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Just got back from the Grindhouse, and I was BLOWN AWAY! (review included)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:45 am
by Nemesis_Apoc
Dudes and chicks, I have been to see the best movie of '07 so far. It was absolutely fantastic. Okay, so when I heard it was gonna be 2 movies and a little over 3 hours long, I was like, oh snap, there's absolutely no freakin' way this thing is gonna keep ANYONE'S interest for that long. Boy, oh, boy was I 100% incorrect. The movie starts out with a generic "Prevues of Coming Attractions" thingy aired in front of movies in the '70s (yes 'prevues' is apparantely spelled right, cuz that's how it was in the movie). Tarantino and Rodriguez went through all the trouble of actually filming like 4 fake 'prevues' for this movie to make it as authentic as possible, and I have to say, it was a fantastic touch.

The first movie was the brainchild of none other than the creator of the El Mariachi trilogy, Robert Rodriguez, also known for his role as co-director with Frank Miller on Sin City. 'Planet Terror' involves an outbreak of a virus developed for chemical warfare in Iraq and it's effect on a small Texas town. Also, the only reason I went to see this movie was to see that babe Rose McGowen with a freakin' gun for a false leg... and man, does she put that sucker to good use! Overall, this movie is very energetic, full of exagerated gore in the tradition of '70's style exploitation flicks, and a joy for those who are fans of the genre. Warning: it has several total GROSSOUT scenes that could possibly be enough to burn the nosehairs off a dead nun.

At the end of 'Planet Terror,' the audience is treated to 3 more fake movie 'prevues' and an intermission. I won't reveal the nature of any of the 'prevues' (I'll leave that to the movie-goer because the 'prevues' are almost worth the $7 admission by theirselves) however, I will reveal the name of one of them: 'Werewolf Women of the S.S.' If that's not enough to make you laugh, then check your pulse. The fake prevue is even funnier and, joined by it's comrades, add a great deal of charm and comic releif to this homage-filled and, at times, intentionally tongue-in-cheek theatrical experience.

The second film, 'Death Proof,' created by none other than Mr. Pulp Fiction himself, Quentin Tarantino, involves a stuntman, played by the always awsome, Kurt Russel, who has a really bad habit of killing women with his stuntcar. Okay, I'm just gonna get this out of the way: although this movie gets off to a good start, it is almost unbearably boring for about 30 minutes. It's literally nothing but 4 ladies talking about just about anything. If you are excited about Grindhouse just because you think 'Death Proof' looks like the superior film (which is how I was walking into the movie theatre) you are in for a disappointment. It's not a bad film and does have a fantastic beginning, but for about 30 minutes, you'll be wishing you were watching 'Meet the Robinsons' instead, which just so happens to be playing on the screen next door. However, just when you'll be thinking that this movie just plain sucks, it pulls itself right out the hole of mediocracy it had burrowed itself into. 'Death Proof' has one of the best endings I've ever seen in a movie, period. I promise, the ending is definately worth the wait.

Overall, this movie is exactly what the theatre-going populace needs: a no-holds-bared, non-stop, suspense-filled, action/thriller. It has everything any action junky could possibly want or hope for in a movie. So, if you're a fan of either director, enjoy lots (and I mean LOTS) of gore and action, or just need to boost your adrenaline to a new level you never thougt attainable, go see this movie. I guarantee you won't leave the theatre unsatisfied!


PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:50 am
by Bombus distinguendus
awsome i cant wait to see it....

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:04 am
by Cyber Bishop
I want to see this movie so badly..

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:35 am
by Nemesis_Apoc
One thing I forgot to mention. If you have somewhere to be later that night or early the next morning, take into consideration that it's about 3 hours long. Totally worth it, but it's still freakin' long.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:39 am
by TheMuffin
I'll be seeing this sometime in the future. It's not a big "must see" for me as I hate most of Tarantino's movies and the only Rodriguez movie I liked was Sin City.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:50 pm
by Cyberstrike
Nightwatcher wrote:I'll be seeing this sometime in the future. It's not a big "must see" for me as I hate most of Tarantino's movies and the only Rodriguez movie I liked was Sin City.

This one to wait for it on DVD for me as well, while I don't hate Tarantino's movies, I do think he's way over-rated as a "creative" film maker. I didn't hate Pulp Fiction or the Kill Bill movies I thought they were fun and entertaing movies but none of them were classics or and I wouldn't call any of them great. They were good but not great.

I just don't see why everybody thought they was so great about them.

Now Sin City on the other hand is a great movie.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:00 pm
by Cyber Bishop
Cyberstrike wrote:Now Sin City on the other hand is a great movie.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:35 pm
by God Magnus
I liked "Planet Terror". "Death Proof" was boring and about twice as long as it should have been. The trailers and the "missing reel" bits were the best part.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:23 am
by Elita One
Sounds awesome.I liked the Kill Bill movies but I haven't seen Sin City yet.

I don't hate Tarantino as a director, I just think he's cool. He a film geek doing what others wish they could. And you have to respect him for that. Do any regulars appear in the movie like Besumi, Madsen etc?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:54 am
by Kenny28
Zoe Bell is my new standard for women :shock:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:01 pm
by Nemesis_Apoc
Kenshiro28 wrote:Zoe Bell is my new standard for women :shock:

I know, right? She's so gorgeous :oops:

God Magnus wrote:I liked "Planet Terror". "Death Proof" was boring and about twice as long as it should have been. The trailers and the "missing reel" bits were the best part.

Dude, freakin Werewolf Women of the SS... they should SO make that! "Nicolas Cage as Fu Manchu!" :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:45 pm
by DesalationReborn
Meh. Don't really like Tarentino.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:11 pm
by Supreme Convoy
:BOT: I loved Planet Terror! I just reminded me the first time I saw From Dusk Till Dawn. So much fun to watch.

As for Death Proof, I'm in the "I hate the first half, BUT THE CAR CHASE WAS COOL!" camp. Generally I love it when Tarantino has his characters talk... but at the same time I'd like something to happen also. It just felt like the first half could have been shortened and we could've spent more time with Rosario Dawson. That or I had the worst attention span at 1am. :CON: