prince Hasbro

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:10 pm
by Dead Metal
Burn wrote:HI T-MACKSIMUS! I made a thread for you

Aaaaand he's gone.

Re: Disney Princesses ditch Mattel for Prince Hasbro

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:28 am
by ZeroWolf
T-Mack....merger in 4, controling interest in 8....Why would they need controlling interest if they've already merged?

Oh...that's right...they wouldn't. I also think your exaggerating the thousands laid off. Yes, it was sad but I've seen it before by other companies and we'll see it again. Business is cut-throat, with everyone trying to get the best deal for themselves, which is only natural.

So, explain why it's going to be bad for us consumers.

Re: Disney Princesses ditch Mattel for Prince Hasbro

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:47 am
by Burn
ZeroWolf wrote:So, explain why it's going to be bad for us consumers.

Because when the new Disney boss took over he cancelled Wild Hogs 2.

I will never forgive him for that ...