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24: Day 6 Thread SPOILERS

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:00 pm
by Phategod1
Well where are we? Jack shot Black Bauer, The terrorist Nuked Mid LA. Bluetooth man is now Bluetooth Bauer. and Zepheram Cochran is Pappa Bauer*. Oh and Five bucks and month supply of Milky Ways says nephew Bauer is really Son Bauer.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:14 pm
by Repainted_Transformer
Didn't think they'd axe Curtis so soon. But that's why we watch. What a great family Jack has. A brother who tried to get him killed a couple of years ago and a father who is also a terror suspect. At this point, you've gotta wonder how Jack turned out on the side of good. Can't wait until tomorrow.

Too bad Vince McMahon can't make his Monday Wrestling show as compelling anymore. But that's his loss.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:07 pm
by Phategod1
it took me three years to decide to give 24 priority over Raw and man Am I glad that I did because you really don't miss a thing for the Four or so months 24 is on I can gaurantee a few things about RAW when 24 is over Somebody who can't wrestle or talk will be champion, and Ric Flair will still lose to Jobbers.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:04 pm
by muswp1
I give Graham's goons about 10 minutes before they die in the next episode.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:13 pm
by Halo
muswp1 wrote:I give Graham's goons about 10 minutes before they die in the next episode.

Hear hear.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:09 pm
by Repainted_Transformer
I see why Jack is calling him "Gray" (sort of). The spelling is quite a bit different for GRAEM Bauer. I'm predicting Karen Hayes won't make it through the end of the day, but not so soon. That's my own prediction. Looks like that Walid guy won't be walking out of that detention center. But I'm still obviously suspicious of those characters he was chatting with. Just as anxious to see next week's events.

Caught the remainder of RAW and I'm still not feeling bad for choosing over wrestling on Mondays for the first time like ever. I'll say this much for RAW, unlike 24, they actually have a real killer on their show. Based on what I saw, looks like they'll let him (The "Great" Khali) be a repeat offender in terms of their quality and eventual ratings. On a final side note to the wrestling scene, I only really feel bad for TNA. They'll get a Monday night special when RAW won't air because USA Network would rather have a dog show. I'd love to give them the time of day, but the wrestling business as a whole can't compell me to not watch 24 now that I have the ability to watch it when it airs. Sorry, Dixie.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:47 pm
by Repainted_Transformer
Another good one. Kind of suspected Morris as the unwilling techie the terrorists wanted to swap. It was priceless to see Jack nearly tear Graem apart for his Day 5 involvments. That whole scene with Graem comparing himself to Jack was good. I guess Phillip Bauer won't be up for any father of the year nominations after that hour. But he played the convincing "fool" quite well. Now I know why he shot Graem's goon before Jack could question him. All in all, definitely up for a double header of 24 next week and half of the TNA special on Spike TV.