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Mysterious powder dusts chigaco??

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:26 pm
by proximus
I saw this on the news the other day, I was intrigued. Anyone have any thoughts as to the cause?

It's not your imagination if you've walked outside and noticed a rusty colored dust sprinkled all over your car.

The strange rusty powder appeared on cars in the Chicago area this week.

Angelo Mavaraganes, who runs a car repair shop on the Northwest Side, said he has seen it on at least 30 cars the last few days.

"One came from Crystal Lake, and one was from Mount Prospect, and another one from Homewood/Flossmor," Mavaraganes said.

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency sent a field agent to collect evidence of the powder.

"He and myself together, we collected a sample," Mavaraganes said. "We scraped together some, I was able to amass maybe a teaspoon full in a cup, and he took it with him."

Cars at the police parking lot at Belmont and Western have the rusty powder all over them, too.

NBC5's Mary Ann Ahern said a lot of people in Chicago want to know what the stuff is that has fallen all over their cars.

"Where is this coming from? What effects is it going to have on us?" Mavaraganes asked.

Some suggested the rusty powder came with the recent rain, dirt from the southwest part of the U.S. Lab tests will tell more.

A spokesman for the Illinois EPA said the lab results on the mysterious powder should be in early next week.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:32 pm
by Dr. Caelus
Why is it only showing up on cars? :-?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:41 pm
by proximus
seems it's been seen on more than just cars, though I suppose cars are the easiest place to spot it, found some more reading on it here: ... le&sid=450

The appearance of persistent white streaks known as chemtrails in the sky and the recent discovery of a mysterious yellow powder on cars and homes have mountain residents concerned and seeking answers, and some of the possible explanations are frightening.

The appearance of these substances seems to be coinciding with higher numbers of patients being treated locally for unexplainable nosebleeds and respiratory ailments, physicians have reported.

During the week of Dec. 7, local residents say, a large yellowish cloud was seen “exploding” over Cedar Glen. This yellowish haze was reportedly seen as far away as the north side of Lake Arrowhead.

Tina Strouse, a resident of Cedar Glen, noticed the yellow powder the next morning when she left for work in Crestline. She said she noticed it on her car at first, but when she stopped to get her mail from the post office she realized just how heavily coated Cedar Glen was.

“It was all over everything,” Strouse told The Alpenhorn News. “It was like dust, but it was different. When you walked on it, it was slippery.”

Strouse recalled that during her drive to work she noticed that the powder was still coating the ground, although the closer she got to Crestline the less she noticed it.

Strouse also said that the night before she noticed all the “powder” on the ground, her mother had been to her house for a visit. That evening they had been sitting outside on the deck relaxing, at approximately the same time that other residents of the Lake Arrowhead area noticed the yellowish cloud. The next day, Strouse said, her mother became very ill, actually requiring medical treatment. Doctors attributed the illness to allergy symptoms, she said.

Mysteriously, by the evening of the next day, rumors of explanation were already beginning to circulate concerning the yellowish substance. Mountain residents were told that the powder was cedar pollen which had somehow been caused to explode from the cedar trees.

Strouse said that at the time she was very confused by that explanation. To her and other residents of the area, she said, it seemed odd that all the cedar trees had decided to “explode” at exactly the same time.

Scott Eliason of the Big Bear Discovery Center said the pollen explanation is not necessarily consistent with the facts.

“Trees can form pollen and explode, but the time of year (December) is off,” Eliason said, noting that trees usually release their pollen in spring or early summer. Despite extensive research The Alpenhorn News could not find any cases of pollen being released in such large quantities that the pollen cloud could be seen as a haze, miles from its point of origin.

There is another, more feasible, yet upsetting answer to the arrival of the yellowish powder. Controversy is on the rise concerning recent activities occurring in airspace over the entire country. Chemtrails, which were once disputed as a hoax by Colonel Walter M. Washbaugh, a spokesman for the United States Air Force, are being proven to exist.

Contrails and chemtrails are similar in appearance but vastly different in their content. Both appear as vapor emanating from the rear of aircraft flying at high altitudes, but chemtrails, unlike their more benign counterparts, do not dissipate easily. Chemtrails have also been reported to be visible at approximately the same time unfamiliar substances have been reportedly detected in large bodies of water and on the ground.

Government officials have tried to explain away the controversy by leading people to believe that the aerial spraying they have witnessed is nothing more than the Air Force assisting local areas to alleviate pest and weed problems.

