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World War Z trailer

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:19 pm
by Cyber Bishop

Re: World War Z trailer

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 12:08 pm
by MGrotusque
My computer has been infected by a mutant strain it would appear. I can't watch the trailer. I loads up but just freezes when it starts to play.
This is the first i've heard of this movie and i gotta say i'm tentative as too the presence of Brad Pitt in this one. When a superstar like him does something like a zombie movie, it usually marks the end of the genre.It's approached it's zenith if you will.
Of course when he did do Interview with a Vampire and that didn't stop that genre. SO i could be wrong. I often am.
Haven't read the WWZ books. Do they bring anything new too the Zombie genre that already hasn't been done 10 thousand times before? DOn't get me wrong with my cynicism.....i just like a fresh take on the whole zombie apocolypse. Walking Dead is doing just fine in those regards if you ask me. Especially with their SPX department making excellent zombies, that is rare to see.

Dawn of the Dead (2004) was another excellent zombie flick.

I'm rambling......i'll shut up now.

Re: World War Z trailer

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:14 am
by Rodimus Prime
Read the book, listened to the audio book, will see the movie. This trailer doesn't seem to show anything concrete though, just a bunch of frantic running. I'm sure there will be a better 1 coming along.

Re: World War Z trailer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:40 am
by Just Negare
I still haven't decided what I think of the movie v. book concept. I like the idea of the book being set 10 years post the WWZ, but then how do you translate that to a movie? It'd probably come across as a boringly done mockumentry with an interesting topic. People are in it for the blood splattering zombie carnage.

I'm not a fan of Brad Pitt though, but hey, if he can carry it, I'm all for it.

The trailer looks acceptable. The question of running vs. shambling zombies though, it keeps me up at night.

Re: World War Z trailer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:49 am
by Wigglez
If you ask me, I think zombies are getting over rated now. It seems hypocritical because I watch The Walking Dead, but that really isn't about the zombies. The first season was but I don't think so anymore. Anyway. So many zombie things came out over the past decade and it all keeps coming more and more each year. There's even another movie coming out, where a zombie is a main character coming back to life. That being said, I might see this, but I also might skip it too.

Re: World War Z trailer

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:41 am
by rubys00
can't wait! zobies look bad ass in this one!