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Photoshot/P.S.P Help

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:29 am
by Scatterlung
I got asked to do some sketches for a musician's CD Covers (i get a cut of every cd sold! *dance*) but I need some help with the sketches.

All I want to do is, basically, colour them. What I'm having trouble with is darkening the line-work to a definite black, and then shading and such.

I know you can fiddle with the.. saturation I think, but you end up with an awfully pixelated picture that looks like it was done on MS Paint. Wondering if there's a way to get around that.

The picture I want to colour is this one.

Any tips or tricks would be very much welcomed.

Oh, and if you're now wondering how I did my sig and avatar, they're water colours...

EDIT: Also, I would VERY MUCH appreciate help colouring pencil drawings. If that's possible. I mean.. I wouldn't know where to start with it so.. yeah.

Thanks in advance!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:42 am
by TheMuffin
Hold out for an hour or so. I'm going back to bed. When I get up again I'll help you out.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:59 am
by Whisper
Are you using Photoshop?

If so, do this:

Open image in new window.

1. go to Image > Adjustments > Auto Levels.

2. go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast..., then do Brightness +10 / Contrast + 20

That should do it.

If you don't have Photoshop, I've done one for you already... :)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:24 am
by Scatterlung
Whisper wrote:Are you using Photoshop?

If so, do this:

Open image in new window.

1. go to Image > Adjustments > Auto Levels.

2. go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast..., then do Brightness +10 / Contrast + 20

That should do it.

If you don't have Photoshop, I've done one for you already... :)

I don't have photoshop, alas, but I know a lot of the techniques are similar. I'm on Paint Shop Pro *6*... 6!

sigh.. you've done one for me?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:22 am
by Scatterlung
Okay so, I did the brightness/contrast thing, got the lines, coloured and shaded somewhat, its far from perfect, just a rough mess around, can anyone give me some tips on how to improve?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:34 am
by Whisper
Meverix wrote:sigh.. you've done one for me?

Just the outline. :)

As for colouring tips... I'm not that great on such things... :-?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:58 am
by awkwaRd
i have a tutorial that i went by when i first started coloring, also i think the inking section of it makes it look better, but it is for photoshop... but i'll post it anyway and maybe paint shop has similar things...

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:33 pm
by TheMuffin
Wow that was a long nap. And now that I realize you use Paint Shop Pro I'm not sure how helpful I can be. But in photoshop I normally create an actual line art to place over the top of the layers I'm coloring on.

I use this tutorial.

I'm gonna mess around with this and see how this method works out.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:04 pm
by TheMuffin
I finished up one leg just to show how it looks when the line art can't be affected by the colors. Also added a color overlay to the lines to make them a bit thicker and beefier looking.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:17 pm
by Scatterlung
Hm.. okay, this all looks pretty damn awesome, I'm playing around and getting quite used to it all... Thanks a bunch guys!

Now my only problem is colouring a sketched drawing, ideally this one. Would make these CD's covers a lot more interesting, the lined-work looks a little cartoony, though I had an idea what I can do with it...

Thanks a heap guys!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:06 am
by TheMuffin
Sketches tend to be much harder to color as line art of them tend to be almost impossible to make. And raising the levels on them to get a decent black level tends to degrade the original look of it. It's sort of a lose lose situation.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:17 am
by Scatterlung
Zuko wrote:Sketches tend to be much harder to color as line art of them tend to be almost impossible to make. And raising the levels on them to get a decent black level tends to degrade the original look of it. It's sort of a lose lose situation.
Darn.. Ah well. Thanks for the help guys!