In the case of the yellowish powder Strouse discovered, The Alpenhorn News queried the California Department of Forestry and Fire’s Insect Control Division. The response offered by officials at that agency was that they “have not dumped pesticide in two years.” Further, those state officials said they were “just concentrating on keeping roads clear of dead branches and bark beetle trees, to ease any need of evacuation.”

Laboratory studies of other areas that have had similar occurrences to the one in Cedar Glen have shown that samples of snow and soil tested after exposure have elevated levels of barium salts, aluminum and quartz. These particles are known to be sunlight reflective and possibly used in experimental weather modification.

However, these heavy particles have also been mentioned in studies as possibly bringing viruses from the upper atmospheres down to ground level as they descend.

There is speculation that these particles could also be a factor on the mountain. Local doctor’s offices, such as the office of Dr. Walter Bramson in Crestline, are reporting a possible rise in the instances of asthma attacks in patients who were previously undiagnosed, as well as nosebleeds and respiratory illness.

Sources report that the federal government and the military are deeply engrossed in several major programs that include experimental aerial spraying of dangerous particles. None of these programs are being disclosed to the public. Some scientists have released information concerning them, but have requested anonymity for fear of the consequences of being identified as an information source.

The largest of these programs is reportedly being conducted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as a biological detection and decontamination program. This program involves the release of the aerial spraying of barium-based particles that are combined with polymer fibers. It is believed in scientific circles that the release of these physical irritants may be responsible for the nationwide increase of arthritis symptoms, nosebleeds and pneumonia.

The soluble salts of barium-based particles are known to be toxic to humans. They are rapidly absorbed into healthy tissues such as bones, muscles and the lungs. However, there are currently no detailed case data available on the effects of long-term exposure of the body to these chemicals.

Recently the U.S. Senate has considered legislation, Senate Bill 517, introduced by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-Tx). This bill would allow for even more government experimentation concerning weather modification, thus perhaps allowing the introduction of more potentially dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere in the hopes of modifying dangerous weather patterns and improving the possibility of reducing global warming.

SB 517 does not allow for the detrimental affects of aerial spraying to be addressed. Some opponents of the bill stress that the need to “own the weather” should not be achieved at the expense of innocent citizens.

The San Bernardino Mountains may not be as removed from the world as residents would like to believe. Though it has not been confirmed at this time, local residents may have recently been subjected to another case of experimental testing.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:04 pm
by Myriagon
Caelus wrote:Why is it only showing up on cars? :-?

its tiny microbial perverted germs that get woodys from Ford and Subaru cars... but i've said too much... lol :P

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:44 pm
by ShockwaveUK
I blame Satan.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:56 pm
by GrimSqueaker
shockwaveuk wrote:I blame Satan.

Thats not fair he isnt poisoning the air :-x -we're working on corrupting kids through Cartoon Network.....**** i shouldnt have said that!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:39 am
by Tweezy

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:48 am
by GrimSqueaker
Tha Tweezrrr wrote:IT COULD BE ANTHRAX!!! :-s

that'd be deadly-i'd love to see them live :DANCE: :DANCE: :DANCE: :DANCE: :DANCE: :DANCE: :DANCE:

Re: Mysterious powder dusts chigaco??

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:59 am
by High Command
proximus wrote:Anyone have any thoughts as to the cause?

Transformer dandruff?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:19 am
by Tammuz
Tha Tweezrrr wrote:IT COULD BE ANTHRAX!!! :-s

no, Anthrax spores are white, Anthrax itself is black.

Re: Mysterious powder dusts chigaco??

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:49 am
by Saya
High Command wrote:
proximus wrote:Anyone have any thoughts as to the cause?

Transformer dandruff?

Cosmic Rust :???:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:45 am
by Uncrazzimatic
Its another advertising stunt for a new show, micro warriors!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:44 am
by Cybertron Optimus
All, I have to say is WTF?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:56 pm
by Bubbatep
It's that hate dust stuff from season 3. Soon all Chicago will be at each others throats

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:17 pm
by GrimSqueaker
Joey_Macaroni wrote:It's that hate dust stuff from season 3. Soon all Chicago will be at each others throats

Aren't they always already?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:07 pm
by Evil Phil
Oh ****, the end is near!!!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:09 pm
by Uncrazzimatic
In all seriousness its probably just some red soil that was carried into the atmospere in water vapour and rained down on the city, hell its rained frogs & fish before so why not?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:44 pm
by proximus
Unchrasimatic wrote:In all seriousness its probably just some red soil that was carried into the atmospere in water vapour and rained down on the city, hell its rained frogs & fish before so why not?

That's the explination i've been leaning towards as well. Regardless, it's a pretty interesting phenomenon. I'll check back on it in a week when the lab results are in and post an update.